The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 31, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JANUARY 81, 1924
of light, boat and water used In hla
A con tarane* with relation to the
office, and the hire of office aeelalanls
proposed plan Io pipe water for mu
WHO? Mingle per »ana wbn had The fa rtner may dednet amounts paid
nlrlpal purpose» from Clear lake It
net Incoma of *1,080 or more or In the production and harvesting of
Willamette valley town« waa held at
gross Income of *6.000 or more, his crop, cost of ■- »la and fertilizer
tha chamber of commerce In Halem
and married couples who had used, cost of minor repairs to tarm
More than 90 miles of foreat road»
net Income of *2,000 or more buildings (other than th». dw elling;,
Brief Reeume of Happenings of will Ite ronatructed In 1924 In Ore
or gross Incom < til *6.000 or i and < ort of »mall tools used up In the
gon at an eatlmated casi of *1.083.100 !
the Week Collected for
more Jinual Me returns.
couriM of g year of two
aa the raault of an agreement between
W H IN ? The filing period 1» from
Our Readers.
the elate highway commlaalon, th»
January 1 to March 16, 1924
bureau of public roada and the forali ;
WHERE? Colleclor of Internal At their home, Mpringfleld. rout* 1,
Hotel m»n from *11 »«ninna of (he j aervlre.
revenue for the district In which
January 28. 1924. to Mr. and Mrs.
■1*1« will hold * '«Bvaattun In 8a i
"I am going to enter the couteat
H im person lives
or haa hla
M. I). Flynn, a daughter, weight
lam Halurday. February 10
for the republican presidential prefer |
principal place of bualneaa.
»even pounds
The Feaillotoa bram ii of the Oratoti i once vote In Oregon and have at nc
«i|i«r( ceinmlaalon IsakU" baa obtain i time had uny Itrlsutlos of abandoning
1040A and Form 1040; alao thv
od 947 paid member«, according to the fight In that alate," Monster lllram
law and reguatlona.
At the homo of Mr. and Mrs. L. J
Lopley, January 25. 1924, to Mr. and
Four per cent normal
The city of Itoanburg baa abandon Itlgto tl, It C.
Mrs. Howard Merrill, a daughter
tax on the Aral *4.000 of net In­
•<d the pro|o< t for a bridge anroaa the I The senate passed the bill giving
come In arena* of the peraonal
Mouth Umpqua river to Umpqua Park , the conncnt of the government for con
exemption run! credits for da-
atrut »Ion of a bridge ucroaa the WII
At th > home of Mrs. L. 8. Whittaker,
pmdenta. F ight per cent nor
lamette river at Burnside street. Port
January 22, 1924. to Mr arid Mrs.
Mr». Joaeph W. Lytle, mother of !
trial tax on halanc of net Income.
tend. Two other bill* pending are fur
Nelson Whittaker of Coburg, a son
I»r W II Lytle, «tate veterinarian .
Surtax from 1 per cent to 50
bridges arroaa the W illamette ut Ilo»»
died In ttaletn of apoplexy. She » » .
per cent on net Incomes over The baby has been nain-d Clarence
Island and Kellwood.
78 year» of uge.
*8.000 for the year 1923.
Cove, with a population of 600. had
Oregon baa 60.000 deer In her na '
Tlpa fa r Taxpayers
tlonal foreata. acrordlng to game 1 her main bugine ui block devastated by
fire. This Is tbn third tim e In aboul
No. 5
¡At th -Ir home In Springfield. January
renaua figure» completed by official» |
ten year« that (o v e has looked on i In the maklug of hla 1923 Income-
26. L924, to Mr. and Mrs Frank
of the foreat aervlt ••
ruins that took cucii time (he g ro u ter tax return the hu»luea» man. prof-a-
Midwell, a son. The baby has been
(I. II Warmlngton. a farmer living j share of ber bualneaa buildings. Kat)
■ lonal man. and farmer may deduct named Figrn
near Yamhill, waa killed by a »outb { mntca of the l o o place It at about
from groaa Income all It- ma properly
bound electric train a* It approached *20.000.
A number of Mpringfleld people at­
ittrtbuled lo business exp -n»ea. In
the atatlon of Krone
The bronze statue of the Circuit the caae of a atoreksspar they Include tended Ihe Joint dinner of the P. E.
lined» In the aunt of *15,000 will be ; Rider, whleh will he presented to the
irnouiila ap-nt for rent of hla place O. and 1) I. L. organizations Monday
la»u»<l by the city of ttoavburg June 3 j state by Robert A. Booth, will be
if bu»lne»a,advertising, premiums for nigh* at the Anchorage in Eug-ne.
to provide money tor the puri baa" of | transported from Portland to Salem
Insurance against Are or other losses, ! a chicken dinner waa followed by a
a fire truck and adequate apparatila 1 thia week and will be formally un
Yellow and white
the <ost of water, light, m d heat used social evening
for the fire department.
veiled and dedicated Saturday. April lu hla place t f bualneaa, ilrayag and flower decorations carried out the
The eachequer of Columbia county 19, ut II A. BI., on the rupllol ground* freight bill», th ) coat of repairs and E. O. color». Tho») who went from .
baa been enriched to the extent of \ at Mttleiu.
maintenance to delivery wagons anti Mpringfleld were Mr and Mrs. I). W. .
