The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 28, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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    PubiLhed Every Thuwd.y at
nr«™. bv
SartntfteM. L»n* Coanty, iw«on.
this spring. This project is being Dae KM ny the
Ctv*Q club *nd Cham ber of Commerce. Mr.
[property Owner. they deserve your cooperation.
«. MAXEY. —
P. C. --------------------
W E S TE R Ft E l. D —
The Cham ber of Commerce has been request-,
--------- ------------------ -------- “ ------- ,h. ed by the S tate Cham ber to place two delegates!
itered as an-ond class m atter February J«. ISOS t
1^,,,» county com m ittee to help locate I
__________peatoBhe. Srnnsfieid. Oregon___________
colonists In this section. Every Citizen ought to
m a il s u b s c r ip tio n r a te
consider hintself on this com m ittee and when
» 1 -5
Three M o n th « ___ soe new people come here th> his best to m ake them
O n - Year la Advance
Stalls Copy „ ...... 5c understand and appreciate the resources of the
Six Months
W illamette valley.
bu s in es —
s c
n d itio - n s h e a l t h y
— o
„ ^ .„ r t i o n during the m onth of Jan-
„ a U S s h K t h e Paciftc coast, according to
Ih J're p o rt ot the Federal Reserve hank, During
January 11 per cent( ’ ’^r ‘ ’’".Joa/ "** 1
^ h e V u m b T r and value of building perm its is-
We would like to drink Clear lake w ater am'
everyone else would in the W illam ette valley
It looks like this m am m oth undertaking may b.
. reality the way «he state and Individuals are
taking hold of p ro sp ect .
Thieves who stole $101)0 w orth of Chill pep
per in California m ust have a hot time.
sued in 20 principal e iu e s o i the I a>J
w om an c a n ’t m ake a fool out a man with-
n d ts issued during January 1923. by l-.b and
27.0 per cent, respectively. The employment
situation may be characterised as normal, with
considerable 'unem ploym ent among
those industries which usually operate at a re­
duced rate, if at all. during the winter.
Normal growth of business activity, both as
eomoared with one m onth ago and one year
ago. is indicated by the am ount of
against accounts a t banks (bank debits
cities of the district during January. Gains of
1.2 per cent as compared with December. 1.-3.
and of 0.8 per cent as compared with January.
1923. were reported. Retail trade J1** h*?®
sonally active in m « t sections of the district,
a t levels slightly above those of a year ago. In
the wholesale trade some lines were active and
oth ers quiet during January, but ’» g e n e r a I t he
volume of goods sold was greater ttfhn one year
**The general trend of prices of the P£jnciP*’
products of the district has been upward Ad­
vances and declines in prices of .crops still be­
ing m arketed and in prices of Uvestock have
been evenly distributed. Prices of the industrial
m etals, copper, lead and line, rose appreciably
during the latter part of January and the earl>
weeks of February. Lum ber prices have rem ain­
e d steady at previous levels.
The old teapot keeps boiling over.
E d ito r ia l
C om m ent
• • •
R A T H E R s m a l l p o ta to e s
It Mr. Doheny j»» e Georg« Creel but »5.000 evidently
he did not reganl him a» Important comparatively.-—
Pittsburg Gaaette-Tlmea.
• • •
In oth»r word». Secretary Hughe» give« the «ovtet
government to understand that It must wash It» hand«
If it wishes ua to shake— Indianapolis New».
(Since tax iwttsf 1» urgent relief In IBS« w jll be twice
as welcome to a long suffering public a» relief In 1925.
— New York Tribune.
• • •
The Soviet regime may be losing some of Ua redneaa.
but 1C» »till far from the pink of perfection— Washington
• • •
M r Bok la a fortunate gentleman; he can settle every
argument be gets Into merely by offering »100.000.—
Springfield News.
Moving to Eugen»--The Ralph J
Leaves for Glendsls— M rt. J. E.
fam ily Is moving to Eugene this
C lark of Glendale leaves today for
i weekend, possibly ««e BatBfday
hom« after a few days spent in
Springfield visiting Dr. and Mrs. R.
