The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 01, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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    lAWHtfSMNkSMHv' (
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-L A U F M l
Kunlc« Parker and Roland Parker will R A IL R O A D T A X E S S E T
Experimental I
entertain a dozen of Hprlngfleld'a
N E W H IG H R EC O R D M A R K l<on‘r"! of ,u”c
carried on by the .
M o- »her«A i:J
m i w u eea v n y . M u ., Dr. K. M. N lghbert
Returned to Longview—S4r
a dozen farm» have been made avail-1 »tales that almost complete control o f
Mra. Ernest Hklnner returned to Long-
vl.-w, W ashington on Saturday after Comn’«^® Commission figure» »how able by the owner» for the use of the toe stomach worm» of sheep In th e
specialist In charge of the Inveetlga. | Middle W est can be secured by the
visiting over Christmas with Mr». that Railway tax»» for September
The problem of stomach-worm copper-sulphate treatment, and that at
Hklnm-r'a parent». Mr. and Mrs. Robert
control ha« been under Investigation »light expense, profits In the produo-
the mouth totaled 133,5S«,<522.
the last eight years at Vienna, Va., an d . Uon of mutton, wool, and breeding
Attended Theatrical Performance— If,,.,' ..." I „ " J ,' J7V’"'
7 ^ ’o' b‘" ;th” <»PPef sulphate treatment 1» the stock can he greatly Increased by the
Mr. H Ralph Dlppel. her parents. M ,
-K,»t eat.efactory means of prevnU ng treatment.
B ro k e L e ft A rm
* ““d
V is ite d D a u g h te r— Mr.
and Mra.
Steven Oalller accompanied by their
daughter. Milse Olailya Oalller, are
visiting their daughter and son In-law.
Dr. nnd MrA 8. Ralph (Dlppel In
Hprlngfleld this week They came In
time for the Chrlatmaa festivities.
from Beeverton—Mr, nnd Mrs.
Clayton Eaton of Beaverton. Oregon
came to Hprlngfleld to spend a b w
days with friend» ami attend the Ma­
sonic. banquet on Friday night. They
have now gone on to Marcóla to vlalt
with Mrs. Eaton's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. McDowell, over New Yonr's
H e re
We Thank You
For your kind support and patronage during the past year
we say, "Thank you.” We have strived to merit your pat­
ronage—each day putting forth greater effort to make our
baked goods better. We believe there Is no better bread
than “perfection” bread—a product that we are proud to
offer you.
Springfield Bakery
Fred Frese, Prop.
New Year
A new year faces all of us
—a year that ■will mean
much financially if you
work closer with us than
during the past.
Subscribe For The Springfield New«
B ig B argain O ffer
Save h On Y o u r
To you as well as the many
other patrons and friends
of the First National, we
wish the happiest and
most profitable new year.
A rare and unusual money saving bargain offer in read­
ing matter for the whole fam ily for a year. W e offer
thia combination to our readers for a abort time only.
R enew al subscriptions 'trill ba extended fo r a n a
y e a r fro m p resent d a ta o f e x p iratio n .
40 Years
of Helpful Service
Thia is your chance to get 12 big issues o f each o f
these four valuable magazines — 48 issues bi all—
T he First
h a lf o f th e usual subscription pnee. Rending m a tte r foe
th e whole fa m ily — fiction, patterns, em broidery. —
ipe«, p o u ltry , d a iry , livestock, crops, fsam i
etc. D o n 't miss this unusual o p p o rtu n ity to get th is vs
able, interesting and in stru ctive group o f m agasinr*. I f
you are already • subscriber t o any a t these m o g s ir
you r s o b s a v tio o w ill be exteedod fo r one year.
National Bank
Send tn y o u r
TQOWl Thi»
Q uìì M ìw /?
tx ttr- .
Sines 1883
—is largely a matter of
right baying. You buy
right, here.
Eastman Grocery
New Year’s
ite r
ah 11 i S
time oi year ior prepimtions for renewed business activity,
<)reg0.” n,lel,1 are getting ready for the new year’s work. Con-
t nutd prosperity ia before us. There will be demand for tools, for sup­
plies and materials.
Here’s gasoline that'will teQ you
what all-’round winter performanoe
is - t h e new winter "Red Crown”!
Quiclc-etarting and more. Extra
mileage! 100% power!—plenty o f win-t
ter “pep” but nothing sacrificed.
Get a. tankful of the new winter.
"Red CrDwn” today from any red,
white and blue pump in town — at
Standard Oil Service Station« and at
d ea lers-“In every way a better gas­
EntSrtaned at Dinner— Mr. and Mrs
B. A. Waahburno entertained at din­
ner on Christmas day Mr. nnd Mr». J.
