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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1901)
1 vmi irffMaiiiijwf Washington, May 24, 1001. In sentencing Rev. L. D. Bass to pay a flue of flOOO and to serve three year in prison, for fraudulent use of the wails, in connection with the "Bureau of Civil Service Instruction" and a "Union Teacher's Agency," Justice Bar naul, of the Supreme Court of tho Dis trict of Columbia, addressed a few words to the prisoner, which are equally applicable to all educated crooks. He said: "You have had sll the advan tages of family, education, religious training, and the position of a minister of the gospel ; you have had experience among many different classes of society in different states; and there was no ex cuse for you to undertake the fraudu lent methods and schemes shown by the evidence in this case, to rob the credu lous, unwary and inexperienced. You could have made an honest living, and given value for every dollar received, had you not conceived the idea of get ting something for nothing, under the pretense of performing a service for others. You went to work shrewdly and systematically to deceive people and to make them counno in your hon esty, wisdom and power, by so mixing up truth with falsehood as to pass it all off for genuine. You well knew, as I must believe from the evidence, that you were not able to make good such representations, and that they were all made only to induce your victims to send you their money, You were not sincere in these widely circulated state ments, and you have succeeded in de priving many struggling and honest per sons of the money that was needed by them for the necessaries of life." The Isthmian Canal question was again brought to the front by the return to Washington cf Senor Corea, the Nica ragua minister, who called at the De partment of State and announced that hi was authorized by his government to sign a treaty for the construction of the Nicaragua Canal with United States. After his call at the Department of State, Senor Corea said: "I come back with full powers, even to the extent of signing a treaty with the United Status. My government is willing to give thif country the most liberal terms possible to assist in the construction of a canal through our territory. Of course, it is impossible for us to concede to the United States sovereignty over the lands upon which to build a water way, but we are willing to give the United States the fullest control short of that. Presi dent Zelaya and the other officers of my government are perfectly satisfied with the terms of the protocol, signed by my self and the representatives of Costa Rica, with Secretary Hay, last war. We hold that that protocol is still bind ing. Hi-? fact that it is based on the Hay-Pauncefote treaty, which has lapsed, does iwt, in our opinion, invali date tilt; binding nature of the docu ment Thia being the case, we hold that there is no chance for tho Colom bian government to com'? in and that thft Panama Canal is barred from con sideration. The signing of the protocol by the United States, in our opinion, commits the Unit 1 Mates government t ) the Nicaragua route. Even if this were not so, we have every confidence that the United States, of the two routes, would prefer to build the Nica ragua Canal, 'uecuuso the h.ry of the discovery of this route lielongs to an American, it would be constructed with American machinery, and the money spent would come back to the United States " Evidently Senor Corea and his government know of the activity ol those interested in creating seutimert i.i this country in favor ut the Panama Canal, and are trying to counteract it. When the enormous transactions of th-UiiiWd States government are con sidered the amount lost by defalcation does not seem large. According to o!li c.ial fi'.'ii'es. recently compiled in the Treasury Department, the total defalca tions of Federal officials, from the found in' f the government to the present time amounted to $10,000,000. The 1'ost Oliico Department has been the y.o'st sufferer of' any branch of the gov ernment, prohihly because it necessarily '..Hers moio opportunity for theft. Ladies' shirt waists In til shades and textures latest styles at Friendly's. Kueoft. TUP. FIXET SERVICE TO THE EAST AND SOUTH. The