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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1901)
THE A. P. BUTTERSWORTH, JR. Editor and Proprietor. MISS ANNA OdLESBY, Associate Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RAS. One year, if paid in Advance ILW inx months, - $ ."5 Tim months. ..- .50 Advertising rates made knowu on application. i L , ,. butt-red the postotlice at J auction Uty as second cIoks mail matter. Do not bo deluded by apparent and mis leading "improvement' Drive out the disease at once and for all time. lhe "Homo Gold Cure" i sold at the ev trciuoly low price of one dollar, thus placing within roach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others ecting 1-3 to 150. Full directions ae couipanv each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sunt prewired to auv part of the world on receipt pi one dollar. Address Dept. K022, JM B. GiUs & Company, IflUW and i'ii'2 Market St., Pliiladdphia. ' All correspondence strictly confiden tial. POSITION OF THE S. P. COMPANY As will bo seen by the phonographic report elsewhere; Farmer Smith awed his bretnren of tbe soil fornof fttteudhig the meetingln greater fore than they did. He attributed it to prejudice ; that Wause he la in the employ of a railway company. That the S. 1 has no other motive than the good of the fanner Imiht. Not because it loves Crcsar leas, but because it loves Rouie more; it wan Is to increase lis iubmcs, and it cannot do that unless the farmers iltiU HIU I'W.V v. ... . . j - . nnuiwriina. VtiftftV rubs Ul against vour leg. You aav : "Oh ! what a lovinfccat." No; pussy does that bo-1 cause it pleases us self. w e all ruu up agiinst one another in business for profit. The Bulletin, too, wants great prosperity here. How are financially oor farmers going to take tbe paper and pay their subscriptions promptly ? In borne localities, in the East and South, those who publish the papers take wood, hams, everything, on subscription, ex cept the smallpox, and they would take if thfr ii!i nv monev in it. We -nt. .!. rivrht now. not because our bank account is not plethoric, but he rn nsf wrt are not so sure w snail mvci all thoe in heaven who owe anything. Wa wnnl.T t-pntlv call the attention of the "workers" of the Capital Journal to th f-tot. that morose mirairels incident to he nr.-t.:ii nf minv who narrow "the .-rt-tJn.T" rl:twn to meal t'mes chieSv t.. tff..ti i.f dvsneesia are f ritfhtful Perhaps the "workers" of the Journal need a goou cook. . The Bulletin has bounced "A great BAcirnvncrcRMCErt FROM THK MILLS." Z t. - - - . an advertisement relative to the sale of hosierv, because of "Empire Knitting 'nll.r. Hans & Co.. Droorietors. New York," having failed to liquidate for the insertion, per coiuraci. iu uiai inz the 'irssrtion' we 'put our foot in it,' in The Bulletin, not m tne cose. m From abroad come propositions to furnisb The Bulletin wun eaiionai anu Minir matter for small com pensation or immortalitj in the form of advertising in this paper. They are he ntace. The Bulletin is not a 2ndjrt3T sewer. These are else where along the line of journalism. W e do our own thinking and mean what we any. Meanwhile, Th Bulletin is open to the publication of articles, from its readers everywhere wn the vital ques ,vn tha riv. nd e would be nleased - to have them sent in often; But we do not want articles from a . burro, or bureau as it is expressed. Timro nnthincr new that can be sa.d in favor of the " Kambler" bicycle. It has been on the market twenty-two vears and during all of that time has been the tavonte witn wcycie rmers. Tha. now ittOl Rambler "Spec- ;m nr fivA nounda lighter (ban any Kanibler ever before turned out, and as true aa steel anu emu can wane them. Call at NVright's furniture store aud see them. Lodge Directory, j .inwiTinVr CiTY'Canr. No. 4W, WtioiuiKX or tiu WoRi.i, meet every first and third Monday nights in the month. i 1 . .V . u J 1U. V. PAJCJrf. 