The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 03, 1924, Image 1

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    O lV O T IO TO I N T IM S T
T H « F A R M IH B O F T H I
Chamber Works Court Paroles Boy
On Public Market in Local Robberies
j from Kootenai.
■tf, That Ha la Acquainted
H. C. Jnckion, Farmers Union Stave Edwards Returned to His
With Work of John T. Brown
Organiier, To Be Invited to
Speak at Next Meeting
Father After Being Given
Two Ysare in Penitentiary
Pipe» From
W a te r
M any
~Th« People's Papar"
M illion
Gallons a Day Consumed
l VB
An appeal to the people of Sprtng- Eugene High and Springfield to
Rail Bed and Big Summit Tun*
Praia« for John T. Brown, «van
flebl to »hut the water in their homee
Debate; Springfield Team De­
nel Let to Construction Com­ g«ll»t who la holding servh-ea at t h » Further plans for a public market
8tov> n Edwards. Ilf. Springfield lad .Ioff at p)Kh, or wr8p |h e
Monroe Aggregation a*
panies: Now 73.7 Miles Under Springfield Christian church, la voic­ for Springfield w e n discussed at the who conflated complicity h. three
Tol,.ed by ofl,<ta,„ of , he M(,
ed In a letter received by The New«
Basketball; to Attend U. O.
Contract on Nntron Branch.
meeting of the Springfield Chamber robbarlM In and about Hpringfleld.1 K, aUHI P„ wer f.OD, paDy. The appeal is
from Kev A. G Safer, former pastor
of ('«»iingrc« Friday night In the was purnlad to bis father by Judg • made botaoaa o, the danger of fire
,'oalracta for 32 mil»» more roail
bed construction and lh» «ummlt tun-
n«l of lh* Natron cu toff h a . been Jet
by the Mnutharn Pacific company, The
I lah Construction company of <laden
and the Mtnwart and W«t«h company
<•( Heatlle «era awarded Ihe contra«',a,
the former having 25 3 mil»» and Iho
In n e r having * » mllea and ihe tunnel
Work of laying the ralla above Oak­
ridge la progressing and aome tunnel
work will be don» thia winter on lh«
w « , aide. Work on the «ummlt tun,
re, will be «tarted also. It la annonnr.
ed, If the weather will permit. There
la now rooiracted 73 7 mllea ou, of
rut the cu toff retiulred to cloaa
th* gap between Oakridge and Kirk
The aun^'iilt lunne, la aeveral mllea
,.>ng and will require a large amount
of labor The other tunnel» are »hort-
er bu, there are aw eral formable
one» to be dug above Oakridge before
the aummlt ,» reached on thia vide.
of the (b u rih Mr Hal»r w rites from
h h homo In Kimtenal, Idaho Quota­
tions ftum hl» letter follow:
“I, 1« with real pleasure that I note
John T Brown la to hold a series of
services for Ihe Springfield Christian
church. It waa my opportunity and
pleaaur» to have him for a meeting
In one of my Oklahoma pant orate« and
I know bis worth.
"Beside» being an egcellent Gospel
preacher Mr Brown la a lecturer of
not«, lie baa trav Med extensively and
Ihe IllualraKtd lectures which he ueed
a, time« during hla meeting« are de
serving of (he attendant * of all who
wl»h lo be Informed
"Tbs Church and community are fa­
vor««, In securing the service« of a
man whose time Is usually deruandeo
y lb* larger town» and cltlea.
heartily rot-Vnend him to Sprlngfleld
and tru«l be will have an excellent
hearing for the convention of tinners
end the edifying of « g lu ts"
cham ber rooms. It wav decided lo
Invite Jt. C. Jackson. Farmers Union
organiser, as one In ten eted In get­
ting the market established, to speak
at the next meeting
The prospects of a fruit cannery
for the town were dl«cu»»«l, both
on the baslv of capital from the out­
side, or a cooperative arrangement
If the plan goes through It will have
lo be begun from the ground up.
A com m ittee h-wded by John F
Keleta la working on plana for an
arch on the other side of the W il­
lam ette bridge se a t of town at the
Junction of the McKenzie and th«!
