The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 11, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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T H t'K H U A Y .
but not until after It had spivad over
|about 20 acr*« of ground and Into the
In honor of M I m Mary Huston who small |lm b ir l>n
left for her home In low» Saturday) Mw. Irvin« Crowe, of Trent, has a e
September Sth about tw enty five la.I <-«[ te«I a p.wition at the Eugene hoe-
lea gathered at the home of Mrs. E. pltal.
Y. Swift Thursday afternoon Saptnu-
Miss Anna Latttn who has working
her tth Mias Huston Is an aunt of at the Ihtctflc Christian hospital in
E. Y. Swift and during her visit of Eugene has been forced to give up
several months in Pleasant Hill has the work on account o f her health.
made many friends as she took an In-
The Goahen achool open.« Septem­
terest In church and community af-
ber 12 with Mrs. Hewitt of Eugene
and Miss Dorothy Ditto of Spring-
Mrs Cox of Wendllng and Miss May
field as teachers.
Blood of Dexter have been engaged
Mr, J. O. Ptiwell better known as
to teach the public school at Trent.
The addition of a new room on the ~ Vncl« Jl* ’’ow eir die,! at the home
Trent public school building is pro-"* hU *on'
«'»well, at London
greaalng rapidly and will be finished ?
e'renin<' S*P‘ s »«* *»» <h*
In Urns for the opening of school Ifstiu r ** Mr* S Overholser of Pleas-
Miss Blood hi a graduate of the Spring an‘ HiU *nd ba*
R»r • n«m
field high school having taken the her of years in the little cottage on
the Overholser ranch. He was buried
teachers' irainlng course.
at London. Wednesday afternoon, Sep­
Mr and Mrs John Hill and family
tember 10.
have returned from an extended auto
trip through Washington. Idaho, Mon­
tana and Yellowstone park. The, M IX A CHARM ER IN
plan to leave Monday for an outing
on the coast.
Tom Mix is the big feature for
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jakeways after
spending the week end and Labor I three days at the ^Rex in Eugene, In
Day at Pleasant Hill returned to their ¡a “'** western production. "The Heart
home In Wendllng the fore part of Buster." This picture to the fiftieth
laat week.
which has featured Tom. and although |
Mrs Frank Storer and baby return the title sounds moahy. you will flnu
ed to their home In Portland Sunadv that the western star does not have I
after spending a couple of weeks at to doff his spurs and chaps and be­
the home of Mr and Mre. I. F. Circle. come a ga,- Lothario to break the
Wilbur Circle was up for the week-end heartt of the girls.
for a visit with his parents and sister.
In fact the hero has to throw cau­
Mr and Mrs. Andy Olson and four tion to the winds and kidnap the Jus­
children motored to Newport Sunday. tice of the Peace and minister In
The Trent local of Farmers' Union order to prevent the girl he loves
will meet Wednesday evening at the from marrying the vllllamn. But the
Pleasant Hill school house.
girls will sigh when Tom gets Into
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Cooper and action and finally lands In Jail to be
daughter. Margaret. Mr and Mrs. E. rescued by his wonderful little horse.
Y. Swirt and daughter. Mildred, and Tony.
Miss Ann Parks of Pleasant Hill, and
Smack! Smack!
Mr. and Mrs. L. E Parks, and daugh
ters. Velma and Frances, of Clover­
Ned: ''Which did you enjoy better—
dale. and Mr and Mrs T. H. Parks Bermuda or Nassau?”
and son. Howard and Homer, of PWx-
Ted: "They tasted eqaully good."
ter. attended the Parks reunion held
at Hendricks park Sunday Aug. 31.
Side Stepping
Several cf the fanners were called
Slacks tone: "Excuse me. old man.
out to fight a gras« fire at Goshen on 'but I'm— er—looking for a little ti­
the farm of William Wills last week, nancial succor."
By using wet sacks and back-firing
Webster (broke, too): “Great Idea!
the fir- was gotten under control Let's look for him together ”
Tem ptations
"J'ever see her?' I asked Curtiss
Wright laconically, when we had
climbed the steep slopes of the sand
dunes and had settled «»urselves snug
"Whom*" he was sitting beside m«.
while I stretched my full length In
the soft sand that sparkle«! with the
hard glitter of diamonds
"Why the lady In the moon, up
"Ptu—n<«t«k don’t bellevw I ever
have," he answered.
