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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1901)
tug p p R aker&Co A. P. BirrrERSWORTH, JR., Editor and Proprietor. MISS ANNA OGLUSBY, Associate Editor. svissaucno.v rates. One year, if paid i:i Advance ?l Six mouths, ....... - .7 Throe mouths. - ? .S Advertising rati-" made known on 'application. , tutored the postoilioo t Junction Ott. as second class mail matter. Ol'K CU'lHUNG LI:!. Weekly Oreconian and Pa-ims'.. 'f-.OO Thrictsa-Wook .Now York World and Piu.etix -M" Weekly Crop Bulletin. t. S. DiCJWRTMKST OF Ai'.KU'H TI KE,, Apiil OEXI'.RAt. M'MMARV. The week was slichMy 'wanner than the previous one, with plenty of sun shine and but one short rainy period. The nights, however, continue a tritle tent cool, and sh;:r; frosts have frequent J v occurred. " The maximum, or day, temperatures I in WesU-rh Oregon ranged bettveen ol and 70 degs., ami the minimum, or nisiht, temperatures between 3- and 4t' deus. The soil in many place? is now a little too dry for plowing an I too cold for rapid iicruiiuation. Fall wheat has stool -jd nicely ami is nearly everywhere beirinniui: to joint. It has a good oj!or and is thrifty and promisim. The same can alo W said of fall oats and re. Spriti.' -ceding is well advanced And in some few sections is finished. The early sown is coiniin: up to good stands, but germination is slow. The hop on Kw land are rather back ward, out on hurl, land Ihev arc coming up even and u:akit,; a sa'.tsl.tetory growth. Th-re has been an increase in the nereazu sown to rape in the Willamette alley. Hardens are nackwurd, and "arm Tains are needed to forward tl.e crowt of root crops ami small vegetables. Pastures arc slowly iuvprvin and stock is looking better. Some sheep shearing has been in the Willamette alley, and t:io wool chr is reported "cod. the weather lia.-t been favorable for Foes and the fertilization of fruit, nearly all kinds of which are now in heavy bloom in one part of the State or an other, frosts have sernuish- harmou caches in Southern Oregon, but else where the concensus of opinion seeing to lie that thev have merely thinned the bloom, and that the yields will be abun dant and the fruit superior in size and quality. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Eugen0. Lane County, I. G. Steven- eon Tha week has beeu very favorable for all firmim operations, ami much Bcedinj; has been done. All winter grain has improved in appearance and prom ises well. Cherries and prunes are in full bloom, ami conditions have been poo 1 for fertilization. Frosts have done no damage, except to a few strawberry blooms. The Finest Service to the Hast and South. The O. K. & N. Co., in connection with the Oregon Shott Line and Union Pacific, offers the finest service and fast est time to Salt Lake, Denver. Kansas City, Omaha, St. Paul, St. Louis, Chi cago and all points east. Three train51 daily front Portland, wilh choice of many different routes. Palace and touri't (deeper?, library, dining and chair car on all trains. Writo A. L. Craig, G. P. A. O. R. t N.Co, Portland, Oregon, for particu lars. It's about time the electric light pro moters were making their appearance hereabouts. We want light. There is nothing new that can be p.i.d in favor of the " Kamblur" bicycle. It has been on the market twenty-two vears and during all of that time has. Peeu the favorite with bicycle riders. The new 1901 Rambler "Spec ial" is four or five pounds lighter than any Rambler ever before turned out, tiitd as true a steel and skill can make them. CVU at Wright's furniture store and see them. Tomorrow will b of Odd Fellowship the S2d anniversary Ready-to-wear clothing has many ad vantages the most prominent of which is that it is readv to wear. There's iio waitiog, no fumiu? because you dott'v get, your clothes when promised, and the moment vou se a ready-to-wear suit you know whether or not you like it. We keep but one qindity the best. S. II. FiticN'm.v, Eugene. MMI) ADVICE. The mosf miserable beings in the world are those suffering trom Dyspep sia and Liver Complaint. More than 75 percent, of the people in the. United States-are afflicted with these two dis eases and their effoc'.s: such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, llabittif 1 Cos tiveness, Palpitation of the Heart, Heartburn, Witter brash, Gi awing and Rurniiig Pains at th! Pit of the .Stom ach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Disagreeable Taste in the Mouth, Com ing up of Food n.ft-i-r Eating, etc. (jo to Mueller & Hill's an. I get n bottle of Flower for cents, Two dose will relieve you. Try it. Get (JrcL'n'a I'rizu Almanac, Steal Estate & Investment Brokers EUGENE and JUNCTION CITY The Leading Real Estate Dealers of Lane County We have a large list of some of the best bargains in l ane county and other watts of the Valley, which we will show those looking lor homes at our own ex pense. Take a look with us. If wo don't harm, Kead a description of some of our No. 143. 