‘ 'CLINE PRAISES CITY ¡Community News A. F M iller of T ran t. who has been v ery 111 w ith h eart trouble, la ra- ported to be much im proved. Mr. and Mm. U K. Stafford of Coast Fork a r» rejoicing over the a rriv a l of a baby boy. The little (allow- w eighed seven and one-half pounds. M iss Anna L attin. who h aa been a ssistin g in th e home of K B. T inker, r e t u r n ’d to h e r hom e Sunday. M arch 2. Mrs. W ill H ow ard and son of Oak rid g e a re visiting a t th e hom e of M rs H ow ard s p arents. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Overhohser. T h e F lM san t Hill high school group known as the B arney Googles entertain.»«! th e S park Plugs a t a h ard tim e p arty a t th e high school F rid a y night. F ebruary 29. A short program w hich consisted o f a piano solo by Mary H arden, a reading bv H asel Powell and a ‘vocal solo by CStestsr W heeler w as followed by gam es in the gym nasium . R efresh ­ m en ts consistin g of salad, sandw iches and punch w ere served Miss E vans nnd Mr Law rence of Eugen». teac h ­ e rs a t th e high school, atten d ed the party. Mrs. Je sse Phelps and h e r elev.’n pupils en tertain ed p aren ts and friends a t th e E n terp rise public school build­ ing S atu rd ay »vening. M arch 1st. w ith a program celeb ratin g th e b irth d ay s of L incoln. W ashington and L ong­ fellow. A fter the program the older folks entered into a gam e guessing th e n am rs of th e tw en ty different ad v ertisem en ts. The w inner was presented with a box of home-made candy T he p aren ts of th e pupils served coffee, sandw iches and cak« to a ll present. Mrs. L. H. S tratto n of Eugene w as v isitin g a t the hom ^ of Mr and Mrs T. E. H aurigan during th e w eek­ end. re tu rn in g to E ugene dundap- March 2. H aving sold his leas» on th e Gil- sfrap ranch at C loverdale to Mrt A nderson of W ashington. J. A lbert h a s moved into th e honse on th e K elsay ranch a t E n terp rise until school is over. Floyd Lord. G eorg» Lord and Je s se P hilps, who are w orking at th e Cam as L um ber mill above D exter, w ere a t th e ir hom e in E n te rp rise over th ? week-end Mr and Mrs. C. N. dten so n . Mr. and M rs Raymond Stenson and baby of C orvallis w ere visito rs at th e home of M and Mrs Ralph Laird Sunday, M arch 2. h ir and Mrs. S tenson a re p aren ts of Mrs. Lain! T he T ren t local of th e F arm ers' U nion m et a t T r ’-nt W ednesday night. F eb ru ary 27. Mrs. C .L. W illiam s handed in h e r resignation as se c re ­ tary and treasu rer. T he resignation was not accepted and Mrs W illiam s was asked to < onllnu» h er duties. A special rffo rt will be m ade to get m ore women to attend th e m eetingr in th e future. T h ’ n ext m eeting will be held a t P leasan t Hill. F red L F ish er of P ortland, who has becei vir-iting with his brother-in law and sister. Mr. and Mrs T. H H au rig an . retu rn ed to bis home last W -dnesday. T he m em bers of th e C hristian E n­ d eav o r te !d an in terestin g m eeting S unday evening. March 2. W ayne O verbois being leader. During th e business p art o f th e m eeting it was decided to give a leap y ear p arty F riday evening. M ar'h 7 at tli» bom«- of L u '.ili: and W»- rill Kennetf. THURSDAY, MARCH <1. 1024. t i - — —r r — — ------------------------------------i PLEASANT HILL -- TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FOUR By Special AT O. A. C. CONVENTION BIGGER RETURNS POSSIBLE FROM BETTER LIVESTOCK Correspondent« O regon A grieu liu rsl Colleg». C op j K snsaa d airy farm er« could In vallls. March 8.