The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 06, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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¡Community News
A. F M iller of T ran t. who has been
v ery 111 w ith h eart trouble, la ra-
ported to be much im proved.
Mr. and Mm. U K. Stafford of
Coast Fork a r» rejoicing over the
a rriv a l of a baby boy. The little
(allow- w eighed seven and one-half
M iss Anna L attin. who h aa been
a ssistin g in th e home of K B. T inker,
r e t u r n ’d to h e r hom e Sunday. M arch
Mrs. W ill H ow ard and son of Oak
rid g e a re visiting a t th e hom e of
M rs H ow ard s p arents. Mr. and Mrs.
8. Overhohser.
T h e F lM san t Hill high school
group known as the B arney Googles
entertain.»«! th e S park Plugs a t a
h ard tim e p arty a t th e high school
F rid a y night. F ebruary 29. A short
program w hich consisted o f a piano
solo by Mary H arden, a reading bv
H asel Powell and a ‘vocal solo by
CStestsr W heeler w as followed by
gam es in the gym nasium . R efresh ­
m en ts consistin g of salad, sandw iches
and punch w ere served Miss E vans
nnd Mr Law rence of Eugen». teac h ­
e rs a t th e high school, atten d ed the
Mrs. Je sse Phelps and h e r elev.’n
pupils en tertain ed p aren ts and friends
a t th e E n terp rise public school build­
ing S atu rd ay »vening. M arch 1st. w ith
a program celeb ratin g th e b irth d ay s
of L incoln. W ashington and L ong­
fellow. A fter the program the older
folks entered into a gam e guessing
th e n am rs of th e tw en ty different
ad v ertisem en ts.
The w inner was
presented with a box of home-made
T he p aren ts of th e pupils
served coffee, sandw iches and cak«
to a ll present.
Mrs. L. H. S tratto n of Eugene w as
v isitin g a t the hom ^ of Mr and
Mrs T. E. H aurigan during th e w eek­
end. re tu rn in g to E ugene dundap-
March 2.
H aving sold his leas» on th e Gil-
sfrap ranch at C loverdale to Mrt
A nderson of W ashington. J. A lbert
h a s moved into th e honse on th e
K elsay ranch a t E n terp rise
school is over.
Floyd Lord. G eorg» Lord and Je s se
P hilps, who are w orking
th e
Cam as L um ber mill above D exter,
w ere a t th e ir hom e in E n te rp rise
over th ? week-end
Mr and Mrs. C. N. dten so n . Mr. and
M rs Raymond Stenson and baby of
C orvallis w ere visito rs at th e home
of M and Mrs Ralph Laird Sunday,
M arch 2. h ir and Mrs. S tenson a re
p aren ts of Mrs. Lain!
T he T ren t local of th e F arm ers'
U nion m et a t T r ’-nt W ednesday night.
F eb ru ary 27. Mrs. C .L. W illiam s
handed in h e r resignation as se c re ­
tary and treasu rer. T he resignation
was not accepted and Mrs W illiam s
was asked to < onllnu» h er duties. A
special rffo rt will be m ade to get
m ore women to attend th e m eetingr
in th e future. T h ’ n ext m eeting will
be held a t P leasan t Hill.
F red L F ish er of P ortland, who has
becei vir-iting with his brother-in
law and sister. Mr. and Mrs T. H
H au rig an . retu rn ed to bis home last
W -dnesday.
T he m em bers of th e C hristian E n­
d eav o r te !d an in terestin g m eeting
S unday evening. March 2. W ayne
O verbois
being leader. During th e
business p art o f th e m eeting it was
decided to give a leap y ear p arty
F riday evening. M ar'h 7 at tli» bom«-
of L u '.ili: and W»- rill Kennetf.
t i -
— —r r — —
By Special
O regon A grieu liu rsl Colleg». C op j K snsaa d airy farm er« could In
vallls. March 8.— 1Spec lalb— T he ad­ creaa t thel? re tu rn s »20.tMW.000 a year
v a n ta g e s of Springfield as a city In
by b e tte r feeding and bi tte r stock,
the doctor, Is reported »» a little
' which to build a home w ere pointed
b etter. She has been quite ill for
according to reported e stim a te s of
| out by Ralph t ’llite, »tudent a t Spring
the past two m onths.
O.’ld high school, in hl» "S ell O re­ J M F randseu. a dairy «peclallst. at
G lenn L eldtke of C resw ell w as a
a recent K ansas agricu ltu ral convnn
Sunday v isito r at the horns of his gon” speech given In connection with
lion T his e»tlm ate is c o n s id e r’d ty p ­
paren ts. Mr and Mrs August Leldtke.
■ o r C ham ber of C om m erce
public ical of conditions throughout the coun
Mr. and Mr». Paul V. D ecker r e ­
turn ed W ednesday a fte r a m onth’s speaking co n test ha« he.’n m ade an try by livestock and dairy .x p e rta of
ann u al featu re o f th e exposition
visit with h e r m other a t C orvallis
the U nited S ta le s D epartm ent of Ag
"Springfield, 1« located n e a r the
Mr. and Mrs. T rav la K err w ire
rlculturw which is prepared to assist
moving to C resw ell Monday.
