THURSDAY. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS raoiT w o Sues fa r Damages how wall street domit , ___ T H E O rK lNUrItXX> NLW O Were u not serious. there would be something charBde a 8t»rt and that with an Increase Metered aa second class matter February »4. IMS at tbe in atreoge. a plentiful use of fertiliser, and a The plaintiff declares that the sign ___ — . — . . —- ________ a _ S .______a .1 — _ ta t*th t s v s la b . determination on the |>art of the f farmer» to se- struck her on the shoulder, Inflicting B jston tca SprngfleM . Oregon cure a liberal yield there Is proapect for »«other ^ rm. n„n, tnJurl, . wu M A IL a u a a C R IF T IO N R A T I crop. ’ All of which is handed out to tm- #ml .„ orMyr large crop Oaa T ear tn Advance----- *1.1* Three Months pess the cave dwellers of the East the idea that • l x M o n th s ___________ Tie 8tngle Copy _ the farmer has prosperity in sight. As a fact of the farmer does produce a bumper crop, he will Campfire Permits Required June t THURSDAY MAY J l. 1»25 get little or nothing for It. He wilt work twice as hard, produce twice as much and get much less On and after June 1, campfire per­ mits will b«> required In the Caacade, Editorial Program e Then In order to straddle the Issue, after the Deschutes and Samian. National M ake Springfield the Ind ustrial Center of W es­ manner of all well-ordered Wall Street news- F omm . Permits may be obtained at tern Oregon. papers we leant that "In the western half of the the office of SupervHor Macduff in belt as a result of the protracted drought, the the I’ostofftce m«tg. Kugenn at blue IL Develop a Strong Tradin g Po int; Build a C ity ef Contented Homoo. crop Is not SO well advanced.” This lays the River. McKenate Bridge, Reserve and I l k Im prove Living Conditions on the Farm . Pro­ groundwork for higher prices of cotton products OakrMgw Oregon Permits wtu sot be mote the Raising of Purebred Livestock end for the people. The farmer will be paid a low issued by mall. the Growing of F ru it; W o rk fo r Bettor M a rk e t. • quality of Cotton, because the b • • • • • • • • • • • • • • jumps. and the impotent anil apathetic public will ____________ '________________ ________________ , pay the rest of the bill. CLEAN UP AND PAINT UP These financial Jugglers, these speculating The Mayor’s idea for a cleanup and paint up harpies who live on the sweat of men who work, campaign in the city is a good one. Now we have passing out their propaganda without govern- had a cleanup and gotten rid of the top layer of mental or private protest, are sowing the seed dirt at least some painting would greatly Improve of discontent that unless there be some change lie- the looks of the town. There are many buildings, fore long will produce a bumper crop that ntav especially In the business district, and some resi­ shake the teeth of the nation. The farmer Is dences as well which need paint badly. A little tired of continuous exploitation. No one should hesitate to could be used on nearly every building with good povlde perfect protection If It hurts you to spend money you can’t get results. The saying that paint doesn’t cost anj^ from fire and theft for his thing is literally true. It will prevent depreciation very far in business, valuable jtaper» when Its of a buildingg ¡ / an amount more than equal to | s e e cost li even less than a Its cost. Besides we have the improved appear-, ug«. people, when money isn’t working It gets ance of the structure for nothing. A little civic shiftless and acquires bad habits, cent a day. pride on one end of a paint brush and paint on s e e the other is what we need. Even a cemetery has been known to prosper by That is the small amount • • • advertising. It will cost you to keep We’ve always heard that the Chinese were ai • • • your valuable« In a Safety backward nation but supposed they could wash Spring Is the time of year when one even gets Deposit box here at the their own hair. But such is not the case as the tired of resting. Portland Shipping news says: I ------------------ . First National. Included in the cargo of the West Jessup w h l-h , E d ito r ia l C om m ent — a miscellaneous nontta cargo oaron from TPAFIY *-• * •« •* * • 41 Years ______ VfflV 4 with China and Phllliplne Islands were 17,025 lbs. of I ABOLISHING THE POORHOUSE of Helpful Service human hair contained in 50 bales which two days A later were placed aboard the steamer Katrina * plan «>'•“ to <° abolish •«««« the F poorhonse oor»„,.~ anil aubslttcte for It SINCE 1883 Luokenbach for delivery in Galveston where the the pension foe the h l p i e « i. under c e n .id .~ tlo « in In hair will be split and cleansed and sent back to <"»<» Give the itooelera credit tor t h i e - t h e , are not China for further maufaenture. afr*ld *° e*t*viment i TUC C D D iw r n r in NFUK 7n»