1 Consul Com, II. M. Min iQBS. Clerk. Tun-linn Loimik. No. f)2. K. r 1 m.wt tint nd third Thursday nights in each month, at 8 p. m. . , J. P. IUmlis, V. V. C. Y. HoisTov. K.of U. AS. . . ... Ilium IjHViB. Nrt. 41. 1.0 CtfZStf 0. V., meet every Saturday "Jf.-. evenini!. ' V. M. Tkii p, N. G. r. F. IIarvkt, StH-retary. WHAT IS LFI OF THEM. The Ijiue CouniVoterans' AsstwiaUon has elected John;' nghain president : J. IHXUl. J. At'. bDll i"i J-Miyo, J. It. Klliott, F. V button, W. H. Lin coln, J. U. t uruil anu uaruuier view presidonta, A. YrruiKion is secretary. , c. ON TO YJQUINA BAY. : tvv. ...a ann.f i-Mon time at Yi qulna Bay, whern be had excellent fare, gooi nsnti '. i.iii. in, a m iii-iii.. 'in h inu ruiuiiiv-a i Thi ...limn niiim'iMes at the Sunt nier School, of ,01, t Newport, will affonl groat varlufof inslrucUon.dlver- No other rusyjt ofteri iiual attro t ons and aavanta live Wrir&TTTnrwAY. vifcitlng her cousfn Him Kitty Mdliorn, returned to wef wne iu- uugvnvi Jvr tiriUv. s- ' !.'!.." w - ... i....i niH. nrvin Smith renairea .....i.i.i.i... iiurtt this wuk ami IIIV IIT1WUVI . took it out on the road southeast, near the Cook place. ! Special EdiUoii-Flve cents a copy u u inmiMH-t for the com pounder of a Kootluig syrup lhat can be nuxeii witn tne n or vhw lleoso aud bcllimait tailors. i ' South and fiootf VIA Southern Pacific COMPANY. Shasta Route 1 Trains leave Junction City for Tortland and way stations at t :w a. "" 2:35 p. in. Mil ire ki.i ci Ma SllQllT.M Lv I'orilana ;ao am l.v Junction City. 1 :.'W pm Ar AHiuami ...... isuw am " Sacramento .. ft 10 pm " Kan Francisco. 7:45 pm Ar Ogden , 4:"am " liei.ver ::iuam " Kansas City... 7. "5 am 11 fhicairo....... 7:42am A7TZ Anacles... i:tKipm " r'l rao. ...... o:J pn Fort Worth... fl:H0am " City of Mexlcoll ::W urn aa .Lk .... " llmisloit ( :w am K.iir ilrlnniiR . H: U)ini Washington... tt;42niu " New York lg:U pm M:Hi pm 12 ;4ti ftni iliWani ft :ik) am Mill am Jl"7:0(am U :15 am 7 :W am 8:W niij u :W pm am II ::uam 7 :tw am (i :0 pm i:liam 12:10 phi SOROSIS . v? .lrvi-ri.ii PlTV I.01M1K. No.V-tl. X.O. U.W., meets uvery Tue.v G. F. Skipwohth, M. W. AV. M.riTXKV, Recorder. Professional. Phlclan. W. W. (X1LKSBY, l,livu!ii!tn and Hviruooll. Oftlcein Il.'Ud Blmk. - Junctin.Or. KlliKNK I STEAM DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS West Eighth Street Near Steam Laundry Chris Marx, Jr., Pwprktor Clcthinq Cleaned, Colored and Re-1 paired. Faded Clothing Restored to Its Original Color to book Like ftem eTiarAGTiofs gimrntecd. Tmlmphon Rmd 40-4. Till BEST , 1 Woman's '1, CO SHOE IN Tit: WORLD. 14 Different Styles T. A. GILBERT, SOLE AGENT, Eugene, Oregon n.i.i Tonrlut curs on Ndh Kticrauientn to I T.inrlwi cars to ChleaRii, St. ev OrU-uns ami WathiKKton.. . . Un Kmnr M'l) with 0V I i .1.1., 1 ,i.i llnlUilUJIl. J' I CIB I Hl'linHI'M' I . r . my . paiv I hina, I liUippines, v-ciur-i I rKIUVII ..III. . ....I.