The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 19, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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Lane County Farmers Union News
---------------------------------------- --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N
C O U N T Y U N IT NO. 14
■— ..................... -
L u u u m c
b U L IU R L S
9 C .n i (
■— -
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■ ■
Ikiea the name of your local, lim» !
and place of meeting appear below?)
Bacteria T h a t Takaa Nitrogen From W h ite
D iarrhea Develops In First
If not, «end It In before the next Ixxue,
Ralph Laird, Creawell, Preeldent. •
A ir »or Planta Go From Kxpert-
Day« In Meet Caeee-
of this paper. Send your nam« and I
W ill W heeler, Tront, Vlce-Pr««|. •
ment Station
Spreads Over Flock Next
i address and phon« number to Mr», i
j Eugene 1». Tinker, Creswell. Oregon.
I u
u | . BeW> Kappauf, Cottage Grove,
S«ri«s of Mootings to be Held
R e p o r t O' Manager r to it s n o w s , «««,. Treat
‘«»»n i» cultures
ouuurea preparisi
prepare«! by
ny tne
White diarrhea Infects (he greatest Itouln 1. at once,
By O. S. Fletclisr; First M ett
Biggest Year in History Of J» n , A. Hom. Cottage Grove, Door • •»««rloln cy department ot the expert- number of baby rhteka within th e,
* * *
* * *
At Central Snturday, Febru­
Eugene Assiciation; Officers I • Keeper
. j m«ut station are being aent to farmer» first 48 Io 73 houre aft’ r hatching
in Oregon., California. Nevada. North From 2 Io 4 per cent of the chicks
ary 21.
Elected by Stockholders-
i ’ H- c- J « * « 0" . w a ite rv iii« , -
• Dakota and neighboring slates, tine Infected at birth will cause ihe dlseas« t
| * ductor.
A series of m eetings with Farm
• order was received from Mexico laat to spread to 40. 50 or even 75 per rent ' ’ Canary— Flrel Sunday and Third •
A million and a quarter business | * ®- L. Clement, Chaplain,
e weak for has-Kria to Inoculate »0 jof the entire flock. Hatchery op eru tl ’ Saturday. Fanners Vnk>n Hall.
• Union locals have been announce i by
was done by the Eugene Fruii Grow- *
- acres of garden peas.
Cloverdale--Second and Fourth • O. » Fletcher, laine county agricul­
tors and farmer«. In an effort to save
ers Association last year according I
Fridays. Cloverdale School House. * tural agvut. ihe first of which will l,v
Cultures sufficient to Inoculate 7000 ! a high percentage of the chicks, often
to the annual report of the Manager. j
A T z /t
W*f AW /
Creswell— First and Third Tuos • Saturday night. February 31. with lb«
J. O. Holt to the meeting ot stock-
llu ilO r iu t
acres of legum es were sen« out by the leave Infected chicks In the Incubator
days. Croswell. M. W of A. Hall • Central local. The me-'tlng will he
Eugene last
______ ,
last year. The
noiuera in Eavffvne
i«»i Saturday.
aaiuruay. T tuis*
w iii«m ii b station
ib u u h
i i r , and try to doctor them. The result of
Coast Fork—Second and Fourth • held at the community hall. Il will
la *340,000 more than waa done In! “Kind Friend: Illinois Union Helper hea*1" 't demands are from Oregon thia practice la uaunpy dlaaateruua.
Iketiron Church House. * b- an open meeting and everyone la
, wo yw ra ago of High Iiran farmers
Out of the state orders
The best and only ¡satisfactory way I
Daueho—First Tuvwdsy. Dwnrbo • Invited to come. Coffee will be
The stockholders re-elected all the I |>r,.S3Un, a nd Hardening of the Pocket cOm° ktrgely front O. A. C. alumni and ¡of handling chirks showing symptoms
* serv-d
old directors who are: M. H. H arlow ,|Arter,es Selah"
ta te . experiment
. „ . . - iu .,... stations
other s state
! ot white diarrhea la to remove them ' School House.
(> 8 Fletcher, accompanied by E.
