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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1901)
LANE COUNTY, OREGON Bountiful Fields, a Fertile Soil And a Salubrious Climate combine to Make It the Garden of the West, the-Wendlinu plant. The main othVcs of this company im..1( Thoro are numerous other Hcr plantain tho county. , , , Tho total cut f lumkrand for ln in the State o( imw;" vf ',J '; IW.lHIO foe-t. Of this tho nulls ol loll- and nlmto cut IMMKH),IKH icoi. . .in., i ....... i..,. . .inuiiiil conic rven.uiy, tram China, Japan. Silnria, Austr. UU, Mexico, South America luni wrtlMCdifprnl. VI mercnantauio imnit"-i ,""'" . . ... t.t man V RICO. AIKI ra hmhI in furnitww and imnlcimnt manufacture, Mil uu " . . . try has thus far boon oi iimuw vw... B. Lane County. 1 Lane county extends from tho summit ti the Cascades to the Pacific Ocean. In .:e it is about five times as large as Khode Island or Connecticut. It fronts on the Tacific a distanco of thirty miles, with a splendid harbor at the city of Florence. It occupies every altitude from Abe ocean beach to the glazier crowned summit of the "Three Sisters" at the southeastern cornerof theconnty. Th Coast Range cuts it in two from north to south. , T ...... .,.,.... la li.ilf nrflirtn land. With Awtucr fcuuii.j o . i - .. ..-:.. all i..Jii,ni ahiiml'int croos n v iivtt av'.i, piwMMuj, - " w oi grain, hav, fruit and vegetables, and half hill and upland. The table-lands t. ..!....;... Via t-.ill.tva r rtartlv covered lUluruil lug . j - - I . , . with timber or brush, most of it being open enough tor tine pasuirnse. iiiew i 1.. frtilo an.l vivtil abundant crops when cultivated. Every crop that trows in the Willamette Valley glows r .... .., ill thaf irm Are 8UD- III VVIIH. .... - - i plied from natural sources with the best of water. The immense timber wealth, feet, is lee' ------ i i nnino to receive attention. 0 eounty in the United States has hs large nious Bohemia mining district, destined V) become the cripple iree oi wgou, lies portly in LaDe county. The population of Lane county is about 22,000, all white. The county is rapidly adding to iU population desir able immigrants from the Eastern States. Eugine, 14 miles south of J unc tion City, with a population of 5,000, is the countv seat. The following is a summary of the productions of Lane county for l'JOO : HORTICULTURE. Excepting the trjpical and citrus va rieties, all fruits thrive in Lane county even the tender olive and fig. AI- . . ' J llOL'.k monds, peanuts passed beyond the experimental stao. Fruit has 'boon grown in Orcu. for 4 ) vare, Liu only or late years in a acici.-1 titia m.'.r.ner. The Stat'j now supplies : :cA and information, through the Board . oi Horticulture and the Corvailis Agri cultural College. No one need 1-jn-r ';iil throngli ignorance of proper meth ! f i-'.'vk selection, planting, cultiva t'.m, prutiini; and f pollination, livre as els-iwbere horticulture ealis for T:-.inf taking and intelli-ei.t work -and STOCK RAISING. Lane county is fast becoming one of the great cattle producing counties in tho State. The mild winters.the fact that native grasses remain green during the year, and the ease with which cultivated grasses can be raised make it an excel lent country for every kind of stock. The mineral practice of Lane county farmers is to provide fodder for only a small part of the year, during the iai ance of which tho 6tock roam at larne Runninir water is abundant, and stock does not lack water in the driest Boason. The largest owners of liorned siock are improving greatly bv infusing fine blood into their herds. There are numerous breeders of bhorthorns. Oalloways, Foiled Angus, Ayrshires, Hereford, Holsteins, Pevons, Aldemeys aud Jer sevs in tho Willamette N alley. The large introduction of fino bl-od into the cattle herds of this section has greatly