The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 23, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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t iii 'R shay . oct . ib , hum .
OREGON NEWS ÍTEMS 'Town and Vicinity
Bigger an.I Better Than Ever
III a t H om i—Mr*. Charte« H astings
til a t h er home In T h u rstcu
Brief Resume of Happenings of
the Week Collected for
Cur Readers.
Noti » u
H*r* from M areóla— K. M tioward
gou a p p lic a tio n ; B o y *' a liti a ir i* ' c lu b
work; o lh t r pliase-. o f la ti lecape g a rd ­ » n i I ii lown froui Marcóla Muitday
e n in g - S itta ll c ity l o l — I* lam lM i-apliig i tur medical treaimeut.
pukslhlwY tu ra i ami «ululi bali layout»,
til *i H ome—Mr*. F rnnk X llw ell
tre« « and »bruii», tawn tu ik in g and I* II *t h er borne '»n Gil» uiitl F «treet*
k t'e p lttg ; p e re u n la la — sto ck and seede. ' Ihl* we«k,
V llourgei« a t !
in Sprlngfli-lit Saturday.
and , H*r» from W aitsrvlli* Mr. and
Mr" 11 Dldsfleld wer» hern from
Mr» Vernon Urtuie* tu company
th eir two children,
F ln reu ie
and W alter*Ul» Monday.
Htiarou. ami M l* * 0*11 d r a y , m otored
Har* from Marcóle— Mr»
to Pleasant llltl Munday.
Verger » •« In from M artola Friday
M o to red to P leas an t H i l l — M r
In from Jasp er— W illard W allace i
m » here front his hom e In Ja s p e r !
W est Linn has organlxed a eom-
Her* from Dexter— Mrs,
G eorge
muoltv club.
P ushnall of D exter w as in town Mon­
W n D in n e r C u e » t— P au l M a x w e ll, lo re c e tte m editai attention.
R eedsport is asking bids for a city day on business.
»«socialcd w ith ih e tjliin .la n l i ’ ll com
On J u r y — Mr* M am in T. Itry a n I«
sew er system .
panv tu F.ogene. was a dinner gueat
Mr*. Head In Town— Mrs. C. !.. j
rv in g on th« Jury in E u g en e Ihl*
The third annual potato show will
al the hom e of Mr and Mr*. C. F
Head was a Springfield visitor from I
, ,♦
be held in W eston. Friday.
Sw art* Tuowday night.
Nimrod Monday.
T o d ate 110$ car* of p ears have left
BtKaldinq the Home at the foeifìc Inhtnufbo.ul Livestock Exposition
D e x te r M a n Here— Rale gh Moon o f'
Motored to Fish H atchery— Mr. and
Medford for the eastern m arkets.
Vole 1.1 X It W S m ith to r C ity
Above a re pictured the new build­ girls' d u b s wilt have a dep artm en t ex­ Mr». John Fltxgir.ild m otored to be Km onte
The fall m eeting of th e Southern D exter was a S rrln g fteld buslnes-
yond the Mt Kooste Flab hsh-bery ,
ing*, August $$r*t. Just on« month clusively tor th eir exhibit*.
Oregon P resbytery w as held a t Ja c k ­
Ill a t Fall Creek—Mrs
More i th a t th e P acific In tern atio n al Live,
R egistration of voters In Marion house Is ill at h er home In Fall Creek stock Exposition a t P ortland had been th e I nitcd S tgtes will show what | R eturned from
H unting—Welby
breeding and »cteniiftr c are can do
county for th e N ovem ber election to- tbis w eek,
destroyed, it was like a blow in the with the race of dairy c o w » , World Steveu* and Mark Jit I’eery returned
taled 13,79$.
luce, llut th e indotuiiahl* sp irits who , record anim al* of various breeds a r e ! last night frum a hunting trip above
H ere from C ottage Grove— Mrs. t
formed It first, who labored (or Its prom ised and the dairy departm ent O a k rid g e .
The annual convention of th e Ore­
gon S tate V n d ertakera' association S ears of C ottage Grove w as in town estab lish m en t and continuance were will be a union of beauty ami utility
not daunted.
I not to I«- surpassed anyw here in the
S aturday for m edical treatm en t.
Vlsited at M arshfield—Mr« Mark
w as held in P ortland.
W ithin a few days, work had been world. T he breeder* of cattle vlo M i s . r v bn» relu m ed from M arsh­
D eposits In th e three banks of The
Mrs. Molenda Her»— Mrs. F F Mol- begun on a new home, "bigger ami with each o th er for num bers and ex­
Dalles now to tal $3.53».»07.2$, a gain en d s was in Springfield from Cush- b etter th an ever." and now It is afear cetlence, and th ere Is alw ays a »ports­ field w here she «pent 30 day* «Isltlng
of $500,000 since June 30.
