The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 26, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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    THURSDAY, MAKC1I 20, 1928
W hat Did Me M eant
I Boas;"W hy - e r-e r. oh alright. Miss
Q m i to Albany—W. C. McLagan. JAZZ WAGON WRECK. IN
*Y o4're Oretl. O^t your I Jones tak e thle letter* "T o whom
FUpvrlnlemUnt of th e M ountain Stat««
It May Concern, colon Jlnim y P ra n k .
CLASH W ITH AUTOMOBILE pay a t the c a sh ie r* window. '
Power com pany plant her« waa In
Boy: "W’ell how about a I d l e r of le one of Ihe beet boys title firm ever
Albany on com pany bualnraa T u rn ia )
"Bouncing B ertha." one of th e In- reco m m en d aV o n r
¡turned o u f
Sprlnpflald Depot Em?«! ' famous V nlveralty of Oregon Campus
Deliver Fiitatoea to Nott — B O. ! V isits
Goeo to Corvallia—Mtsa C lara Wyae
Fords had her left tenders and run­
visited In Corvallis for tha week-end. Sm ith delivered a load of potatoes to Stroud. E ugene train m aster for Ihe
Notl Tuesday.
¡S outhern Pacific was a visitor a t the ning boards rem oved, her rad iato r
wmatfctd, and w indshield broken In a
From Dextae—Mrs. Tom Sykea waa
. „ lo«rat depot Tuesday.
R egister a t Motel S p o n g J C. |
d a e h with an o th er Ford driven by
in from D exter F riday.
Black of A lban). John Slate, and M
O ver to Bboth Kelly M |U- Ilalph Clifford W itt, of l^ lb e r. last T hurs
From W altervilla— Mrs. C. E P o rt­ W. H aines, both of T angent, register- M artin, head of th e »ales departm ent day afternoon, a h w miles out on
A Secretarial. Bookkeeping or Stenographic course in our
e r of W atlcrvillle waa in Friday fot ed a t tha Spoug hotel Friday.
I of th e Booth-K- lly company w as a the McKenxIe highway.
school w ill prepare you fo r a good poaltlon.
m edical treatm en t.
.v isito r a t the local mill T uesday.
W itt cut a corner, h itting Ihe cam ­
Ifa A Good School
The Rates Reasonable
Goes to P ortland— Fred Hinson.
Ill w ith Grippa— C L. T eshner, of night patrolm an, spent th e week-end
T ruck
Purchased- - A new pus car before he noticed It. Side cur­
Our school w ill continue In session all th ru the summer
th e S erve Yourself Grocery baa been in P ortland. C harles Nolf, police W hite truck has been added to the tain* obstructed his view. One fend
months. Ask fo r our free catalogue.
III for a few days with lagrippe.
chief, took his place during his ab- delivery service of the Bootb-Kelly er. and the ra d ia to r of bis car was
sm ashed, and W itt was badly shsk n
III w ith Flu—Sum W right, of thw ’ ence.
In Ihe crash. Both cars were towed
'th is capacity T utaday.
W right H ardw are cooipanw. has bee..
Rt t u m a from N prth Bend—Mian
Into Springfield, w here they were re
A. E. Roberta. Präsident.
111 a t his home for several days with F |or(>n(.„ K iser, who has be n visiting
R epairing Depot—New eave troughs paired.
E ugene, Oregon
th e flu.
h er s is te r in N orth Bend for som e a re betng put In a t th e S outhern Pa-
V»2 W illamette St.
Phone «»fill
T hurston_George *««»*• retu rn ed h ere S aturday.
iclflc depot th is week, and a half of
P trao n al P leasure
D ow n
fro m
th e roof of the freight shed re-
Thom pson was a Springfield visitor
s itin g
V acation—Miss shingled.
Solicitor—“Oh. pi- ase sir. won't you
F riday from T hurston. He was h ere E.Uth H untsm an, a student In th a
help the W orking G irls’ H om e?"
fo r medical treatm en t.
I’n lversity. Is v isiting
w ith
still Rural A ttachm ents
T h is
G allent G e n t:— “ Will IT --I'll «ay I
Goes to P ortlan d —Miss Mabel Root. Eunice P a r k « , a so ro rity sister, dun
will—and In my Roll» Royce. W here
w e s t to P ortland Friday to spend ing h er spring vacation.
"H ello Jed. I h ear you sold your
are they?’»
b er spring vacation. She is a stu d en t
g ita New M achine— T he
’ »W
a t the V nlveralty of Oregon.
¡field laundry has received a new ma- p arta."
"Yep. I'nt going to move to th e city
Mov. to .W .t Springfield—Mr. and -h in e. and it is now installed, which
G o hv tra in and »hip. through the
and Join the C ountry Club."
M rs Preston Cobb and fam ily h a v . ‘‘» ‘“ »lee them to do w et waeh.