— 1Spec lalb— T he ad­ creaa t thel? re tu rn s »20.tMW.000 a year v a n ta g e s of Springfield as a city In by b e tte r feeding and bi tte r stock, the doctor, Is reported »» a little ' which to build a home w ere pointed b etter. She has been quite ill for according to reported e stim a te s of | out by Ralph t ’llite, »tudent a t Spring the past two m onths. O.’ld high school, in hl» "S ell O re­ J M F randseu. a dairy «peclallst. at G lenn L eldtke of C resw ell w as a a recent K ansas agricu ltu ral convnn Sunday v isito r at the horns of his gon” speech given In connection with the educational exposition. T h e Juni lion T his e»tlm ate is c o n s id e r’d ty p ­ paren ts. Mr and Mrs August Leldtke. ■ o r C ham ber of C om m erce public ical of conditions throughout the coun Mr. and Mr». Paul V. D ecker r e ­ turn ed W ednesday a fte r a m onth’s speaking co n test ha« he.’n m ade an try by livestock and dairy .x p e rta of ann u al featu re o f th e exposition visit with h e r m other a t C orvallis the U nited S ta le s D epartm ent of Ag "Springfield, 1« located n e a r the Mr. and Mrs. T rav la K err w ire rlculturw which is prepared to assist t'n lv e ra ity of O regon, twnl a» yo«. moving to C resw ell Monday. S late o rg an liaih sn s and Individuals know, unlversitl-’» have a g reat c u l­ in Improving ih e lr m ethods In b r e ’.i tu ral Influence o v er a tow n.” »aid THURSTON NOTES lug nnd feeding T he use of p u re b n il Cline. “T he city 1« located on the I riv e r and ha» a large saw m ill which sires, particularly. Is a practical eco W eaver B ro th ers a re on a trip to iiouilcat and rapid mean» of improv j fu rn ish es em ploym ent to n early 880 C alifornia. Ing the quality of dom estic anim als Ivan R ickard from W endling visit t u r n . Kccording to dep artm en t records, "Springfield is a grow ing railroad c l relativ es in T h u rsto n S aiu rd ay more th an 13,700 livestock own ’rs center. Seven different lead night and Sunday. have placed th e ir herd s and flocks on Thom as W illiam is spending some from th e city to all part» of th e a strictly purebred »Ire basis, and re I ¡co u n try T he S outhern Pacific la now tim e at Oakland ports from th ese fa n n e rs show that I Th.» T h u rsto n high school will give su rv ey in g io rem ov? th e c a r shops purebred livestock has altoui 40 |«‘r front P ortland to Springfield. a play en titled "S afely F ir s t“ next cent utility value over common slock I “Our city is still In h e r babyhood. Friday evening at T h u rsto n hall. As a m eans of encouraging b e tte r: W illiam E yler has a new sedan She h as not grow n h er full am ount, fe ding m ethods, the d ep artm en t h as. hut h as a population of only 2000 per- car. , developed a s lm p l’ feeding problem • sons We have good schools— -a nice Maude E dm iston sp en t th e past sheet, which may be procured and week in E u g 'n e with h er au n t, Mrs. high school, and a good g ram m ar ¡school. T h ere a re five d Iff‘rent d e ­ filled out by any ttvc«tock ow ner, A Baughman. specialist of a S tate ag ricu ltu ral col-, Mrs. S m ith T ay lo r and dau g h ters. nom inations of churches, show ing lego, o r th - departm ent, then m akes E sth er and M argaret, from Eugene th at this is a d esirab le com m unity an analysts of each problem and religiously. spout th e w eek-end with Mr. and W hen you a re considering a new points out th e means for solving II , Mrs. F ran k Taylor. Mrs. A lberta W eav.’r and dau g h ters place of residence, com e io Spring- spent the week-end at A. B. M athews. ' field and look th e situ atio n o v er be­ N orm a M athews, who Is keoptng fore you m ake any definite plan s.” house for Mrs. W eaver a t L raburg. C auses of T uberculosis Infection is spending th is week a t home. T he cau se of p e rsisten t tuberculosis Mr. and Mrs. Lends Arnold and son, Mrs. C harlie G ray nnd son Wil. Infection In h erd s of c a ttle u n d er th e and F ederal Ham. m qtored o v er from K lam ath su p jrv lsio n of S tate Falls last W ednesday and a re vtslt- offices a re outlined in a recent rep o rt ing r ’latlves. by th e I'n lte d S tat -» D epartm ent of H u bert Gray, who had th e sm all A g ricu ltu re on th e progresa of th e W ithout a business education pox. is able to be out again erad icatio n of bovine tuberculosla. you are not prepared property Among th e cau ses a re : E xposure to A rth u r C alvert from Ju n ctio n City to cope w ith the many problem s fairs, visited relatives. In T h u rsto n S u n ­ Infected an im als a t county of Ilfs. • day stre a m s contam inated by tu berculosis R egardless of your position Mr. and Mrs Bud M cPherson and m aterial, infected w ater In ponds, you need It. and you ra n secure fam ily from Springfield visited John silag e Infected from hog litte r, and It a t a reasonable cost E dm iston’s last Sunday. ad d itio n s of tu b ercu lo sis c a ttle to CHIROPRACTIC In the science that la restorinn health to thousands who Buffer from stomach trouble, tonsllltls, nervousness, sleeplessness, headaches, enlurgeetl prostrate glands, high blood pressure etc., by sclnetlflcally co-ordinating the prin­ ciples of Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy. The results are Safe, Sane and Sure. OR. GEO. A. SIMON EUGENE, OREGON Dou you own a car? If so you m ust know the im portance of a real good Battery. Th« Sennini Ave. Garage huntlles the 1‘. S. L. Buttery. ,t will pul pep In your starter. 'We are also equipped to tin flrst-class Battery repairing and recharging. Second Avenue Garage Phone 19 Why Attend School Born to Mr. and Mrs P arrel M« th e herd. Quinn Saturday. March 1. a son. One in stan ce rep o rted was of a Mrs. Rosa B aughm an and sons. h erd of 1.1 head th a t had “ tested H erald and H oward, from Eugene vis­ c le a n ” and was put on exhibit at a ited Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Edm iston county fa ir Eleven of th e h 'r d were Sunday. «placed opposite an Infected herd so Mildred Price, who is teach in g at th a t th ey faced th»m On retestin g , Leaburg. sp en t th e week-end w ith th e 11 ail reacted and th e tw o th at h er p aren ts. Mr. and Mrs Jo h n Pric». w ere stalled elsew here passed clean. Mrs. Ira G ray Is at W alterville nurs­ ing Ms F arrel McQuinn “And Obey” Sam M organ from n e a r Springfield Old Boy: "H ow would you like to was in T h u rsto n Friday. m arry m e?" Mrs. V erna L uther, who is teaching F lap p er: "W eil. I w ouldn't m ind— " a t Cresw ell, spent Punday In T b u rs Old Boy: ’’Oh. w ell—e r —I guess ton. I can stan d It if you lu st love and Mrs. M arie Spir»a sp en t Sunday honor m e." with h er parenta. Mr. and Mrs C harles H astings One Point of V iew Misa D orothy T ravis, who has been ’’Are th e m any autom obiles in your quite ill. is im proving now town a facto r tow ards Its p r o s p e r it y f W illie and Melvin P latt have been ’’Bet your life th ey a r e ! " cried