increased their value and me prom oi the business. TIIK ASCiOHA liOAT. During the past ten years a number of our active farmers have been introduc ing the Angora goat into Lane county, especially in the foot-bill country, Theso thrifty farmers had but one object in view at the time these goats were purchased, and that was to clear up their farms at small expense. They bought the goat for his work and not for bis wool. During the past five years, bow ever, theie has been a grat revolution in the goat industry. Manufacturers are beginning to discover the manr ad ..t.i. ami anoiMfil finalities of mohair. lonuivg . " ' -' - - . 4 u uai v;n a i -. . are now bung made from this wool, mm if ln found that t!io cocxla are int'lv fine and durable. Another DAIRYING. A. . ,iirvlnif seetion Ine county possesses many advantages. (Jrasses ol nil tln.l ttntll native nd Cultivated, t .. ...... irrow in luxuriance. Cattle have to le- iwn.1 VtnL little upoh hay, since ne warm rains, from early in the fall to late in the snrinir. keep the grass growing. In tl drv nummcr season grass remains fresh and green lu tho mead ows along river and creek ttoms and t.. .i... vnlliivt4. limolhv tr the leading grass, but white and red clover make remarkable growths, csjhs which imrtUtf UP spontaneouslv on the hills wherever the destruction oi trees "u ..: o.. rt.iniiv. The natural grasses, the cwl summer brees blow ing in from tho raciftc, unfniiing water tlo lnviirtiinen with which the -i.tVr nn.1 routs thrive. embin to make Lane county the ideal homo of the Hyland Co,, s. Real Btaic Dealers, Notice for Publication. United Slates Lund oilke, UosKiti ito, tu., l ehruiiry VI, HWl. Notice Is hereby given that In eoinpll- mien with the imivixloilS of tllM net Of Congress of June 11, 1S78, entitled "An iivtfortlio saloot timber nuKis in u w. ,.i..- ..( I'ntif.tvntii llrnirdii Nevuilil U',nn Ta.rrltiirv.'' It II nxtulllled .i... i.... ...... i i. f.iriwl. to all the Tublic Iji ml States by act of IIHVO VOW IIIUUWIHH lliliil in I All ItHt 4 1H11' Anv inuuiries in regard to same will re- A celve prompt attenllon . . , u Hu 30 acres of the finest land In Lane 0f Oregon, bus this day filed In thla countv. one mile east of Junction City. oiHce his sworn statement, No. 1450, for i . ..I i.. i., il .i.mii .i. ....... i. ...... 1 1,. . i..t n in IV lit. of inisianvi is an in $1 v i -- i im imivnit-w v. . . . . . I w 4t..u v.. .t I.. T,niHUl(n Ntf, In n. rieo ier acre. mnn mil unun...i- rill) ?vW jl ,tt.iv. r , 100-acro farm four miles east of Har- l t , risburg. in Linn county s U0 at ream f u t,mW ()f Mot)) t)kn (ftf cnlllvatUm 5 young orchard: ne Imuse, BrolturHl ..urpones, and to establish fair barn 5 plenty of water ; $25 ir acre. (9Mm t0 M lnni, Mnm ti9 iU.gls. i n,' .1 Hub. ........I T ...... I .. ... ,.l tliln ..llli'n el ltllHtt ,00 acre larm, nuirn wph" wrM'i mvi i v " . i V risburg s 130 acre in cultivation ; bsb burg, Oreun, on I rlday, the lOlli Ua anco meadow; good tmproveiuents ; of Mav. ItWl. HMtv ... " ' "I -i. ,i ...ii..- i.. 11............... .-It ., V.dward llitl- house. Mliril. oreiuirvi; r ni " im ni ...... ISf house: $25 per acre? ley. f Junction City, Oregon , I . H JOOacre. ,.f goo.1 level farm and, .., .. , n. u?n , y, El Uteres In cultivation : . acre, of iKdilson, Oregon in light iV.r " 'Xuse J W t bove-dscr UhI lan.U are re. miles umniii. t. n, r iHidint nll HHhdavof Mav. l'.t)l. and plenty ol water, i no p o, ;r - u tlt'Vii ...... ...... . . , It can now bv purchased for 20. II ' were to Unik the length aud breadth of . U'lil.. On V.iIImv vhii rouldll't find a letter bargain. Tho owner netted fiHK) from the 10 acres of hops the piut season. Jivi niTi-a of fine orttlrla land. 4 milei rTHK Why You Should Settle in Lane County . . ) Banks Of JUNCTION CITY, OREC.ON, Bccauso it is the best country known to the man of moderate