THURSDAY, MAKC1I 20, 1928 W hat Did Me M eant I Boas;"W hy - e r-e r. oh alright. Miss Q m i to Albany—W. C. McLagan. JAZZ WAGON WRECK. IN fipsa: *Y o4're Oretl. O^t your I Jones tak e thle letter* "T o whom FUpvrlnlemUnt of th e M ountain Stat«« It May Concern, colon Jlnim y P ra n k . CLASH W ITH AUTOMOBILE pay a t the c a sh ie r* window. ' Power com pany plant her« waa In Boy: "W’ell how about a I d l e r of le one of Ihe beet boys title firm ever Albany on com pany bualnraa T u rn ia ) "Bouncing B ertha." one of th e In- reco m m en d aV o n r ¡turned o u f Sprlnpflald Depot Em?«! ' famous V nlveralty of Oregon Campus Deliver Fiitatoea to Nott — B O. ! V isits Goeo to Corvallia—Mtsa C lara Wyae Fords had her left tenders and run­ visited In Corvallis for tha week-end. Sm ith delivered a load of potatoes to Stroud. E ugene train m aster for Ihe Notl Tuesday. ¡S outhern Pacific was a visitor a t the ning boards rem oved, her rad iato r wmatfctd, and w indshield broken In a From Dextae—Mrs. Tom Sykea waa . „ lo«rat depot Tuesday. R egister a t Motel S p o n g J C. | d a e h with an o th er Ford driven by in from D exter F riday. Black of A lban). John Slate, and M O ver to Bboth Kelly M |U- Ilalph Clifford W itt, of l^ lb e r. last T hurs From W altervilla— Mrs. C. E P o rt­ W. H aines, both of T angent, register- M artin, head of th e »ales departm ent day afternoon, a h w miles out on A Secretarial. Bookkeeping or Stenographic course in our e r of W atlcrvillle waa in Friday fot ed a t tha Spoug hotel Friday. I of th e Booth-K- lly company w as a the McKenxIe highway. school w ill prepare you fo r a good poaltlon. m edical treatm en t. .v isito r a t the local mill T uesday. W itt cut a corner, h itting Ihe cam ­ Ifa A Good School The Rates Reasonable Goes to P ortland— Fred Hinson. Ill w ith Grippa— C L. T eshner, of night patrolm an, spent th e week-end New T ruck Purchased- - A new pus car before he noticed It. Side cur­ Our school w ill continue In session all th ru the summer th e S erve Yourself Grocery baa been in P ortland. C harles Nolf, police W hite truck has been added to the tain* obstructed his view. One fend months. Ask fo r our free catalogue. III for a few days with lagrippe. chief, took his place during his ab- delivery service of the Bootb-Kelly er. and the ra d ia to r of bis car was sm ashed, and W itt was badly shsk n _ ... . >*. «ence "'HI- I* *»» Hr»« P«« 1» o peration In III w ith Flu—Sum W right, of thw ’ ence. _ In Ihe crash. Both cars were towed ' ... ! 'th is capacity T utaday. W right H ardw are cooipanw. has bee.. Rt t u m a from N prth Bend—Mian Into Springfield, w here they were re A. E. Roberta. Präsident. 111 a t his home for several days with F |or(>n(.„ K iser, who has be n visiting R epairing Depot—New eave troughs paired. E ugene, Oregon th e flu. h er s is te r in N orth Bend for som e a re betng put In a t th e S outhern Pa- V»2 W illamette St. Phone «»fill T hurston_George *««»*• retu rn ed h ere S aturday. iclflc depot th is week, and a half of P trao n al P leasure D ow n fro m th e roof of the freight shed re- Thom pson was a Springfield visitor s itin g During V acation—Miss shingled. Solicitor—“Oh. pi- ase sir. won't you F riday from T hurston. He was h ere E.Uth H untsm an, a student In th a help the W orking G irls’ H om e?" fo r medical treatm en t. I’n lversity. Is v isiting w ith Miss still Rural A ttachm ents T h is G allent G e n t:— “ Will IT --I'll «ay I Goes to P ortlan d —Miss Mabel Root. Eunice P a r k « , a so ro rity sister, dun will—and In my Roll» Royce. W here w e s t to P ortland Friday to spend ing h er spring vacation. "H ello Jed. I h ear you sold your are they?’» farm ami plan on leaving these b er spring vacation. She is a stu d en t g ita New M achine— T he Spring- ’ »W a t the V nlveralty of Oregon. ¡field