- Kw iwimt at Jumllon wty swiuwu, I or ndilres n It MA UK AM. . r. A.. Poillanil, tn'W. GO EAST VIA tn:rT ro Chicajtif iVrtland Hixx'iui it A. M. via Uunt IlU'toll. AUurtUo Kaprexl ttl1 M. via Hunt ItHfliUl. fit. Taul FutMil o F. M. via Spokane TImo Schedule rKo nURTLAND Hiilt I.ak, Psnver, I t. Worth, tma ha. Kansas City, H. ; Lout. Chi to ami hast. Ft. Worth. tma ha. Kaunas City, bl. 1 stills.' Chi- " ai;o and hat. Wttlla WallsTlw laum, Spokane, Wftllwce, I'dll man. Minnpapo- Ha.Kt. raul.Pii Inth, Milwattkr t hica?oA r.a. amifva rnoM 4.;w 8:10 A. M t 7 A.M. Portland to Chicago in 72 Hours. No Chance of Cars. Ocean &Biver Schedule CORNER -r.;- RUG I 0th end Atreet "1 THE HOME GOLD CURE. Tv TvriEVffios Tmeatmbxt by Which Drcnkakos Ake Beixo Chrko Daily is Spitb of Them- BKI.VK8. Euircne. Oregon VINCENT & CO. DRUGs, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, etc. SfTERMS CASH. Thirsty? Well, if you are going to Eugene, stop at it The Oregon" Camera Bargains FOLDING CAMERA, with Carrying Case and Double rlate-Holdev ;.$7i0. 'y,0X CAMERA, with Double Inse 4x5, $3.00. NEW MODELS TOCO and PR EMU CAMERAS and EASTMAN K0DACKP. E. Schwarzschild, Eugene, Oregon. V.. Xrirrora DnR No Vi EAKEXt.Vfl OP toe Nkrvek A Pleasant axd 1'ohitivb Cure fox the Liquor Habit. ti iu nr.ur w-nprAUv known and under tt .rl tint .IriinL-priru.m iri a didease and not weakness. A body filled with joi too, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or coiiHtant uho ot inUjxicat- liquors, require an anxiaoie Me of neutralizing and eradicating this r.i.iann :ml (Ifistrovinir the cravinif for- ;,.citiia Siiiffiri-rii niav now cure themei'ivei" at home without puUiciity or loss of time Irom imeincts oy m a wonderful "Home Gold Cure" which has been perfected after ninny years of ytiiitv nnt treatment of inebriates The faithful une accordinir to direc . nwia nf thin wnnderfu'l discovery is no- Hilively suarauteed to cure the moct ob- atinate case, no matter now nam a ,l,!r-.l..r flur rrnririU hIiOW the mar- vhIous transformation of tboiiFaiuls of drunkards into sober, industrious and upright men. " , W'iv cure your ! Children cdrfa vour fathers! This remedy is in no Kc'mie a nostrum, but h a specific fot thin disease only, and m no ilullfully de v !.! ami iirpnared that it irf thoroughly Holuble and pleasant tothetate, that it can te given in acupof ie.iur cojitic without the Kiiowieuge oi tne ptrsun taking it. Tboueands of drunkards have cured themselves with this price less remedy, and as many rrore have been cured aud made temperate men by tbe "Cure" administered by lov ing friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or ta, and believe today that thev dineonthimd drinking of their own free will. Do not wait. on Willamette street, four doors south of the Hotel Eugene, wncre you . will nud tne nnest line oi Wines, Liquors and Cigars in the Willamette Valley. W. WADDLE, Trop. Farm for Sale. i.ivn vnn 9,Ki.m 480 acres with barn and out buildings, runnin water, two or chards, 35 acres in farming land, within nine mile of Junction City, for $ltjX). Inquire oi n. jempieton, ume Houtbeast of Junction City. No attent. Do You Know THAT THE Seattle Fruit & Produce COMPANY, Or JM;tiKft, ii,u v.;, rtii.i.t rmih nrice for ooultrv eu'us, veal and all kinds of farm produce. 1'riceHtlus ween : uriicaemvc per po-um , veal, 7c; geese, c: ducks, 7c. Port t forget tne piace owi onwi, wi door to boap lactory. 8 P. M. 