means. Because you will find a country of rich soil awaiting mo mun. Because there are uplands, prairie lands and alluvial river bottoms. Because you can lw certain of profitable returns from whatever you put in the soil. Becausothe winter does not consumo what the summer produces. Because there are more ami bet ter op portunities for diversified farm ing than elsewhere. Bccauee the seasons are regular, and no fear of c rop failure. Becauso the country is never scourged by cyclones, devastating storms special featmo of this gofwlt i. that it " jH,causC t.rv thing grown clsewbeocan much more fret; from trie attacks of . 10.1 uced hero more abun- . 1 ...,l.. f.r.i,. .Ii...ll 4 I inotris man poout nutu .' - r danttv. l or tin- reason, u is m uu.i , i.,.,,.u n. ii... v 11 11 1 1 1 .1 nil- I lil'CaUfit' tie r" .ii1 ih'.jiv voj1 the nini Iiii3it'r J. A. Ik'siisKix, Because you will find as orderly co-n- J'""; munilies as anywnero o m . v. ...v.., t.UKIIIUI . .r M.'ll!i o. trie va.iuii.'i.j no-1 r.ow u'-d in railway car-t, ih made ol iat mci1. T no entire i.tiu-d.-er of Aicora gats in Lane countv lluy will probably imt e::cri'tl ti.OU'i head. When we come to cont-idcr th" va-t area of gwd ltru-li couutrv in this cof.nty, o w-cll :eiiii.ted to ynat irrazing, we can n-adily uv that, Instead of the Hiiall number now kept, to udvantave hundr'ds Vtioll ii-wid of ;'.utsiii lane county alone and keep them well. We are :e ..rolis have b m n .end'u.g of course to iic!! the t;ii'-r,'v, '!)! !, as Weil as oca'.r.v, g-.:at patieiico. Lar n-.ade in the past, d-- ! .usid-Tabu: exlei;' cti; r.nd capital ex; c.'...tii.n (.f ti-!r :l i:il .'t"irm rank' a y.oJ sc-citd in ..r --ea Tri!rl-J I.rn l'.I tl':il, uhiuil 1- ...IV l!O0!Hi!'t 10 I v. r sensitive to -Ti'i.l trrovt ti. oi i I.,, .'on :ot be i ht'iml liii'lll of fit man t :"ew nere. Because for healthful ness this section is ttnetpualed on the faco of the glol-. Because you have no long winter months tn encounter, with no excessive dry heat in summer. continent. Because you will Ami the most oitn hearted twiiile la the world. Because it Is in the widest portion of the fertile wuiameiw aiteir. n . . .I.l.uinr. .....tlntl It lilt tlO ivecnuiiu n" ' - - niual. It is the ideal home of the cow. Because for live stock, goat and sheep raising It can i oe im-i. In it In run r nmniint of IH'tltunu i luuwiii" ----- - the bttst merchantable llml?r than any county In the umii States. IWause of the jrrcat and growing trade with L-Jtina, japan, iiib uii'p lln:iii. Alitl.a. and i-very otlier port cm the fattt of the gbdic, this section is sure of a nevi-r-failinu market fr its crain, its lumber, live, utot k n,l il'iirv oroilili-tH. No Hr- - - - " J w lion ol tho I nite.l suites has as britfhl a future iwifore it today ... ill.. Will.aiintte Vullt-v. in ( Ireeon Bi'cauH; education is paramount. I u' lie schools and churches are to be found in every commuiniy. .. . . .. I..r., hilt lilt l man in iMiles Ins iiciu. i no i.un.cruu- " . " ' ii (..,.. ,1 - . i : i... ....i-t of ore tard : well leine'i. .I'll.. TI.I.I.IIICF 1'I.tlL ll'l.lil.. .III. " . .. - I'l.rtlnritl, Seattle an. 1 Tacwmn for the M'.-akiMS now inoro oarin it 10 j tin- value of their wool ami increase and of the- profits that are bouad to oe Irnr by cfiitir.uoiis an. I tbriity care of the il.m.rtt.c v':d. Ato meir "'-M"- , ., , . ,j ,,j, wn ability to our climate there is no ! , .......,,.,. ,, never.fftil!.ng iron, and as M the numerou- advaotaifes j ln , 'v ljt daify Ull u ..thcr pro.!uclM ti.i.roii.'hiv and satitfacturiSy n tiled ... L,..,.i.,.fti j.f .Iniietioii Citv. on the river the inteih-ence w.u. wine i me ...... , ... " . V1... iL..nrri. ...... . - I 'mi he ilivitl. d t:.e r fiiHe states. 1 i 'lviroMiiciit. th" sue t i.- nn.'iie vw.l U:w.v o f .vr,rr-l lo'Miiti-'-i-: H C'.'.l i -,r and wi . ..! .,'tt,rj f ...