O lV O T IO TO I N T IM S T O F B P R IN Q P IB ID A N O T H « F A R M IH B O F T H I W IL L A M IT T I VALLBY THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 3. 1924 TWENTIETH YEAR CONTRACT 32 MILES MORE ON COMMENDS EVANGELIST HOLDING SERVICES HERE Chamber Works Court Paroles Boy On Public Market in Local Robberies j from Kootenai. ■tf, That Ha la Acquainted H. C. Jnckion, Farmers Union Stave Edwards Returned to His With Work of John T. Brown •»» Organiier, To Be Invited to Speak at Next Meeting Father After Being Given Two Ysare in Penitentiary People Pipe» From Run W a te r Freezing; A L IV I NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 61 LOW WATER PRESSURE CAUSE FIRE DANGER M any ~Th« People's Papar" to Keep M illion Gallons a Day Consumed 584 ENRBLL AFÏER l VB An appeal to the people of Sprtng- Eugene High and Springfield to Rail Bed and Big Summit Tun* Praia« for John T. Brown, «van flebl to »hut the water in their homee Debate; Springfield Team De­ nel Let to Construction Com­ g«ll»t who la holding servh-ea at t h » Further plans for a public market 8tov> n Edwards. Ilf. Springfield lad .Ioff at p)Kh, or wr8p |h e p(pe, feats Monroe Aggregation a* panies: Now 73.7 Miles Under Springfield Christian church, la voic­ for Springfield w e n discussed at the who conflated complicity h. three Tol,.ed by ofl,ng and will require a large amount of labor The other tunnel» are »hort- er bu, there are aw eral formable one» to be dug above Oakridge before the aummlt ,» reached on thia vide. I, of the (b u rih Mr Hal»r w rites from h h homo In Kimtenal, Idaho Quota­ tions ftum hl» letter follow: “I, 1« with real pleasure that I note John T Brown la to hold a series of services for Ihe Springfield Christian church. It waa my opportunity and pleaaur» to have him for a meeting In one of my Oklahoma pant orate« and I know bis worth. "Beside» being an egcellent Gospel preacher Mr Brown la a lecturer of not«, lie baa trav Med extensively and Ihe IllualraKtd lectures which he ueed a, time« during hla meeting« are de serving of (he attendant * of all who wl»h lo be Informed "Tbs Church and community are fa­ vor««, In securing the service« of a man whose time Is usually deruandeo y lb* larger town» and cltlea. I heartily rot-Vnend him to Sprlngfleld and tru«l be will have an excellent hearing for the convention of tinners end the edifying of « g lu ts" cham ber rooms. It wav decided lo Invite Jt. C. Jackson. Farmers Union organiser, as one In ten eted In get­ ting the market established, to speak at the next meeting The prospects of a fruit cannery for the town were dl«cu»»«l, both on the baslv of capital from the out­ side, or a cooperative arrangement If the plan goes through It will have lo be begun from the ground up. A com m ittee h-wded by John F Keleta la working on plana for an arch on the other side of the W il­ lam ette bridge se a t of town at the Junction of the McKenzie and th«! Pacific highways. Several new members were ad­ mitted. O F Hklpworth of the circuit court whFn lhe r , r. . „ ure |ow Dur. School opened yesterday with tbe yesterday, »fun being sentenced tain*d at Dinner Covert were laid for 84 In ,h * I. O. Eighth grede examinations w ll, ba Dk. and Mrs. N. W. Emery ente, O F hall, and table decora,lona were taint'd at New Tear's dinner Dr. held January 10 and 11. This «cm orange candles and baskets of frult Emery's sist?r and husband. Mr and ■seter eloee« Januarv 31, and the new for centerp,««’.'». Whe® all was In Mrs. John Rosman of south of Eu­ sem ester begins February 1. readiness ’he couple were sent for A Christmas gift toward the orna­ gene. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Light­ Mr* Barnard wav presented with foot. son William J r , daughter Ma- mentation of nearly all the recitation live dollare. and was axked ,o chooet vis, all of Eugene, and niece Elsie rex^ns lo both school buildings «Te her own present Refreshm ents of from Canada; Dr. Emerv's nephew, calendars 3 by 3 foM portraying the whipped Jello, aandwlcheg. cake and Floyd Emery, superintendent of Ihe raising of the first flag above a public coffev were eerveJJ. EnTJ-rtalnraen, Santa Clara schools; P H. Emery, school house In the United State». was furnished by a monk wedding brother of Dr. Emery, from east of These were contributed by tbv Com­ Springfield; Mr and Mrs. John Hen munity Cash store. POWER PLANT TO BE dere; Fred Rosenberry; Mr. and Mrs BUILT AT MARSHFIELD Charlee Paddock, son W ade ana COUNTY FARMERS UNION daughter Bertha. MEETS AT SANTA CLARA A new power plan, a, Marshfield, ■■ l « l ,o be constructed by the Mountain Mill May Start Soon The annual ronv?ntlon and ele- - State« Power company, will have a The repairs at th e BoiJTvKelly tlon of officers o f the I*ane County 5000 kilowatt turbine. The new build­ sawm ill are -expelled to he completed Farmers Union w ill be held Friday, ing la to be made lnrg* enough for about January 10. according to O. H January 11, at ‘he Santa Clara Com­ two turbines of thia alxe. hu, only Plans to take car? of Jarrett, superlntemlcvit. The plan 1« munity hall one will be Installed at first. that the mill can start up soon af 300 or 400 people with a big com­ The power for the town Is »• pre« forwards, Mr. Jarrett ^ald. The shut­ munity dinner are being made. en, generated hy the sawmills, and The county union now has S3 l o - down has lnsted two w eeks now. and purchased fr California, with her parents. Miss Virginia Tomlm son. mathematics teacher, Halted her parents and oth-rr relative« a ’ Al ban*. Alva Armitagi» waa bara f .'t .i Thorsten o« b ssles«» yes lord. . The Jolly Mixer«, a club of both Springfield- am] Fugen ? members, m e, Thuraday night ln the Eugene coun try club, where the evening was spent In dancing. A special gu est of tht> cltth waa Mias Elsie Smith of Goshen. R efreshm ents of sandwich-»«, cake and coffee were aerved late In the even­ ing The m eetings have been chang?d from fortnightly to weekly. president, Ralph Lelrd. o f'C resw ell. / Much credit k due ‘by.Ms active, ag­ gressive administration, union mem - ' bers declard. One delegate to each 10 members will come- from each local to the convention. Board to Meet The achno, board will m eet next Tut «lay evening at 7:30 in the o* T ee of Dr. W M. Pollard, chairman, Mr. and lira. Ray Raker v p e.t a / s pc h , poned from the first Tnes- d.-y » ob» atoalh beeaaaa at N ew Ckriataaaa w c k ^ e d In ' ,>rl«»’'e',l » Mbg lBr. aad Mrs. R . M a rk *« - « H - l..