S late o rg an liaih sn s and Individuals
know, unlversitl-’» have a g reat c u l­
in Improving ih e lr m ethods In b r e ’.i
tu ral Influence o v er a tow n.” »aid
lug nnd feeding T he use of p u re b n il
Cline. “T he city 1« located on the
I riv e r and ha» a large saw m ill which sires, particularly. Is a practical eco
W eaver B ro th ers a re on a trip to
iiouilcat and rapid mean» of improv
j fu rn ish es em ploym ent to n early 880
C alifornia.
Ing the quality of dom estic anim als
Ivan R ickard from W endling visit t u r n .
Kccording to dep artm en t records,
"Springfield is a grow ing railroad
c l relativ es in T h u rsto n S aiu rd ay
more th an 13,700 livestock own ’rs
center. Seven different
night and Sunday.
have placed th e ir herd s and flocks on
Thom as W illiam is spending some from th e city to all part» of th e a strictly purebred »Ire basis, and re I
tim e at Oakland
ports from th ese fa n n e rs show that I
Th.» T h u rsto n high school will give su rv ey in g io rem ov? th e c a r shops purebred livestock has altoui 40 |«‘r
a play en titled "S afely F ir s t“ next
cent utility value over common slock I
“Our city is still In h e r babyhood.
Friday evening at T h u rsto n hall.
As a m eans of encouraging b e tte r:
W illiam E yler has a new sedan She h as not grow n h er full am ount,
ding m ethods, the d ep artm en t h as.
hut h as a population of only 2000 per-
developed a s lm p l’ feeding problem
Maude E dm iston sp en t th e past
sheet, which may be procured and
week in E u g 'n e with h er au n t, Mrs. high school, and a good g ram m ar
¡school. T h ere a re five d Iff‘rent d e ­ filled out by any ttvc«tock ow ner, A
specialist of a S tate ag ricu ltu ral col-,
Mrs. S m ith T ay lo r and dau g h ters. nom inations of churches, show ing
lego, o r th - departm ent, then m akes
E sth er and M argaret, from Eugene th at this is a d esirab le com m unity
an analysts of each problem and
spout th e w eek-end with Mr. and
W hen you a re considering a new points out th e means for solving II ,
Mrs. F ran k Taylor.
Mrs. A lberta W eav.’r and dau g h ters place of residence, com e io Spring-
spent the week-end at A. B. M athews. ' field and look th e situ atio n o v er be­
N orm a M athews, who Is keoptng fore you m ake any definite plan s.”
house for Mrs. W eaver a t L raburg.
C auses of T uberculosis Infection
is spending th is week a t home.
T he cau se of p e rsisten t tuberculosis
Mr. and Mrs. Lends Arnold and
son, Mrs. C harlie G ray nnd son Wil. Infection In h erd s of c a ttle u n d er th e
F ederal
Ham. m qtored o v er from K lam ath su p jrv lsio n of S tate
Falls last W ednesday and a re vtslt- offices a re outlined in a recent rep o rt
ing r ’latlves.
by th e I'n lte d S tat -» D epartm ent of
H u bert Gray, who had th e sm all A g ricu ltu re on th e progresa of th e
W ithout a business education
pox. is able to be out again
erad icatio n of bovine tuberculosla.
you are not prepared property
Among th e cau ses a re : E xposure to
A rth u r C alvert from Ju n ctio n City
to cope w ith the many problem s
visited relatives. In T h u rsto n S u n ­ Infected an im als a t county
of Ilfs. •
stre a m s contam inated by tu berculosis
R egardless of your position
Mr. and Mrs Bud M cPherson and m aterial, infected w ater In ponds,
you need It. and you ra n secure
fam ily from Springfield visited John silag e Infected from hog litte r, and
It a t a reasonable cost
E dm iston’s last Sunday.
ad d itio n s of tu b ercu lo sis c a ttle to
In the science that la restorinn health to thousands
who Buffer from stomach trouble, tonsllltls, nervousness,
sleeplessness, headaches, enlurgeetl prostrate glands, high
blood pressure etc., by sclnetlflcally co-ordinating the prin­
ciples of Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy. The results
are Safe, Sane and Sure.
Dou you own a car?
If so you m ust know the im portance of a real good Battery.
Th« Sennini Ave. Garage huntlles the 1‘. S. L. Buttery. ,t
will pul pep In your starter. 'We are also equipped to
tin flrst-class Battery repairing and recharging.
Second Avenue Garage
Phone 19
Why Attend
Born to Mr. and Mrs P arrel M« th e herd.
Quinn Saturday. March 1. a son.
One in stan ce rep o rted was of a
Mrs. Rosa B aughm an and sons. h erd of 1.1 head th a t had “ tested
H erald and H oward, from Eugene vis­ c le a n ” and was put on exhibit at a
ited Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Edm iston county fa ir Eleven of th e h 'r d were
«placed opposite an Infected herd so
Mildred Price, who is teach in g at th a t th ey faced th»m On retestin g ,
Leaburg. sp en t th e week-end w ith th e 11 ail reacted and th e tw o th at
h er p aren ts. Mr. and Mrs Jo h n Pric». w ere stalled elsew here passed clean.