-ilim-lv sulso.te.l t'i .'foWth i.l West- t : n Oregon, particularly Lane county. S; ud that its yearly yield of luscious fruit nearly as sure as the coining of ti.e :-.-:i:-:or;S. 'Ora-lually the saccessfnl cnl i r..r. ti... t.rm p it- urofitaldt: re- t ;ru brought the fniit proiuinently be- i i ;re tiie public, and today w find anj :i',:'eae 'A prun'3 orchards in too i l.tmette Vallev exceeded only by our n. i-hbor, California. But be-e no irri W'tiori is i,er.:K.-arv, which insures a Mcatv, sugar-, iruit'd lar?e size. Va lietii's are here lirown that ara not i. uno L-N'-whcre. and fne heated evapo ration rou'ss of pa-sing air through ti.e fruit, piveH a clean and .bright pro-r-iet (,,!bv no other means. 'I he price of ".runes has not yet touched u figure ho low that profit, is . . . t - t;.. vatltlllg to tll'J regon prooncei. . au lis transportation facilities are fa vorable (as they exist bere;. that sec tion of country which can grow a prum; (,f r'-quired pia!itv at the le.i'-t outlay of y.,jr and niouev, will be the loogest in ti; ,' race. Tins' Willamette Vall.-v has i!t.pK'stionablv the soil and the rain; is not e'xncnsive ; the trees; grow .romiv urn! Near lioavy crops suei l. '. d . I .!....,'.. n...l 1 C. Si.OV.'v TrUII. I U) II'. i.VlllH .oi l svinca'i for iittlrj labor or expense ; fmit i better enred by the evapora : than i:i the. sun and quite as cheap sine: pi' ntv of fuel in. at hand, lu i no other .loeidrty enjoys, greater iolvantai.":H at the start and up to tin; point of beariu;.'. The demand for Ore gon primes is steadily increasing in the Markets of the world. The shipments from Oregon in Vi'.A, the latest statistics we have at hand, were : . Dried prune?. ........... .10,800.000 lbs. tlreen prunes J5 ,750,000 lbs. 1 t r.-d ;. u lent or l.err. i ne in I Unit t) e 11 nn .i earnestly cornmend thi- !o: aeiifr eniei pi i:h. ince. oll'd f.,ru1..-.4 from tho I'.as'.ern states, wlc ;,re no.v lociiin and who e:(peet to !o ea!e in ban .' c iliitv, recoir.zill'I thai this industry may be ma.!.) one ef the i.:ost U-efn'. "and profitable within the entire rai.t;.' f farn. and fi.dd products. V!'," "i-j Tin: lumbkt: ixdustuv. The etiniiite.l anioimt of limber in Oreiron IWO.OOO.tyjO.COi) feet (in round numbers, board measure. Lane county leads with L'H.K'Kj.OOO.O K). The lumbering industry' has asumed irreater proportions during the year than over before. The Willamette, McKeri, Siuslaw, Coast Fork and West Fork P.ivers, Loim Tom, Lake, (ireenh af, No fie, Fish, Nelson and numerous other creeks afford the bet facilities for float inn logs to tide water, or to most any point on tie; Southern I'acific fr a dis tance of 2'i0 niileK, (ireat bodies of the finest nobl'j fir commonly known as larchj. Kimor ami yellow pine, cedar, oak, ash, maple, balm, and numerous other soecies of soft and hard woods, lie all about us, untouched, awaiting but li investment of catiital tO lilace it Oil the markets ot the world in the various r.irn.u to the w:nts of roan. Timber land:; can be. jdiruhased for from itn7 acre, the nrice depending upon the amount and kind of timber and its. location. The Southern I'acific Railroad Comnanv has thousands of i..vna of line timber hlllds for Hllle. Tl.o I'.i.cit li-k'el'.v T, umber Comtifttiv. the largest niannfacturera of lumber in the countv, are operating tnreo large . i , . . t - ....... - i ii-. ...! plants, at .00iir, cagman anu tveno ling, with an average daily capacity cf aiOiKJO feet, the great majority of which is shipped to points outside of Oregon, the, Southern Pacific Kailroad Company having constructed 22 miles i .u.. i...: OI raliroa'l lor me. cxtiusivn jiiirponau. t . , l I:-.. ....i 41... . I MININil. The niineral resources of Lane county iare extensive and valuable, i ne nis- trids attracting the most attention are ti-.,. l:,.l...mia and Blue Uiver. In the , former (,fi