J. Beebe. Prank Miller. F. B. Chase, j , n , n effort , 0
, he j^ d e r » of
The cultures are used In Inoculating t from the Incubator and kill th em /
• It Jackman, crop specialist, the new
F. B Harlow, John Thramer. George lhe farm ers Union News a glimpse clover, alfalfa, vetches, beans, peas. Every "pasty" chick should he killed ' days. Dorena Chur oh
lladteyvllle — First and Third • County Agricultural Agent will held
A. Dorris. George KUnge and H. C .: of what , he parmera vnlon fa doing and ° ' h‘‘r legum« crops. They con- ¡as soon as It la discovered Any chirk
* m eeting- with Farmer Union locals
Travlllion. Later the directors met ,n other >tll,eg a#(, n ,t|oually letters
bacteria which have (he faculty ¡that dew lopx symptoms of the dla-. Thursdays, Hadteyvitl« School
a» follows:
Heceta First Sunday of each •
and re-elected M. H. Harlow as preal- haTe bw n
, 0 a„ of the different ,,f taking «»• nitrogen of the air and eae In Ihe first 48 to 72 hours should
Tuesday, February 17. 8 p. m . Cre«.
month, Hsc«4h School House.
dent; J. Beebe, vice-president and J. gwte papers and the National Mags >»»*•“< th*t nitrogen available for be removed and killed. The killed
Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed- • well Farmer's Union, Modern Wood,
O. Holt secretary and manager.
l|# e asking for an exchange. The rroP “» • The legume crope will not i birds shouul be burned to eliminate
man hall
nesdaya, W O. W. Ilall. Jasper. •
Manager Holt s report showed that above postal was received this week. Krow w ,,h anX degree of success un- the possibility of further Infection.
Wednesday February 14, 8 p m.
Lorane— Segond
Fourth •
during the year the plant at Eugene
At Krgt reading this clever m essage ,es" the"*’ bncUrin are present,
InfecUd hens 'do not always show
received 10.047.704 pounds of Truit IeToges a laugh, but on cloaer thought
Bacteria for the particular type of
Wednesdays. I. O O. P. Hall.
• Ml. Vernon Farmer's Union. M l Vvr«
toulwsrd signs of ihe infection hut they '
McKentle local, second and • non Halt
and vegetables, the one at Junction does It not sp«4i tragedy? We. of legume indicated are pu up In two-
Clty S7S.441 pounds and the one a t ) course, g now nothing concerning the acra »*«• bottles, which are sent post j do 4ay eggs carrying the disease, ' fourth Wednesday, g p. in I. O, O. • i Thursday February 19. 8 p. m.,
i'hicks hatched from such eggs are In-
• Hadleyvllle! Farmer's Union, Hadley-
Creswell, 453.894 pounds.
'conditions that contributed to this un D*,r f°r 60 c* nt" ‘‘• ‘‘b This makes th^ ! fee ted at birth. Trying to save the j F. hall. Waitervllle.
ML Vernon— First and Third • title school house.
The total number of oases packed timely death, but the mesaage brings COBt only IS cents an acre for the
Hives of Infected chicks >nds In sor-
Saturday February >1, 8 p. m . Cent­
Wednesday. Bmafteld Store.
at all the plants was 258.481.
before us a m en u ! picture of a group •■Rur«,
i row at som e later date. Getting rid of \
Farmer’s I'tvlon Community
In the dried fruits department the of farmers Joined together for the
Field peas for hay should be planted
Silk Creigt Meats Flret and Third • ral
the infected hens Is getting rid of In-
total number of pounds of prunes put c0rarnon
of all „ h o have gradual from February 15 to April 1. Whits
Thurs«l«y at Cedar School House • Hall.
I fected chicks to a large extent.
Monday February 23. 8 p. m . Mouth
out was 1,172.044.
fallen apart, poaaihly d isagreed .! Canadlau' Blue Russian or Arthur
Trent—Second and Fourth Wed- •
The O. A. C. experiment elajlon rec-
In —
the b
fruit —.--------------—
department 5,144
du«s »artettes are u drilled
three * roan
Dloaaant HUU High • , W illametle Farmer's Union. Dunn
----- -------
1O8l log,
mi lea
to f0
pay pa).
r u w toree
ns 'o
flips nf
annlen sad
and 75S ho
i p a of
. . death
. . Qf . the(r ^
« 2 inches .1......
of apples
of near«
p e t n j ^ caused . the
deep, at .u
the . rate of ««
90 .. to 120 icmmentls the ns« of hatching eggs
School Bldg.
