?AOB FOUR ——................................ ......... 1 - " - - .I T ,« » » » ■ — ' THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ■■ I . — ■' THURSDAY FKHRUARY H>, 12B6 ' ■ » — - Lane County Farmers Union News ---------------------------------------- --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N FRUII GROWERS 00 !' S IÄ F 6 S BUSINESS ; C O U N T Y U N IT NO. 14 ■— ..................... - CHICK DISEASE INFECTS USERS IN MANY STATES LARGELY IN EARLY LIFE L u u u m c LANK COUNTY • UNION • LANK b U L IU R L S 9 C .n i ( ■— - - i REPORTERS ATTENTION . ■ » ' « ' ■ ■ I ■ ■— COUNTY AGENT WILL MEET FI Ikiea the name of your local, lim» ! and place of meeting appear below?) Bacteria T h a t Takaa Nitrogen From W h ite D iarrhea Develops In First If not, «end It In before the next Ixxue, Ralph Laird, Creawell, Preeldent. • A ir »or Planta Go From Kxpert- T hree Day« In Meet Caeee- of this paper. Send your nam« and I W ill W heeler, Tront, Vlce-Pr««|. • ment Station Spreads Over Flock Next i address and phon« number to Mr», i Spreada dent, . • ............ j Eugene 1». Tinker, Creswell. Oregon. _ I u u | . BeW> Kappauf, Cottage Grove, • S«ri«s of Mootings to be Held Locum« the R e p o r t O' Manager r to it s n o w s , «««,. Treat • ‘«»»n i» cultures ouuurea preparisi prepare«! by ny tne White diarrhea Infects (he greatest Itouln 1. at once, By O. S. Fletclisr; First M ett Biggest Year in History Of J» n , A. Hom. Cottage Grove, Door • •»««rloln cy department ot the expert- number of baby rhteka within th e, * * * * * * * * * At Central Snturday, Febru­ Eugene Assiciation; Officers I • Keeper . j m«ut station are being aent to farmer» first 48 Io 73 houre aft’ r hatching TIME AND PLACE OF in Oregon., California. Nevada. North From 2 Io 4 per cent of the chicks ary 21. LOCAL MEETINGS Elected by Stockholders- i ’ H- c- J « * « 0" . w a ite rv iii« , - • Dakota and neighboring slates, tine Infected at birth will cause ihe dlseas« t . | * ductor. A series of m eetings with Farm • order was received from Mexico laat to spread to 40. 50 or even 75 per rent ' ’ Canary— Flrel Sunday and Third • A million and a quarter business | * ®- L. Clement, Chaplain, e weak for has-Kria to Inoculate »0 jof the entire flock. Hatchery op eru tl ’ Saturday. Fanners Vnk>n Hall. • Union locals have been announce i by was done by the Eugene Fruii Grow- * * * * ' * - acres of garden peas. Cloverdale--Second and Fourth • O. » Fletcher, laine county agricul­ tors and farmer«. In an effort to save ers Association last year according I Fridays. Cloverdale School House. * tural agvut. ihe first of which will l,v Cultures sufficient to Inoculate 7000 ! a high percentage of the chicks, often to the annual report of the Manager. j A T z /t W*f AW / Creswell— First and Third Tuos • Saturday night. February 31. with lb« J. O. Holt to the meeting ot stock- llu ilO r iu t acres of legum es were sen« out by the leave Infected chicks In the Incubator days. Croswell. M. W of A. Hall • Central local. The me-'tlng will he holders Eugene last his' ______ , jexperlnvent last year. The noiuera in Eavffvne i«»i Saturday. aaiuruay. T tuis* ir*p w iii«m ii b station ib u u h in*< i i r , and try to doctor them. The result of Coast Fork—Second and Fourth • held at the community hall. Il will la *340,000 more than waa done In! “Kind Friend: Illinois Union Helper hea*1" 't demands are from Oregon thia practice la uaunpy dlaaateruua. Thursdays, Iketiron Church House. * b- an open meeting and everyone la 1923. , wo yw ra ago of High Iiran farmers Out of the state orders The best and only ¡satisfactory way I Daueho—First Tuvwdsy. Dwnrbo • Invited to come. Coffee will be The stockholders re-elected all the I |>r,.S3Un, a nd Hardening of the Pocket cOm° ktrgely front O. A. C. alumni and ¡of handling chirks showing symptoms * serv-d old directors who are: M. H. H arlow ,|Arter,es Selah" -other ta te . experiment . „ . . - iu .,... stations other s state ! ot white diarrhea la to remove them ' School House. (> 8 Fletcher, accompanied by E. J. Beebe. Prank Miller. F. B. Chase, j , n , n effort , 0 , he j^ d e r » of Dorena--Second and Fouth Tuos • The cultures are used In Inoculating t from the Incubator and kill th em / • It Jackman, crop specialist, the new F. B Harlow, John Thramer. George lhe farm ers Union News a glimpse clover, alfalfa, vetches, beans, peas. Every "pasty" chick should he killed ' days. Dorena Chur oh lladteyvllle — First and Third • County Agricultural Agent will held A. Dorris. George KUnge and H. C .: of what , he parmera vnlon fa doing and ° ' h‘‘r legum« crops. They con- ¡as soon as It la discovered Any chirk * m eeting- with Farmer Union locals Travlllion. Later the directors met ,n other >tll,eg a#(, n ,t|oually letters bacteria which have (he faculty ¡that dew lopx symptoms of the dla-. Thursdays, Hadteyvitl« School a» follows: Heceta First Sunday of each • and re-elected M. H. Harlow as preal- haTe bw n , 0 a„ of the different ,,f taking «»• nitrogen of the air and eae In Ihe first 48 to 72 hours should Tuesday, February 17. 8 p. m . Cre«. month, Hsc«4h School House. • dent; J. Beebe, vice-president and J. gwte papers and the National Mags >»»*•“< th*t nitrogen available for be removed and killed. The killed Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed- • well Farmer's Union, Modern Wood, O. Holt secretary and manager. l|# e asking for an exchange. The rroP “» • The legume crope will not i birds shouul be burned to eliminate man hall nesdaya, W O. W. Ilall. Jasper. • Manager Holt s report showed that above postal was received this week. Krow w ,,h anX degree of success un- the possibility of further Infection. Wednesday February 14, 8 p m. Lorane— Segond and Fourth • during the year the plant at Eugene At Krgt reading this clever m essage ,es" the"*’ bncUrin are present, InfecUd hens 'do not always show received 10.047.704 pounds of Truit IeToges a laugh, but on cloaer thought Bacteria for the particular type of Wednesdays. I. O O. P. Hall. • Ml. Vernon Farmer's Union. M l Vvr« toulwsrd signs of ihe infection hut they ' McKentle local, second and • non Halt and vegetables, the one at Junction does It not sp«4i tragedy? We. of legume indicated are pu up In two- Clty S7S.441 pounds and the one a t ) course, g now nothing concerning the acra »*«• bottles, which are sent post j do 4ay eggs carrying the disease, ' fourth Wednesday, g p. in I. O, O. • i Thursday February 19. 8 p. m., i'hicks hatched from such eggs are In- • Hadleyvllle! Farmer's Union, Hadley- Creswell, 453.894 pounds. 'conditions that contributed to this un D*,r f°r 60 c* nt" ‘‘• ‘‘b This makes th^ ! fee ted at birth. Trying to save the j F. hall. Waitervllle. s ML Vernon— First and Third • title school house. The total number of oases packed timely death, but the mesaage brings COBt only IS cents an acre for the Hives of Infected chicks >nds In sor- Saturday February >1, 8 p. m . Cent­ Wednesday. Bmafteld Store. • at all the plants was 258.481. before us a m en u ! picture of a group •■Rur«, i row at som e later date. Getting rid of \ Farmer’s I'tvlon Community In the dried fruits department the of farmers Joined together for the Field peas for hay should be planted Silk Creigt Meats Flret and Third • ral the infected hens Is getting rid of In- j total number of pounds of prunes put c0rarnon of all „ h o have gradual from February 15 to April 1. Whits Thurs«l«y at Cedar School House • Hall. I fected chicks to a large extent. Monday February 23. 8 p. m . Mouth out was 1,172.044. , fallen apart, poaaihly d isagreed .! Canadlau' Blue Russian or Arthur Trent—Second and Fourth Wed- • The O. A. C. experiment elajlon rec- In — the b green fruit —.