stamps are now infitalled. There are nnv nunitxT of rich mines in the Bohftini'adistrict, principal among which are the Helena, Annie, Mustek, stocks Harlow, Onldeii s'lippcr ami Champion, and it is destined 10 oecoiiic. a second Cripple Creek. Probably the richest body of ore in the district at the present time uncoveren is in mo iiui. iui property. Where they are working now the ore is so rich the minei hroaK ii lown on canvas and sack it up to carry :.,..!.,. .nil! It lair V soiirk OS Willi the thousands of specks of gold sticking ;iil over it. I. I. ii II (a, ami west so n i Kivf ..... part of limher. W ill lie dividc.l .,r sold .. u ... i. to fclllT. T I'll !'. i" I his is the 11 II;diu farm, and is wuiin $.V) an acre. K:iO acres, V . inilei vuthwest of .1 unc tion; U'V) acies under cultivation ; " acre- timber, oak and ash; watered by the Long Toin aud scv..ral small lakes; oer 10 miles id fen , divided into 10 fields ami pa-tu res ; could be divided uito V, farms and each one could have a uood road all graded and graveled all the way to Junction City; : stock Imrns IdxoO; I bam '.x72; blacksmith shop, hav scales, wn..n shed and msclnne shed; out buildinifs and a dwelling house of S room", good as new, cost t'-iMKl ; two orchards, all kinds of fruit and ber ries. Price, tl4 per aero. Kasy terms. A great bargain. B. S. HYLAND & CO. JUNCTION CITY, ORE. Olfico In "Bulletin" OHice. CiKO. W. l'K KICTT, View President F. W. Wasiiiiims, Asst Cashier. lias the best facilities fr handling tho banking uuisness ol oru ine ami Jiouth Benton counties. Board of IHrecUirs: J. A. Biixhiiell, C. w. snmirne tiuo. Pickett. J. P. Milliorn, T. A. Milliorn. A. 0. Hovay, L. O. Un ix, J'resldenl. t-amner. B. 11. IIovky AMI. Cashier. Lane County Bank. A. i. I10VKY CO. Tinnsact !i c'lieral bunking business. Kstablished. lssi'. Oldest bank in the county. Lunelle, Or. School Books A SI) SC'Ilt K.- sITPUI.s, TABLKi, INK and PF.NCtl.S, KTC. . . . Cameras & Supplies loll ll!i: AMATlil'l'. ai d l'KOl'ISloNA L. T0al 20,550,000 lbs. reaching and hauling out tho output of U T U'riirlit ImH 11 HOW htoC'k Of Wall riaiie'r of the latest and prettiest designs. ' ...,.if vmr house. ;M)'.V n ill.: in."; i" j : J II. Miller will be glad to hav you can aud K'O these new patterns. No matter w hat your tasie, you snouiu oe uu. - ... ...1. ...ul'. ill, UO CltOOHO SOnieillinU 10 suit no". 111..V1.4 many beautiful patterns. AOOOI) TIHNO. Oerman Syrup is the special prescrip tion of Or. A. sjoscliee, a teteoraieo m. i man Physician, and is nftiowledged to he one of the most fortunate discoveries in medicine. It (piickly cures Coughs, Colds and nil Lung troubles of tne se verest nature, removing, us it does, the ,.f fi i.ffeethm and leavilisr the parts in a strong and healthy condition, it is not an experimental medicine, but has st'ud the test of years, giving satis faction in every case, which its rapidly U.1I11 f.enrtf Kensfin COnlimiH. Two million bottles sold annually, ho schee'B Oerman Syrup was introduced in the United States in 1868, and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world. Three doses will re lieve any ordinary cough. Prize 75 cts. For sale by Mueller & Hill.. Uet Green's Prisso Almanac, IV. IMT. TRIPP, General Blacksmithins IN ALL ITS liRANCHKS. gJST IIOUHKKUOI'.INO A SPECIAI.Ty JB& Corner Fifth and Greenwood Sts.. Junction City, - OreKon fvVoman's in " "i T, ti. r it i n r iii mi - r W anythlrir you Invent or Improves also PROTECTION, fiend model, Hketeh.oriihoto. 5 for free examination and advice. J MM n PSTFNTS K&m S&L m hwv.i . . ..... . $Cm AmSUOW VO. Patont Lawyers. WASHINGTON, D.C. jrjsST.Mail orders will receive i.r.Hfitt attention. Writu to Us i for further particulars. E. Schwarzschild, Eugene, Oregon. S0R0SIS TIIK REST $3.5 SHOE IN THE WOULD.. 14 Different Styles T. A. GILBERT, SOLE AGENT, Eugene, Oregon