"Wanna?" I hurried to get to the
point and I tried to remember all the
preliminaries Just as Ted had first
shown her to me at the Country Club
that evening
; whole
was beginning
even lisien lu your complaint about
my morato."
"1 b«g your parilon, 1 assure you It
»»« not my liiicntlon to meddle What
shall It h e . I Hill at yottr service?"
"Do«- n't mailer Whatever you can
manage. '"
He bowed courteously and departed.
Once again I lay supine, the soft
sand was soothing With my hands
under my head I tost myself In the
glories of the muonllghl, bursty Na­
ture had made Florida a gardenspot
for 'overs, taivera, ah If Curtlcs
Wrlghl had kissed me
A shadow, huge and terrible, felt
across the sand In front of me where
I was dreaming It couldn't lie Mr.
Wrlghl. I Uiought quickly, the Inn
was a half mile off and he had been
gone a few m om ent,
I could stand II no longer I l«mke«t
behind and as I moved my head 1
aw a man mm lng unsteadily In my
| tried to scream and couldn't. In
a twinkling I real I «ml that I was at
hla mercy for the beach had long since
been deserted
As I Jumped to niy feel, he lurched
forward and towered over me
(To be continued )
Florida Even the moonlight was dif­
ferent and the stars up there weist
friendly Big. ycl’ow one« outlined the
dlpp»r. Florida stars
then the
wind In the pallus sighing like a re»’-
h as virgin waiting for life and Its
It was like Curtis Wright and I were
off oh some dv«ert Island, the stretch
of the sand-dunes only cm | lia s I »««I
our aecluslon Long ago the voices
of the swltumors had been lost In the
Well, do you want to see her?" I
quertmt. moved nearer to my com
[«anion and pulling my face rinse In
hla You see the moon- -well there's
"I can not say that I am overly a lady up there and thereto also a
anxious to go searching for some man. I'm the lady and you're the
vagus anil ethereal creature." he re man Their profile« touoh, like (hla.
«ponied. "moreover, my eyes seem and, er. they klea each other"
My fare waa against hit. My eyas
loth to leave the lady In the pr««sent
landscape. Je suis content, my Ro­ closed expectantly and niy lips parted
He caught me by the shoulder« and
many maiden." he laughingly added
None of the boys In our crowd talk his voice was tremulous
Just Like That,
"tkin't, Hallie, (or God s take, child,
ed In words of more than one syllable
When did your watt h
and It fascinated tue to hear his you mustn't play games lilts« that You
French phrases, which he used so don't know what you're doing Look
custom er— When | | hit the floor
naturally that even a person with a at me," he ordered, "where do you
smattering of the language «-ould pick up aunh things?"
Emergency Rationa.
comprehend their meaning I thought
"Ted lll'llugs taught me
my whisk broom. Mary?"
hla conversation waa not unlike the
"Tad Billings, eh, the young devil!"
asked the professor.
French phrases, clothing, as he did he Interrupted
"You ate It for breakfast, air." r®-
the moat platitudinous compliments In, "Oh. don't be so proper." I cajoled,
charm and majesty. His vocabulary i "thl, limo you rieilly will see her.” j p'led the maid. "The other cereal wee
loo. waa compelling
And 1 turned my f a c e u p to his. hut all gone."
I pondered his last prettry tribute he drew away sharply
and turned my head to look at him j "No. thanks, I don't believe | car« !
while he made playhouses and let the for your community kisses!" He stood'
sand run through his fingers He was up, hla eyes looking toward the white-1
undeniably handsome and his body <-apa of the oceea as If he were ul- ■
WtMMn appreciate the quirk action
graceful. with that Indefinable aome-jterly oblivious of my existence.
of simple glycerine, buckthorn bark.
thing about It that suggest agility
t'h, Mr B right I called to him. e tc , as mixed In Adlerlka Moat mart*
and a splendid fitness to meet any
If It ton t against your purt'anlr.i ,-|B, . ,c t only on lower bowel but Ad-
Reserve strength
principled. I d like very much for lerlka acta on MOTH upper and lower
thvre too. and yet, I had an Idea that
you to go and dig me up a little bowel. and removes .1! gas,«. and
In love, he might he as gentle as a snifter
poisons Excellent for obstinate eon-
"A litt e drink. Mr. Hotter than atlpatlon and to guard against appen,
I «axed up at the stars T he”bëû thou person " | waa sitting up. and I <BclU. Helps any c a .e g a . „„ . , „ m.
ty of the tropical night seem ed Io shook my finger at him "And when anh In TEN mlnulea Flaneryto Drug
enter my beln*
wonder t h e 1 you return w.< It lalk It all over. I ll store.
