The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 20, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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    THURSDAY. MARCH 20, 1954.
n r » r » i a t r « r i r i r'x
S P R I N G * lE a L O
w i r w w r o »'»*• railroad» and opwrut* them (tor th *lr own pAiflt
I N L W b Number» of a u p lo y a e and wage* have Increased out of
Published E v e rt Thuraday at
an Propar proportion
8 rvlee to poor, rataa threw time«
¡M high a* th ey w ar»
vaara bra . defletta w hcra
¡th ere had been profits.—T he M an u factu rar
Springfield. Imp« County. Oregon. by
H , E M A XET, Editor
S h M U F I M -P Ma. agar
Entered a* secon-l clxss w i .er• F e b ru a .« -»• 1903 at t h t l
poatoffUa. >l r.i.g a
O na Y ear in Advance.-. It.SS
T h rea Month« ....
Single Copy
Blx M onths
Editorial Program
M ake Springfield the inOuatr el Center ef Wee-
tern Oregon.
tho Growing of F ru it; W ork for B etter M arket» •
IV. Tell the World Abcut Oregon's S tenic W ontter- •
Develop a Strong T radin g Po int; Build a City
" of Contented Home«.
III. Im prove Living Cond tions on the Farm . Pro*
mote the Ra a ng of Purebred Livestock and
(actor* th a t asau rea to thia s la t« a
tr aaendooa
THVPtKlAY. MARCH 2d. 1924.
o{ ,j,e
Sprinsfleld is enjoying a substantial residency
building growth. Not a boom as is occurring in
some towns but a grow th which is satisfying a
genuine demand. A dozen o r more new houses
have just been completed or are under construe-
ticn. It is noticeable too th at the b e tte r class
of houses with concrete foundations are being
constructed and no cheap buildings are being
put up. Springfield is entering on an era o f
prosperity and even with the high cost of build-
ing there is no doubt but money invested this
way will yield an adequate return.
A lad may hear a thousand miles over bis
radio instrum ent but that does not prove he can
h ear bis m other when she calls him to get up in
the mrouing.
future developm ent Is o ur m ngnlftcent high
way systia*. Ju«!ge r u b y outline» briefly the H O W c t*
stru ctio n contem plated for 192« th e to tal coat of the
aystem to data, th e relatio n betw een highw ay bond «1
indfbtediieaa to th e e n tire bonded Indehtedne«» of the
state, and. m ost Import» stt of all, call* a tte n tio n to th
m ethod of ra ? 'n < for o u r high»««* it la a -ta te m a n t of
f ’ot In w hich every O regonian should tak a pride.
C rayon'» hlahw ay sy stem to unique on tw o count«
F tra t, it will ba, whan com pleted, th e flnest s ta te hlyl’
w a r sy stem yet developed it I* to d sv tn the front rank
with o v er a thousand mlla* of paved road* and excellent
feed er road* th at serv e every »action of th e sta te .
Itut th e »jretem of paving th e ceet of tha«e h lrh w ay a—
*onie 538.000 C0O in bonds now o u tstan d in g — Is the finest
fe a tu re of th* e n tire program
As Judge Duby points
,,ut —- i t |g probably d'«vere e t th an a r y o th e r s ta te In
th e Union, and. 1 think, m ore «ouHnble than th a t of
any o th e r sta te ’ W ith th e exceotlon of an old q u a rte r
mill tax . th e e n tire cost of th e hlghw av system la being
ra id from the autom obile license tax and th e tax on
<»• «•« wh" « •« '»>•« mad* r.vx or |
•’»*"> This fact should be rem em ber«.! in connection .1
«»r ei»cus«io« of M ate todeh e d n a .s
*’ i n t a m . i ^ . r e c i . i i y tor political p u r r « . . . -figur«-*
« * nwo«** p u rp o rtin g to ahow O regon a stag g erin g in
»• com pared w ith o th e r s ta te ,, w ith , ,h e
inference th a t t h i . in c re a se . d irect u x a t.o n N othing
could be fa rth e r from th e tru th H ighw ay b o n d , cn n .tl
idebtrdnew * : ¡
«■’* ’"'»<*•« «»«-’hird* of th e . t a t . » bonded ¿mi
»”<• ’he irttre m e n t of th a . bond* do*« n .,, . out
- a penny
In d irect s ta te ta x e s —O regon B usiness.