laundry has received a new ma- p arta." "Yep. I'nt going to move to th e city Mov. to .W .t Springfield—Mr. and -h in e. and it is now installed, which G o hv tra in and »hip. through the and Join the C ountry Club." M rs Preston Cobb and fam ily h a v . ‘‘» ‘“ »lee them to do w et waeh. S outhland to N ew Y o rk — »« *»»•«• hut moved to W est Springfield from Lan- q 0 New Mexico— Mr. and M rs In ti« m m «. F p S T C H R IS T IA N C H U R C H T in » u p c rh S k u iM ro iite n -C x Ille rn la dax. v W alter Laxton left last week for San- fi u r Hu« train s ,l*tlv ■ th«nce rh« 8. E Goea to M-ll—Anthony S harm an >* I"».»New Mexico. They w ent th e re C orner F ourth and A S treets, scenic Si.» ret t in t » th ro ug h th« South- C hilders. Pastor. w ent to the Chase mill, several m iles tor Mr Laxton s h ealth . land to N ew O rlean *. Y ou'll rcli»H y o u r m e t li In th e Services at II a nt. and 7:30 n o rth of town. Sunday, w here he will se lls T hree C ars—T h ree cars were S o u th e rn d im U ' Topic for m orning sertn'.n. the third be employed on the woods grew. ,,old |as( we,,g by th e A nderson M otor Ir y it* n u i vegetable» * 1 * »>• «* del»*, u n it in a series. "T h e Bible th e G reatest Before you buy come and feature. Returns Home— Mrs P M G ossler C bridges and buildings w as also w ith »*• PLANT GRAFTED FRAN- Injured at Mill— Paul R enfro, em- t r a jn QUETTE WALNUTS ployee at th e F red Gibson mill a t F a l l . T he well known and successful They w ill make you money Creek was in last T hursday afternoon Goes to New Location—Odin Olson, M inneapolis ru p tu re expert. Mr. C- F z*»' D u e o f the beet blocks of for medical tre a tm e n t for an injury b ro th er of Oswald Olsen of th is city Redlich. will be ‘n E ugene on Mon- Vroonwn Franquette hi received a t his work. ¡passed through Springfield Pridav on lb 's way to Bridal Veil from W estfir day. April 6th. at the O sburn Hotel State, select type, well R uptured people ccgne s u in '' rail-e to grown. A ll other stocks, T akes Positron in Eugene— Hug! Mr Olson has been employed at West- see him C onsultation Is free. W atch filberts, apple, pear, cherry, Bowerman. b ro th er cf Mrs Will Clark Hr. but will h ereafter be a t B ridal -,« ■ y 1 E ugene p ap ers for special announce- prune, plum, peach, apri­ of this city, who h as been visiting he» - Veil. m ent. cots. etc- Small fru its etc h ere for son: tim e has accepted a M 26 A-2 Right stock at right prices. position as m eth an ic with a firm in Lowers Parking— Bv low ering th e Submit your want list, sent! Eugene. He expects to move h is p arking in front of his house at 2nd NOTICE TO CREDITORS prices 35 years in H fo r fam ily to Eugene from Albany soon. and A s tre e ts which was form erly . i P a d f i c busienss. NotiTe Is hereby glyen th a t the ¡elevated several feet above th e slde- C. OCAOM, Looel undersigned has been a p p o in t'd a l ­ Leave for S pokanr— Mr. and Mrs. waIk- H arry S tew art has much Itn- ia n istra trix . with will annexed, of CARLTON NURSERY CO. Coyle Campbell and son Lloyd le ft proved th e app earan ce of his yard, Carlton, Oregon th e e s ta te o f K ate A. Collier, de­ ceased. All persons having claim s by auto Friday for th e ir hom e i n 1 Spokane. They have been v isiting fo r Visit at S tew art Home— Mrs. J. F a g a'n st said e s ta te are hereby notllle ! to presen» th e sam e duly verified to som e tim e with relativ es in and n ear S tew art and son Louis S tew art o . , he undersigned ad m in istratrix at the Springfield K lam ath Falls arrived Friday to spend i„w office of W illiam s A- Reap. M9 a few days a t th e bom ? of Mr. and W illam ette S treet. Eugene. Oregon. T Mrs. H arry S tew art. Mr. Louis S tew .