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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1901)
THE A. P. BETTERSWORTH, JR., Editor and Proprietor. MISS ANNA OOLESBY, Associate Editor. Hl'HSCKieTtOX KAT!!S. One year, if paid in Advance - $l.0 Six months, $.76 Three mouthy. t .6Y ' Advertising rates made known on application. butered the post-office nt Junction City as second class mud matter. THURSDAY, JUNK 27, 1001. Pendleton ha? 4,200,000 pounds of wool in her warehouse ami no sale for it, says a telegram. And still prosperity eon tinues. CROP BE FORT. The United States weather bureau re ports the conditions of crops in Oregon, which iu part, says: "Fall wheat is ripening nicely and! . . . 1 l k. 1 . ! even that reports uamngeu oy iiwhs recovering and will yield better than formerly expected. In the Willamette valley the w heat crop is generally in good condition and remarkably free from in fect pests. There is some complaint of its heading short and of the heads Wing small, but these complaints are not gen eral In Southern Oregon the wheat crop will be below the average on ac count of dry weather. Winter onts are beading nicely, and fall barley is ready tc cut in Soot hum Oregon. Corn and gardens, although showing improve ment, are still backward. Hops are making a good growth and as yet have not been damaged to any noteworthy extent by lice. "The cutting of clover huv is well advanced. Potatoes are do- iag well. Pasturage continues abundant and stock is in excellent condition. FIVE DOLI.AKS REWARD. T3 the Farmers of Lane County: It is the desire of I.ane county to make a rrtNtitnlila exhibit of farm oroducts at the coming State fair, and in order to secure one that will uo justice to me productive resources of the county it is necessary to secure the hearty co-operation of all the farmers. Many farmers can, without anv special labor, gather Irotu tneir news cnoico samples oi me different varieties of grains and grasses which would add materially to the gen eral exiiibit. As an encouragement to secure your ci-operatiou in collecting an exhibit and to remunerate you for the extra trouble, the undersigned will pay tiie sum of $3.00 casli to" the party securing and de livering in Eugene the best collection of grains end grasees in sample bundles about four inches in circumference and tie.t with cord in four places in order to bold them intact. Farmers or others will not be limited to their own lands in miking the collections but may gather them anywhere in Lane county. If you have an) choice samples" of grain or grasses collected and w ill send the undersigned word, we will gladly drive out to your homes for the same, if it is inconvenient for you to brintr them to town. Appealing to every resident of Lane county for co-operation in making the collection for the State Fair exhibit of the products of the county, we are, very respectfully, F. M. Wilkins, resi dent of' Eugene board of Trade ; K. J. Frasier, Collecting Exhibit Agent. THE HOME GOLD CURE. Ix Ixor.viocs Tkkatmkst bv men DurvKARLs Aki: 1'eixg Ci keu Daily i: Spitb of Them sf.lvks. No Noxiors Dofks No Weakening the Nkjiv::s A Pleasant axd Pof-invK CruK kor tub Licfjon Hadit. or It is now generally known and under stood that drunkenness is a disease arid not weakness. A body filled with tsd; Hon, an.l nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant useolintoxieat i:isj liquors, requires an antidote capa ble of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving for intoxicants. Sufferers may now cure themselves at horn without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful "Jlniiie Gold Cure" which ban been perfected after many years ol close studv and treatment of inebriates The faithful