THURSDAY. MARCH 20, 1954. T H E n r » r » i a t r « r i r i r'x S P R I N G * lE a L O w i r w w r o »'»*• railroad» and opwrut* them (tor th *lr own pAiflt I N L W b Number» of a u p lo y a e and wage* have Increased out of Published E v e rt Thuraday at an Propar proportion . 8 rvlee to poor, rataa threw time« ¡M high a* th ey w ar» vaara bra . defletta w hcra ¡th ere had been profits.—T he M an u factu rar Springfield. Imp« County. Oregon. by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H , E M A XET, Editor t S h M U F I M -P Ma. agar W HO RAY# rQ R 0U H MIO H W A YB7 Entered a* secon-l clxss w i .er• F e b ru a .« -»• 1903 at t h t l poatoffUa. >l r.i.g a MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE O na Y ear in Advance.-. It.SS T h rea Month« .... Single Copy T5c Blx M onths Editorial Program • __ • L • — M ake Springfield the inOuatr el Center ef Wee- tern Oregon. 50c 5c — s a • • • • » • • tho Growing of F ru it; W ork for B etter M arket» • IV. Tell the World Abcut Oregon's S tenic W ontter- • • land. • ~ Develop a Strong T radin g Po int; Build a City " of Contented Home«. III. Im prove Living Cond tions on the Farm . Pro* mote the Ra a ng of Purebred Livestock and • • • • II. • • • S U B S T A N T IA L B U ILD IN G (actor* th a t asau rea to thia s la t« a tr aaendooa THVPtKlAY. MARCH 2d. 1924. • o{ ,j,e GROW TH Sprinsfleld is enjoying a substantial residency building growth. Not a boom as is occurring in some towns but a grow th which is satisfying a genuine demand. A dozen o r more new houses have just been completed or are under construe- ticn. It is noticeable too th at the b e tte r class of houses with concrete foundations are being constructed and no cheap buildings are being put up. Springfield is entering on an era o f prosperity and even with the high cost of build- ing there is no doubt but money invested this way will yield an adequate return. A lad may hear a thousand miles over bis radio instrum ent but that does not prove he can h ear bis m other when she calls him to get up in the mrouing. future developm ent Is o ur m ngnlftcent high way systia*. Ju«!ge r u b y outline» briefly the H O W c t* stru ctio n contem plated for 192« th e to tal coat of the aystem to data, th e relatio n betw een highw ay bond «1 indfbtediieaa to th e e n tire bonded Indehtedne«» of the state, and. m ost Import» stt of all, call* a tte n tio n to th m ethod of ra ? 'n < for o u r high»««* it la a -ta te m a n t of f ’ot In w hich every O regonian should tak a pride. C rayon'» hlahw ay sy stem to unique on tw o count« F tra t, it will ba, whan com pleted, th e flnest s ta te hlyl’ w a r sy stem yet developed it I* to d sv tn the front rank with o v er a thousand mlla* of paved road* and excellent feed er road* th at serv e every »action of th e sta te . Itut th e »jretem of paving th e ceet of tha«e h lrh w ay a— *onie 538.000 C0O in bonds now o u tstan d in g — Is the finest fe a tu re of th* e n tire program As Judge Duby points ,,ut —- i t |g probably d'«vere e t th an a r y o th e r s ta te In th e Union, and. 1 think, m ore «ouHnble than th a t of any o th e r sta te ’ W ith th e exceotlon of an old q u a rte r mill tax . th e e n tire cost of th e hlghw av system la being ra id from the autom obile license tax and th e tax on . ’» <»• «•« wh" « •« '»>•« mad* r.vx or | •’»*"> This fact should be rem em ber«.! in connection .1 «»r ei»cus«io« of M ate todeh e d n a .s *’ i n t a m . i ^ . r e c i . i i y tor political p u r r « . . . -figur«-* « * nwo«** p u rp o rtin g to ahow O regon a stag g erin g in * »• com pared w ith o th e r s ta te ,, w ith , ,h e inference th a t t h i . in c re a se . d irect u x a t.o n N othing could be fa rth e r from th e tru th H ighw ay b o n d , cn n .tl idebtrdnew * : ¡ «■’* ’"'»<*•« «»«-’hird* of th e . t a t . » bonded ¿mi »”<• ’he irttre m e n t of th a . bond* do*« n .,, . out - a penny In d irect s ta te ta x e s —O regon B usiness. W HAT HAS BECOM E OF P R O M IS E S TO HELP FARMER’ That’s Featherflake Friend houBewlfe better Hour means better bakings You are Just as near to baking success us your tele­ phone. Just cull y o u r grot er and order a sack of FEATHERFLAKE FLOUR SrifcjtwaR-.ltfipní» •"« « T " y. ' i c o »UtMtarvas« F or your conveniente |>ueked In a ttra ctive I'.', L 'i1, anil 10 pound bags. Look fo r the w hile dove lit the red disc—■ th a t’s the Featherflake trad«' m ark These q u a lity stores sell Featherflake: A. It. Sneetl’s Store, Eastm an Clrocery, C o m m u n ity Cash Store, M ew jtort G rocery. M cM urray's Store, Glenwood Cush Store. Springfield Mill & Grain Co. W hen C ongress convened lu De*cmb«.r a terrify in g «mount of work . -n fro n te d It The !'