Mrs. Ira G ray Is at W alterville nurs­
ing Ms F arrel McQuinn
“And Obey”
Sam M organ from n e a r Springfield
Old Boy: "H ow would you like to
was in T h u rsto n Friday.
m arry m e?"
Mrs. V erna L uther, who is teaching
F lap p er: "W eil. I w ouldn't m ind— "
a t Cresw ell, spent Punday In T b u rs
Old Boy: ’’Oh. w ell—e r —I guess
I can stan d It if you lu st love and
Mrs. M arie Spir»a sp en t Sunday honor m e."
with h er
Mr. and Mrs
C harles H astings
One Point of V iew
Misa D orothy T ravis, who has been
’’Are th e m any autom obiles in your
quite ill. is im proving now
town a facto r tow ards Its p r o s p e r it y f
W illie and Melvin P latt have been
’’Bet your life th ey a r e ! " cried
ill and ab se n t from school for sev­ th e e n th u siastic building co n tracto r
eral days.
•’T h ey ’v» enabled m e to put up two
T h ere will be a revival m eeting j big add itio n s on th e hosp ital.’’
beginning n e x t Sunday. M arch 9
Rev Ted L ev itt will he th e e v a n g ’liat
• laude X eeley will b» th e song leader.
Mrs. Lan», one © fth e teac h ers in
the high school, hka pug based a
Buick ro ad ster.
R uth: "T h a t was th e m ost unsat
‘.»factory telephone co n r?rsatlo n I
ev er had."
B eth: “W hy?"
•S om e man called up and said.
'Hello, d e a r!' and when I said. ’H ello,’
he said. ’E xcuse m e !’ ”— A m erican
Legion W eekly.
T he question Is—A re you
Ing to m ake th » n ecessary
fort now. o r a re you going
k -e p pu ttin g It off until
and by?
“as good as
the Bosch
e f­
We ar** h ere to serv e you and
we a re alw ays glad to tell you
about o u r school. H undreds of
young m en sad women have
com pleted one of o u r c o u r t ’s
and a re today holding resp o n s­
ible positions.
You may do the tarns- Will y e u f
Eugene Business
A. E. ROBERTS, President
Eugene StorageBatteryCo.
Automotive Electricians
8 J 7 th Avenue E ast
E ugene
Pay Less
Eat More
Good Groceries
Eastman Grocery
S tu r tr r un>l S><■*»,>unfriM*
Kfrn«. IN 5 tfMfru
Mr. and Mre E E W illiam s and
d a u g h te r Ma! el and Mr. and Mr*.
W -n d ell Buoy m otored to Dallas last
W<, Mr. Iiuoy w ent on to
Mill City, th e r» st re tu rn in g Sat-/
urday. T hey re r o r t having had a
gplsndid visit with
relativ es an d
friend s.
T he C am as local of th e F a n n e rs '
1'nion held th e ir reg u lar m oating at
th e school hou-e W ednesday nigh»
S ev eral m atteq» o£ Impo^tignce to
th e farm er w-’rp discussed and a bas­
k et sup p er and social tim e followed
Messrs Ja c k H urley. Bill S u sb au er
and A. W eiss were business visitors
In E u g e n , S aturday.
G eorge A rm strong, who left h ere
and w ent to work a t Lowell la s t
w o k , m otored down Bunday and
brt/ught Mrs. P earl Bush and little
d au g h ter, H azel down to visit her
p a re n ts, Mr. an ! Mrs J W. Arm­
stro n g , and M rs Hose Bus!’ and little
sone to visit . ■ siste r. Mrs. John
W ullschleger.
O th e r v isito r- t th e W u llsih leg h -
hom o w ere Mr.
I Mrs I). M P erry
of H ow e i.- n e , ’•:/ W illard H erm an
and little d atir ■ r W lllh erta of Co­
burg, Mr and »'rs. It. V. Einitb ant
M r aed Mrs. Rodney R o a' b of 7’ •
-A A/*' •**’
Mrs. J. H. Richardson wag a Bun
d a y afternoon v isito r of Mr and Mrs
ffTaltor H ag er and fam ily
■ ex J M B utton, who was tak en
don^i to (bo homo of b a r son at
Over l.udford's
91« Wlllamotta flirost
E xam ination F res
Phono 358 J
See Our
Every spring the demand for Ford Cars is
several hundred thousand greater than jhe
available supply. Place your order immedi­
ately, to avoid delay in delivery.
When it ctnnes to a sanlLiry kitchen the sink is the
m ost essential part of the «quipm ent. We have nil grades,
D etro it, M ichigan
sizes and prices in the best quality th a t money can buy.
N O TE : A small payment down puts
your name on the preferred delivery lisL
See the Nearest A uthorized Ford Dealer
May we call and give yon our expert advise or estim ate
w ithout obligating you 1n any way.
i - , j g s arsw»
l ä E sü L
ru e
•' a. •».