uh j according to direc tions of this wonderful diseoveiy is pnr silively guaranteed to cure the roost ob stinate, case, no matter how hard a drinker- Our records show thu mar velous transformation of thousands of drunkards into sober, industrious arid upright men. Wives cire your husbands! Children t ure your fathers! This remedy is in do sense a nostrum, but is a specific for this disease only, and is so skillfully de vised ana prepared that if U thoroughly solulile and pleai-ant to the taste, so that it, can b nivcn in a cup of tea or colee without the knowledge ot the person taking it. Thousands of drunkards have cured themselves with this price less remedy, find as many roore have been cured and made temperate men bv Laving the "Cure" ndmiuisteivd by lov inp; friends and relatives without their knowledge ir cof or tea, and believe tu.l-jv thai they discontinued drinking of. their own free will. Do not wait. Do not bo deluded by Apparent ftud mis lead i off "improvement. Drive out the disease "improvement." Drive out the "Homo Gold Cure" is fold at the ex tremely lov price of one dollar, thus placing within reach of everyludy a treatment more effectual than others totting 25 to $50. full directions ac company each package. Special advice by skilled physician when requested without extra charge. Sent prepared to any part of the world on receipt of one dollar. Address Dept. KtKH, Edwin IJ. Gilts & Company, 2330 and 2332 Market St., Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly confidential. Lodge Directory. J v notion Cmr Camp, No. 44U, Wihidmss or thk World, meets every first and third Monday nights in the mouth. E. O. Pamckls. Consul Com. H. M. Miluors. Clerk. & Lihtllcs Lowit, No. 52, K. of P.. meets first and third Thursday nights in each month, t S p. nt. J. P. Hamlin, C. C. C. P. Hocstov. K. of K. & S. ..jAii-v. Oasis Ldtxis. No. 41, 1.0 W O. F., meets every Saturday W. M. Tbipp, N. O, B. F. Hakvky, Secretary. ClL'"' JCSCTIOxClTY I.0DCSR,N0.123, iyBX. A. O. U.W., meets every Tues day night. .fvf G. F. RatpwoBTH, M. W. W. M. TtTxav, Recorder. Professional. Physicians. W. W. OOLESBY, Phvsician and Surgetm. Office in Hotel Hlock. Jnnct'on. Or, ECU EN E STEAM DYEING AND 7 CLEANING WORKS West Eighth Street Near Steam I-uundry Chris Marx, Jr., Proprietor Girthing Cleaned, Colored and Re paired. Faded Clothing Restored to its Original Colo? to Look Like Kent 8ATI9rAGTIO!i GUARANTEED. Tatephonm Red 40-4. CORNER SRUG Eugene, Corner Oth and Willamette Ureal Oregon VINCENT & CO. DRUQs, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, etc. gSTTEKMS CASH. Thirsty? Well, if you are going to Eugene, stop at it The Oregon on Willamette street, four doors south of th? H"te Eugene, where you will find the rinest liue of Wines, Liquors and Cigars in the Willamette Valley. W. WADDLE, Prop. Farm for Salo. Lavd fok Sale 130 acres with barn and out buildii,gs, running water, tw o or chards, So acres in farming land, within nine miles of Junction City, for $lft00. Inquire of t?. Templeton, miles southeast of Junction City. No atrent. Do You-Know THAT TIIE Seattle Fruit & Produce COMPANY, OF EUGENE, pays the highest cash price, for poultry eirgs, vi-al and all kinds of farm produce. Prices this week : Chickens,7f: per pound ; veal, 7c; geese, 6c; dueks, 7c. Don't for'gft the jdace th Htreet, next door to oap factory. MBS. J. A. filBPETTC NILLIXuiUY PARLOUS. Latest Style Spring Kats Call and see them. Prices reasonable. A full lino of . . . MJLLTNE'lY nnd FANCY GOODS. . . THE NEW LAW.