Pacific highways.
Several new members were ad­
O F Hklpworth of the circuit court whFn lhe
r , r. . „ ure
|ow Dur.
School opened yesterday with tbe
yesterday, »fun being sentenced <e |n< the U gt few llay, Springfletd haa
aerva two year» In the state penlten consumed a million gallons of water total enrollment In the high school
now at the 144 mark, and that of the
tlary. A petition for his parole was a day— the capacity of the pumps,
circulated la Hpringfleld Saturday, and
The re.ervolr on the hill only holds Lincoln building now at 440. an in­
signed by Justice of the Peace W ells 500.000 gallons and It Is omposatble ervase in the latter ease of 10 pnplls
and many prominent clUzens of b oth :to accumulte a r-'aerve, the officials A number of the high school «tudm ts
Hpringfleld »nil Eugene.
| aay Water Is being need as fast as are absent because of «.-olds, accord­
Young Edwards' record In high -he pumps and filter» can take It ing to J. E Torbet. principal. Mrs.
school as student body president a , from the mill rare and the city mains Ora Hem en way, Lincoln principal,
y*ar ago. captain of the football team, are very low In pre-isure. In case said that such was not tbe case in
member o t tbe baskejball team, a n d ! of fir* no w ater conld be gotten to the grades. The buildings were in
manager of the debating society w erej fight the blaze If the present condl good condition and quits warm, and
the Janitors should b* commended,
cited In asking for his releave. Dfs- j tloncontinues to exist
trie! Attorney Johnston recopnm rnded
l n scores of house« water ha« been she declared. There are very few
a parole, saying that the lad had a; kept running continually since the absence«, and the teacher» are w atch­
fine record In all but the three tnfrae- cold sp-‘ll set in. Many have frou n ing the health of the children very
lions of the law. came of good fam ily.' pipes Instead of running water the carefully, with efforts toward good
and stated that he would do all In I company officials ask that the water ventilation of class rooms, and find­
hla power to help him regain bis be turned out of the pipe« at the main ing any contagions early.
Attend Teachers Meeting
standing as a good citizen.
or exposed pipes wrapped.
the vacation Profreaor F.
C M. Goodlln, 2». of n-*ar Junction ;
M. Roth of the high school attended
PEERY'S NEW YEAR EVE City, waa paroled to the American ELITE HOTEL' LEASED;
Ix-gton of Junction after receiving a
WILL BE REMODELED the stat* teachers’ ass< J iation la
Profe»«or Torbet went
Guests Drsaa as 4«ees; Bridge and sentence of two years for passing had |
one day and heard E.
checks, ln the petition tor bi* parole R. E. Higgins, of Portland, P u rchaaea
B. Bryan, president of the Ohio state
poln’ed ou, that he had made
u I
w a tch Party
Equipm ent and Renta Property
university, and Dr John Adams of
good tb» ch<K-ks in each case and
From W J. L lchty
the U niversity of London.
Tom M u rray and Eddla W a lk e r Plead
A fancy dress watch party waa giv­ was now squared with hla cred 1 tom.
Plans are being made to send rep­
G uilty and Recalva Sentanea:
Both young men received severe
Lease for five ’ -aarv on the Elite resentatives to the Oregon high
W . A. M a rtin and Ernest 0 . Black en by Mr. and Mr». M M Peery on
Others Flaad Not GulNy
New Ytmr's ere at their horn* at lectures from the court, who pointed rooming house has been taken by R
school conference to be held in Eu­
of Springfield T aken Into Akola
of portland. who
5*h and F street« Th« evening waa out that any new violation of city. R
gene on the Tnlversitv, o f Oregria
Sanctorlum S aturday N ig ht
Pentene»« aggregating 20 yaara each
spent In playing bridge and 500. Lat­ vtat» or federal law would send them tempi«,Ing developing the property
campus January 11 and 13. The con­
ware given Tom Murray and Bddle
er In the evening dancing wav the
Into a modern hotel. The furnishings ference la a Joint one of the Or?<oa
The Orientals from Eugene. Akola diversion, th* guests dancing the old as v io la to r of parole.