ill and ab se n t from school for sev­ th e e n th u siastic building co n tracto r eral days. •’T h ey ’v» enabled m e to put up two T h ere will be a revival m eeting j big add itio n s on th e hosp ital.’’ beginning n e x t Sunday. M arch 9 Rev Ted L ev itt will he th e e v a n g ’liat • laude X eeley will b» th e song leader. Mrs. Lan», one © fth e teac h ers in the high school, hka pug based a Buick ro ad ster. R uth: "T h a t was th e m ost unsat ‘.»factory telephone co n r?rsatlo n I ev er had." B eth: “W hy?" •S om e man called up and said. 'Hello, d e a r!' and when I said. ’H ello,’ he said. ’E xcuse m e !’ ”— A m erican Legion W eekly. — T he question Is—A re you Ing to m ake th » n ecessary fort now. o r a re you going k -e p pu ttin g It off until and by? “as good as the Bosch Magneto” BOSCH go e f­ to by SPARK PLUGS We ar** h ere to serv e you and we a re alw ays glad to tell you about o u r school. H undreds of young m en sad women have com pleted one of o u r c o u r t ’s and a re today holding resp o n s­ ible positions. You may do the tarns- Will y e u f Eugene Business College A. E. ROBERTS, President EUGENE, OREGON Eugene StorageBatteryCo. Automotive Electricians 8 J 7 th Avenue E ast E ugene Pay Less Eat More Good Groceries Eastman Grocery PHONE G6 S tu r tr r un>l S><■*»,>unfriM* Kfrn«. IN 5 tfMfru CAMAS SWALE Mr. and Mre E E W illiam s and d a u g h te r Ma! el and Mr. and Mr*. W -n d ell Buoy m otored to Dallas last W< dn.--.day, Mr. Iiuoy w ent on to Mill City, th e r» st re tu rn in g Sat-/ urday. T hey re r o r t having had a gplsndid visit with relativ es an d friend s. T he C am as local of th e F a n n e rs ' 1'nion held th e ir reg u lar m oating at th e school hou-e W ednesday nigh» S ev eral m atteq» o£ Impo^tignce to th e farm er w-’rp discussed and a bas­ k et sup p er and social tim e followed Messrs Ja c k H urley. Bill S u sb au er and A. W eiss were business visitors In E u g e n , S aturday. G eorge A rm strong, who left h ere and w ent to work a t Lowell la s t w o k , m otored down Bunday and brt/ught Mrs. P earl Bush and little d au g h ter, H azel down to visit her p a re n ts, Mr. an ! Mrs J W. Arm­ stro n g , and M rs Hose Bus!’ and little sone to visit . ■ siste r. Mrs. John W ullschleger. O th e r v isito r- t th e W u llsih leg h - hom o w ere Mr. I Mrs I). M P erry of H ow e i.- n e , ’•:/ W illard H erm an and little d atir ■ r W lllh erta of Co­ burg, Mr and »'rs. It. V. Einitb ant M r aed Mrs. Rodney R o a' b of 7’ • •» -A A/*' •**’ Mrs. J. H. Richardson wag a Bun d a y afternoon v isito r of Mr and Mrs ffTaltor H ag er and fam ily ■ ex J M B utton, who was tak en don^i to (bo homo of b a r son at Over l.udford's 91« Wlllamotta flirost E xam ination F res Phono 358 J ’295 See Our EOB. OETROIT BUY NOW! Window Display Every spring the demand for Ford Cars is several hundred thousand greater than jhe available supply. Place your order immedi­ ately, to avoid delay in delivery. When it ctnnes to a sanlLiry kitchen the sink is the m ost essential part of the «quipm ent. We have nil grades, D etro it, M ichigan sizes and prices in the best quality th a t money can buy. N O TE : A small payment down puts your name on the preferred delivery lisL MAKE YOUR KITCHEN SANITARY TODAY See the Nearest A uthorized Ford Dealer May we call and give yon our expert advise or estim ate w ithout obligating you 1n any way. n F.J. GRIMES PtllMBING COMPANY i - , j g s arsw» l ä E sü L ru e TRUCKS • TR A C TO R S •' a. •».