O. E. & N. Co., in connection with the Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific, offers the finest service and fast est time to Salt Lake, Denver. Kansas Citv, Omar a, St. Paul, St. Louif, Chi cago and all points east. Three trains daily from Portland, with choice of many different routes. Palace and tourist nleepers, library, diu'.ng and chair cars on ail trains. Write A. L. Craig, G. P. A. 0. P.. A N. Co , Portland, Oregon, for particulars. m Ml "J I Hi HARRISBURG. Miss, Cecil Rampy reached her home from San Finnctscoon the '.'3d Inst. K. K. Upmeyer was at tho county seat on Thursday looking after business. Mrs. P. 11. Couch, of this city vis ited last week with relations at Spring Held. Lyman Lassell is here on one of his occasional visits with the old folks at home. Harrisbnrg boasts thirty people weigh In each 200 lbs. and upward. How is that lor heavy weights? Thurston Porter has a severely sprained knee. The ropo fouled in a tussle with a beef animal. Mrs. Frank McMeoken visited hist week at Knox Butte with her brother-in-law, Swank and family. The social lion on Thursday evening was well attended, nod was a success in the futlest sense of the word, The late warm rains have been the making of late sown grains. A full crop seems to be assured at this time. Mrs. Mary MeGrath, of Eastern Oregon, i hre for a visit with old friends and to look after business. Messrs. 7.. T. Scott and J. W. Nor ton were in Portland last week to con sult with a specialist on ear diseases. B. F. Childs, of Brownsville, with his patent feather cleanser, is doing bus iness at the foot of Smith street in his tent. The Jcscriox City Bpli.eti: is gain ing favor very rapidly in this section of the country. Good work, as a rule, Is appreciated. C. B. Frissell and his estimable wife will occupy the neat eottinre residence owned by Damon Smith and situated on North Second stivet. Mrs. Chas. Davis, wife of foreman Davis, of tho S. P. carpenters bere.after a two months' stay with her husband at the hotel, has gone to her home in Roseburg. Mrs. F. Mitchell, nee Cunningham, is here from Eastern Oregon for an in definite time. Her husband. Professor Mitchell, is off for a peep at tho big fair at Buffalo. Mrs. M. A. E. Smith, widow of Hon. Hiram Smith, deceased, and near ing tier four scon years, was in town from her f irms this week. She is very sprightly for one of her age. J. M. Philpot, in the absence of n creamery or skimming station here, is shipping the milk front his fifty cows to Portland. Who will look after thia business'.' It will pay fine one. There wIl io a picnic under the auspices of the Decree of Honor, to bo held in the beautiful grove across the river from Harmburg, that will be tho event of the season. Program and other events giv en later. A. J. Johnson and wife of Kansas City arc hero for health an I to see the country. They express themselves as being well satisfied with their trip so far. Mr. Johnson is an uncle of M. E. Ileum of Junction City. Woodmen of the World will unveil the monument erected to their late neighbor, Chas. Clark, at the Keeney cemetery, at 11 o'clock Sunday, June 0. Also in "tho I'.f'ernoor. of the same day, they will hold memorial services at the u-rave-j of Johnny Cartwright and J. It. Bucknum, in the A. O. U. W. cemetery, E. E. Davis in the I. O. O. F. eeu- tery and Edward Knight in the A. F. A A. M. cemetery. On last Sund iy evening, while Wm. Davison was inilkit.g his con a. across the river from Harrisbnrg, during the t'nir.dcr shower of that evening, a flash of tig), tuing rent the air terrifically i.ear by. 3 le says that he was knocked down by the concussion, and two of his cows as well ; that when he arose be was in a very dazed condition and tint the cows, then, were stilt proHtrato on tin.' ground, but finally got, i:p in a very confused ami Hhakey condition. This is an unusual phenomenon for Oregon. A. Wilhelm has purchased of Mrs. E. J. Upmeyer a lot adjoining his prop erty here on tin? river, whic h gives him an ample sitht for his lOO-b&rrel flour mill. He will move the Laws plant to this eity and 'paip it with up-to-date aopli aires in every respect and bo ready to convey the coming crop into flour and feed. Thu farmers of this vicinity are vokm'eerins transportation for every thing movable of the Laws mill