Walker. Florm ce bank robbers, who
have been pnrchaiiM by MV. Hig­ high achdol press aavpclation, and
pleaded guilty to grand Jury Indict­ Sanctorum number 208. met In (he I year out and the new year In. Mr*.
Of the other lads four have gone to
gins and the lease taken from W. J. the association ot high school preat-
ment«. In circuit court Monday Judge
C H Wheaton won the fir», prise Portland to face the charge of rob­ Llchty. the owner.
dents and *ecretarles.
<1. F. Hklpworth In pronouncing ««n , In Springfield for Initiation and elec- at bridge, and Mr«. Harry W hitney bery or attempt to rob a postoffice,
A number of tenants have moved
T o Debate Eugene
trace dec lared It waa not a queallon
received the consolation. Mm. Harry and one. a parole violator, has been out of the building in order that It
The Springfield affirmative debate
of aaedlag the two hardened criminal« were prwent
8t««rart bad the highest score ad re,urn«-d to the reform achool. L«-on may be remodePd. Mr. Higgins also
team will meet «he
Eugene high
The a ll Initiates Include two Spring 500 iLunchvon waa served cafeteria Bowman has yet to fare the charge
to Ihe penitentiary to reform but to
, expects to star, a «tore In the room
prevent them from furthar acta of field men. W A Martin and Em eal fashion. The guest« came dressed as of receiving M ole, goods.
.form erly occupied by the Elite cafe school negative team at Eugen? high
.vlalanm The hank rob b-re were tak- O. Black.
Both Edwards and O«M»d In prom a*d „
announred Pear, Pntman „ „ school on February 1. The subject
Forty-NInera, with Indiana,
for debate Is, Resolved: That a grad­
Officers elected for the coming year and country coualna represented,
ra Io Salem to aUrt serving Ihelr «en
the court that they would lead straight
been manager of the Elit* rooms for
uated income tax la a desirable feat
teaces Immedtatdy.
Both bad at- are: D B Dotson. Bug»n«. grand by- j These present included: Mr. and liras from -«ow on.
the last year while they were owned tfre of a state sygfcvm of taxation.
antgMa; George W. Hwn«t, Cotta««
t-mptad to break Jail before trial.
Mrs. Ronald Roberta. Mr. and Mm
. by Mr. Llrhty.
The debate lineup «rill include Alice
Nets UerkrcSn. John C. Hirring and ¡Qrova. vice grand hyaxtyte«; F. E W H Adrian. Mr and Mr«. D. W
Portland property was taken by Mr Tomseth. Ralph Cllne and Charliae
( barlan P Wager, western !.an» far- I .stub. Eugene, reelected registrar:
Crltev. Mr and Mm. John Edwards.
DIES AT HOME IN CITY <*leb,y a« part payment on the hotel I-amhert
mem. Indicted on charge» of aiding J E Richmond, formerly of Hpring Mr and Mm. C E Swa.-ta, Mr and
■ - ■
| h 're
The Springfield basketball team
thv bank robber» lo eacape. plead«-»! i field. r«»-«»le<'ted m a st'r |f finance
Mm. B. A. Washburn«, Mr and Mm
! Mr. Higgins la visiting friends in won from Monroe at Monro? on De­
not gnlltr Al'P Dowell, brother In , Curtis Veach of H alsey wav chose«; Harry M 8« ?warL Mr. and Mm. He*-
cember 5. 184R, died at his home at Roseburg thia week but expects to cember 21 with a score of 18 to 8.
law of Murray, who ha« been held for tm atee for Ihe neat ihree yearn. In
her, Moore. Mr. and Mr». J »'met L. the com er of Ninth and C « ,reels to (cc|n e to Springfield In a few day« to
aiding him. was no, Indlcled by Ihe slsllslln n will be the last Saturday In
T he Springfield lineup wav: John Cox
Clark. Mr and Mrs. J. A. 8eavey. day. The (Ipeeasted has been a r -sldent take over the management of the
grand Jury and haa been released .tannery W. F Wtalk'r of Springfield
and Carl I*e«ris. woVwards; Herbert
Dr. and Mm. R P. Mortensen. Welby of Springfield for a dozen years. The hotel.