¡w ith in six m onths from th e date ,,f Visiting Mother— Mr. and Mrs * . . _ , . _ first publ -ation of thia notice. Tha R rst ru M lra„ on th1, L itrcl and fam ily of Longview. W ash­ a r t retu rn ed T uesday to hi« hom e , a te of ington a re visiting h ere w ith Mrs. tak in g with him Miss M argaret Hill, notice Is M arch 25th. 1923 BERNICE COLLIER. Litro’i's m other, Mrs. E. J. Redding. a student a t the U niversity of Ore- A dm inistratrix. The L trois ar on th eir way to W eed. *°»' who ‘8 re tu rn in g to h er home In W illlam s & Bean. hoil- M erril for th e sp rin g vacation A ttorneys f t t E state. California. days. M 26-A-Î-9-I6-2 '. "■—1 ■ O perated on at Pacific H ospital— 8Lfa.i*£3S Mrs. Joe T rin k a of th ir city under­ w ent a m ajor operation a t th e P a­ cific C h r'st an h csp 'tal S aturdav m orning. She is reported to be tm- rro v in g nicely. TOWN AND VICINITY We Can Train You Eugene Business College of romance EAST A home without a Radio is like a home without a Friend Sot S{>ort Coupé For Juicy Steaks Tender Chops and Choice COMING TO Meats of atl Kinds EUGENE Holverson Bros, Props. Dr. Seniilin * SPECIALIST In Internal Medic ne for the past tw elve years The Handsomest Coupe Built DOES NOT OPERATE At the Low PriceYou Can Afford Will be at OSBORN H O T E L , T U E S D A Y , A P R IL 7, Office Hour«: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Get the Kodak out Kodak Film in the Famous Yellow Box and Quality ONE DAY ONLY - .. *» No Charges for C onaultaton Dr 5fe,' r , ’-'n ;-i n (m jn - a te In m d irin e anil urg :y and is licensed the -fate of Cr Ke doew noi r^ t fo- ehron’e appendi­ citis. gall etones, ulcers of stom ach, tonsils or adnoil« H e haa to hl« credit won ¡»rful re- m ults in dls< axes of th e stom ach, liver, bowels, bin -1, kin. nerves hear», kidney, bladd r. b»d wetting, catarrh , w eak lungs, rheum atism , sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailm ents. Below a re th e nam es of a V-w of his m any aatisflrd p atien ts in Oregon. ftedw ick W ilson. Gold Beach, Ore., v a r'e o se ulcers. F ran k K oehler, T h r- Dallps, Ore., sto m a c h trouble. Mr«» E. C. H am m ock. Myrtl Point, O ire r - . goitre. Mrs. JIhn McCue, Lakeside appendicitis. H en ry W estfall, O ntario, Ore. of stom ach. Mrs E. C . B a te s . B aker. Ore. Mrs. E. C. B ates, B aker, F f 7 ♦4 TTIP O M. Richey, Boring, Ore., heart t r ^ i s 8. S fleb er. 326 Buchanen. P re-land Ore.. a 4no ds and tonsils. R em em ber above d ate, th a t con"»1, taiio o on th is trip will be free and th a t »-is trea'm en t. Is d lfM i* « . M arried women m ust be accom p „led bv th e ir h u sb an d s. A ddress: 211 B rad b u ry Bldg., Lo» An£?le*. C alifornia. Finishing at B aker-B utton . 7 Wes 7th., Eugene Oregon Safety r. D istinction in every lin e —finished in flin t grey and slashed w ith snap black. Four-Wheel Brahes Seats three com fortably, one niece windshield; b a llo o n tire s ; fo u r-w h e e l brakes; and the marvelous new M illio n D o lla r M o to r—quick pick-up, abundant power. N o skidding with 4- wheel b r» k « —that's why «11 high-priced cars have theta. TEo 1925 Star ia the only low-priced car w ith four-whe«l brake«. ITte lo w price makes this the ideal coupe fro m the (ta rd p o in t o f beauty, u tility , economy. Seo this latest 1925 Star creation—’'Tom orrow’s C ar Today” « A t the new lo w prices. EVERYTHING FOTOGRAPHIC Springfield Garage EVERY CAN OF EGGIMANN'S ICE CREAM is rigidly Inspected before Is is allowed to go out. The cover m ust be on tight, the tub m ust he solidly pack' 1 with ice and rock salt. This in su r a its firm ness for a loftg time. Those giving d in n er p arties or hold­ ing wther functions can order E ggim ann's Ice cream Will ahead with the su rety th at It will he In perfect condition when It Is needed. EGGIMANN’S 414 MAIN STREET SI’ IIINUFIELD, OREGON [ See It at Your Dealers. Drive It. Compare It ]