That’s Featherflake
Friend houBewlfe better Hour means better bakings
You are Just as near to baking success us your tele­
phone. Just cull y o u r grot er and order a sack of
•"« « T "
' i
c o
F or your conveniente |>ueked In a ttra ctive I'.', L 'i1, anil
10 pound bags. Look fo r the w hile dove lit the red disc—■
th a t’s the Featherflake trad«' m ark
These q u a lity stores sell Featherflake: A. It. Sneetl’s
Store, Eastm an Clrocery, C o m m u n ity Cash Store, M ew jtort
G rocery. M cM urray's Store, Glenwood Cush Store.
Springfield Mill & Grain Co.
W hen C ongress convened lu De*cmb«.r a terrify in g
«mount of work . -n fro n te d It The !'-•
’. I r - s d
lnthis modern age when th e wolf com es the issue of tax reduction The progr« *»iv«« w ere (or
around the door he often finds the family OUt ing th e railro ad ts««ue P w ald en t H ard in g had left before
h u n ter
Mr», tlodgea of Marcóla wa* oper-
m otoring.
th e S en ate the world c c o rt question Th world rem ained Cody. Rough On Rat*.
E x rep t for hla fearlessn»»« In w ar. la te d on at tbe Sprlugfleld boepltal
• • •
out of Joint aw aiting o u r cooperation. A griculture wa*
Crosses Great Divido ,n h lrh he reaem bled Ihe faninu» I Crida y
Bad com binations are flat pocketbooks and flat enm eshed in a profound depression
, —w
—u -
C aptain Cody for whom he wa» nam
(¡re s
Such w ere th e lab o rs b efo re C ongreea. and now Con j Cody Is d ad T hose who knew the 'ed. t ody was
___ o t a m ost _ pleasant
_____ _ and
T he fa rh o lln ru m Wood preserving
• * *
g rew la laboring w ith aom ethlng wholly differ nt. T here friendly black gentlem an puw y-cat In
J , " . , .....p P" p | 7 ’ " .m7 ig rom p*uy shipped a double carload ot
Hell m ay be paved w ith good intentions b ut cam e an exposure of official Irreg u larity In high place» , he C m || b0(1 c BITy , , „ re wiu m ourn (<> , h„
wer<! g r
by rh e e r . rre u u ite d pole* to P. nnsylvanla S at­
bonds were not issued for all the paving. x
s i
h has bo.-n h eard o r sm elled
loaa of B reBi p p reeaallty. Mt
,i ir. n «enM touch urday, and loaded an o th er for the
• • •
but oil. I pon th e p u rsu it ct g raft In th e governm ent a wa# tak en sick *ui!d«nl). snd d t* l hint w ithout f. *r ,,f living ». r a iiti <1 «ame place and one foy C alifornia on
Success in business is often attained by those moat tb e whole in te re st of C ongress and th e public la B Tuesday. o n W ednesday be w as iH* work will be taken up by an o th er Tue»day. The «ompar.y a lto unloaded
Who attend to their own business.
j co n cen trated .
cat. Mr M urpby aaya. Hut who can a carload of poles from tho T illa­
.This la te a u s e th e su b ject of g raft la not on»y Im
W hen h)i| ow ne„
Mr aB(1 Mrs J u k e Cody'a place?
mook d istrict
Uneasy rests the head th at does not carry a r e r ta n t but la p ecu liarly adap ted to th e u se . of polities 1MUbb „ Murphy. brought him from
The Pprtngfl. Id Mill and d ra in com ­
Cham ber of Commerce m em bership card.
T h e public do a not g et excited about foreign affair*.
|w<> yearg b<o
)mm d ,B|e|y
Mr*. I> J tinaia u nderw ent an op-
| Leas th a n a fifth of ua ar-
h re-
r#(4 ini, |))1(„ ■ ration S aturday at th e Springfield pany r««celved a carload of bulk corn
from tbe middle w estern sta te s on
A hyprocrite is a m an w ith gold fillings in his duoed Incom e tax es. T he railro ad question la not now
j n J Car|>y <t<>ra untll ho*plul
exciting. T h e farm problem well, a g raft hunt at ' ' “*h ' l hlB rep u tatio n w as known
a m o n g ) Mr». W. Spear* and d au g h ter w em Tuesday, and a carload of feed from
false teeth.
Portland Monday.
Ington la a flne way of a ttra c tin g th e farm ers atte n tio n
p n tlre c,Bn of r{Kje nta. and they in from M areola T uesday
aw ay from hl* tro u b l a at home. T h e ecandal* at W a*h-. BUyej| ag
BWay aB p(Mllllb|e (ro m ! j „ h n K lckbtix h was h ere from Wal
It, O. Sm ith loa toil a carload of po­
Ington offer th e beet of political pro v en d er, and *o It Is
Bct|v|, j* BnJ # h a ,r ^ u n d * o f i ti r v ll le T ue’ dny
tatoes for C alifornia Tuesday.