, ,
a school house.
packed 8.
from blood tested stock as the first
. their
pounds an acre. Where they
ere oack/
Vida—Second an,I Fourth Salur- •
Tuesday February 24. 8 p. m . Dor»,
mon spokesman,
i ' ---------------------------------
—-■> are
— ~ a new
step In stopping the spread of white
G e n e ra l S ta tis tic s G iv en
days at Mlonry Hall.
• us Farm er's Union. Dorena church
Does not this m essage bear evidence croP »bey should be Inoculated.
Secretaries will please send In *
Other s ta tis tic s w
W ednesday February 25. 8 p m .
. . ere
. . . » as
<■ fo llow s
to the fact that the farmers can't
The cutting of scion wood of decido- diarrhea. If hatching eggs from an
Cherries In brine. 11.350 gallons; J agree, can’t stick together, don't know ous trees should be delayed for a short unknown flock are used disinfecting
tim e and place of meeting and • Trent Farmer's Union Pleasant Hill
rhangos of data ns they may oc* * high school.
vinegar, 24.000 gallons; cider, 4.000 , wbat they want and fight among them- Urne until the extent of the damsg | the Incubator and th< brooder house
«. , Thursday February 38. 8 p m Coast
gallons; froxen berries. 8,100 gallons. ; selves as pictured by the cartoonists done in Oregon by the severe cold of ! helps some In hindering the spread of
Fork Farmer's Union. Ilebrow church.
Walnuts, Franquettes. 12.405 pounds of today*
thia winter has been determined. Is the disease.
Marette«, 23 830 pounds, and seedlings
But why Is this so, and where arc the advice of the experiment station.
, Friday February 27. 8 p. m . Clover­
33,200. pounds.
the p itfa lls? What does th® writer of ¡This scion wood should be cut before
FurmerM Union. Cloveradle
school house
Ice cream made, 78.414 gallons; this postal mean by High Brain Pres- the last of February.
Ice made, 4.382 tons; lime sulphur sure*
All these will be open inertings and
spray manufactured. 408 barrels.
There Is a pit that lies yawning at • • • • • • «
• «
the farmers In each district are la-
Remember February 28. as the date'
- 1 -
' vltcd to I,« prm ent
The box factory cut approximately the feet of all organizations, a ph that
for the basket social a»d radio pro-- Ther - wax a Joint meeting of the
X014.000 feet of lumber during th 'threat ns to engulf the Karm«rs Un-
a a a •
a • a
gram to be given by our local. Ev- Cloveradle and Creawell Jxicala Fehru-
Ion if It Is not planked over. Above
— ■
tryhody Invited.
¡ary 13 at the Cloverdale hall with a
Gross sales made by the associa- this pit Is the word "Resolutions. "
All present enjoyed the Valentine larg crowd In attendance
Mr. and
tion during the year were as follows: i Nearly everv week we read in th e
v«rdale Loral met lg regular ses
, , , s, ..
’ eTery ,W*ek ’ e rPSd ,n ,h " «»on Friday February 13, with all of party given by "The Young People's" Mrs Harry Jackson »nd K E Morrl-
Cr«en Fruit------------------------ 47 H ’ *Ì T T ’ o reg° IU,'° n P‘ "iM by Monie 'he officers pr,n.ent and u majority
i S
---------------------- M2 M9 2
,hM ei/ P"°IUt,On" "re ° f thp
A» *.Yl..«lon had class at Mrs. Martha W allace’s Salur- son. and County President It. I' imlrd
At the r gulnr meeting of Treat
day evening February 14. Light re- and wife wer< present and gave inter-
------------------- ---- 1W4W.04 p ^
I oral held Wednesday evening Febru­
Canned g o o d s _____
.829.530 *5
when only a few members are present RDd Cnmas locals to attend our meet- cookl' S and pumpkin pie were aerved , visitors. A short program waa given, ary It, It was deci ted to hold open
Merchandise _______
meetings once a month at which time
094 04 S‘ ,hP me*,,n * * °me arp Pa ’ »*d wl'h Ing. A large delegation of the Cram about eleven.
and everyone glvrn « Valentine from
t o ® ____________ ,___
Jeaa Wallace and family sold their 'he valentine box. Five new members lecture* an t demonstrations would he
Ice c r e a m __________
4 74x 3 « l’ tOOd' 3nd O,hen' are r<i-i«ed under the had roads members of Caman local place a few days ago and ard moving , were Inltlaterl after which a bountiful h’ ld on subjects pertaining to local
81 149.M ,h e influenc* of mob rolnd TT” «■»»’• w*re unnbl« to attend.