*21.398. which repreaent» fine» col j The alate tax commlaalon haa ap
. Mr and Mrs. Alfred Morgan.
trucks, and a reasonable allow an te for I
le d od by the )nmlrea of the peace proves) a proposal to give employment
salaries of employes. A prof «atonal Mrs Lida MacUowa nund Mr. and
In the county during 1923.
In the «tate Income lax department to rriiiji. lawyer, doctor or dentist may Mrs. llm r y Korf.
Return» from practically every Izza-i five rehabilitated ex-service men. In i! -duct the coat of auppllea used In his
portent community In Columbia coun each c«»e the men »erved In the world profession, expenses pnl«l In the ojn re.
Dr. 8 Kalph Dippel. D en tist Vitus
ty »how a total of 118*9 collected for i war and have gruduaied from cimi- lion and repair of an automobile u»c<] bullding, Sprlngfleld. Oregon.
the II . n I Croaa during the recent an m e n ial courses at the Unlveralty of In making profc«a!oual call», due« to
rural msmberablp campaign.
O, M Spagu». Mutual Life Insur­
professional acrl* tloa. aiibserlpttnui to
Tho alt" for the prnpoaed bridge
Th'-re was one fatality In Oregon prof stsfonnl Journals, office rent, coal ance Co.. Eugene. Ore. Phone 877 tf
over the W illamette river at Albany i due to Indus)rial accidents during the
aa selected by the »late highway en week ending January 24, according to
gltieers has received the approval of a report prepared by the state Indus-
trial accident commission. The vic­
Uuliotl »tale« army engineer».
Edgar 11. Wat ter«, post master at 1 tim was Ralph Fullerton, a logger
Mlayton wav arrested by a d ep u ty' living al Wendllng. A total of 507
United X la te a marshal, on a secret in accidents were reported.
Effective February 1st on all
diriment charging misappropriation
Mute health aulhorltlea have been
of the funds of the postofftce.
seeking co-operation of Hood River
Miss Nora Kills, found not guilty at nrrbnrdlHla and ranners to ascertain
Pendleton of a charge of murder In , whether anthracnose, a fungus that
the first degree by reason of Insanity, j attacks fruit trees and their products,
wa» eommltteil to the eastern Oregon wilt affect human beings. A woman,
besplta) lor the lusnna by Judge' «uttering apparently from eome form of
blood poisoning, wa» recently sent to
Pil'd ps
Lyman L. Pierce of Man Preset»™, Portland from The Italics, where she
a successful leader of financial cam hiul worked In a cannery. The case
«it« lialfllng. The physicians. It was
palgns, has been signed by the trwa
te«» of Albany college to handle the staled, finally discovered that the pa­
tie n t bod been attacked by some form
state campaign for |3oo,opo for Albany
o f fungus
That the majority of highway acci-
After Inflicting dangerous wound»
denta lake place on slrulght stretches
on Ml»» Ethel Mourn», lodging house
and are the result of recklessness and
keeper of Klamuth Falla. Al "Curley
carelessness was revealed In the re­
Powers. 38. turned a revolver upon
port of an Investigation covering Inst
him self, ending Ills life with a bullet ilxr by the bureau of public
through bis brain
roads C arelessness and r.-ckb-sni «s
Subjects In which textbooks are to accounted for 51.3 per cent of the ac­
lie gdoptnd for the six-year period cidents; Incompetence and Inexper­
starting In June. 1925, are being sent ience. 7.2 per cent; operation by In­
out to the stale textbook commission­ toxicated persons, 7.3 per cent; ex ­
er» by J A. Churchhlll, slate super­ cessive speed. 4.9 per cent; violation
intendent of schools.
of traffic rub s. 7.3 per cent, only 2.4
The llend Water, Light & Power per c.-nl of the accidents were caus­
company bn» co m p lied 11» new *70. ed by (null« of others than the driver.
000 (liter plant Testing will be com
Coloring of coyote skins to be used
pitied this week when Hie plant will us suhstlluies (or fox fur* has raised
Iw put into actual use. purifying Hog- the price to such an extent that 87
chutes rlvur water for consumption.
hides were sold by the predatory ani­
John J. O'Brien. »»Id by friends and mal division of the United States bio­
relatives lo have been 105 yours old logical survey for *913 50. The price
and for 89 years a resident of Ore­ was *10.50 apiece The previous high
gon. died In his home nt Cedar Mill» record In lot prices was *9. accord­
laat week
lie had resided at Cedar ing to M anley (!. Jeu-ett. predatory
Mills Since 1885 and In Oregon alucv animal Inspector. Male of the furs
of predatory animals killed by paid
Owing to lack of rains during tbs hunter* has netted *8*01.82 since the
Iasi few weeks the streams In thr Inauguration of the present system
Western part of lotne county. e»po early In 1923. This Is approximately I
<lally the Sluslaw river, are too low one-.bird of the cost of the predatory
for successful logging The deficiency animal work In Oregon, which re­
In rainfall this winter Is several placed the bounty system.
