T PAGE RTX T H E SPR IN O FIR LD NEWS T H t'K H U A Y . UPPER W IL L A M E T T E but not until after It had spivad over |about 20 acr*« of ground and Into the In honor of M I m Mary Huston who small |lm b ir l>n attteM«. left for her home In low» Saturday) Mw. Irvin« Crowe, of Trent, has a e September Sth about tw enty five la.I <-«[ te«I a p.wition at the Eugene hoe- lea gathered at the home of Mrs. E. pltal. Y. Swift Thursday afternoon Saptnu- Miss Anna Latttn who has working her tth Mias Huston Is an aunt of at the Ihtctflc Christian hospital in E. Y. Swift and during her visit of Eugene has been forced to give up several months in Pleasant Hill has the work on account o f her health. made many friends as she took an In- The Goahen achool open.« Septem­ terest In church and community af- ber 12 with Mrs. Hewitt of Eugene fairs. and Miss Dorothy Ditto of Spring- Mrs Cox of Wendllng and Miss May field as teachers. Blood of Dexter have been engaged Mr, J. O. Ptiwell better known as to teach the public school at Trent. The addition of a new room on the ~ Vncl« Jl* ’’ow eir die,! at the home Trent public school building is pro-"* hU *on' «'»well, at London greaalng rapidly and will be finished ? e'renin<' S*P‘ s »«* *»»