Into L. R. Hacks house.
supper waa served. Everyone enjoyed
Box Factory
O. B. Fletcher our County Agent and
The Adam Ritchie placea, owne I a kmxl time.
’t Z ' y v
k aire t
W ™ Mr. and
The Creswell w em her, <,» ih e Farm- been Mh^TOTOM X t ^ e e t l n g night
Boda fountalM sopplM» U _ . 21,753.80
‘ o, .
. ° ° er loca|g ao'! Mr«. R. P Laird. Mr
Harry now hy the P a.lflc Christian hospital
W alnuts .......... ....................... 18,154 29
" ? ‘h’’ contr“r’r are Pas«pd Jackson. Mr and Mrs. 4> e7 hern and
hare been sold to different parties
er'a Union, met w ith1 members of th - February ’ 5
------------------ !and printed The result 1. evldtnt. IE. E Morrison and son. Also two
Henry Gullly and family are moving Grange In Woodman hall. Tuesday
Total sales .......... .....»1,254.769.58 , , *°m<> ac‘ion were ,ak*n
r w - other members of the M3 Vernon up to the Higgins 4 Carr sawmill February 17. the riwular meeting
s ,
®,l,eU «»«l»tant counlv
Total amount paid for labor during
7„„ J
<* '• * >
wher- they will work when the mill night of the Creswell local Busin as 7
• up*"’ln ,*n,en*
b* a»k,d
the year was »199.945.87; salaries. »15,,
‘"J ° Ur " * al OT<1 CW“ tJr H” ' 1'
« • - suspended and the lim e given to " 2
W° rl‘' bar‘ lr'"a ' l>' M
Fix# new members were recHxe«! • ta« a
132.30: total.
to ta l. 1251
09R 17
, * " * ’ WOUld not th e d a a e * ’’ r
t h l" P*»’ into
the Union.
Mr. . i and
M. A A. .
aaw«g »«»«7
l 11'g
.VI r » . .»1
A few of the farmers around here O. C. FleUher. the County Agricultural m wba ' " ur m ’,"’ b ,, r *
d " »«> •««'•»
fr.°*n H1<h Braln Marguet and Lucille Land as members are starting their spring plowlnr.
The total number of members o f the ■L*,1-*."!
*na .°E "D*?tb
»J*®"1 »f
and <lrl"
girls rI“h
club W
Agent, and E. R Jackman, of O A C
’ h°
y" a"d
association at the close of b u sin ess: PrfB"ure ' be reduced’
H. E Cosly, poultry demonstrator
of the Cresswetl local and Gladys Mor­
Arlo Jones received a letter from i " ho gave Inter'sting and Instructive
gan and Mr. George Brown into the E. Bauer, who used to live here but talks along agricultural lines Mr from O. A. C.. extension service, will
December 31. 1924 was 1584. an In-1 .
Cloveradle local.
crease of 75 for the year, and the total
now Uvea at Chico, California, saying Fletcher outlined briefly his plana of continue his lectures and demonstra­
amount of stock sold and outstanding
After the regular business meeting Mrs. Bauer had been quite sick but co-operation with the farmers for the tions throughout the summer
vraa »183.950.
first lecture laat fall was on "Feed­
was disposed of President Sw esny was improving at the time h e wrote, tcoming year,
ing nnd care of the Flock."
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hadley spent m ''* ’ f o r / — J k" from ’hp *•»«>'•
A number of people In thle neigh­
Thia meeting was
*x»'h Interesting l D O Linton waa reelected to repre-
’ Monday In Eugene
i Th<* "P'"*''1'’1’ ,b a » f°"ewe<I were very borhood have been sick with bad snrf in » - ■ »
«fad i
the ln’'n" ,,'r" wer* """« «•»«• l«»aU on the county good
Hazel and Orval Powell and F elix ! ‘
hl<hly *Wr‘ cl" ' ’1
glad to get in touch with the two roads committee.
