PAGE EIGHT t iii 'R shay . oct . ib , hum . TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS OREGON NEWS ÍTEMS 'Town and Vicinity OF SPECIAL INTEREST Bigger an.I Better Than Ever III a t H om i—Mr*. Charte« H astings til a t h er home In T h u rstcu Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Cur Readers. In from Noti » u H*r* from M areóla— K. M tioward gou a p p lic a tio n ; B o y *' a liti a ir i* ' c lu b work; o lh t r pliase-. o f la ti lecape g a rd ­ » n i I ii lown froui Marcóla Muitday e n in g - S itta ll c ity l o l — I* lam lM i-apliig i tur medical treaimeut. pukslhlwY tu ra i ami «ululi bali layout», til *i H ome—Mr*. F rnnk X llw ell tre« « and »bruii», tawn tu ik in g and I* II *t h er borne '»n Gil» uiitl F «treet* k t'e p lttg ; p e re u n la la — sto ck and seede. ' Ihl* we«k, Noti—J V llourgei« a t ! in Sprlngfli-lit Saturday. and , H*r» from W aitsrvlli* Mr. and »uh Mr" 11 Dldsfleld wer» hern from Mr» Vernon Urtuie* tu company th eir two children, F ln reu ie and W alter*Ul» Monday. Htiarou. ami M l* * 0*11 d r a y , m otored Har* from Marcóle— Mr» Il li to Pleasant llltl Munday. Verger » •« In from M artola Friday M o to red to P leas an t H i l l — M r In from Jasp er— W illard W allace i m » here front his hom e In Ja s p e r ! Saturday. W est Linn has organlxed a eom- Her* from Dexter— Mrs, G eorge muoltv club. P ushnall of D exter w as in town Mon­ W n D in n e r C u e » t— P au l M a x w e ll, lo re c e tte m editai attention. R eedsport is asking bids for a city day on business. »«socialcd w ith ih e tjliin .la n l i ’ ll com On J u r y — Mr* M am in T. Itry a n I« sew er system . panv tu F.ogene. was a dinner gueat Mr*. Head In Town— Mrs. C. !.. j se rv in g on th« Jury in E u g en e Ihl* The third annual potato show will al the hom e of Mr and Mr*. C. F Head was a Springfield visitor from I week. , ,♦ be held in W eston. Friday. Sw art* Tuowday night. Nimrod Monday. T o d ate 110$ car* of p ears have left BtKaldinq the Home at the foeifìc Inhtnufbo.ul Livestock Exposition D e x te r M a n Here— Rale gh Moon o f' Motored to Fish H atchery— Mr. and Medford for the eastern m arkets. Vole 1.1 X It W S m ith to r C ity Above a re pictured the new build­ girls' d u b s wilt have a dep artm en t ex­ Mr». John Fltxgir.ild m otored to be Km onte The fall m eeting of th e Southern D exter was a S rrln g fteld buslnes- If visitor Friday. yond the Mt Kooste Flab hsh-bery , ing*, August $$r*t. Just on« month clusively tor th eir exhibit*. Oregon P resbytery w as held a t Ja c k ­ a lte r the ftre. When people heard Tuende V . Magnificent anim als from all over sonville. Ill a t Fall Creek—Mrs II More i th a t th e P acific In tern atio n al Live, R egistration of voters In Marion house Is ill at h er home In Fall Creek stock Exposition a t P ortland had been th e I nitcd S tgtes will show what | R eturned from H unting—Welby breeding and »cteniiftr c are can do county for th e N ovem ber election to- tbis w eek, destroyed, it was like a blow in the with the race of dairy c o w » , World Steveu* and Mark Jit I’eery returned taled 13,79$. luce, llut th e indotuiiahl* sp irits who , record anim al* of various breeds a r e ! last night frum a hunting trip above H ere from C ottage Grove— Mrs. t formed It first, who labored (or Its prom ised and the dairy departm ent O a k rid g e . „ The annual convention of th e Ore­ gon S tate V n d ertakera' association S ears of C ottage Grove w as in town estab lish m en t and continuance were will be a union of beauty ami utility not daunted. I not to I«- surpassed anyw here in the S aturday for m edical treatm en t. Vlsited at M arshfield—Mr« Mark w as held in P ortland. W ithin a few days, work had been world. T he breeder* of cattle vlo M i s . r v bn» relu m ed from M arsh­ D eposits In th e three banks of The Mrs. Molenda Her»— Mrs. F F Mol- begun on a new home, "bigger ami with each o th er for num bers and