S outhland to N ew Y o rk — »« *»»•«• hut
moved to W est Springfield from Lan-
q 0
New Mexico— Mr. and M rs
In ti« m m «.
T in » u p c rh S k u iM ro iite n -C x Ille rn la
W alter Laxton left last week for San-
fi u r Hu« train s ,l*tlv ■ th«nce rh«
8. E
Goea to M-ll—Anthony S harm an >* I"».»New Mexico. They w ent th e re C orner F ourth and A S treets,
scenic Si.» ret t in t » th ro ug h th« South-
C hilders. Pastor.
w ent to the Chase mill, several m iles tor Mr Laxton s h ealth .
land to N ew O rlean *.
Y ou'll rcli»H y o u r m e t li In th e
Services at II a nt. and 7:30
n o rth of town. Sunday, w here he will
se lls T hree C ars—T h ree cars were
S o u th e rn
d im U '
Topic for m orning sertn'.n. the third
be employed on the woods grew.
,,old |as( we,,g by th e A nderson M otor
Ir y it* n u i vegetable» * 1 * »>• «* del»*, u n it
in a series. "T h e Bible th e G reatest
Before you buy come and
Returns Home— Mrs P M G ossler C<M»P*».V- T. J. M attison bought a Book ‘n th e W orld."
C c n ttrc tlo n •» N ew O d e tn * w ith pa­
listen to the Famous Cros-
coupe. Judge
L.T. H arris a sedan.
retu rn ed to liu r hem e in M arcola
latial » tru n e rt lo r N ew Y o tk
E vening topic, last of a serie« of
ley. Demonstrations any
S aturday a fte r visiting here for th e »»<5 3- i LaD uke a ro ad ster All th th e book of Gen.. “ How to Meet a
and b e rth liu lu d v d in th e v m I a i *.
p urchasers live In E u g -ne.
Aak uKnit CiirrtM» (jnrfitf runt*
past week w ith friends and relativ ets.
C ris is -
/»u n Son I hAjgO' Af
Supply T rain T hrough—The South
In T o w n F ro m C am p C re e k — Mr
B St.
passe I « « b frh ttrn d en t.
T here w ere 230 at
9 to p o *e rt cn tout«« I o r h u th cr
Pacific supply train
and Mrs. N. Mier. C harles Hayden. S e ra
inionuAtion, A»k
H f Bible school last Sunday. 31 of whotr
R and A rthur Devidson. and Alfred through Spr'ngfteld Monday
Sim m ons w er all in town from Camp M orris, tram m aster, was In charge w ere in th e Junior d epartm ent.
Creek on business F riday.
«»-» ®. B Chesney. su p erin ten d en t of
»»« »««ending com e and Join
sa 4 p >
bridges and buildings w as also w ith »*•
Injured at Mill— Paul R enfro, em-
t r a jn
ployee at th e F red Gibson mill a t F a l l .
T he well known and
They w ill make you money
Creek was in last T hursday afternoon
Goes to New Location—Odin Olson,
M inneapolis ru p tu re expert. Mr. C- F
D u e o f the beet blocks of
for medical tre a tm e n t for an injury b ro th er of Oswald Olsen of th is city
Redlich. will be ‘n E ugene on Mon-
Vroonwn Franquette hi
received a t his work.
¡passed through Springfield Pridav on
lb 's way to Bridal Veil from W estfir day. April 6th. at the O sburn Hotel
State, select type, well
R uptured people ccgne s u in '' rail-e to
grown. A ll other stocks,
T akes Positron in Eugene— Hug! Mr Olson has been employed at West-
see him C onsultation Is free. W atch
filberts, apple, pear, cherry,
Bowerman. b ro th er cf Mrs Will Clark Hr. but will h ereafter be a t B ridal
-,« ■ y 1
E ugene p ap ers for special announce-
prune, plum, peach, apri­
of this city, who h as been visiting he» - Veil.
m ent.
cots. etc- Small fru its etc
h ere for son: tim e has accepted a
M 26 A-2
Right stock at right prices.
position as m eth an ic with a firm in
Lowers Parking— Bv low ering th e
Submit your want list, sent!
He expects to move h is p arking in front of his house at 2nd
prices 35 years in
H fo r
fam ily to Eugene from Albany soon.
and A s tre e ts which was form erly
. i
f i c
NotiTe Is hereby glyen th a t the
¡elevated several feet above th e slde-
C. OCAOM, Looel
undersigned has been a p p o in t'd a l ­
Leave for S pokanr— Mr. and Mrs. waIk- H arry S tew art has much Itn- ia n istra trix . with will annexed, of
Coyle Campbell and son Lloyd le ft proved th e app earan ce of his yard,
th e e s ta te o f K ate A. Collier, de­
All persons having claim s
by auto Friday for th e ir hom e i n 1
Spokane. They have been v isiting fo r
Visit at S tew art Home— Mrs. J. F a g a'n st said e s ta te are hereby notllle !
to presen» th e sam e duly verified to
som e tim e with relativ es in and n ear S tew art and son Louis S tew art o . , he undersigned ad m in istratrix at the
K lam ath Falls arrived Friday to spend i„w office of W illiam s A- Reap. M9
a few days a t th e bom ? of Mr. and W illam ette S treet. Eugene. Oregon.
