The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 12, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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T l lt ’RHDAY, MARCII 12, 1926
' ■ "■»—
Mr, anil Mr«. Curtis Frlco moved to
Null last Saturday. T h .y are going
to farm II M F r ie s ’ ranch.
Thera «■■ a baaa hall la in ) bar*
la il Hiin<ln> ntwa<n W allervllle and
Thurston won.
Mra. John Kdinlaton aatertalnwl lor
dinner laat Thursday Mra. P. R. Bd-
mlaten. Mra. Moy Hal nils ton and daugh­
ter G vn.vl.vo, Mra. W alter Kdtulaton.
Mra. Loula Itlaal«, Mra. John Vrlca,
Mra. W aller Platt. Mra. Arch Hhough,
Mra, Pally St*arks and Mra. Curtis
The high achol la preparing a play
In be g «an tu tlio near future.
Next Friday «»' ulng Mr, and Mra.
Olen Kiddle from Springfield are go-
lug Io give a recital nt tho idiurch
*1 art of the proceode will go to th«
( i.rlatlati Endeavor W.ulety.
Mr. and Mr a A II. Mathcwa and
family vtaltol th ilr duughur, Mra.
beta Drury, at l*l< uaunt lllll laat Hun
John W llla n from Cottage Grove,
motored over to Thuraton Sunday
Mr. and .Mra. Coll Campbell from
Spokane. W a.liiuglun were In Thurs
Ion Sunday.
Mr. mid rMa. Ilert Weaver troos
Eugona vlaltnt relative« here laat
Mra. Fred Gray apent Sunday with
Mra John Edmlatnn
Jack llarb ert began work at Cot-
Inge Grove laat Monday.
George W llllan has added a few
more men to his logging ere« Greely
Cab» and M r Kay began work Mon­
W illiam Hensen haa purchaaed Mr
Moore'a ranch. It wss formerly owned
by Ml«a l l c r sin«
The Imdlea Aid Society will meet
nt the church Thursday afternoon to
do some houae celanlng.
They atao
have a quilt to quilt
John J rice had the mlafortune to
lo.e one of hla milk cow«.
W alter Platt lost one of lha cow«
a few days ago
Mrv. John Price, Mr«. B-rnke and
Mr». Arch Hhough spent Wednesday
with Mr«. Ira Gray.
Mr and Mrs George Kelsi y have In­
stalled a raldo ut their poultry ranch
at Pleasant Hill.
Mr« Mornlngstar of Cloverdale who
wn» operated on at the Pacific Chrla-
hospital In Eugene
March t. has been movad Io the home
of her stater Mra Flaherty In Eugene.
Fred Cook of liextsr was taken
suddenly III Saturday morning. March
7, while plowing and was operated on
at the Pacific Cbr'atlan hospital In
Eugene, la Improving nicely. Ills con­
dition was reported aa very serious
Saturday evening but he recuperated
very well Sunday.
The W ool man Hall was parked to
th« doors Saturday night, March 7.
when the Woodmen of Pleasant H ill
gave a social for the benefit of the
families of Roth Moon and lrw 'n
The program was unusually
good, the "Grand Opera’’ put on by
the Wheeler brother», the vocal duets
of Chester Wheeler nnd Wayne Elliot
to guitar accompaniment, the musical
Mrs. Wimmer, Jack
laiughlan. Mr. Cos and the Baughman
girl«, -several rinding« and songs by
the young folks of Trent and Plea«,
ant lllll. made the evening pass nil
loo quickly. Seventy-six baskets were
auctioned off, sonic of thee» were
auctioned two and three times for the
good of the cause. The proceeds 1223
wss divided between the two families.
Miss Thelma Wheeler who Is at­
tending normal nt Monmouth apent
the week-end with her pnrentn. Mr.
nnd Mrs W. L. W h e le r nt Trent.
Andy Olson has bought the land
adjoining hla farm on the north that
belonged to C. K Manning of Spring-
field. The Mannings lived at Pleas
ant H ill until two years ago when
their house burned nnd they moved
to Springfield.
F. F. Cooper, prlnclpul of the Arage
high “school spent Tuesday night nt
the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Swift,
Mr. Cooper was on his way to Salem
with the Arago high school bnskHhull
team which was victorious In Coos
county. They will pnrtlclpnte in the
state tournament.