ex­ Dalles now to tal $3.53».»07.2$, a gain en d s was in Springfield from Cush- b etter th an ever." and now It is afear cetlence, and th ere Is alw ays a »ports­ field w here she «pent 30 day* «Isltlng of $500,000 since June 30. ’ man S atu rd ay for m edical treatm en t. ing com pletion. The co n tracto rs have ¡m anlike struggle In the »how ring be- i her children. I>r 11 M Peery and prom ised to have it done and re a d y 'tw e e n breeder* tor the coveted blue ¡ Mr*. Ette» «e Cox During th e past m onth »000 head of |„ a t Home— Mrs. Howard B. Free FRIDAY-SATURDAY for occupancy by O ctober 25th. and ribbon* sheep and 1200 head of cattle w ere ,8nd h as be,,u confined to her hom e Moving to New R esidence—Mr and th e g reat Exposition will open its Collected w hhln the wall* of the •hipped from th e yards of P ra irie City. ,h „ week w„ h th e g rippe doors to the public on the m orning ot im mense Exposition building are not Mr*. W illiam N Long e x p ec t within ; T here were 95 fires th is season In N ovem ber 1st with a larg er aud m ore only th e finest dairy cattle to be a few day* to move to th eir new real- ' th e Santiam national forest. The pre- ln ,ronl O extsr— Mr» J A lllg g tn i beautiful show than ever In Its hi* (ountl anyw here Ri the world, but lienee Juat com pleted on 5th stre e t be vious high record was 63 for a single D exter w as a Springfield visitor lory. hundred» of other anim al*, repre- tw een E and F »trceia. t powerful novel o , a The new stru c tu re Is modeled in arn tln g the tim e, labor and thought season. on Friday. W ent to Lebanon— Mr and Mra A. 1 Kt»neral aft«*r the eld one, for (ho ar- and work of CcnturhM to frin g (h« m County A ssessor __ Lee Giddings an- W ent to Ti llamook »Mr. *Ad M rs.- rangvm ent and plan of the form er > to as n ear porfocttoQ as th e JtigvnuUy T Wllwm wont to I««*banott Tu«**d»y nounces an increase in the assessed H enry K orf m otored to Tillam ook j one w as hard to beat. T he stadium of man can com pass. Nor I* th is all aft. rn oon. re lu m in g late tu the eve. valuation of Llan county thia y ear of su n d av on a business trip. has been enlarged how ever, and forty The products of the soil In th e ir glory ntng. T hey attended n m eeting of $706.650. fee, have been added Io Its length, of color and fragrance, the accomplish- the P ythian S laters lodge B o rw n s v ille — M rs and th e seatin g capacity baa been ment* of the boy* and girl» In useful C om petitive civil service exam Ina-j H ere from ¡endeavor and o th er thing« w orthy of tion* will be held November 16 to George W ells of B row nsville was in Increased to 7000. W e re D in n e r G u est* M r and M r*. The horse departm ent has been en­ Study and enjoym ent will be found , hrta , , ant Thlw„ select postm asters for Philom ath and ‘ Springfield Friday for m edical tre a t-j larged and im proved, as has Ihe poul­ at the Pacific International Livestock , , Two reel comedy— ,, , Rainier. ment. try d ep artm en t, while the boys' and Expositl in, N ovem ber 1 to S Inclusive ton w ere dinner gue«t« last evening V oters' reg istratio n records of pre- w # ra Dinner Guests— Mr and Mrs ( a t the home of Dr. and .Mra W 1«. This Way Out Pollard vious years In Clackam as county were John T oraseth enter,*Ined Mr and sm ashed th is year. T he to tal registra- >TrR p » ,er T oinseth on Sunday at T he form al schedule for th e land- Aulmal husbandry q u estio n s—aheap L eav in g for S alem — Proft-sunr and tion is 17,»$9. SUNDAY - MONDAY * I scape garden dealing with fall plant dinner. uni ho g s; How research help* Or*; M rs V crn It (lain a ro lea v in g F rl ! The Engene F ruit G rowers' asso- I , , _ . . , , , . . . . . . . . .. n< a!1<* pruning and ordering and gun; H orticulture — tim ely topics, day night for Swlem to attend the j ciation has shipped 31» tens, 15 car- V siting Mother— Mr». C. G. N eet ( I prunins. fertiliser», rarietlea, thin- hom ecom ing of th e stu d e n t* o f Wit loads, of canned strin g beans during arriv ed S atu rd ay from W endltng. and handling nu rsery sto ck , by Prof A - ning, cover crop« and »<>11 niainteu | la m e tta u n iv e rs ity th e past season. is spending th is week visitin g h e r ; P Beck, la one su b ject for O ctober atici Farm croc.