outfit, and will do everything in their power to facilitate this much-needed enterprise. Harrisburtr is 'o bo congratulated upon the secession of the Wilhelms to their' number of business peoile. They have the capital, the business push and are reliable. Whatever they undertake they make it go. MONROE. Bert Lake, of Harrmburg, vas in our citv. Ilarusburg was well represented in Mcnroe Sunday. Come again. Dr. Bennett, of Dusty, was in Mon roe on business last Wednesday. W. If. Kay and wife made a trip to flarriHburg on business last Monday. Miss Augusta Brabham was visiting John Carpenter's family last Sunday. Mr. Hawkins, organizer for the M. W. A., failed to organize a lodge bore. Jame Douglas and Green Gooding, of Harrisbnrg, were in Monroe Sunday. The Woodmen were out in full force 1 last Saturday night and hold a late ees fcicn. Tho sport hate had lots of fun for tho past few Java shooting clay pigeons. It it Hard to tell who canto out ahead, Johnnie Carpenter returned from Cottaw Grove Sunday, where he and his wife have been on a visit for a week. Camp No. 4i3. W. 0. W., of Monroe, ni nn.ii ii,u tmiiiument at the if rave of J, W. Larktn on Sunday, June. 10. All camps are invited to attend. Every body invited. M r. Gardner, of Eugene, went through here Saturday on his way to Dusty with the monument to bo erected by the; W. 0. W. in memory 01 J. n.jram, who m drowned In the Lemou slough last June. n w Mtntnn died at Damascus. Or., Saturday, May 25, aged 85 years. He was a pioneer, having come to Ore 17011 In imj II.. had 24 irmnd-children and 24 great crand children. Deceased was the lather 01 nev. a. . wmwu, vi this place. SWEET HOME. Wild pigeon are plentiful. Gracio Gil more vislUxl school Mon day. There will bo no school Decoration Day. Fred Cesser lost a valuable hone last week. 0. Bennett attended church at Smithfleld Sunday, S. W. llirpolo and family visited In Junction Saturday. Frank Williams of Sulphur Springs was here a lew iaya ago. Strawberries are plentiful and the pigs are getting npon them. Carter A Son sheared 0. Bennett's sheep the first of tho week. Mrs. McKay and n party ef friends from Junction passed through last week. Trout are reported to le quite plen tiful in the Long Tom, hear Goldson's mill. J. D. Hamlin, the J unction butcher, waa here a few days ago buying fat cattle. 0. Bonnet is improving the looks of his place by a new and substantial board fence. Will Goldson, who is working at Orton's saw mill, made tho homo folks A visit Sunday. The rock crusher will remain here until the road is graded to tho top of tho hilt at Rceman's. Saturday would have been an ideal day for the picnic, and the only one, it sevms, for some time. Mrs. Price Gibnoro and daughter of Jnnction are vixiting her sister, Mrs. F. Vi. Hai pole, tins week. Miss Gussio Burns, who is teach ing above tho mill, m.ido a vwit to her home in Junction on Friday, returning on Sunday. She visited the Sweet Home Sunday-school Sunday afternoon. i The peoplo of this vicinity are pleased to learn that Miss Pchollrneyer, who waa compelled to resign tho school iiera on account of the death of her brother, hah secured a school near her home in Tillamook. RIVER VIEW. Wm. B. Wetzler an l wife spent Sat urday in Eugene. Lenny Sovern says Lancaster roads are fine to ride on. Found Two blue stick pins. In quire of Dell etzler. James Hayes visited in Harrisbnrg Saturday and Sunday. A. A. Foster's death leaves a vacancy in the board of school directors. Mrs. Solsmin and Nellie Martin, of Irving visited our Sunday-school Sun day. Albert Morgan has got a new wheel. He says that he can now rido on the river read. Mr, Harper and family have gone to tho mountains to work on their homestead. Byron Milliorn has gone to Eastern Oregon with Sam Forgucson after a band of horses. Miss Lottie Edward and Mr. Her ron from Benton county were visiting her parents horo Sunday. Minnie Tetnplcton is down from Crown Point visiting with her brothers and sisters for a few days. Services at Junction City was well represented by a wagon load of people lrom River View Sunday eve. L. C. Moffett, Sam Temploton, Mrs. Hayes, James, Mau l and Ida attended the funeral services of A.' A. Foster. We all thought Samuel Tcmpleton had left River View, but we were all glad to hear of his safe return Sunday