Mil!»r visited Frank McCulloch one
T “« LOC"' ,Urn,"hed ,he
Don't forget our basket social. Ev­ speakers.
evenng last week
following short program;
___________ _
1 Th" ’ xocullve comm ittee will m»et
ery body come, the women bring the
Sister Potter returned home Sunday
»««In sometime thia month to further
Jesse and Phario.
n u
Song—Old Black Joe, Qiigrtet.
February 1 from the hospital and I s i.
r-„„„n , ,
' ' 2 “ ° Ch 'rpr*’ i Florence Oetchell. Lucille Land,
dlscuee the question of how to nmkw
getting along very nicely.
I * *
ba’d“ k ” *«><“', H. Parks and L. J. Oetchell.
the meetings sufficiently Interesting
W ill Discute Telephone«
The Southern Pacific railroad c rew , Clark Stevens or F nean. <„
<«< I Recitation—Velma McPeck.
to get everyone out. A good «tart
h as completed the work of cleaning at the A. O. McDanM home.
Son* ~ W'il1 the A"<’es U » Me Play,
waa made last meeting and our fait
To ditcuaa the building and main­
Lucille and Velma Morgan.
out the slide between Ada and Slltcoos
Mr. and Mrs. W. f. Seals of the
taining of rural phone lines a meeting
Red clover at the rate of 12 pounds meeting showed results.
While the ladles prepared refresh of farmers has been called for Fri­ an acre, or alalke clover at the rate of
and hare went on to Marshfield. They Orendlor district «nd i „ u »„..a
C. B. Wheeler reported hl» failure
Valentine h"*
box WM
was '>Pen«>
opened *>
by F day evening. February 28. In the Eu­ 8 pound« an acre, can he sown In the tO a" end lb® la»< county convention
expect to return In a few days and of r»rane attended tha nla
7 * ° " ments * a Val*ntlne
w id e , the r i g h t s way at S tltcoo.
‘ * P'aT *“ Cr° W, Mr Ku"
Woodward was t h .
gene Chamber of Commerce. Two spring in various ways. Broadcasted Wa* du# ,0 hla ba»'"4 lo»t a dog while
station preparatory o t installing a
»r >1,1. ■ ■
receP,ent nt tb* majority of the Val- engineers of the Pacific Telegraph In fall sown grain In February as soon oul hun" n« «»* d«y prevlou». He
w ater tank
| ” ? ™ of th is local retn<mb«r, entlnsw, although Mr McPsck. Mr.
I Thursday night Is the Farmer’s Union Kull and Mrs. Wright all received and Telephone company will address as germination will occur fa a dealr- "a 'd *n 'oca"n6 W» dog he succeeded
The local apoige-
I a « T \ ek ^ CerT8CtTt,n T r
° Ur bU,,1,,e8S meet'n* A" CWn” lhat can' TaIpn" " p" «hat deserve honorable the meeting. It fa felt by local of-Jabl" mothod of planting at thia tim e.1*" lr w l"| a
flclale of the telephone company that c *0T#r «hfatld be'Seeded on deep well- m*n aaau>'ed him If he could guaran-
fast weeks Items. The pie supper and come with the Intendon of boost- mention.
education along thia line will greatly
draned, sw eet op slightly ad d anils. tee lham H cat “P • ‘r** »hey would
and entertainment pt our Farmers*Ing the good work along
After the refreshments of cake and Improve the »elephon« service
"<ht covering of land plaited on be t*mP»ad to forago the pleasures of
Union hall Is to be Saturday February
The books for the play to be given
country. All term» ra^are urged to at ■ mahF »oil» help« to petur® a goodd* countlr convention themnelvee.
21. beginning at 8 p. m The little by the Hadleyvllle Local have been coffee a social time was enjoyed.
On our aew.-v
next iuouiiiih
meeting in
Fehru tend.
A « . . .
fill, rwiiuii-
» »tand
—. j —
- a good
— - crop.
C. E. Jordon was confined to his
girls pies will be kept separate. received „ All
a Mistake" Is the name ary 27, O. 8. Fletcher, new county
Everybody come and have a good of »tie play. Characters are to he agricultural agent and E. R. Jackman
easy chair fait Friday due to a
severe cold.