T Mrs. H arry S tew art. Mr. Louis S tew .¡w ith in six m onths from th e date ,,f
Visiting Mother— Mr. and Mrs *
. _
first publ -ation of thia notice. Tha
R rst ru M lra„ on
L itrcl and fam ily of Longview. W ash­ a r t retu rn ed T uesday to hi« hom e , a te of
ington a re visiting h ere w ith Mrs. tak in g with him Miss M argaret Hill, notice Is M arch 25th. 1923
Litro’i's m other, Mrs. E. J. Redding. a student a t the U niversity of Ore-
A dm inistratrix.
The L trois ar on th eir way to W eed. *°»' who ‘8 re tu rn in g to h er home In W illlam s & Bean.
A ttorneys f t t E state.
M 26-A-Î-9-I6-2 '.
"■—1 ■
O perated on at Pacific H ospital—
Mrs. Joe T rin k a of th ir city under­
w ent a m ajor operation a t th e P a­
cific C h r'st an
h csp 'tal S aturdav
m orning. She is reported to be tm-
rro v in g nicely.
We Can Train You
Eugene Business College
of romance
A home without
a Radio is like a
home without a
S{>ort Coupé
For Juicy Steaks
Tender Chops and Choice
Meats of atl Kinds
Holverson Bros, Props.
Dr. Seniilin
In Internal Medic ne for the
past tw elve years
The Handsomest Coupe Built
At the Low PriceYou Can Afford
Will be at
H O T E L , T U E S D A Y , A P R IL
7, Office Hour«: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Get the Kodak out
Kodak Film in the Famous Yellow Box and Quality
- ..
No Charges for C onaultaton
Dr 5fe,' r , ’-'n ;-i n
(m jn -
a te In m d irin e anil urg :y and is
the -fate of Cr
doew noi
r^ t fo- ehron’e appendi­
citis. gall etones, ulcers of stom ach,
tonsils or adnoil«
H e haa to hl« credit won ¡»rful re-
m ults in dls< axes of th e stom ach, liver,
bowels, bin -1, kin. nerves hear»,
kidney, bladd r. b»d wetting, catarrh ,
w eak lungs, rheum atism , sciatica, leg
ulcers and rectal ailm ents.
Below a re th e nam es of a V-w of his
m any aatisflrd p atien ts in Oregon.
ftedw ick W ilson. Gold Beach, Ore.,
v a r'e o se ulcers.
F ran k K oehler, T h r- Dallps, Ore.,
sto m a c h trouble.
Mr«» E. C. H am m ock. Myrtl Point,
O ire
r - . goitre.
Mrs. JIhn McCue, Lakeside
H en ry W estfall, O ntario, Ore.
of stom ach.
Mrs E. C . B a te s . B aker. Ore.
Mrs. E. C. B ates, B aker,
F f 7 ♦4 TTIP
O M. Richey, Boring, Ore., heart
t r ^ i s 8. S fleb er. 326
P re-land Ore.. a 4no ds and tonsils.
R em em ber above d ate, th a t con"»1,
taiio o on th is trip will be free and
th a t »-is trea'm en t. Is d lfM i* « .
M arried women m ust be accom p
„led bv th e ir h u sb an d s.
A ddress: 211 B rad b u ry Bldg., Lo»
An£?le*. C alifornia.
Finishing at
B aker-B utton
7 Wes 7th., Eugene Oregon
Safety r.
D istinction in every lin e —finished in flin t grey
and slashed w ith snap black.
Seats three com fortably, one niece windshield;
b a llo o n tire s ; fo u r-w h e e l brakes; and the
marvelous new M illio n D o lla r M o to r—quick
pick-up, abundant power.
N o skidding with 4-
wheel b r» k « —that's
why «11 high-priced
cars have theta. TEo
1925 Star ia the only
low-priced car w ith
four-whe«l brake«.
ITte lo w price makes this the ideal coupe fro m
the (ta rd p o in t o f beauty, u tility , economy.
Seo this latest 1925 Star creation—’'Tom orrow’s
C ar Today” « A t the new lo w prices.
Springfield Garage
is rigidly Inspected before Is is
allowed to go out. The cover
m ust be on tight, the tub m ust
he solidly pack' 1 with ice and
salt. This in su r a its
firm ness for a loftg time. Those
giving d in n er p arties or hold­
ing wther functions can order
E ggim ann's Ice cream Will
ahead with the su rety th at It
will he In perfect condition when
It Is needed.
[ See It at Your Dealers. Drive It. Compare It ]