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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1901)
sir. no. 20. VOL 3. JUNCTION CITY, 10EEG0N, THURSDAY. JULY 11, 1901 TO. CLOSE OUTS ; A STOCK y ...... OP Men's & Boys' ClotMn BY JULY 5, 1901. Must be sold by that date. We aro goini? to remodel our store this summer. Call at once for bargains. , Hampton B res o EUGENE, OUEGON. GORDON, The House Furnisher. Furniture, Stoves, Tinware H Crockery In fact, everything to furnish a house. tfSTWILL DELIVER GOODS IN JUNCTION FREE OF CHARGE. ACROSS THE CONTINENT. lEdltcrlal Correspondence, Leaving Portland lioaiiy night at 11:45, June 3, the Oregon iditorial party started on their journey aVrow the con tlnentto Buffalo, via tb wenlc North ern Pacific route, In an eWant private car. There were about tjiirty-scven I a the party, Including elven delegatea to the National Editorial Association, members of the Oregon Frei Associa tion and guests. A delegation of aeven from Washington and Idaho joined the nartv &t Taeoma. making forty in the entire party. Following are the Oregon delegates to National Ivditorial Association meeting: Frank S. Harding, Telephone-Register, McMinnvllle; Arthnr Conklln, Oregon Mining Journal, Grant IVs; Lay ton Wlmton, Rual Spirit, Portland; Mies Nellie Gardner, Bun, gherMan: S. C. Reach, Farmer and Stnclr&as, Portland ; A.Y. Ri'ttch, Examiner,' Lakeview; A. W. Cheney, Courier Herald, Oregon City; Mini Anna Oglcsby, BcLiEny, Junction City; Atbert Tosicr, Mines and Metals, Portland ; Mies Ntliie Tosier, World, Portland. Through Washington the ground was quit white with snow aad a . wintry chill pervaded the atmosphere But the warm, bright sun Boon brought out the most charming effect. iAi we were whirled along the Cascades nd Yakima river presented charming pictures. We netted through Idaho during the night, reaching Missoula, Mom., h:m. m., np r1 T TlCA TW7 June 5th. Bylheanoladaof the AKb I UU KCAU Y Rockies, tho velvety Inils; the deeper torial train waking op next morning at Detroit) Mich., a most beautif j! city, where we bad breakfast and a brtef glimpse of the city. Crossing the Ietroit river by ferry, we were in picturesque Canada, litis was a rare treat, as we were whirled along with a fine view of St. Clair Lake in the distance the green foliage and clear blue sky. At noon we stopped at St. Thomas for dinner, at the At. Thomas Hotel, and were taken' for a trolly ride around the belt line of this beautiful and quaint old city. Everywhere we were greeted with hosp'.talHy. At 8 o'clock we crossed the Niagara river, and as the Pan-American build mgs loomed up in the distance a gen oral shout was given by the crowd from the West. As we polled into the Grand Central depot the genial countenance of Mrs. Edytl.e Tozier-Weatherred greeted ns with the welcome tidings that "I have eood rooms engaged for you all," and in less than an hour we were' all comfortably located in pleasant rooms at reasonable rates, on Hoytand Tay lor streets, resting that night, ready for the wonders of the Rainbow City and meeting of the National Editorial Abmh elation. . AXSA OOLESBY. Continued next wee. For sale A brand new 1901 Rambler "Srw rial" Never been out of the store. It is a 40 wheel for 30. Ladies' or gents'. Inquire at the Lvixrnx office. J. v, KAUFFHAN EUGENE, lilSEGOX. Dry Goods J. V. . KAUFFMAN EUGENE, OREGON . A parsiior If so, investigate the REID BEFORE PURCHASING. Evervthing Reid makes is the best of its kiud tkat can be wailo. Neither second quality mate rials nor second-rate workmen allowed in tlie l.eid plops. And back of test materials and best workmanship are ability, knowledge and experience gained through years of inventing, designing, experimeuting. Ninth St. EUGENE LUMBER! ... A ne carry q run liu oi I" rimierS Stoujhtoq Wa oris, John Deere Plow AND HARROWS. All Kinds of Lumher on Hand Bough and Dressed. Long Timbers a Specialty. A level road. No hills. " FOUR MILES WEST OF FERGUESON TLACE. HORTON BROS.. E5TRUP, OR. A GOOD THING. German Syrup is the special proscrip tion f Dr. A. RoHchce, a celebrated Ger man Physician, ami U acknowledged to bo one of tho most fortunate discoveries in medicine. It' quickly cures Coughs, Colds and all Lung troubles of the ne veroMt nature, removing, as it does, the cauHo of tho affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition. It is not nn expcriinental medicine, but has 8t.d tho test of years, giving satis faction in every caso, which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms. 