E d ito r ia l
C om m ent
g raft, g raft, g raft and th e fate of oil b e sp attered »U tes -----------
-------- ------- ---------- -------- -
K »n from m orning to night.
T he house ha* moved »lowly with tax reduction. Noth-
P rem ier Mussolini, of Italy, form er S ocialist lead er who
ad vie at a m any policies th at savor of Socialism , savs •eg at all ha* moved, as fa r a* th e n aked <iy • can d etect.
th a t In Justice to Italy all m ajor sta te owned and o p erated |t n th e field* of tran » p o rta tlo n and foreign in terest* I her •
public u tilities m ust be retu rn ed to p riv ate ow nership, ha* been no focusing of atte n tio n upon ag ric u ltu re Just
b ecau se th ese utilities, especially th e s ta te own d and a little first-aid to th e N o rth w est w hen It* ru ra l banks
o p erated ra ilro a d s a re costing th e Italian taxprv*»r* began to go down like row s of ten-pin*.
T he g raft 1* of v ery great Im portance. If affect« the
x rc r e a tc ra tle ru w g ; th a t user* o f public u tility serv ice
a re secu rin g th at service a t th e co st of tax p ay ers who roundaCon* of th e governm ent. B ut it 1« a (Itv th a t with
d o not use It. F arm ers who do not use elec trlctv a re so much else needing to be done, th is one su b ject should
tax ed to support the g reat hydro-electric com panies own«bl jb e m onopolising th e fl Id. It should he possible (or Con
by th e state, while people who do not ride on tra in s or g ress to do m ore th a n one th in g a t a tim e. It should
u se them very heavily (or freig h t m u st pay tax es to be possible for public opinion to give a tte n tio n and su n
m ain ta in roads used by heavy tra v e le rs and sh ip p ers.
, port to m ore th an one public m a tte r a t a tim e.— Lincoln
K ailroad w orkers, M ussolini says, p ractically own th e fN ebr.) Ju rn al.
Grins vs Growels
Brief Resume of Hapoenings cl
the Week Collected for
Cur Readers.
A uthority (or a p -r rap ita payment
o f 1150 tc
•: I liar. - of the K lam ath
agency In Oregon wa« granted by the
aecretary of the Interior. The amount
to be distributed Is approxim ately
About. 1220 Indians will
ah are in the paym ents.
A nnouncem ent by the Standard Oil
com pany th a t It Intends to remove
Its ad vertising signs along the state
highw ays in Oregon Is appreciated by
th e sta te highway comm ission, ac­
cording to a le tte r pr« pared by Roy
K lein, sta te highway engineer.
tion held M arch « by 5651 m ajority.
Discussion of th e lab o r situation
In Oregon and outlining som e plan
w hereby w orkers m ay be distrib u ted
to th e best ad v an .ag e of both em ­
ployer and em ploye, will featu re a
m eeting of th e seasonal em ploym ent
com m ission to be held in P o rtlan d S a t­
An ord er for a special «-lection to be
held in Lane county May 16 at the
tim e of th e p rim aries to vote upon th e
question of levying a special tax of
2 mills to raise Lane cou n ty 's sh are of
the cost of co n stru ctin g th e Pacific
highway bridge over th e W illam ette
river a t H arrisb u rg w as m ade by the
county court.
T here w ere tw o fatalities in Oregon
due to in d u strial accidents durin g the
week ending M arch 13. according to a
report pr«-pared by the s ta te indu drlal
accident com m ission. T h e vl-tlm a
w ere: Louis L arson. Holbr<wjk, fore­
man. and I). 15. W agner, M '/laila, etlger.
A total of 615 accid en ts w ere re p o rt­
ed during th e week.
Ray C. Steel, federal gam e w arden
for Oregon and W ashington, has re ­
leased 200 ducks an«’ geese fr««m cold
storage plants, left by Medford sp o rts
men. co n trary to th«- game and sto rag e
law s of th e country. T he game was
sen t to tb e poor farm and o th er in sti­
tu tions in Jackson «uiunty to be used
for food for th e intnales.
A fter alm ost a year of controversy
over tb e appointm ent of a d irecto r of
h atch eries fo r th e com m erelal fish
comm ission of Oregon, Hugh Mitchell
of th«- federal bur- -.u of fish eries w as
appointed to tb e position. Hlnc« tl «
rem ival c l it. E. Ciai-ton lest y« . r tt
work has been h a n d e d by f ;..l t).