- U'Knr li.K'ivrf tMO MiiinlltV. V III If mw - .tiilv H nini nil I.iiwIm umoii which I it uo county hold lax salrtCcrtUloatusol inure tluvn two yedrs stamung wtu no oueriM tor sale at Auction." I.thnnMi Kxuremi Advance: Else where in thil issue Is theautmuucemeitt of a sheriff iale of H property bhl in ly llie county at naies. . . . i ne niw liu. ..,vi lH that owners of such property may releini same before July isi uy paying tue mouut oi vi rum cota. After that time a penultv of U0 per cent on tue amount ui wi ami coi nite or Ini perfect Uem'ription of such tun. I nn II. ma MHIinnt full, tit Other de- '."".V. W.. HIT... - -r - - , - fects, speclnYd in the law pertaining Ui uie original laie, tne purcnaiwrirom uw county at tl July sale acquires ft giol lilt.. If , nil V rnvtu'M of lrot. . v . ,t iin' ' .v. . ....... - - . erty heretofore purchased by the county nt mx BilU's, are reijuu, vu uru uihih to hold their real estate, it would lw well for them to inspt'cl the new law by the 1st of July. J. II. Miller invites the people of Junction and vicinity to call and see tb new 1W1 Rambler bicycle. If you are thinking about buying a wheel, it will pny you to look at the Rambler More you make a purchase. Just notice ti t number of these wheels in use. That is tbo best pdvertisement it cau have. SOROSIS THE BEST Woman's $3,50 SHOE IS THE WOULD. 14 Different Styles T. A. GILBERT, SOLE AGENT, Eugene, Oregon THE "DOCTOlt." We bnd a fort-doctor here Isst week who looked flstlioiiwli lie iimv Ix at tlw tiortil ot 1i!h tiro ;3,fefSion, ns far as an elegant ITVO. t .1 nn.l n. I r tl fttind OP., p'eerueu. wur reKioirryiu"' triers In surgery and materia med "! w..n. tx.l lii it uitli tiie corn m& h doctor whenitcametobrilliiutts on a pu k shirt and swell clothes gener al! v. The "il,M tor" hfid the hnrwv fac ultv iil iiicmtiiitinv hiniwelf into the " eonvrsaxione " of everylxKlv who u-iuilil i hin n idi him And ho colli place that cane exactly in the center nt whom tint unit fit tiiit trollm-rH Is. leoi) hack on it and rival ft theoilolitc. The hx-ior" ativs more of our people have ., u'u am ailnm (if. Tliifl will V, . . 1. t. .nw ---. v.. ..... make um very rareful in our epistle to .... ... ..i.i the jiiiduo iiereaiter nei-aime n womu not like "to trend on nttylnidy's corns." The "iloctoi" chnrgiHj nny cents to nwii-ii a iHilloiiuiu.NN. nnd enrried off t lit crop, of which he had a fine display in n riti-ii!n 1 lu ili'Mnrteil ill the liirectien of Stockton, California, where be said his home is. Camera Bargains FOLDING CAMERA, with Carrying Case and Double Plate-Holder, $7.50. P.0X CAMERA, witJi Double Ix-nse 4xS, $3.00. NEW MODELS POCO and PRE MO CAMERAS or.d EASTMAN KODACKS. E. Schwarzschild, Eugene, Oregon. W. M. TREPP, General Blacksmithinr .IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. JST HORSESUOEINO A SPECIALTY jffilt Corner Fifth and Greenwood Sts., Junction City, - Oregon South and East VIA Southern Pacific COMPANY. Shasta Route! Trains leave Junction City for Portland and way Utio. at 3:30 a. in. and 2:33 p. in Lv i'orllaud.. .... 8;.'0hiii 8;:h)iu .v Jnni-llon Oitv. 1 :HM lm 12:411 Sill Ar Ashland Vi'M am 11 ::lft am " Ksersmento .. ft'lOpm 6;tt)ftm " San ErancUco. 7;4ftpni HM.'uni Ar Ogden t: am 7 ilHI am II; 15 am 7 m 8::i0sm " IH-i.ver tt'MUttui " Kansas City... 7 -25 am " Chicago 7:42m Ar U Angeles.. . 2:tM ui M ;lt') am fl:(H pm it ::0 nni 11:110 am 7 MH) am :30 pm .H:42nm 12:10 pm El Pas.. fl:(X)rtn Fort Worth... :.H0aiu City of MexicolI:3Um " Houston 7itX)m " New Orleans. . fl:itO pin Washington... :!'