'naiir Except Sunday H P. M. Saturd'v, U) V. M. All Hailing Datei subject to change. For .an FrancUco. rall erry 5 days. To Astoria and Yay-Ldin g. 4 P.M. 4P.M. Ex. Hon. Shortest & Quickest Lino TO St. Paul, Duluth, Min neapolis, Chicago And All I'ultiU East. ThrouQh Palaes and Tourist Sleepers pining & Banet Smoking Library wrs s niTf V TII41NB. VABTTIMJ?'' PEUVJCE ,& SCKN KK V ttm !AI.EI) Tickets to oliit Ersi via Portland snd the Great Nohthkwv Uv. oo aide at Southern Pacific Depot Ticket olhce, or CiBEAr Nouthkh Ticket olllre, 4 133 THIRD 3T POKTtANU. Vnr Uttton. Folders and full infurma- timi n-uardinc Eastern trio, call on or address A. H. C. DESSlSTUN, City Prks. and Ticket Agent, roruanu OO EAST TMHOUGH P0HTI.AD. TICKETS VIA THIS KOUIK ON MALE AT H. Y, DEPOT. E. F. THAYER, Agent, falem, Ore. gap closed The ojirralion ci mrouEn . Utwefn Han Krancisco and Ms Angeles. vl Mnrf and Hanta liar bars, will begin on BUN DAY, MARCH 31, 1901, , ontlie new ,. COAST l-l N li . y mm . ' ..KW Two thrngH'traimi-iaiiT. Conl Line Limitod," leaving each torminsl In tbe morning, iM.oti jH'd with elegant cf nd parlor car, will make daylight ' trios throgh the most pirtor okouo,. varUd nn.l entertaining tceiieaon the conliaent. Inrpure of Dyenbi of tho Southern Pacific Co. W. M. TRIPP, General Blacksmithin IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. gjCJ" IIORHEHIIOEISO A SPECIALTV JtJ Corner Fifth and Greenwood Sts., Junction City, Oregon. The mrs .i. a. si bp. etit MILLINERY PARLORS. Latest Style Spring Hats Call and see them. Prices reasonable. A full line of .... . MILLINERY and ' , 1 FANCY GOODS. Imperial Limited SERVICE WILL BE INAUGURATED JUNE 10. 100 Hours VIA ' ACROSS THE AMERICAN CONTINENT. , For full particulars, call on or address II. II. Abbott, Agent, 142 lid St., Portland, Or. E. J. Coyle, A. G. P. A.. ; Vancouver, B. C. A Bureaus Information. The Durllngton ticket omce in Portland is a veritable Bureau of Information for travelers a placo whero they can learn what it will cot to reach ANY ioint in America or Europe; how long tho trip will take, and what there is to see on tho way. If you are figuring on sn eastern trip, drop in and get full information, or, if yuu prefer, write me about it. Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and EVERYWHERE beyond. A. C. Siuloon, General Agent, Cor. Third and Stark Sis., Purtlund, Ore. mm iil-i reftF fiWtrn K . ..1 WTO DUFl'ALO. Are you guini;? Tho lowest regular rate heretofore has been $57 and tho Bflme returning, making tho lowest round trip $115.40, but tho Burlington Route will now sell you round trip ticket; for fHit, which is tho same as $ i:l each way, and you can havo cboico of routes and seven trains on dates of sale. 00 over one road and return another. On this low , rate you can also roach 01 lier Eastern points. Tickets are first class and stopovers permitted. Quick est time and bet service. Write us for full particulars before making other ar rangements. Address U. W, Foster, Ticket Agent, Rurlinftton Route. No.lOU Third Street, corner Btnrk, Portlaiid.Or. This is the season when hotisecleaning begins to receive consideration. Anew carpet for the' parlor, sitting room or bedroom, nud new matting for the kitchen and halls, add n thousand per cent to tho appearance of u borne. Y ou will find Just what you want in this lino at V. L. Wright's furniture Btore, and at prices that are right. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. The 1000 nsRessment rolls will bo closed Juno 15th. W. W. WITHERS, Pberiff an.l Tax Collector. Subscnbu (or Tuit Bulletin.