-• ’. I r - s d mPPB lnthis modern age when th e wolf com es the issue of tax reduction The progr« *»iv«« w ere (or -------------------- around the door he often finds the family OUt ing th e railro ad ts««ue P w ald en t H ard in g had left before _ h u n ter Mr», tlodgea of Marcóla wa* oper- m otoring. th e S en ate the world c c o rt question Th world rem ained Cody. Rough On Rat*. E x rep t for hla fearlessn»»« In w ar. la te d on at tbe Sprlugfleld boepltal • • • out of Joint aw aiting o u r cooperation. A griculture wa* Crosses Great Divido ,n h lrh he reaem bled Ihe faninu» I Crida y Bad com binations are flat pocketbooks and flat enm eshed in a profound depression , —w —u - C aptain Cody for whom he wa» nam (¡re s Such w ere th e lab o rs b efo re C ongreea. and now Con j Cody Is d ad T hose who knew the 'ed. t ody was ___ o t a m ost _ pleasant _____ _ and T he fa rh o lln ru m Wood preserving • * * g rew la laboring w ith aom ethlng wholly differ nt. T here friendly black gentlem an puw y-cat In J , " . , .....p P" p | 7 ’ " .m7 ig rom p*uy shipped a double carload ot Hell m ay be paved w ith good intentions b ut cam e an exposure of official Irreg u larity In high place» , he C m || b0(1 c BITy , , „ re wiu m ourn (<> , h„ wer yearg b J tinaia u nderw ent an op- ‘ ‘ | Leas th a n a fifth of ua ar- h re- w#r r#(4 ini, |))1(„ ■ ration S aturday at th e Springfield pany r««celved a carload of bulk corn from tbe middle w estern sta te s on A hyprocrite is a m an w ith gold fillings in his duoed Incom e tax es. T he railro ad question la not now j n J Car|>y ra untll ho*plul exciting. T h e farm problem well, a g raft hunt at ' ' “*h ' l hlB rep u tatio n w as known a m o n g ) Mr». W. Spear* and d au g h ter w em Tuesday, and a carload of feed from false teeth. Portland Monday. Ington la a flne way of a ttra c tin g th e farm ers atte n tio n p n tlre c,Bn of r{Kje nta. and they in from M areola T uesday aw ay from hl* tro u b l a at home. T h e ecandal* at W a*h-. BUyej| ag BWay aB p(Mllllb|e (ro m ! j „ h n K lckbtix h was h ere from Wal It, O. Sm ith loa toil a carload of po­ Ington offer th e beet of political pro v en d er, and *o It Is Bct|v|, j* BnJ # h a ,r ^ u n d * o f i ti r v ll le T ue’ dny tatoes for C alifornia Tuesday. E d ito r ia l C om m ent g raft, g raft, g raft and th e fate of oil b e sp attered »U tes ----------- -------- ------- ---------- -------- - K »n from m orning to night. AN O B JE C T LESSO N TO P R O F IT BY T he house ha* moved »lowly with tax reduction. Noth- P rem ier Mussolini, of Italy, form er S ocialist lead er who ad vie at a m any policies th at savor of Socialism , savs •eg at all ha* moved, as fa r a* th e n aked sen t with relation to th e of a site for th e pro­ posed new plant for th e state train ­ in g school for boys a t Salem. T he sta te of O regon will he lim ­ ite d to ten votes at th e national demo­ c ra tic convention to h e held !n New Y ork next June, reg ard less of how- m any d eleg ates are sen t to th e u n i t ­ ing. ace-i rding to a legal opinion Hand­ ed down by tl e attorney-general. In an ad d ress before th e K lam ath F alla cham ber of com m erce Colon«:! C. C. Thou.|-son u| i n«.- n ' th C ra te r Lal-. e n a'lonnl p ar t, r at •hat record* of p ark s for last y e .r ed C rn te r I.ak- th e o ily self- up • ag n a tio n al p a " t in th«- U nited fita' *!,- and Mm. U< c!i:ntl and littI« mg A c h a rte r itmendm n t i oi w re h- re from M abie durili»- to th e Issuance or J9H7.000 o. l th e pa . V- «k. cover 76 p er cent of th o cost other officers on Dr. Jam« a f'tia q u lrln g rir.hi -of-way for wid W. li. P .- n t'« » j , in from T h u rs­ Kenyon, Milton <1 i»Ist, that he wrote B ppret'-hes wen Adopted by « e ton H aturday threatening letter*