--------------— department 5,144 interegt_ fai[ed their du«s »artettes are u drilled three * roan fourths •« needayn Dloaaant HUU High • , W illametle Farmer's Union. Dunn ----- ------- 1O8l log, interest, mi lea to f0 pay pa). their due» r u w toree ns 'o flips nf annlen sad and 75S ho i p a of . . death . . Qf . the(r ^ « 2 inches .1...... boxes of apples boxes of near« p e t n j ^ caused . the deep, at .u the . rate of «« 90 .. to 120 icmmentls the ns« of hatching eggs School Bldg. , , a school house. were packed 8. from blood tested stock as the first a------ . their .. pounds an acre. Where they w ere oack/ I------------ Vida—Second an,I Fourth Salur- • Tuesday February 24. 8 p. m . Dor», mon spokesman, paper. i ' --------------------------------- —-■> are — ~ a new step In stopping the spread of white G e n e ra l S ta tis tic s G iv en days at Mlonry Hall. • us Farm er's Union. Dorena church Does not this m essage bear evidence croP »bey should be Inoculated. Secretaries will please send In * Other s ta tis tic s w W ednesday February 25. 8 p m . . . ere . . . » as <■ fo llow s to the fact that the farmers can't The cutting of scion wood of decido- diarrhea. If hatching eggs from an Cherries In brine. 11.350 gallons; J agree, can’t stick together, don't know ous trees should be delayed for a short unknown flock are used disinfecting tim e and place of meeting and • Trent Farmer's Union Pleasant Hill rhangos of data ns they may oc* * high school. vinegar, 24.000 gallons; cider, 4.000 , wbat they want and fight among them- Urne until the extent of the damsg | the Incubator and th< brooder house cur. «. , Thursday February 38. 8 p m Coast gallons; froxen berries. 8,100 gallons. ; selves as pictured by the cartoonists done in Oregon by the severe cold of ! helps some In hindering the spread of Fork Farmer's Union. Ilebrow church. Walnuts, Franquettes. 12.405 pounds of today* thia winter has been determined. Is the disease. Marette«, 23 830 pounds, and seedlings But why Is this so, and where arc the advice of the experiment station. , Friday February 27. 8 p. m . Clover­ 33,200. pounds. the p itfa lls? What does th® writer of ¡This scion wood should be cut before dale FurmerM Union. Cloveradle JASPER LOCAL school house Ice cream made, 78.414 gallons; this postal mean by High Brain Pres- the last of February. , CRESWELL LOCAL Ice made, 4.382 tons; lime sulphur sure* - All these will be open inertings and spray manufactured. 408 barrels. There Is a pit that lies yawning at • • • • • • « • « • the farmers In each district are la- Remember February 28. as the date' - 1 - ' vltcd to I,« prm ent The box factory cut approximately the feet of all organizations, a ph that CLOVERDALE UOCAL for the basket social a»d radio pro-- Ther - wax a Joint meeting of the X014.000 feet of lumber during th 'threat ns to engulf the Karm«rs Un- a a a • a • a gram to be given by our local. Ev- Cloveradle and Creawell Jxicala Fehru- J’eaA ' Ion if It Is not planked over. Above — ■ | tryhody Invited. ¡ary 13 at the Cloverdale hall with a Gross sales made by the associa- this pit Is the word "Resolutions. " TRENT LOCAL All present enjoyed the Valentine larg crowd In attendance Mr. and tion during the year were as follows: i Nearly everv week we read in th e v«rdale Loral met lg regular ses Storage , , , s, .. ’ eTery ,W*ek ’ e rPSd ,n ,h " «»on Friday February 13, with all of party given by "The Young People's" Mrs Harry Jackson »nd K E Morrl- Cr«en Fruit------------------------ 47 H ’ *Ì T T ’ o reg° IU,'° n P‘ "iM by Monie 'he officers pr,n.ent and u majority i S ---------------------- M2 M9 2 ,hM ei/ P"°IUt,On" "re ° f thp A» *.Yl..