r « i , r , niuvm tv »I ■■■ ■ — ■■ — THURSTON PAOE FIVE THE SPRINOFIELD NEWS T l lt ’RHDAY, MARCII 12, 1926 ' ■ "■»— NOTES Mr, anil Mr«. Curtis Frlco moved to Null last Saturday. T h .y are going to farm II M F r ie s ’ ranch. Thera «■■ a baaa hall la in ) bar* la il Hiin ntwa use. aod how to use them. Come ia any t.ma. Wright & Son 'OR STYLE JOLLIFF SCAIEFE QUALITY Í E l ONCMY - ira amassa tas t MOTOR CO. Fifth Avenue ANNOUNCEMENT Anderson-Wing Motor Co. Have an extra good assortm ent of used cars. are right The prices Also term s. One 1924 late model Coupe, good shape One 1924 Truck with cab. See this one. One 1922 Coupe, hurry, for .......................................... $200 One 1920 Coupe, same as new ............................... - .......$225 One 1922 Touring, one man top ...............- ................... $225 One 1921 Touring, extra good .........................................$165 One 1924 Touring, late model, some e x tr a s .................... $375 One 1923 Coupe, lots of extras ........................................$$35 One 1922 Touring, extra good ........................................$200 One 1922 Coupe, some c a r .... ..................................... $330 One Overhauled used tra c to r with new red wheels $250 One 1922 Touring, you should see It ......................... $200 Try out any of these cars- Term s If Desired. They are right. 'f. Prices Quoted Below in Effect For a Few Days Only. Markets Firm. May Advance any Time. Buy Now STANDARD CORN, PEAS, STRING BEANS OR TOMATOES.— GOOD GRADES, 12 CANS .................................................................... $1.65 SUNMAID SEEDLESS RAISINS. 4 LB BAGS........................................ 39C MILK. TALL CANS, 3 CANS ................................................................... 25c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER, 3 CANS ................. ................................... 23c KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES, 3 FOR ...................................................... 25c SUGAR, PURE CANE. 10 LBS. 71C 100 LBS.................... -.... $6.98 FRESH PEANUT BUTTER, POUND ................................. 20c BIO "'K ' FLOUR. 49 LB. SACK .......................... ............................. $2.73 VAN CAMPS PORK AND BEANS, 3 C A N S........................... ............... 23c 10 LB. SACK FINE OR COARSE GRAHAM. EACH ....... .............. 49c SKAGGS BEST BUTTER, POUND...................................... ............... 47c FULL CREAM CHEESE, 2 LBS. ....................... ................................... 45c SKAGGS UNITED STORES 321 Main Street Springfield, Oregon Phone 75