’ man S atu rd ay for m edical treatm en t. ing com pletion. The co n tracto rs have ¡m anlike struggle In the »how ring be- i her children. I>r 11 M Peery and
prom ised to have it done and re a d y 'tw e e n breeder* tor the coveted blue ¡ Mr*. Ette» «e Cox
During th e past m onth »000 head of
|„ a t Home— Mrs. Howard B. Free
occupancy by O ctober 25th. and ribbon*
sheep and 1200 head of cattle w ere ,8nd h as be,,u confined to her hom e
Moving to New R esidence—Mr and
th e g reat Exposition will open its
Collected w hhln the wall* of the
•hipped from th e yards of P ra irie City. ,h „ week w„ h th e g rippe
doors to the public on the m orning ot im mense Exposition building are not Mr*. W illiam N Long e x p ec t within ;
T here were 95 fires th is season In
N ovem ber 1st with a larg er aud m ore only th e finest dairy cattle to be a few day* to move to th eir new real- '
th e Santiam national forest. The pre-
ln ,ronl O extsr— Mr» J A lllg g tn i beautiful show than ever In Its hi* (ountl anyw here Ri the world, but lienee Juat com pleted on 5th stre e t be
vious high record was 63 for a single
D exter w as a Springfield visitor lory.
hundred» of other anim al*, repre- tw een E and F »trceia.
t powerful novel o , a
The new stru c tu re Is modeled in arn tln g the tim e, labor and thought
on Friday.
1 Kt»neral aft«*r the eld one, for (ho ar- and work of CcnturhM to frin g (h« m
County A ssessor
__ Lee Giddings an-
W ent to Ti llamook »Mr. *Ad M rs.- rangvm ent and plan of the form er > to as n ear porfocttoQ as th e JtigvnuUy T Wllwm wont to I««*banott Tu«**d»y
nounces an increase in the assessed H enry K orf m otored to Tillam ook j one w as hard to beat. T he stadium of man can com pass. Nor I* th is all aft. rn oon. re lu m in g late tu the eve.
valuation of Llan county thia y ear of su n d av on a business trip.
has been enlarged how ever, and forty The products of the soil In th e ir glory ntng. T hey attended n m eeting of
fee, have been added Io Its length, of color and fragrance, the accomplish- the P ythian S laters lodge
B o rw n s v ille — M rs
and th e seatin g capacity baa been ment* of the boy* and girl» In useful
C om petitive civil service exam Ina-j H ere
¡endeavor and o th er thing« w orthy of
tion* will be held November 16 to George W ells of B row nsville was in Increased to 7000.
W e re D in n e r G u est*
M r and M r*.
The horse departm ent has been en­ Study and enjoym ent will be found , hrta , , an<ra
, h(lllr„ n <>t Thlw„
select postm asters for Philom ath and ‘ Springfield Friday for m edical tre a t-j
larged and im proved, as has Ihe poul­ at the Pacific International Livestock , ,
Two reel comedy—
try d ep artm en t, while the boys' and Expositl in, N ovem ber 1 to S Inclusive ton w ere dinner gue«t« last evening
V oters' reg istratio n records of pre-
w # ra Dinner Guests— Mr and Mrs (
a t the home of Dr. and .Mra W 1«.
This Way Out
vious years In Clackam as county were John T oraseth enter,*Ined Mr and
sm ashed th is year. T he to tal registra- >TrR p » ,er T oinseth on Sunday at
T he form al schedule for th e land-
Aulmal husbandry q u estio n s—aheap
L eav in g for S alem — Proft-sunr and
tion is 17,»$9.
* I scape garden dealing with fall plant
uni ho g s; How research help* Or*; M rs V crn It (lain a ro lea v in g F rl !
The Engene F ruit G rowers' asso-
, ,
_ .
, ,
, .
. . . . . .
n< a!1<* pruning and ordering and gun; H orticulture — tim ely topics, day night for Swlem to attend the j
ciation has shipped 31» tens, 15 car-
V siting Mother— Mr». C. G. N eet (
I prunins. fertiliser», rarietlea, thin- hom ecom ing of th e stu d e n t* o f Wit
loads, of canned strin g beans during arriv ed S atu rd ay from W endltng. and handling nu rsery sto ck , by Prof A
- ning, cover crop« and »<>11 niainteu | la m e tta u n iv e rs ity
th e past season.
is spending th is week visitin g h e r ; P Beck, la one su b ject for O ctober
atici Farm croc.« -potato grading and
_ .
j 21. L ate fall and w in 'e r veg table*.
N e w S afe a t P e s , Office—A new
Rev. J. Bogstad w as elected presi- m other on C street.
storage, perm anent paatnre*. w heat i ,
Ì including sto rag e, by Prof. A. O. Bou
,, . . .
I »«f». Ore and burglar proof, arrived Monty Banks Comedy—
dent of th e Oregon conference of th e ,
production, and alfalfa; poultry —
last nlxbt for use In the Springfield
L utheran church at th e circuit con-
Im proving A fter A ccident— F ran k | quet, is th e other. S ubjects for every
"Please Arrest Me”
i tow nlot poultry keeping, farm poultry.