throughout Oregon during the year
Charles Overton, councilman from
have been listed by the passenger de­
Iho 3d ward of Newport, was recall
partment of the O.-W. 11. ft N. Co.
ed III a special election by 40 vote»
The listings are: Associated Indus
and Captain Clarence Lockwood war
tries of Oregon. Port land. January 26;
idecled lo lake Ills place. L. C. Hmllh
Porllund Automobile show, Portland,
and Henry Mocker, under recall In
February 9 18; Young Men's Christian
»hr 2d ward, were retained In of
association conference. Portland. Feb­
ruary 16-16; State Retail Merchants' I
A movement to stage a recall ol association, Eugene. February 18-20;
three of the Aalorla city commission Northwest Association of Ire Indus­
ora. which was being launched by cer tries. Portland. February; Knights
tain members of the Central Labot Templar — Grand Coinmandsry. Al­
council with the alleged support ol bany. April I I ; Independent Order of
the mayor, has received a rebuff from Oddfellows—Grand encampment and
the conservative Igborllea which II grand lodge. Hood River, May 28;
la believed will kill the movement.
Foresters of America— Grand court,
The Oregon Purebred Livestock as Portland. May 15; Military Order of
social Ion, In a letter received at th« Loyal i.sglan (state), Portland. May
office* of the public service com mis 12; Loyal Legian of Loggers and Lum­
■Ion. allege that the freight emsrgei bermen, Portland. May 19-29; Rebekah
on purebred livestock In Ihls stale hrs ■tale asaensbly. Hood River, May 20;
unreasonable, and ask that the ratn Patron* of Itaabaadry, slat* grange.
Ue reduced lo fleeter» with those It The Dallas. June 3; M ata Latter Car­
•ffact In other «tales and In Canada riers' assootatlen, Corvallis. June 22;
M le iM o a seneerulng th * aohoel o»e
of Ctoekamoa oowMy ter Oeteber
l * M compiles la th * «MB» *
mhastl SutaH ataM oat ▼•ddee, kadi
euta tha? the
l«w»w •* «M
Area h d tw n * 4 kpd • • m r »
«at tho n««Bl«U4 U * *■
fa ta * . « Mieknoha o< W9 eeoc th-
oeoana of IBM .
Oregen Cbrlattan Mlaelnnery ooaven
Hon. Tam ar, Jaly B-tB; IbtsraaOenai
seaveaUaa Vwgag Faoglg*g toclety <
ChrigMss « s ir a t a r , re rtlM d . J«*r
1923; A »*rteen
Oteawi dirt
•la». PartUnd. *U«*ea»b«r
■Rennd-U».“ Pandlakaa. Beptaxuhar IB-
20; OregtM Wlatorioal goMwy, Part
' land, Onfobenr 3*
la that It never palls on th )
taste. No matter how often It
Is eaten It tastes Just aa gfxxl
the next time It Is served. If
you havs liked Juat ordinary Ice
cream try some of ours and
you'll like It better than ever
and keep on liking It. Better
b)gln today.
N o tic e o f R e d e m p tio n
NOTICE i« hereby given th at, p u rsuant to the provisions
of the T rust Agreement, dated February 1, 1920, betw een
M ountain S tates Power Company and Illinois T rust and
Savings Bank, said M ountain S tates Pow er Com pany here­
by tails for redem ption on February 1, 1924 all of the notes
described in and issued under said T rust A greem ent then
outstanding and unpaid.
Paym ent of said notes a t par, accrued interest to th e
date of redem ption and a premium of five per cent (6% )
of the principal thereof will be made on February 1, 1924
at the office of The United S tates N ational B ank in the
City of Portland, S tate of Oregon.
Said notes, with all unm atured coupons thereto attached,
m ay now be presented at any of the offices of M ountain
S tates Pow er Company for redem ption on February 1, 1924.
After th a t date interest on said notes shall cease.
Westinghouse Lam ps
M o u n ta in S tates P o w e r Co.
By ROBERT J. GRAF, Secretary.
H e n d e r e r E le c tric S u p p ly
from the
Just tw o things h«vo m ade It possible for us to glvo i
you this 20% reduction on Tuxedo:
1. A reduction in tho coet of Kentuoky Burley
tobacco and in package m aterials, as well.
2. Tho consolidation of three of o ur big plants
in to one. (M r. Ford m ay not be In the
tobacco business b u t he Is rig h t about
Y ou know that it is the desire and policy of Tha
American Tobacco Co. to extend to its customers the
maximum of service.
Reducing the price of a treat favorite like Tuxedo ia
our idea of d eliverin t this service.
Tuxeiio is always F R E S H . E very package i s -