«lon had class at Mrs. Martha W allace’s Salur- son. and County President It. I' imlrd At the r gulnr meeting of Treat day evening February 14. Light re- and wife wer< present and gave inter- ------------------- ---- 1W4W.04 p ^ e d and are rushed into print been ext. ..d el to CrewZell W.lk-r I oral held Wednesday evening Febru­ . I -a S S V I X T ’S its V eg ’ w 11, vvfgJM ““ freshments consisting of grape Juice, eating talks. There were aeveral nth> r Canned g o o d s _____ .829.530 *5 when only a few members are present RDd Cnmas locals to attend our meet- cookl' S and pumpkin pie were aerved , visitors. A short program waa given, ary It, It was deci ted to hold open Merchandise _______ 19,229.33 meetings once a month at which time 38 094 04 S‘ ,hP me*,,n * * °me arp Pa ’ »*d wl'h Ing. A large delegation of the Cram about eleven. and everyone glvrn « Valentine from t o ® ____________ ,___ 87 419 "3 ° Ot ° r ' horou«'hl’, under' " 'ot'«' *>« present but owing to Jeaa Wallace and family sold their 'he valentine box. Five new members lecture* an t demonstrations would he Ice c r e a m __________ 4 74x 3 « l’ tOOd' 3nd O,hen' are r e7 hern and hare been sold to different parties er'a Union, met w ith1 members of th - February ’ 5 ------------------ !and printed The result 1. evldtnt. IE. E Morrison and son. Also two Henry Gullly and family are moving Grange In Woodman hall. Tuesday ............ Total sales .......... .....»1,254.769.58 , , *°m<> ac‘ion were ,ak*n r w - other members of the M3 Vernon up to the Higgins 4 Carr sawmill February 17. the riwular meeting s , ®,l,eU «»«l»tant counlv > 1 amount «»id fo , ............ — latp the Pa*"ln< and printing of reso- to<.u| Total amount paid for labor during 7„„ J and <* '• * > wher- they will work when the mill night of the Creswell local Busin as 7 • up*"’ln ,*n,en* b* a»k,d the year was »199.945.87; salaries. »15,, ‘"J ° Ur " * al OT<1 CW“ tJr H” ' 1' « • - suspended and the lim e given to " 2 W° rl‘' bar‘ lr'"a ' l>' M Fix# new members were recHxe«! • ta« a 132.30: total. to ta l. 1251 09R 17 , * " * ’ WOUld not th e d a a e * ’’ r t h l" P*»’ into the Union. Mr. . i and Mm M. A A. . aaw«g »«»«7 V U IU II. l 11'g .VI r » . .»1 A few of the farmers around here O. C. FleUher. the County Agricultural m wba ' " ur m ’,"’ b ,, r * d " »«> •««'•» 132.30; »261.098.17. fr.°*n H1'• A number of people In thle neigh­ Thia meeting was j *x»'h Interesting l D O Linton waa reelected to repre- ’ Monday In Eugene i Th<* "P'"*''1'’1’ ,b a » f°"ewe<“', H. Parks and L. J. Oetchell. FARM REMINDERS the meetings sufficiently Interesting W ill Discute Telephone« The Southern Pacific railroad c rew , Clark Stevens or F nean. <„ <«< I Recitation—Velma McPeck. to get everyone out. A good «tart h as completed the work of cleaning at the A. O. McDanM home. " Son* ~ W'il1 the A"<’es U » Me Play, waa made last meeting and our fait To ditcuaa the building and main­ Lucille and Velma Morgan. out the slide between Ada and Slltcoos Mr. and Mrs. W. f. Seals of the taining of rural phone lines a meeting Red clover at the rate of 12 pounds meeting showed results. While the ladles prepared refresh of farmers has been called for Fri­ an acre, or alalke clover at the rate of and hare went on to Marshfield. They Orendlor district «nd i „ u »„..a C. B. Wheeler reported hl» failure Valentine h"* box WM was '>Pen«> opened *> by F day evening. February 28. In the Eu­ 8 pound« an acre, can he sown In the tO a" end lb® la»< county convention expect to return In a few days and of r»rane attended tha nla 7 * ° " ments * a Val*ntlne w id e , the r i g h t s way at S tltcoo. ‘ * P'aT *“ Cr° W, Mr Ku" Woodward was t h . gene Chamber of Commerce. Two spring in various ways. Broadcasted Wa* du# ,0 hla ba»'"4 lo»t a dog while station preparatory o t installing a »r >1,1. ■ ■ u receP,ent nt tb* majority of the Val- engineers of the Pacific Telegraph In fall sown grain In February as soon oul hun" n« «»* d«y prevlou». He w ater tank | ” ? ™ of th is local retn'ed him If he could guaran- fast weeks Items. The pie supper and come with the Intendon of boost- mention. education along thia line will greatly draned, sw eet op slightly ad d anils. tee lham H cat “P • ‘r** »hey would and entertainment pt our Farmers*Ing the good work along After the refreshments of cake and Improve the »elephon« service In the A "