THURSDAY, JANUARY 81, 1924 page THF! HPRINOFIBLD NEWS of light, boat and water used In hla A con tarane* with relation to the INCOME TAX IN NUTBHBLL office, and the hire of office aeelalanls proposed plan Io pipe water for mu WHO? Mingle per »ana wbn had The fa rtner may dednet amounts paid nlrlpal purpose» from Clear lake It net Incoma of *1,080 or more or In the production and harvesting of Willamette valley town« waa held at gross Income of *6.000 or more, his crop, cost of ■- »la and fertilizer tha chamber of commerce In Halem and married couples who had used, cost of minor repairs to tarm More than 90 miles of foreat road» net Income of *2,000 or more buildings (other than th». dw elling;, Brief Reeume of Happenings of will Ite ronatructed In 1924 In Ore or gross Incom < til *6.000 or i and < ort of »mall tools used up In the gon at an eatlmated casi of *1.083.100 ! the Week Collected for more Jinual Me returns. couriM of g year of two aa the raault of an agreement between W H IN ? The filing period 1» from Our Readers. the elate highway commlaalon, th» January 1 to March 16, 1924 BORN ________ bureau of public roada and the forali ; WHERE? Colleclor of Internal At their home, Mpringfleld. rout* 1, Hotel m»n from *11 »«ninna of (he j aervlre. revenue for the district In which January 28. 1924. to Mr. and Mrs. ■1*1« will hold * '«Bvaattun In 8a i "I am going to enter the couteat H im person lives or haa hla M. I). Flynn, a daughter, weight lam Halurday. February 10 for the republican presidential prefer | principal place of bualneaa. »even pounds The Feaillotoa bram ii of the Oratoti i once vote In Oregon and have at nc HOW? Inatructlon on Fo-ra «i|i«r( ceinmlaalon IsakU" baa obtain i time had uny Itrlsutlos of abandoning 1040A and Form 1040; alao thv BORN od 947 paid member«, according to the fight In that alate," Monster lllram law and reguatlona. At the homo of Mr. and Mrs. L. J Johnaon of California aald at Waah report. Lopley, January 25. 1924, to Mr. and WHAT Four per cent normal The city of Itoanburg baa abandon Itlgto tl, It C. Mrs. Howard Merrill, a daughter tax on the Aral *4.000 of net In­ • home of Mrs. L. 8. Whittaker, pmdenta. F ight per cent nor lamette river at Burnside street. Port January 22, 1924. to Mr arid Mrs. Mr». Joaeph W. Lytle, mother of ! trial tax on halanc of net Income. tend. Two other bill* pending are fur Nelson Whittaker of Coburg, a son I»r W II Lytle, «tate veterinarian . Surtax from 1 per cent to 50 bridges arroaa the W illamette ut Ilo»» died In ttaletn of apoplexy. She » » . per cent on net Incomes over The baby has been nain-d Clarence Island and Kellwood. 78 year» of uge. Dale. *8.000 for the year 1923. Cove, with a population of 600. had Oregon baa 60.000 deer In her na ' Tlpa fa r Taxpayers BORN tlonal foreata. acrordlng to game 1 her main bugine ui block devastated by fire. This Is tbn third tim e In aboul No. 5 ¡At th -Ir home In Springfield. January renaua figure» completed by official» | ten year« that (o v e has looked on i In the maklug of hla 1923 Income- 26. L924, to Mr. and Mrs Frank of the foreat aervlt •• ruins that took cucii time (he g ro u ter tax return the hu»luea» man. prof-a- Midwell, a son. The baby has been (I. II Warmlngton. a farmer living j share of ber bualneaa buildings. Kat) ■ lonal man. and farmer may deduct named Figrn near Yamhill, waa killed by a »outb { mntca of the l o o place It at about from groaa Income all It- ma properly bound electric train a* It approached *20.000. A number of Mpringfleld people at­ ittrtbuled lo business exp -n»ea. In the atatlon of Krone The bronze statue of the Circuit the caae of a atoreksspar they Include tended Ihe Joint dinner of the P. E. lined» In the aunt of *15,000 will be ; Rider, whleh will he presented to the irnouiila ap-nt for rent of hla place O. and 1) I. L. organizations Monday la»u»