evening. --Our Sunday-school will suspend ser vices next Sunday in order to allow all to attend the basket meeting at Junc tion that day. : George Burgess had n letter from Rev. J. D. Sibert, in which he said that forty people shoolc Hands with him and asked him to pray for them, the tirst time that he preached. . FRANKLIN. ft. Fisher went to Benton ounty Monday on business. . J. N. Dennis shipped a carload of sheep to Portland Friday. . Dan Ilinton and John Goldson vis ited the countv seat Tuesday. The county rock crusher is still do ing good work in this vicinity. A. J. Zutnwalt, of Irving, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church sun day. Children's dav for mission work will be obcrvud hero tho second Sun day in June. W. J. Wlltso, organUef for tho M. W. A., lectured Monday night at this place in behalf of the order. -Presiding Elder Fitch of tho M. K. Church South will hold service at this placo Tuesday night and Quarterly meeting Wednesday. Emerv Herron Passed throuuh Frsnkltn Friday en route to the Cook settlement, In the Interest of toe Weath erly Creamery company. FERN RIDGK. J. R. Hill was attending to business In Eugcno last week. Misses Elsie Bailey and Maple Hill were In Junction Friday. David Fisher Intends going to East ern Oregon in tho near future. Harden Calllson, of Pslouse, was visiting friends here last week. - Mrs. I. N. Hembrwo and daughter Llnna went to Eugene Tuesday, Billy Jeans, of Elmlra, attended Sunday-school hero last Sunday. Claud Adklns and Geo. Bond attended church at Junction Sunday evening. Tom Poole has gono to Polouse, Wash., to spend a tow weeks visiting. C. C. Bates visited the Clear lake Sunday-school. Ho report a good at- tendance. Ethel Lemon returned home Tues day from Toledo, where she has been teaching school. Daisy Summers went to Engeno on her bicycle Saturday to visit her parents, returning Sunday. A few friends of Mrs. J.C. Jennings save her a ideasant surprise on her llfty-ninth birthday. I). Purkerson Is Improving his nromisa by building a new fence around tils residence. Frank Goodman has secured tho po sition as chief cook in Jason Adkin's batchelor establishment. Sunday John Briggs, wife and daughter Maud, of Irving, wore rimsU of A. S. Cheshire a lamiiy. C.C. Walker, of Berkley .Calif., was in this ncighborhood'tuesday canvass lug for tho Chatauqna charts. I. N. Hembree Is now making regu lar trios to Junction. Ho goesduwu every Friday and returns Saturday. NTr. Crayton, wife nod two children ..f Rorohnrg were visiting with tho ram ily of their uncle, L. Imon last week Tho farmers are mMly through workiog their summer fallow for this season. Fern Rldgo crops are doing tine so far. Mrs. Thos. Lindley has twen visit ing the family of her brother, Thos. Bai ley. She returned to her homo In Ir ving Saturday. Wo were misinformed regarding our new neighbor's name. Instead of Mc UMongold. They will soon havo their new house completed. Mrs. C. C. Matlock returned to Albany flrnt of the week accompanied bv her sister, Mrs. Robt. Bond. ho will vidt her sister, Mrs. W. T. Matlock, of Dallas, before returning home. LANCASTER. Sunday school at 2 p. m. All fruit are hiking well. Mrs. Dollio Leo was here Saturday. Ed. Aycrs has three men cutting wood this week. Mac Morrison is ploughing gravel for the gravel loader. Sam Ternpleton, Jr., of River View, waa a visitor In our midst Sun lay. Road Overseer Nichols moved his crew Saturday from this neighborhood. Hops are growing very rapidly, and the crop will bo a month earlier this season, Rev. John Handniker will preach his farewell sermon next Sunday. Every one come. Mrs. Mary Ternpleton, of Crown Point, ia visiting borne folks this week in our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Avers, of Comi Range, woro here Saturday aud Sunday visiting their son, Ed. Avers. Hop pruning is the all absorbing topic. Gardens ere looking sidetidid, and grain was never better at this date. Miss Norris closed a very successful term of school Friday. A short program was arranged for tho occasion. A few visitors were present, among them being the schixd directors and clerk. TiooDTin'iCE. Tho most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from Dyspep sia and Liver Complaint. More than 7f per cent, of tho people in tho United States aro utllicted with