lAWHtfSMNkSMHv' ( • THURHDAY JAN. t. 1U26 ~*T " THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ■ ' -------------------------- TOWN AND VICINITY ---------- -L A U F M l Kunlc« Parker and Roland Parker will R A IL R O A D T A X E S S E T Experimental I entertain a dozen of Hprlngfleld'a N E W H IG H R EC O R D M A R K l•«'k * . sojoyed a t the home of Mre. Cal May the New Year have in store daughl rs. Margaret, Helen and Mag-1 il ilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John for you great Happiness, Wealth Ine. took Christmas dinner with Mr. McDowell, at Marcóla. Hwsrts' larenta, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. To Entertain Friday—The home or and a host of other good things Swarts on Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Parker will be W e n t to M e re h fie 'o — Mr and Mrs. the scene nt a delightful small card Mlnzrnrled »pen: fh r litm ss tn Marsh- party on Friday evening w hm Mlsa rl-lt with theld daughter and son-tu law. Mr anJ Mrs Jos Lemmon». Mr». Wlnzenried went to MurshfleiJ Is«* Left for W ells Walla—Mlae Havllla Weld, analyzing chemist for the Hprlngfleld Mill and Grain laboratories I’ ft h>r Walla Walla. Waahlngton. where she wll spend the holidays w ith her parents. st-j *• f « r In, younger set. M»r» from O a k rid g e lte<* over 86 Per ce n t Wendllng Friday. Hara from Portland— Ml»» Anne _ the Kolb and Dill performance at the Wright of Portland »pent Chrlstmns Taachor k V ie lt . e -- z, Roc« k i., ** Helllg In Eugene Friday night, SHEEP-WORM CONTROL IN with her parent», Mr and Mra Hntnuc school teacher at Oakridge, waa In MID-WEST DEMONSTRATED Hprlngfleld on Friday. I „ ... C . w r ig h t . | Were Dinner Guests—Mr. and Mrs. Ill at Hla Home— William Leonard Dallaa 11. Murphy were dinner guests A tte n d e d Masonic Function -Mr A demonstration of the bluestone o r ( and Mr». Ham Goddard of W altervllle Is III at hla home thia week, suffering «" Christmas day at the home of Mr. copper nulphate treatment of sheep came to Hprlngfleld Friday night Io ¡from a severe oold. t Murphy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. for the riddance of stomach worms at- : uttend the Maaonlc banquet. ... Murphy of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs III at H orne-O rson Vaughn la III at ErnPa, Ander8on of Kug. ne were alao tracted over 70 sheepmen In Wapello ; Sheriff and Wife Hara- Sheriff hla home thia week with a severe H)nnwr KutMll8 at u ,a l time. Mra. And- County, Iowa, according to a recent Taylor and Mr» Tavlor of Bug. -ne cold. erson ,8 Mr D B Murphy', slater It report to the United States Depart­ ment of Agriculture. were S pring field v isito rs F rid a y night, ' had been planned to ma ice the dinner Planning Portland Trip—Miss Eu­ attending the Masonic banquet In this nice Parker nnd Pula ml Parker are " f“m‘ others. The results obtained are prompt and satisfactory. We want to possible for you to talk to anyone, anywhere, any­ time. Every Bell station is a long distance station. ST A N D A R D CgL CO M PAN Y ( California) T h e P a cific T elep h o n e A nd Telegraph Company