Shoem aker, niagti r isb vnrilen, v
tho a n ls ta n c o of L -i-l:.i.d D. Holt t
as supervisor.
T hree confeaHon
- • oli'alned by
11. H. Pome-r ■. «at- fli. tai «, a r 1
manitee, a7«o of M ilton, and tw ice set
fires In th e la tte r 's office. T he fire»
th a t caused d am age of approxim ately
14500 to th e co n ten ts of Dr. W ood­
m ansee'* office o- currt-d N ovem ber I.
1923. and Ja n u a ry 31, 1921.
No road d istrict, w hether w ithin an
Incorporated city or outside, has th e
a u th o rity to levy a tax for im prove­
m en t of a city stre e t, was th e decision
handed down a t A storia by C ircuit
Ju d g e C am pbell In th e « use of A. (J.
S p ex arth a g ain st C latsop county and
its officers. T ho action was brought
to to st th e ra lld lty of the special levy
of 5100,000 m ade by th e A storia road
d is tric t m eeting last fall to pay a
portion of th e cost of im proving T aylor
and W est Bond stre e t.
L aying of ra ils on the Eugene-
K lam ath F alls line of th e S outhern
P acific has been com pleted a total
d istan ce of 37’, -4 m iles, according to
an nouncem ent
m ade
W illiam
Rproule, prosld«-nt of the S o uthern Pa-
clflc com pany. R ails have been Ic f
a distan«:e of 6 ‘-2 mile» b«tyond O ak­
rid g e on th e n o rth end of th e so-called
N atron cut-off, and for a d istan ce of
31 m iles n orth of K irk, a t th e south,
«nd of th e n«tw Im provem ent. T his
le.-.v«-« 81 m iles to be com pleted.
P relim in ary a rra n g em en ts for dedl-,
cation of th e big highw ay bridge at
W fnchestt r a re being mad • by com- J
mitt»« < rep resen tin g th e R oseburg j
i ocm , r of comn < roe and civic « IubH(
f . and Yoncalla. T his lirk lg e ,1
a , . ‘it 'h< larsp
'.id I- ti
t o i, th<
Paci.ic. hl ibw ay, sp an s tli- N orth lim p j
«¡ua at Winch- iter ami Is :o b- named
th e 1. A. B'.'o.h br.
• i . honor of
the .'ortut r o t.'.iv y comi
m n -'.
I’ » d< I,«.»« ry r.<
; probably w ll)!
e :<d t Ku'.i.n-- uftern«. n, .‘.p ill 27.
As a resu lt ot the serious illness
P. Hoff, s’a te treasu rer, Gov­
e rn o r P ierce announced th a t nothing
could be dene at pr> sen t with relation
to th e of a site for th e pro­
posed new plant for th e state train ­
in g school for boys a t Salem.
T he sta te of O regon will he lim ­
ite d to ten votes at th e national demo­
c ra tic convention to h e held !n New
Y ork next June, reg ard less of how-
m any d eleg ates are sen t to th e u n i t ­
ing. ace-i rding to a legal opinion Hand­
ed down by tl e attorney-general.
In an ad d ress before th e K lam ath
F alla cham ber of com m erce Colon«:!
C. C. Thou.|-son u|
i n«.- n ' th
C ra te r Lal-. e n a'lonnl p ar t, r at
record* of p ark s for last y e .r
C rn te r I.ak- th e o ily self- up
• ag
n a tio n al p a " t in th«- U nited fita'
*!,- and Mm. U< c!i:ntl and littI«
A c h a rte r itmendm n t i
oi w re h- re from M abie durili»-
th e Issuance or J9H7.000 o. l
th e pa . V- «k.
cover 76 p er cent of th o cost
other officers
on Dr. Jam« a f'tia
q u lrln g rir.hi -of-way for wid
W. li. P .- n t'« » j , in from T h u rs­
Kenyon, Milton <1 i»Ist, that he wrote
B ppret'-hes wen Adopted by « e
ton H aturday
threatening letter* <o lu-. A. I). Wo
Pk»' J a i d I t - 1 ^ ’ Fi V Ji £.-' .
of O.
“While the Optimist grins and the
Pessimist growls, the A ctom ist is
An A C T O M IS T is one who fits
getting there” action
to opportunity.
Get it.
Be an actomist, take full advantage of the
opportunities that are here now - - be ready
for bigger business. People are buying from
those in whom they have confidence and the
man who advertises has confidence in his
merchandise or he would not advertise them.
Buy advertised goods. You get more for the
money spent. The merchant who has good
values tells you through his advertisements.
Be an A ctom ist
The Springfield News