these two dis eases and their effecta: such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Cos tiveiiess, Palpitation of the Heart, Heartburn, Water brash, drawing and Burning Pains at the Pit of tho Stom ach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and th!iirri.inU. Tnnt.M in tho Mouth. Com ing up of Food after Eating, etc. Go to Mueller A Hill's and get a oottio ot August Flower for 70 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. Get Green's I'rizo Almanac. The Weekly Oregonian and tho Buir i,kt'n for $2 a year. Old papers for sale at this office, B. S. Hyland & Co., Real Estate Dealers, Have the following farm lauds forsrlo. Any Inquiries in regard to sumo will re ceive prompt attention : 30 acres of the finest land in I-nne countv. one mlloeniitof Junction City. Tills land Is all In grass but 4 acres. rrie foo per aero. 100-aero farm four mile, east of liar rlsburir. In Linn county : I H) acres In cultivation; young orchard: new house, (air barn ; plenty 01 water; f.o per acre, 1(10 ncre fartn.!' miles east of liar- risburg; 130 acres In cultivation j bal ance meadow; good Improvements; house, barn, orchard; l'j miles to school house. 1-5 per acre. 200 acres of sood level farm land. three miles south from Hnrrisburg; About llu acres in cultivation; 0 acres In light timber; 10 acres In hot ; splen did orchard of 4 acres ; school house IK nines distant, iiin jurm is well inured ami plenty of water. The property baa iHien previously held ut i.'J Si per acre. It can now bo purchased for (JO. If you were to look thu length and breadth of tho Willamette Valley yon couldn't find a better bargain. The owner netted $000 from tlw 10 acres olhops the pait season. 40.1 acres of fine prairie land, 4 mllet southeast of Junction City, on the river road, and 10 miles north of Eugene; 300 acres under cultivation; 00 aires fine hard wood timber; residence ami two barns; but little gravel; 12-acro orchard; well fenced. Can hedivldid cast and west ao as to give iu-h half part of timber. Will hu divided or sold as a whole to suit. Price 13 Hr ncre. This Is the old Hulln farm, and is woith 950 an acre. 800 acres, 2,s mile southwest "f Junc tion ; 2k) acres tinder cultivation 1 50 acre timber, oak and ash; watered by the Long Tom and several small lakes; over 10 miles of fetico, divided Into 10 fields and pastures; could be divided into 3 fur ins and each one could have a good road all graded and graveled all the way to Juuctioii City; 3 stock barns 40x50 ; 1 barn Ox72; blacksmith hop, hay scales, wsvon shed and miuhino shed; out buildings and a dwelling house of 8 rooms, good as in w, cost f JiKH) ; twovrehardt, nil kinds of fruit and ber ries. Price, 114 per acre. Easy terms. A great bargain. B. S. HYLAND & CO. JUNCTION CITY, ORE. Oillco In "l'.ull-t.n" Oi!h;o. Bank. Of JUNCTION CITY, OI; KG ON, J. A. BrsiiNKt.t., Geo. W. I'ickbtt, President. Vice Vol tent W. C. WaSIIIU'MNK, F. W. V. 'Sllllt'KJIB, Cashier. Asst t'.;shler. Has th' befct f icilitit for hi'" Uing tho banking liiiiMu ss of N-n Lane uml South Benton mum' es. Bonrd of Dip-dors : J. A. Biishiiell, C. W. Wdxhlmriie Geo. Pickett, J. P. Miilnni, T. A. Milliorn. A. G. Hovky, L L thus, President. Cashier. I!. II. llovcv Aest. Candor. Lane County Bank. A. G. HOVKY & CO. Ttansactn general banking business. Established, 1HH2, Oldest bunk in the county. Eugone, Or. vutrmnamm "THE MILWAUKEE" ' A familiar name for tho Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Railway, known all over tho Union as the Great Railway running thu "Pioneer Limited" trains every day and night between St. Paul, and Chicago, and Omaha :ci l Chicago, "The c perfect trains in !ho world." Understand: Connectioiin are made with AH Transcontinental Lines, assur ing to passengers the best ser'v ice known. Luxurious coaches, electric lights, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no other line. Soo that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point in tho United States or Canada. All ticket agents soil them. For full rates, pamphlets or other in foi ination, address, J. W.Casky, C.J. Eddy, Trav. Pans. Agt., General Agont, Portland, Or. Portland, Or. All trimmed hats will he closed out at cost. P. Frank & Son, Engeno. Tho Eugone Soap Co.'s Lulu SRvon brand is tho cream of ail laundry soaps,