from rualodr The other m m will be lla the retiring grand hyaatytee
Horning, center; Jeff Brattaln and
Miss Edna Swart d
Joe funeral was held thia afternoon at
trie«, In the Jury lerm of g lrcu ll court j Thirty members of Ihe
1 Wayne Hawke, guards The Monroe
Clark. Mrs Maude Bryan. Crystal 2:30 o ’clock at the Walker chap-1. MULLIGAN FUNERAL HELD
Mike Gomes. Meglran laborer, who branch o f ’he order m e, In Ihe Woo«L
¡ 'earn Includ ?d: Chester Reader and
Bryan. Mrs. Edeaae Cox. Joan Cox. Interment waa in the I. O. O. F. cem ­
pleaded guilty to stealing good« from , man hall and later Joined Ihe men for
D e|m ar Larkins, forwards;
Mr. avtd Mm. M. M Peery. Mr. and etery at Eugene.
• lores, waa sen I mc«*d to three year» refr whittenlx and a social lime.
The funeral of Jake Mulligan, a Nye. center; Hugh Porter and Fran­
Mm Harry W hitney, Morri» 8 t ‘war,.
In the penitentiary by Judge Skip-
M- Taylor was born in Kentucky in former Springfield man who died ar cis Reillng. guards. Lewis was high
Mr and Mr«. Clarke E Wheaton and
worth Monday He was ««nt to the
IMS and was one of 13 children in hla Portland Monday morning. December point man for Springfield. The re-
Had Boy«' Party
Miss Mevsie Morris of Slco.
penitentiary with the bank robber«.
family. In 1850 his parents moved lo ; ; , 192.T.
h-*ld at the Walker tuVn game with Monroe will be Jan­
The two arms of Mr. and Mr« Wll
Pete Maldanado. Meglcnn. M B for
Illinois and in Mx-ember. 1885. moved chapel at 11 o'clock this morning. uary 25. The »55 fund from the game
llam O Hughes, Evan and Ralph,
Buys Sho« R epair Shop
•hop lifting, pleaded not guilty to the
lo Nebraska, ln 1002 Mr. Taylor came The Woodmen of the World had with Thurston b?re has been turned
entertain'd about 20 boya and girls
Indictments and will be tried by Jury
Oregon and to Springfield in 1911. charge of the services
Interment over to the student body treasury.
John Nelson has taken over the
at Ihelr horn« Friday nigh, from
He leaves to mourn his loss, a wife. was in the Laurel Hill eenurterf
The team wa? accompanied to Mon­
7:30 lo 11:30 The evening was spent shoe repair department of the Hal)
Jane Mountjoy. three sons, W alter and Formerly
Mr. Mulligan was city roe hy Coach L ester Wilrox. Professor
la games Decorations were In the cash sioest though tbe rest ot the
GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY holiday spirit, and refreshment« of ■tore Is tim'^ f the sam e arrange Smith of Springfield, and Floyd of marshall, and an employe of th? Randall Scott, and about 15 too , era.
Portland and . brother living in Ken­ Booth-Kelly mill.
The firs, of four games to be played
cak*. hot chocolate. Jello and candy ment as before^ owned by W. A.
A short ceremony was held at Ore­ here will b?gtn with the one with
The local Rebekah lodge gave a were serv«-«l
Hall. The sale of the repair depart tucky.
gon City yesterday morning before Cottage Grove on January 11. The
surprise party for Mr and Mrs Fred
ment waw made on Deoamber 24. and
Junior high school basketball team
Barnard Monday evening In honor
W. T. D. Franklin was in from the body was sen, here.
W H. And-amon of Prunevllle waa MV Nelson la now in full charge of
w ill play the Eugene Junior high a
of Ihelr golden wedding anniversary a Hpringfleld visitor yesterday.
Saavey'a bop ranch yesterday.
week from Saturday on January 13.
Ents>tain*d at Dinner
Covert were laid for 84 In ,h * I. O.