« -potato grading and .. _ . .. j 21. L ate fall and w in 'e r veg table*. . , N e w S afe a t P e s , Office—A new Rev. J. Bogstad w as elected presi- m other on C street. storage, perm anent paatnre*. w heat i , Ì including sto rag e, by Prof. A. O. Bou ,, . . . . I »«f». Ore and burglar proof, arrived Monty Banks Comedy— dent of th e Oregon conference of th e , production, and alfalfa; poultry — last nlxbt for use In the Springfield L utheran church at th e circuit con- Im proving A fter A ccident— F ran k | quet, is th e other. S ubjects for every "Please Arrest Me” i tow nlot poultry keeping, farm poultry. , post ottica. ference held in Bend. j Lom bard, who broke hia collar bone j T uesday evening will be sen t to «11 {specialised poultry and profitable egg J 1 A sum m ary of the Clatsop county several d ay s ago, is Im proving nice- weekly new spapers In tim e to r pub- production; Farm engineering -land Here from R oseburg— Mr and Mr* 192» assessm ent roll shows valuations >r. f •$ $ lien,Ion th e week before Among som e clearing with explosive*, operating the , Robert i'h lb x u i of R oseburg spent WEDNESDAY-THURDAY of those alread y scheduled are the of $35.957,537. T his is a drop of $795.- . „ I furnace; M arkets and m arketing— ¡th e day h ere from W altervllle aa DOROTHY DALTON 00« from the 1933 roll. H ere ,rom Fal* C reek—Mrs. H arry follow ing: Interpreting m arket reports for tire-1 guests of Mr and Mr*. Ueorge Mar- j T hienes was in from Fall Creek Thurs- in Pioneers and sons and d aughters of • ter* on Sunday. The tw o fam ilies pi pioneers of southern Oregon held th eir ! i J day w ith h er baby, whom sh e brought "The Moral Sinner" I for a m inor operation. »Sth annual reunion in Jacksonville and w ith more th an 300 present. j Su„ er|n g from A ttack of G r,pp<_ Bell Theatre Harold Bell Wridht’i ’tfhenaM aríí “T h e C ode o f th e S e a ” Mrs. Nancy House Brown, who Mrs. B. F. F uller Is confined to her crossed the plains to Oregon in 1S50.1 a t h e r hom e betw een E and F settlin g with her fam ily a t Sublim ity, streets on »th with an a ttack of th e died a t Falls City, aged SO years. : grippe. The Sum m er Lake Irrigation dis- i trict has ju s, sold another bond issue : Drove to P ortland— Loyal E. S cott of $100.000 to a San Francisco bond J motored to Portland w here he spent house at 90 cents on th e dollar. the week-end on a p leasure trip. Rodney Baird, 13. son of Mr. a n d , — ------------------------ Mrs. Baird of Halfway, died from co n -' R eco verin g S lo w ly . mission of th e brain a fter being stru ck ; on the head by a batted baseball. i W ayne H awke, who was seriously A new concrete log dump, to cost i injured over a week ago when his several hundred dollars, will be con- m otorcycle colloded with a broken- structed at the sawmill in Springfield . down wagon in the d ark n ear H arris- of the Bootb-KeUy Lum ber company, burg, is reported slig h tly Improved The w ater bond election to r a i s e , this m orning, according to officials $25,000 for installation of a w ater in th e Mercy hospital in E ugene w here j system in G aribaldi carried w ith but the young m an is being cared for. It ! one dissenting vote out of a to tal ot is not known as y et w h eth er he will 92. ••e able to w alk o nhls injured leg rain or r.ot. No operation has thus Dr. Ralph S. Dippel. D entiat, Vitus far been perform ed. building, Springfield, Oregon. "T he Santa Fe T ra il” “The Light of the World Seeking the Lost of the World” 7:30 Sunday Night Every Tim e Jones Moves Old folk songs at song service. M ra. Jcnea mop» up the ( xm