L. Clark nnd son. Joe Clark; nnd their
daughter, Mra. Helen Martn of Sun
Francisco, who was here for the h oli­
days. Another guest was Billy Knight,
a sm all student at the Hill Military
academy In Portland, who la a guest
of Joe Clark, Instructor of rhetoric I n
the academy.
r ie m ade fo r
s h o rt tim e
B ark new and
«tweriptian» ta i t thia paper w ilt
■ m u e t th m e n u « .x in e « . B u t d o n 't w m t antil th e ogee haa
boa» w ith d raw n . A l l F I— U , Ona F a a r — 0 * 0 0 1 «OVT
Spent Chrlatmaa Here—Mr. and
Mrs James Elder and family of Rid
die, Oregon, were In Hprlngfleld to
spend Christmas with Mrs. Elder's
mother and father Mr. and Mrs. Sam­
uel C. Wright. Mr. Elder returned to
Riddle Saturday, but Mrs. Elder and
the children are staying over for a
Tew days.
Were Dinner Gueeta— Mr. and Mrs
L. E. Basford entertained with a large
family dinner on Christmas Day.
(lueute were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lud-
ford of Eugene nnd their daughter and
ron-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Moahler, also
of Eugene; Mr and Mrs. George lias-
ford of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Pant
n a sf’ rd nnd Mr» Lida MacOownn of
BWM** »«r''27‘ “ da'
L e s te r M a rc u m o f j
with Mr Heal's brother, D. H Beal»,
Murrola broke hl» t*tt arm Friday
P o r tla n d —
at Riddle. Oregon
ovenlng while coasting. He came to James
A. Pointer pustor of
Hprlngfleld Christian church, returned i
R e tu rn e d fro m K la m a th F i l l »
M l»» Hprlngfleld to have It set
Saturday after visiting his father In
May Fi'tinn i . turned to Hnrtngfleld
Down from W estfir—J). K. Mitchell
Portland over Chrstmaa. Mrs. Pointer
Friday night from Klamath Falla, and
of W estfir »ns In Hprlngfleld shortly
and the children were with her par­
ha» been the guest her at the home
before the holidays to viait his par­
ents In eastern Oregon during the
ol Mr. and Mrs. C . E. Swurts.
ents. Mr. and Mrs. 11. T. Mitchell.
Chrlatmaa holidays. Rev. I“olnter
Gsva Christmas D in n e r Mr. and
S p ok an e- William ; I-reached his farewell sermon Sunday
Mrs, A. J I’erklns »ntertnlned Mi Htirlver returned to Spokane Monday
fore going to Minnesota to bla new
and Mrs. Ferrol Perkins and son Jack, a|ft<r spending Christmas with hla j work.
nnd Mr and Mrs. George Perkins and
little daughter. May Ellen Shriver, at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
children. Adeline and Roscoe Perkin» I ho John Tnmeeth home.
. ■ ............. .
for Christmas dinner.
Visit from Portland—Mr. and Mrs.
Seaveys Entertain at Dinner— Mr O ra N eel of Portland returned to their
nnd Mr» J e » » Heavey rntertalned al home on Friday after visiting here
dinner on Christmas Day with Mr. and with relatives and friends over Christ-
Mrs. Ronald Roberta. Welby Steven«,
■ mas.
Mra. Heavey'» brother. Tom
Here from California— Mr. and Mrs.
Abeens, as guests.
George Wright of Oakland. California,
Ketele Heve Guest»- Mr nnd Mrs. am spending the holidays with Mrs.
John F. Ketele have ne their house Wright's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
guest thia we«k Miss Emma Htraubn Chari*» Klngswell of Klngswell'g flor-
of Portland, teacher tn the Girl's ur gardens west of Hprlngfleld.
Polytechnic high anhnol In that city.
Down from W estfir— Mr. and Mra.
Mint Htrnube will ntay over for New
"W. C. Calllson and baby came down
Year's liny.
to Hprlngfleld from W estfir for the
Dined with Parents Mr. a n i Mrs I ! holidays. Chrlatmaa dinner, howevet»
C. A. Rwarta. accompanied by ” >•«'k * . sojoyed a t the home of Mre. Cal May the New Year have in store
daughl rs. Margaret, Helen and Mag-1 il ilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
for you great Happiness, Wealth
Ine. took Christmas dinner with Mr. McDowell, at Marcóla.
Hwsrts' larenta, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
To Entertain Friday—The home or and a host of other good things
Swarts on Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Parker will be
W e n t to M e re h fie 'o — Mr and Mrs. the scene nt a delightful small card
Mlnzrnrled »pen: fh r litm ss tn Marsh- party on Friday evening w hm Mlsa
rl-lt with theld daughter and son-tu
law. Mr anJ Mrs Jos Lemmon». Mr».
Wlnzenried went to MurshfleiJ Is«*
Left for W ells Walla—Mlae Havllla
Weld, analyzing chemist for the
Hprlngfleld Mill and Grain laboratories
I’ ft h>r Walla Walla. Waahlngton.
where she wll spend the holidays w ith
her parents.