Failure to provide the correct tem­
selected from Union members. The farm crop specialist of the extension
Bow vetch In February and not late»
Mrs. Martins, s t Slltcoos b ss gone to play will be given some time In the department of the state college will perature for amali ohlcka often re­ than March 1. Fall plantings are beat,
Mre. A. Olson was received at tha
her sisters funeral at Eugene.
near future.
deliver lectures on farm crop prob- sults In bowl trouble. From 96 to 100. but those who want vetch for hay Goehon hospital and underwent *n
Brother Hollsapple has closed his
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Briggs visited lems and the future work of the Agrl- at the edge of the hover, fa the cor­ can sow now at the rate of 80 pounds operation Friday February 18.
garage and moved onto his farm to be wtth Mr and Mrs A. TJ. McDaniel cultural Agent. This will be an open rect temperature fot* the first few per acre of common vetch
C. F. Hyde fa putting in a complete
dayai To much heat J s at bad as not
r ’
ready for the milking season.
Hast week
ayslein of tiling on his farm at Pleajk
| meeting and an Invitation Is extended
' i * ■; I • ‘ '
B .r«
enough. Confining the chick» fairly
Work on the Fiddle Creek road <
an» Hill. About jp.000 foe« of ditch­
to everyone Interested In farming to
Oregon farmers are advised by the
Will be resumed the forepart of n ext!*
* *
ing preparatory to the placing of the
* attend.
experiment station to sow pasture
mckenzie local
The Federal T B. tester, Dr. Thomp­ by means of boards 12 Inches wide mixtures early. Good grass mixtures I í"".^.hal, 'llrBady bp,,n dona’ Aa ,hl»
Martin Christenson Is getting some
for sprlna .o w l» , m » » . uh . ........... , thft mol,t co"’Pl"«" »y«tem of draln-
son, was In this locality Monday In­ nailed together at the corner», mini- for
spring »owing to establish per­
young skunks and making pens pre­
I «Ke that has been undertaken recenti?
February 11 waa our usual bnslnesa oculating the cow s of many of the mlzse the danger of chilling.
manent pastures are as follow«; 8 1
paring to staring up a skunk farm
meeting. Twenty were present.
II ' should1
be of
pounds of English rye grass; 3 pounds , , n, Pr" Rt “ « n t Hill "
i ”“"1' b’'
rose colored hyacinth |n full bloom.
The Ford and Chrlstonson Fox Farm
" ’’ near
Mr. T. W. Carney was appointed
Lois Oetchell spent m e week end
Gladys Morgan has gone to Dexter each of Kentucky blue grass, orchard1
a t Northbeach Is anticipating a suc­ good roads committeeman.
with her grandparents near Eugengt
to assist Mr». Chas. Hays with th« grass, tall oat grass, and red clover: the Hyde ranch to watch result*.
cessfu l season. They have som e fine
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Jackson visited
Kenneth Danstrom 1« working fn house work and care of the children. 2 pounds timothy; and 1 pound qf
rpecfm lns of crossed and silver fox.
recently the Spencer Creek, Central Eugene at the Eugene Clothing manu­
Miss Thelma McPeck entertained white clover an acre an wall dralnAi
Attend Roseburg Meeting
Mrs. Groves at Berrydale report« a and South W illamette Locals
facturing company.
the young people of our community on soils, or 8 pounds of English rye
very successful laying and hatching
February 26 will be a Colonial even­
Mrs. P. Danstrom who was operated Saturday evening February 14. Those grass; 3 pounds each of red top, orch­
K. E. Morrison, manager, nnd C. E
season. She specializes in pure bred ing In honor of George W ashington’s on nt the Eugene hospt' J a short time
who attended the party were; Harold ard grass; 2 peunds of alalke clover Jordon, secretary of the Partner«
birthday Pies will be auclloned. the "go 1« getting along nicely and will and Francis Parka, Florence Oetchell,
und one pound of white clover an acre ¡Union Co-Operative warehouse, went
he night train ran , In the daytime
---------- proceeds to be used by the ladles In soon be able to return home. The Whiter Danstrom, Frank Elliot, Hazel for wet nr heavy soils. Sowing should |
Roseburg Wednesday to ntiend a
last weelt on acclunt o t slide« and furnishing the kitchen.
Everyone Cloverdale Local of th» Farmers U n -, and Howard Kail and Loyd Edmund
hike place from February 16 to March , meellng of managers of all co-opera-
fallen tree«.
^¡w elcom e.
Jlifil Ion presented Mr». Danstrom with a J son.
15 If the grass fa to be well established. j" v« enterprises In Western Oregon
P ”, <
’°,U ,°":