Eighth grede examinations w ll, ba
Dk. and Mrs. N. W. Emery ente,
O F hall, and table decora,lona were
taint'd at New Tear's dinner Dr. held January 10 and 11. This «cm
orange candles and baskets of frult
Emery's sist?r and husband. Mr and ■seter eloee« Januarv 31, and the new
for centerp,««’.'». Whe® all was In
Mrs. John Rosman of south of Eu­ sem ester begins February 1.
readiness ’he couple were sent for
A Christmas gift toward the orna­
gene. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Light­
Mr* Barnard wav presented with
foot. son William J r , daughter Ma- mentation of nearly all the recitation
live dollare. and was axked ,o chooet
vis, all of Eugene, and niece Elsie rex^ns lo both school buildings «Te
her own present
Refreshm ents of
from Canada; Dr. Emerv's nephew, calendars 3 by 3 foM portraying the
whipped Jello, aandwlcheg. cake and
Floyd Emery, superintendent of Ihe raising of the first flag above a public
coffev were eerveJJ. EnTJ-rtalnraen,
Santa Clara schools; P H. Emery, school house In the United State».
was furnished by a monk wedding
brother of Dr. Emery, from east of These were contributed by tbv Com­
Springfield; Mr and Mrs. John Hen munity Cash store.
dere; Fred Rosenberry; Mr. and Mrs
Charlee Paddock, son W ade
daughter Bertha.
A new power plan, a, Marshfield,
■■ l « l
,o be constructed by the Mountain
Mill May Start Soon
The annual ronv?ntlon and ele- -
State« Power company, will have a
The repairs at th e BoiJTvKelly tlon of officers o f the I*ane County
5000 kilowatt turbine. The new build­
sawm ill are -expelled to he completed Farmers Union w ill be held Friday,
ing la to be made lnrg* enough for
about January 10. according to O. H January 11, at ‘he Santa Clara Com­
two turbines of thia alxe. hu, only
Plans to take car? of
Jarrett, superlntemlcvit. The plan 1« munity hall
one will be Installed at first.
that the mill can start up soon af 300 or 400 people with a big com­
The power for the town Is »• pre«
forwards, Mr. Jarrett ^ald. The shut­ munity dinner are being made.
en, generated hy the sawmills, and
The county union now has S3 l o -
down has lnsted two w eeks now. and
purchased fr<fn Ih'm Estim ates on
the planers stopped running Satur­ cnlR and a »nemb'r&hip of 1423. Great .
the total cos, of the plant Is around
growth has marked the union under
day night.
the direction of l/te retiring c o u n t/
Teachers Return from Vacation»
Miss Anne Hill. English teacher at
the Hpringfleld high srhonly spent
the Clvrlstmas
vacation, visitin g
fgi-trnrts at Wauna. Miss Florence
McClintock, dom estic science teach­
er, wav at Weed> California, with
her parents. Miss Virginia Tomlm
son. mathematics teacher, Halted her
parents and oth-rr relative« a ’ Al
Alva Armitagi» waa bara f .'t .i
Thorsten o« b ssles«» yes lord. .
The Jolly Mixer«, a club of both
Springfield- am] Fugen ? members, m e,
Thuraday night ln the Eugene coun
try club, where the evening was spent
In dancing. A special gu est of tht>
cltth waa Mias Elsie Smith of Goshen.
R efreshm ents of sandwich-»«, cake and
coffee were aerved late In the even­
ing The m eetings have been chang?d
from fortnightly to weekly.
president, Ralph Lelrd. o f'C resw ell. /
Much credit k due ‘by.Ms active, ag­
gressive administration, union mem - '
bers declard. One delegate to each
10 members will come- from each
local to the convention.
Board to Meet
The achno, board will m eet next
Tut «lay evening at 7:30 in the o*
T ee of Dr. W M. Pollard, chairman,
Mr. and lira. Ray Raker v p e.t a / s pc h , poned from the first Tnes-
d.-y » ob» atoalh beeaaaa at N ew
Ckriataaaa w c k ^ e d In ' ,>rl«»’'e',l »
Mbg lBr. aad Mrs. R .
M a rk *«
- « H - l..