*• f « r In,
younger set.
M»r» from O a k rid g e lt<m n M u II imwi
Hara from Thuraton -C'harltia Tsy-
wne h«ra for the wMk from Oakridge lor of Thuraton wan u Hprluaflclil
vleltor Saturday.
In on B usiness W aller and Gaorgn
Plait wore In frutu Thuraton on Intel-
In from W atlorvllle—Harvey Koz'-r
iioae Saturday.
of Wallnrvllle waa In Hprlngfleld
tratiaartlng buslnens on Huturday,
Visits P aren ts- Floyd Bartlett of
Reedsport la vlaltlnr Ills puronta In
H e r on Busins»»— J.
Wearln, of
Hprlngltold thia week.
W allnrvllle wun a Hprlngfleld vlaltoi
Ml.a Gladys Oalller. were among the nhlfl ln„nth„
, #, 4 , hey wpr(j |92#
V la lta P a re n t» Floyd K'«tor o f Hal-
I people who went from Hprlngfleld to
Increase over 181« of
otn ap'nt Chrletnina with hla parnnta,
Marcóla Man Hari
Ivan Saund-Ta attend the performance of Kolb an J
Mr. and Mrs Eil Koeter.
of Murvxda was a Saturday business Iilll at the Heilig theatre In Eugene of almost 3504.000 a day.
Increased efficiency and economy In
Friday night.
Olamiaaed from Hospital K F Mar-
railway operation have caused re­
rltt haa been dismissed from the
Hare from McKenrl« Bridge— Henry
Made Up Theatre Party—-Mr. und dactions In expenses which have re­
Hprltigfleld hoapltal.
I-ou of McKenzie bridge was In town
Mrs. Dallaa li. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. sulted In large reductions of rates, but
on Friday.
Want to Cottage Grove—-Mr, and
Rolund E. Moahler, Mr. Murphy's while railway operating expenses
Mra. Jack Oliver and children went
In fro m W a n g lin g - R. 1). Ueadinond slater, Mias Era Murphy of Eugene, havo been reduced almost 25 per cent
la"1 fw,r jre"M' rallway t*xe«
to Cottage Grove to »pend Chrlatnina. was a visitor In iHprlngflekl from and Mr ami Mrs Ernest D. Anderson ln
of Eugene, made up a theatre party at h,Te ,ncre<>e<* over 86 Per ce n t
Wendllng Friday.
Hara from Portland— Ml»» Anne
the Kolb and Dill performance at the
Wright of Portland »pent Chrlstmns
k V ie lt . e -- z, Roc«
k i.,
Helllg In Eugene Friday night,
with her parent», Mr and Mra Hntnuc school teacher at Oakridge, waa In
Hprlngfleld on Friday.
C . w r ig h t .
| Were Dinner Guests—Mr. and Mrs.
Ill at Hla Home— William Leonard Dallaa 11. Murphy were dinner guests
A tte n d e d
Masonic Function -Mr
A demonstration of the bluestone o r (
and Mr». Ham Goddard of W altervllle Is III at hla home thia week, suffering «" Christmas day at the home of Mr. copper nulphate treatment of sheep
came to Hprlngfleld Friday night Io ¡from a severe oold.
Murphy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. for the riddance of stomach worms at- :
uttend the Maaonlc banquet.
Murphy of Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs
III at H orne-O rson Vaughn la III at ErnPa, Ander8on of Kug. ne were alao tracted over 70 sheepmen In Wapello ;
Sheriff and Wife Hara- Sheriff hla home thia week with a severe H)nnwr KutMll8 at u ,a l time. Mra. And- County, Iowa, according to a recent
Taylor and Mr» Tavlor of Bug. -ne cold.
erson ,8 Mr D B Murphy', slater It report to the United States Depart­
ment of Agriculture.
were S pring field v isito rs F rid a y night,
' had been planned to ma ice the dinner
Planning Portland Trip—Miss Eu­
attending the Masonic banquet In this nice Parker nnd Pula ml Parker are " f“m‘<y reunion, but since some of j
d ly
planning to motor to Portland Janu- ,h * ’■‘••a«'»1’« could not be present the !
reunion Is planued for New Year’s
W e n t to R id d le
M r and Mra p, .1 «ry 3 If (he roads ur passable.
Benia and family «pent Chrlatmaa
-T Ä
The long distance Unes of The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Com­
pany offer a quick and easy means of communication between supplier
and consumer. Many wholesale firms are handling a large volume of
sales by long distance. Use of our long distance lines will promote buying
and selling of Oregon products.
Start the year right by laying your plans for a share of the business
developed in Oregon and the west this year. The use of our long distance
lines will prove advantageous to you, as it has tx> others. The results
obtained are prompt and satisfactory.
We want to possible for you to talk to anyone, anywhere, any­
time. Every Bell station is a long distance station.
( California)
T h e P a cific T elep h o n e
A nd Telegraph Company