3 •' Q uit- ll'_ M » :» :ti Fenwick.
P. Mortanson. She came Sunday.
wh-> ».as b» o ill with typhoid, ts
Has Chlckenpox— Dorothy Fisher, still about the same, lie ts in a very
Party— A
te n s time.
pi rty
Postponed— The
Springfield Mill &
1 -ague social of the Methodist church
which was announced for Friday.
February 29 w ill be postponed until
the evening of Wednesday. March 5.
at 7:30 in the church parlors.
We are com pletely In accord with,
Mrs i- E. O'Connor and daughter
who have been visiting at the horns
of her brother. Jack DeVore. have
gone to their home at Osnlralla.
•m all daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave | aarinas coudbxa.
S u rp ris e d by F r’
da— V number { The Springfield M ill and Grain rom-
Fisher of W illam ette heights, is con­
fined to her home with the chicken- t.f the friend- of Mrs. 1. k’ Ba-ford t«ny shipped a carload ot te*d to
«•irprtsed he- on Tuesday by call- Glendale yesterday.
Qf <he W om -n of Wood-
Recovering from
Illn e s s — G ilb e rt, mg at her ,nm.- a a l »pending the
nlght ln , he
little son ot L. C. Bain, of 9th and efternoon w '-t her. Sh« has been craft b<?ld * BFetln<
hall. The social session
L atreets. la convalescing after an laid up with a spi ¡tied ankle for
attack of bronchial pneumonia.
Neither grass nor candidates wilt
splashes— New York Herald.
I. O. O. F. Give Degree W ork— The
first degree work of the I. O. O. F. j Sir. and Mrs. Kenneth Tobias. The
lodge was given last night at their evening was spent in playing games.
regular sassion to two new members. ¡especially charades.
use so m uch Hour, and you do, but did you ever atop to
think that fully hulf (he aucceaa of your luikiug la depen­
dent upon how good the Hour la?
When you uae Featherflnke Flour and uae It right, your
baking aucceaa la assured. It has been proven In the labor­
a to ry before It cornea to you and tnuat he right Feather,
flake flour la fam ous for K m whiteness, lightness and whole-
Be sure you order Featherflake— yea, "light as a feat her*'
iated with the Associated Advert sing Clubs of the World.
Standards of Practice
followed the regular session. Aboout
«0 persons w?re present.
lealizing our ollgatinn and responsibility to the public, to the seller of
advertising service, the advertising agent and our own org nlzatlon,
we. as public utility advertisers,, pledge ourselves as follows:
( P To consider the Interests of the public forem ost, and particular­
ly that portion thereof which we serve;
(2) To claim no m ore, but If anytlting, a little less in our advertis­
ing, than we can deliver;
(3) To refrain from statem ents In our advertising, which, through
actual m isrepresentation, through ambiguity or through Incompleteness,
are likely to be misleading to the public, or unjust to com petitors;
(4 1 To use every possible m eans, not only In our own Individual ad ­
vertising, but by association and cooperation, to increase the public's
confidence In advertised statem ents;
( 5 ,To refrain from attacking com petitors In our advertising;
(f>) To refrain from Imposing upen th« seller of advertising service
unjust, unreasonable and unnecessarily irksome requirem ents;
(7) To furnish to publishers, when requested, technical Information
which will help them keep reading pages and advertising colum ns free
from m isstatem ents;
(8) To refrain from and discourage deceptive or coercive methods in
securing free advertising, and to do everything possible to aid the pub­
lishers to keep his colum ns free and indepedent; n
Last year 350,000 buyers
waited for delivery.
Insure yourself against delay
this spring by placing your
order for a Ford Car now.
See the Nearest
Authorized Ford Dealer
(9) To require standards for oi^-selves equal to those we set for
.10) To stand unequivocally for "Truth In Advertising."
Mountain States
Power Company
Springfield, Oregon