PubiLhed Every Thuwd.y at . nr«™. bv SartntfteM. L»n* Coanty, iw«on. this spring. This project is being Dae KM ny the Ctv*Q club *nd Cham ber of Commerce. Mr. [property Owner. they deserve your cooperation. T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS . • • H E Editor «. MAXEY. — P. C. -------------------- W E S TE R Ft E l. D — M»n»»»r ----- - The Cham ber of Commerce has been request-, --------- ------------------ -------- “ ------- ,h. ed by the S tate Cham ber to place two delegates! itered as an-ond class m atter February J«. ISOS t Qn 1^,,,» county com m ittee to help locate I __________peatoBhe. Srnnsfieid. Oregon___________ colonists In this section. Every Citizen ought to m a il s u b s c r ip tio n r a te consider hintself on this com m ittee and when » 1 -5 Three M o n th « ___ soe new people come here th> his best to m ake them O n - Year la Advance Tie Stalls Copy „ ...... 5c understand and appreciate the resources of the Six Months W illamette valley. THVRSnAY. F ER R I \R Y ÎS. 1921 bu s in es — s c n d itio - n s h e a l t h y — o -------- .......... „ ^ .„ r t i o n during the m onth of Jan- „ a U S s h K t h e Paciftc coast, according to Ih J're p o rt ot the Federal Reserve hank, During January 11 per cent( ’ ’^r ‘ ’’".Joa/ "** 1 ^ h e V u m b T r and value of building perm its is- We would like to drink Clear lake w ater am' everyone else would in the W illam ette valley It looks like this m am m oth undertaking may b. . reality the way «he state and Individuals are taking hold of p ro sp ect . Thieves who stole $101)0 w orth of Chill pep per in California m ust have a hot time. sued in 20 principal e iu e s o i the I a>J w om an c a n ’t m ake a fool out a man with- n d ts issued during January 1923. by l-.b and 27.0 per cent, respectively. The employment situation may be characterised as normal, with considerable 'unem ploym ent among those industries which usually operate at a re­ duced rate, if at all. during the winter. Normal growth of business activity, both as eomoared with one m onth ago and one year ago. is indicated by the am ount of against accounts a t banks (bank debits cities of the district during January. Gains of 1.2 per cent as compared with December. 1.-3. and of 0.8 per cent as compared with January. 1923. were reported. Retail trade J1** h*?® sonally active in m « t sections of the district, a t levels slightly above those of a year ago. In the wholesale trade some lines were active and oth ers quiet during January, but ’» g e n e r a I t he volume of goods sold was greater ttfhn one year **The general trend of prices of the P£jnciP*’ products of the district has been upward Ad­ vances and declines in prices of .crops still be­ ing m arketed and in prices of Uvestock have been evenly distributed. Prices of the industrial m etals, copper, lead and line, rose appreciably during the latter part of January and the earl> weeks of February. Lum ber prices have rem ain­ e d steady at previous levels. The old teapot keeps boiling over. E d ito r ia l C om m ent • • • R A T H E R s m a l l p o ta to e s It Mr. Doheny j»» e Georg« Creel but »5.000 evidently he did not reganl him a» Important comparatively.-— Pittsburg Gaaette-Tlmea. • • • In oth»r word». Secretary Hughe» give« the «ovtet government to understand that It must wash It» hand« If it wishes ua to shake— Indianapolis New». (Since tax iwttsf 1» urgent relief In IBS« w jll be twice as welcome to a long suffering public a» relief In 1925. — New York Tribune. • • • The Soviet regime may be losing some of Ua redneaa. but 1C» »till far from the pink of perfection— Washington Poat. • • • M r Bok la a fortunate gentleman; he can settle every argument be gets Into merely by offering »100.000.— Springfield News. • • Moving to Eugen»--The Ralph J Leaves for Glendsls— M rt. J. E. Hicks fam ily Is moving to Eugene this C lark of Glendale leaves today for i weekend, possibly ««e BatBfday hom« after a few days spent in Springfield visiting Dr. and Mrs. R. 3 •' Q uit- ll'_ M » :» :ti Fenwick. P. Mortanson. She came Sunday. wh-> ».as b» o ill with typhoid, ts Has Chlckenpox— Dorothy Fisher, still about the same, lie ts in a very grow where Enjoyed Party— A Babtlst te n s time. pi rty Social Postponed— The Springfield Mill & oil 1 -ague social of the Methodist church which was announced for Friday. February 29 w ill be postponed until the evening of Wednesday. March 5. at 7:30 in the church parlors. We are com pletely In accord with, and STANDARDS of PRACTICE form ulated Mrs i- E. O'Connor and daughter who have been visiting at the horns of her brother. Jack DeVore. have gone to their home at Osnlralla. Washington. ------------------------- •m all daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave | aarinas coudbxa. S u rp ris e d by F r’ da— V number { The Springfield M ill and Grain rom- Fisher of W illam ette heights, is con­ fined to her home with the chicken- t.f the friend- of Mrs. 1. k’ Ba-ford t«ny shipped a carload ot te*d to pox. «•irprtsed he- on Tuesday by call- Glendale yesterday. Qf ) To refrain from Imposing upen th« seller of advertising service unjust, unreasonable and unnecessarily irksome requirem ents; (7) To furnish to publishers, when requested, technical Information which will help them keep reading pages and advertising colum ns free from m isstatem ents; (8) To refrain from and discourage deceptive or coercive methods in securing free advertising, and to do everything possible to aid the pub­ lishers to keep his colum ns free and indepedent; n Last year 350,000 buyers waited for delivery. Insure yourself against delay this spring by placing your order for a Ford Car now. See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer (9) To require standards for oi^-selves equal to those we set for others; .10) To stand unequivocally for "Truth In Advertising." Mountain States Power Company Springfield, Oregon I