Arnold Collier, counyt club lender
nnd Miss Cowgill of the O. A. C. club
extension department
Pleasant H ill public school Mondny
Mis» Gowglll talked te
the sewing nnd booking r'uhs that
have been organised at the school In­
spiring and encouraging the young
folks to do well what Ihey do, to r« < l
all directions carefully and try for
She displayed many articles
of sewing done by the young people
In different pnrts of the state.
Mra. Rollle Moon who haa been
critically 111 at the Pacific Christian
hospital following an operation •« re-
ported ns progressing belter the Ins*
few days.
Albany. Ale
"W e bave nn a r i e ment wlth F »
bnnk. We wlll cash no check». The
batik wlll serve no moni«."
Of coarse, 1 realise that the above
i It did hurt my pride considerably, I ; alwaj^H the »am »--quarrek. separa­
action la not eaay. I l la very difficult.
pretended to think It most natural, tion and finally divorce.
Wtien a woman makes up her mind If the w lf . remains cool and sane,
and quits amusing, ut It Is getting
however, when the marriage starts to
show her husband that she can
beyond that stage
At present he la
break, these is aome hope of aevlng
engaged In a new affair whfati seems 1 play at the «am« game, she usually It. If she makes up her tnlnd to do
Otar Mlaa Flo:
more aerloua than the others. She la
then« thing» the chances are that In
My luuaband, whom I love very ga much a flirt as my husband. I w 'l itoo, and two wrongs bavs never the end she will develop many taot-
yet mode a right.
much—In a aaaw, normal manner — ran stand a lot. hut I cannot stand
ful qualities—and many other ad­
the pity of my frtenda. It humiliate» | Unfortunately, marriage In no way mirable qualities.
la a decided flirt. 1 knew when I
me. They t»l I me that I am foolish changes a man’s nature.
M»n who
married him th at he cijuld nlit—
I believe that you have acted very
to lake It so good naturedly. and that philander during the
or would not realat a pretty face, but
wisely by not treating the affaire
the only way I ran break It up la to period
of course, I married him with the
¡show him that two can play at the If he la at heart nothing more than seriously. That la probably the rea­
Idea that he would settle down and
same game. That sort of revenge a philanderer, you have nothing much son they have never been serlons.
that we were going to live happily
strikes me aa being lrh»ap. Still. •to worry about because as he really Your friends that advise you to show
ever after.
I want my husband, and I am pre­ know» the woman, hl« Interest wane» him that two can play at the same
Now. after several years of mar­ pared to go any lim it to hold him. When the wife find» that her hus­ game would be the first to criticise
ried life, V actually believe be la Phase advise me.
band admires, another woman, she you when you began fllrt'ng.
getting worse. The moment he enters
«hould try to find out p u t what he to that moment you w ill have their
n room, he glsncee around, picks out
e e e
admires about her. She w ill call on sympathy, but aa soon aa you began
the prettiest girl, and Immediately
her. Invite her to their home, and see flirting, comment w ill change.
Judg'ng from the number of women
proceeds to establish a
If you will glance around you will
that her husband »ee« so much of her
M Jins always «eemed who follow the course of action In hl« own home that he will soon find that the ideal marriages are few
very hsrnibs« to me. I knew that I
You may not find perfect happln*-»».
had hla love and wo were always you. I »oppose that It must be the
huppy, so I have laughed and Joke I natural course for the Injured wife
uleiut hla various affairs, and while to take. I bell ve that the result Is
In Confidence
By Flo
2 Great Sales
Now In Progress
For Sale,
3 1-2 Ton Bethlehem Truck
Cheap ami on very easy term s.
Good condition.
In the McMorran & Washburne
Basement Store
Gingham House Frocks
99 c each
Probably the m ost value-ful house apron sale ever pre­
sented by this leading store. All beautifully m ade of fine
Apioskeag and security gingham s. Dozens of attractive
styles and tolors and all sizes on sale.
—------ Basement Stores Only.
We take itleasure In announcing th a t we are now distribut­
ors for
Quaker State Oil
Refinery Products
Spring Tima and Seed Time
We handle all glnda of garden seeds
In hulk and package«.