.. am New York 12:10 put Pullman and Tourist curs on both trains. Chair cars Sacwimmto toOg den nnd El Pa. and Tourist cars to Chicago, St. Iajui, New Orleans and n!iiiiL'lon. Connecting at San Sranclsco ith sev eral steamsiiln lines for Honolulu, Ja pan, China, Philii'piucs, Central iui Snith America. He sire nt at Junction City station, or address C. 11. MAKKIIAM. O. P. A., Pelt land, Oicgun. GO EAST Shortest & Quickest Una TO St. Paul, Buluth, Min neapolis, Chicago And All Puints Enxt. Throagh Palfisa sndTocrist Sleepers, Dicing 6 Eonet Smoking Library Car: DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; SERVICE A SCENERY L'NEtjUALED Tickets to joints Eum via Porthind and thu iihKAT .Noktiikhv Uy. oh s.ile at Southern Pucillc Dep-it Ticket office, or Great Nohthkus Ticket oltlce, 122 THIRD ST., POKTLANl). For Rates, Foldjrs and full Informa tion regnrding Eastern trip, call on or address A. M. C. DEN'S ISTON, City Pass, ami Ticket Airent, Portliii.d HI I ,11 pin VIA ureauiiiiforsiiation. The Burlington ticket ofTice in Portland is a vcrilable Bureau of Information for travelers place where they can learn what it will cost to reach ANY point In America or Europe; how long the trip will take, and what there is to see on the way. If you are figuring on an eastern trip, drop in and get full information, or, if you prefer, write me about k Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and EVERYWHERE beyond. Cor. $43TO UUFFALO. Arc you going? The lowest regular rato heretofore lias been (.37 and the same returning, making the lowest round trip (1 15.40, but the Turlington Routo will now sell you round trip tickets for (80, which is the same ns $4U each way, and yen can have choice of routes and seven trains on dates of sale. Go over one road nnd return another. On this low rate you can also reach other Eastern points. . Tickets ure first class and istopovers permitted. Quick Cs, time and best service. Writo us for full particulars before making other ar rnnci rw-T.ts, Address R. V. Foster, 'Vi !i'f Ai.'1-iil, !'rlinloii H'.uti', No.'JO'J Third Street, i .ur, Pvi'tl.tJio.'ir. 9lM I iSk I ; & OREGON SllOIrllfiE UNIONPACIHC AND Time 5ihcdules rnoi PORTLAND Halt IjiVp, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omit lis, Kansas City, H. Loois, Chb rngo nnd East. ASMIVH raoM t)lt Clucng'H Port Is ml Hperial 0 A.M. 4:30 P M. vlallunt lniitnn. Atlantic hail, iHMiver. ., rr.. m Ft. Worth, Omit hn, Kansas ity, H. Iiiis, Chi esiio and East. Wa!lifVsll;Lew Iston, Hpokane, WnlSace. Pull man, Minneapo lis, H. Panl.Du Juth, Milwankee ChiengoA East. IIP M. 8:10 A. M vlsllnnt- ingtoii. st. rui Fast Mail 0 P. M, 7 A. M. Hyukane Portland to Chicago in 72 Hours. No Change of Cars. Ocean &River Schedule rttOM POIITLANO All Sailing Dates suhject to clifnge. For Froncisco. Hail every IS days. 8 P. M. V Kktvpt huodsy H p M. Satord'y, l" p m. Oolumblm Rlvor To AsturiA and Wiy-Iindlngs. 4 P. M. Ex. Hi n. UO EAST THItOCOH poP.TLAD. TICKETS VIA THIS ROI TE ON SALE AT H. P. DEPOT. U. F. THAYER, Ant. ulem. Ore. gap closed 1ln orutlon of ihronh tr!ns U'tw -en Snu Frnncfcei, i i;d Ij Aiiifvle. via Surf and Sant i Hr hntn, will begin on ' ' SUNDAY. MARCH 31,rPM. on the new COAST LINK Tu through trains daily. The Coast Line Limited," leaving esch termtnnl in the morning. eiulpd with elegant cafe and nurlor cars, Mill make ihivluht trips thruigh the n.Oft pictur cKijne, vnried and cntertnintug scenes on I he continent. liHpiiro of agents of the Southern Pacific Co. A. C. Shbldon, Gonoral Agent, Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore. This is the sensou when hoiiseclenninK begius,to receive consideration. A nel' carpet for the parlor, sitting room or bedroom, and new matting for the kitchen and halls, add a thousand Pr cent to the appearance o fa homo. oil will find just what you want in this linn at W. L. Wright's furniture store, and at prices that are right. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS, The 1000 assessment rolls will bo cloeed Jtno 15th. W. W. WITHERS, Sheriff nnd Tax Collector. S'j'. son'ji? f ,ir Tu:; rSj't.i,itm, m& nm ( wnwm