'Two million bottles sold annually. Bo scheo's Gorman Kyrup was introduced in tho United States in 18(13, and is now sold in every town and village in tho civilized world. - Three dopes will re lievo any ordinary cough. . Prize 75 (ts. For salo by Mueller & Hill. Get Green's Prize Almanac. ' Oil Dlseovored In Junction City At Milliorn Bros., whore it is sold by tho gallon. "THE MILWAUKEE" A familiar name for tho Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Railway, known all over tho Union as the Great Railway running tho 'Pioneer Limited" trains every day and night between St Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicasjo, "The perfect tjairs in the world.' Understand: Connections are made with All TratiscontihentoJ. Lines, assur ing to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, eloctric lights, steam heat, of a verity equaled by iio other lino. , See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to ahy point in the United Mates or Canada.. All ticket agents sell then1. For full rates, pampulets or other in foi ination, address, J. W. Casey, C. J. Emy, Trav. Pans. Agt., General Agent, Portland, Or. Portland, Or. 0. B. Tout, 1904, a University of Ore gon Hophomoro, is about to cnnpiie a uireciory oi iugone and Lane county. green of the foliage and brht sheen of tho Yellowstone river over mountains and through dales we glidd enjoying a novel and rare combination of win ter, spring and summer. We were quite tree from dust and cinders. Leaving the Montana linaabout noon, June 6th, we found quite a chance in North Dakota. In approaching what is termed the Bad Lands on the western boundary line f . NtV TikoU pe culiar reddish soil waa noticed, which has been thrown up In va'ious fantastic shapes, suggesting old ruins.some many feet hinh. These were once inhabited by wild beasts and were the hunting- grounds of the red men. We passed a curio store at Mandan that far surpassed any collection of the kind we have seen in the West. There the passengers were eager to be waited on, many carrying away trophies made by the dark men in days gone by. JmZZV'ZI Weatherly Creamery Co., by a delegation from the Commercial Junction City and Portland, Sole Agents for Oregon Cluband the newspapers the city, rarwrite to Weatherly Creamerv Co., Portland, for complete catalogue. Vt'UUfl Wig US Ilia iwwiin v Hits cltv and nn elecant breakfast at the Commercial Club rooms. The break fast wks followed by a trolly ride tc Cal houn and Harriet lakes, beautiful bodies of water, situated a short distance from the center of the city, a few blocks from each other, surrounded bv broad drives and smooth bicycle paths. A large pavilion is located at Lake Har riet. Thence we went to Minnehaha Falls Immortalised' by Longfellow which aro in the midst of a pretty park. Returning to tho Guaranty Loan build ing, we had a fine view of the city and luncheon. The building is twelve stories high. Several impromptu speeches were made. In the after noon we visited St. Paul, and left at 7 :35. Tho concral conclusion was that there wa9 nothing small about Minne apolis, either in size, commercial enter prise or hospitality, and a vote of thanks was civen the city and the Commercial Club committee. We were now on the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul road, through the courtesy of Mr, C. J. Eddy, and we had tho pleasure of that gentleman's com pany from Minneapolis to Chicago, where we arrive! next morning at 7 o'clock, and tor two days our party enjoyed the sights of that busy city, visiting the famoas Lincoln park aad taking a drive' along Michigan boulevard, the fincsS driveway in. the world. Sunday nlcbt we were once more on tho road -oa tho Wabash special edi- Loggers We are Headquarters for ... SIM0NDS SAWS "V" . Logins Supplies GRIFFIN HARDWARE COfiP'Y, EUGENE, OREGON. LUMBER ' The Burlington Route M for Buffalo. 'GEORWE W. WRIGHT, OF GOLDSON, HaS ON HAND . . . . 500,000 Feet of Dry Lumber which he will dispose of at reasonable frice. ijong timbers a specialty. umber on the market. GoodEoad. ESTWill be delivered prompt')' at i ny pait of the county. " co YEARS' L. : EXPERIENCE i Trade Marks , Designs j Copyrights Ac, Anrnno SMirtlna a sktrh nd description o autokli uaertnin our opinion frw wlietlior m. Invention ts prohntily pfctentnblo. Comiiiunii'tw tioiwatrlctlyconttilor.iliKl. Hundbnokon Piticuu e'it fn. (lrtent icency fur niHiuriiiir patem. Fitnta tukoii thnush Muun Co. recuU ipttM notice, m it hout cimnro, la the Scientific Jlracrican. A letndnonielf IllnsfrntwS wMr. I.araost pi, culntion of ny oolontltlo Ji)uriinl. Torni. f J Twri fnr iuoiuUs, eoldbrall ncwoopiors