W h y W om en Use
Glycerine M ixture
St. Joseph. Michigan— The above
photos show Florence McKinney
and Emile Zupke, contea««-u slayers
of Zupke's other sweetheart, Cora
May Raber. Zupke, in his confes­
sion, declared that Florae.-« -at at
the wheel o f his car while he
choked the Raber girl to death and
then helped him -u p we of the
armers Exchange
The Store o f Springfield
■M B
Announces Their
We have given careful study and consideration to the needs cf this community
and w ith this in mind we have collected our fall merchandise.
We bought the best East and West manufacturers can produce and now we
proudly offer it to you with our ironclad guarantee.
Our tremendous buvine
power gives you many opportunities to save considerable money.
... Bear *n m*nd that no transaction is complete until you are perfectly satisfied
with your purchase.
3 ““°"cu
Mens’ Dress Shoes, Peters, Endicott, C arter
$5 5 0 Every pair shoes guaranteed.
$3 5Q
Boys 2 pair pants, tweed wool suits. $K Cfl C in AO
Mens' and Boys' wool sweaters. Coat and Slipover style
Bradley make. $ 2 .5 0 $ 7 ,0 0
Men’s W ork Shoes— E ndicott— Buck Hecks— Santa Rosa
Bergm an— C u rrin — C arter— Red S tar. From 6 inches to
16 inches. Prices $ 2 .2 5 , 5 4 ,7 5 on 6 inches.
$ 5 ,5 0 , $ 1 5 0 0 , a to 16
AH-wool mens’ and boys' m ackinaw , Boss on tho Road
___________ Every P air of Shoes is Guaranteed.
Brand $ 5 0 0
C hild shoes, size 5-8. Dress and Heavy, the best makes only
Prices $1 15 $ 2 .2 5
G irls’ and Beys’ shoes, Dre*s and Heavy, Peters— Santa
P.osa— Red St r, Prices $ 2 5 0 $ 4 .0 0
We c a rry fu ll line o f High Tops o f the best makes only
Plain Toe— Moccasin fo r men. ladies, children.
k c ;. P
ts, Rose C ity Brand.
fa n s S uits and Overcoats. Latest style and design. All
wool only. Prices $ 2 0 -0 0 $ 3 5 0 0
If you are not satisfied with your purchase
bring it back and we will refund your
moi :y cheerfully.
A ll-w ool mens' plaid shirt, special
$ 3 ,7 5
$ 1 0 ,0 0
Ball Brand and U. S. Rubbers of all kind.
Arm y wool sox 2 5 c
Heavy K haki Pants
Mens Overall
Boys Overall
« ■
5 Je50
$ 1 .1 0
m a a '1 y ° U n g n ,e n S ' a ,l' w ° o1 s i " g |0 P a n ts $ 3 7 c
£ 6 ,0 0
Ladles' silk and serg dresses, close out
< t q oe
Some of this num ber sold as high as $ 3 5 ,Q 0 * * y 15
C h a in - ! s Cotton Underwear. W rig h t w ool m ixed and all-
wool uncerwear.
Phoenix silk hose
We ca rry Holeproof and Cadet beside.
A rro w shirts and collars, all styles,
N. B. Io v, - ,| r ,
.. ’ ,.rproof
M srshallfield guaranteed fast color. Bost Zeohir«
Special per yard
est z:ePh lr® gingham
B ig Y ank— Uncle Sam w ork sh irt,
Jap crepe in all shades
C hildren Coverall
Wo ju s t received o. hi? vanetv nf
school dross M a te rirrts /g irls ’ sweaters the'?-.', S\ rges’ Birls ’
Hickor’ Sbir'’
S t .00
at» p r lr .
W * c a rry , , u ll
pare our price«.
3 1 .0 0
30 c
other«. Com-
‘Remember - We A lw ayt
Sell It For L ess”