, post ottica.
ference held in Bend.
j Lom bard, who broke hia collar bone j T uesday evening will be sen t to «11
{specialised poultry and profitable egg J
A sum m ary of the Clatsop county several d ay s ago, is Im proving nice- weekly new spapers In tim e to r pub-
production; Farm engineering -land
Here from R oseburg— Mr and Mr*
192» assessm ent roll shows valuations >r.
f •$ $ lien,Ion th e week before Among som e clearing with explosive*, operating the , Robert i'h lb x u i of R oseburg spent
of those alread y scheduled are the
of $35.957,537. T his is a drop of $795.-
I furnace; M arkets and m arketing— ¡th e day h ere from
W altervllle aa
00« from the 1933 roll.
H ere ,rom Fal* C reek—Mrs. H arry follow ing:
Interpreting m arket reports for tire-1 guests of Mr and Mr*. Ueorge Mar-
j T hienes was in from Fall Creek Thurs-
Pioneers and sons and d aughters of
• ter* on Sunday. The tw o fam ilies pi
pioneers of southern Oregon held th eir ! i J day w ith h er baby, whom sh e brought
"The Moral Sinner"
I for a m inor operation.
»Sth annual reunion in Jacksonville
w ith more th an 300 present.
j Su„ er|n g from A ttack of G r,pp<_
Harold Bell Wridht’i
’tfhenaM aríí
“T h e C ode o f
th e S e a ”
Mrs. Nancy House Brown, who Mrs. B. F. F uller Is confined to her
crossed the plains to Oregon in 1S50.1
a t h e r hom e betw een E and F
settlin g with her fam ily a t Sublim ity, streets on »th with an a ttack of th e
died a t Falls City, aged SO years.
: grippe.
The Sum m er Lake Irrigation dis- i
trict has ju s, sold another bond issue : Drove to P ortland— Loyal E. S cott
of $100.000 to a San Francisco bond J motored to Portland w here he spent
house at 90 cents on th e dollar.
the week-end on a p leasure trip.
Rodney Baird, 13. son of Mr. a n d ,
— ------------------------
Mrs. Baird of Halfway, died from co n -'
R eco verin g S lo w ly .
mission of th e brain a fter being stru ck ;
on the head by a batted baseball.
i W ayne H awke, who was seriously
A new concrete log dump, to cost i injured over a week ago when his
several hundred dollars, will be con- m otorcycle colloded with a broken-
structed at the sawmill in Springfield . down wagon in the d ark n ear H arris-
of the Bootb-KeUy Lum ber company, burg, is reported slig h tly Improved
The w ater bond election to r a i s e , this m orning, according to officials
$25,000 for installation of a w ater in th e Mercy hospital in E ugene w here j
system in G aribaldi carried w ith but the young m an is being cared for. It !
one dissenting vote out of a to tal ot is not known as y et w h eth er he will
••e able to w alk o nhls injured leg
rain or r.ot. No operation has thus
Dr. Ralph S. Dippel. D entiat, Vitus
been perform ed.
building, Springfield, Oregon.
"T he Santa Fe T ra il”
“The Light of the
World Seeking the
Lost of the World”
7:30 Sunday Night
Every Tim e
Jones Moves
Old folk songs at song
M ra. Jcnea mop» up
the ( xm<oleum Kug«;
M r. Jones rolls them
up nnd off they all gu
to the new house.
N o tacks to rip up;
C ontfolcum n e ve r
needs any fastening.
Methodist Clurch
F. L. M oore,
W indsor
Keep that School boy
complection by eating
Y o u 'll h ive these
b e a u tifu l, practical,
in e x p e n s iv e r lifts
when you see (hem
" T ’i l n Win,I-
(Thai, sh o w n
1 «ho«w u b u t one n ! tb g
m »ny
D e r w o o d - W a ltrJKJd
p a tte rn * on d is p la y •< o u r
•w rr.
These W indsor C h a ir* sic
recommended to you by uss-id
g u a ra n te e d b y H e y w o o d -
W sltcfie ld 'i 9fl yean o f va lu ­
able experience.
Come Li «nJ inspect these
beaariful . h a in .Their quaint,
Coloni»J beauty w ill apjicsl
to you.
Mity Nice Dread builds boys with brain and brawn. Buy
it because it is best.
We have those rugs in all
/ *9
Springfield Bakery
Fred Frese, Prop-
Mission B
Cast Heaters
Buy your Candy here for
every occasion
are made In Oregon for
You are always sure of get­
Oregon homes.
ting the very best and
neighbor— he very likely
has one
freshest candies of all sorts
here. Buy your candy here
for Hallowe’en and you
will be more than satisfied
Price $27.90 and $31.00
Wright & Son
Home ofthe best