A. R. Sneed. Dept. Store.
FOR SA LE— Rhode island Red Chicks
te hatch March IP, 17c each. Also
eggs. J« 00 per 100. J. M Frances.
M -lt.
LC jr- i r i r i r i r i r i r LC1C LCtC
j " T i n j u j i j i t i zr«- n - j u n j i j t
AH Around Our
There'» more than one way to
handle these youngster»
T'S no easy job trying to bring up
vos-ng daugnters the»-. days. Sira.
Burn, ought to krow— she haa
three of then. And last summer she
worried dreadfully—all the young
people going on long auto rides after
light. So this spring s.,e rm .niaged
around in the g a rre t and bam and
unearthed eorne old chairs and a table
or W o and a porch swing they hadn't
had up for years. Then she got some
Acme Quality Enamel-Kote and copied
some painted furniture she had seen in
town—the prettiesi pale (peen with
d eorations in lavender and pink and
blue—and made a lot of cretonne
cushions. Tiien she painted seme old
porch boxes and filled them with ferns
from the woods and bought some new
records for the phonograph. 1 wish
you could see all the boys flock down
there now. I t begins to look aa if she
wouldn't be able to keep the girl» at
home after all—they aay Gertrude is
engaged already.
F o r f a r n i t u r o or* ft
1000 Pairs Men’s Women’s
And Childrens Hosiery
100 Per Cent Pure Pennsylvania Motor Oils
On sale In the M & W basem ent store a t prices nothing
short of am azing! Now is the time to supply future needs
in hosiery for the entire family. Don’t pass up th e w orth­
while savings offered in this greatest hosiery sale.
---------Basement Store Only.
100 per cent is the starting pla e, NOT the ending place.
It is the base, not the finished product.
but you w ill find a degree of happi­
ness that you w ill not find by the
other method, and certainly it la much
to be preferred.
The various oils
refined from this base are of varying qualities, high and low.
The Quaker state super-refining takes out 28 per cent more
of the non-vlscous qualities left In other grades of m otor
An excedingly high grade oil at 35c a quart.
AU the nei<hborhood buvait» Acme QuM.ity
¡Paints, EoamMa. S ta n » and \ arnuthes in our
If you w w t U» joca eve-*, one elae in
'brtjfitenute up the home» in
we can t-’ii vtxi juat how to «o afnnit it. w hat
Acme Pro hieH t> use. aod how to use them.
Come ia any
Wright & Son
amassa tas
Fifth Avenue
Motor Co.
Have an extra good assortm ent of used cars.
are right
The prices
Also term s.
One 1924 late model Coupe, good shape
One 1924 Truck with cab.
See this one.
One 1922 Coupe, hurry, for .......................................... $200
One 1920 Coupe, same as new ............................... - .......$225
One 1922 Touring, one man top ...............- ................... $225
One 1921 Touring, extra good .........................................$165
One 1924 Touring, late model, some e x tr a s .................... $375
One 1923 Coupe, lots of extras ........................................$$35
One 1922 Touring, extra good ........................................$200
One 1922 Coupe, some c a r .... .....................................
One Overhauled used tra c to r with new red wheels
One 1922 Touring, you should see It .........................
Try out any of these cars-
Term s If Desired.
They are right.
Prices Quoted Below in Effect For
a Few Days Only. Markets Firm.
May Advance any Time. Buy Now
GOOD GRADES, 12 CANS .................................................................... $1.65
SUNMAID SEEDLESS RAISINS. 4 LB BAGS........................................ 39C
MILK. TALL CANS, 3 CANS ................................................................... 25c
OLD DUTCH CLEANSER, 3 CANS ................. ................................... 23c
KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES, 3 FOR ...................................................... 25c
SUGAR, PURE CANE. 10 LBS. 71C 100 LBS.................... -.... $6.98
................................. 20c
BIO "'K ' FLOUR. 49 LB. SACK .......................... ............................. $2.73
VAN CAMPS PORK AND BEANS, 3 C A N S........................... ............... 23c
....... .............. 49c
SKAGGS BEST BUTTER, POUND...................................... ............... 47c
FULL CREAM CHEESE, 2 LBS. ....................... ................................... 45c
321 Main Street
Springfield, Oregon
Phone 75