1150 acres of land, situate two miles north of Junction City; 'J00 acres in cultivation; about 'JO acres wood and timber; two houses and two bams, very (air buildings; school-house within :00 yards of one of the build ings : this is a No. I land, and consid ered ono of the best places in lutne county. ' Price ....$tvlO0 No. 141. 320 acres of land, four miles from Junction City ; two sets of build ings on the placo; 100 acres or more good farm land for cheat, outs and some good wheat land ; this s a good stock or dairy ranch, watered by the Long Tom Kiver on the west, tho river being the west line of the place. Price f;,loi No. 147. 70 acres of land ll miles from Junction City, on tho F.ugene road ; no buildui'is ; most all in cultivation and gO(d quality of land. Price fl.Wt) No. 150. 80 acres on the river rond to Eugene, 2 miles from Junction City; this is nearly all river bottom laud; gvl buildings ; plenty of fruit ; a choice place. Price f 1.000 No. I'll. M acres; 15 acres in culti vation; old buildings; some good fruit; We have some good bargains near ties. Call on or address R. F. BAKER & CO. Oillce l'p-Sta!r in Gilmore Bldg Professional. Phlclinf. W. W. (KJI.ESP.Y, Physician and Surgistn. Office in ilotel Bbs-k. Junction. ("-. Do You Know THAT THE Seattle Fruit & Produce COMPANY, OF F.UGENE, pays the highest cash price for poultry, eggs, veal and all kinds of farm produce. Pricesthis week : Chickens,7c I'r pound ; veal, 7c; geese, tic ; dnrk, 7c. Don't forget the place Hth Street, next door to Soap factory. EUGENE STEAM DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS West Eighth Street Near Steam Laundry Chris Atarx, Jr., proprietor Clothing Cleaned, Colored and Re paired. Faded Clothing Restored to Its Original Color to Look Like Neui . . SATISFACTION GUfttiAINTCDD. Talcphono Rod 49-4. CYRUS NOBLE (Bourbon and live) ROYAL OA K anil LACLY (Sour Mash) MANHATTAN Cl.1'1! (IJourbon and Rye Whiskies) Fine Line of Imported and I o mestic Cigars. MO NOG HAM . . Junction City . , HANIHTTAN Eugene. CORHE&R fiornor Oth arid Wlllnmotto htroott. Oregon VINCENT & CO. DRUGs, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, etc. EjeriERMs cash. 0 do you any fcood o will do you no choice places: miles north rf Junction ( ity ; nil good level land and otxl soil; u portion covered with timber and brush; -mile to school house. File SU0 No. 150. Sll acres of the very best of land. 2 miles north of Junction City ; nearly nil in cultivation; rented this season for 00; rent goes with the place. Price.... tSOO No l.Vt. M0 rcrcs of land, Slj miles south of Junction City j nearly all in cultivation; fair buildings, Price U.200 No. 100. (7 acres of land, one mile from city limits; nil in ciiltivutio.t ; choice land; no buildings ; will sell in n body or divide up hi small tracts to suit purchasers ut rcasoniibo prices. ;u xttf. -W acres ot land, '"u miles southwest from Junction City ; 12oucr in cultivation ; buildings old, but ootxl laud ; this is u bargain at 4,200. No. 170. 420 acres of land, 3 mil north of Junction City; 200 acres river Ix.ttom land; 200 acres in cultivation ... i l, ..i io nouses nun ostiixuii inopiiice; '4 mile to school. This is a bargain at lo per acre. Eugene, mid in Linn ami Ponton conn Junction Citv, Oregon, next dtr to ''Bulletin" oiliee. AND S00 LINE Solid Yestibuied Trains, consistinjr o Palace Sleeping Curs, luxurious Piuiieg Cars, eleyunt Hay ('ouches and mnnilj cent Tour1.1t Cars, to ami from all points Eat. Lowest rates to nnd f'oni all parts f Europe via Atlantic steanndiip Lint s. R0VAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE T CHINA and JAPAN. Canadian - Australian . ',. SS. Line TO nnd HONOLULU AUSTUALIA. It will pay you to apply for rates nnd information to 1L II. AimoTT, Accnt, 142 3d St., Portland, Or. E.J. CoYJ.i:, A. O. P. A., Vancouver, B, C. inirsiy r Well, if you are goiucj to Eugene, stop at The Oregon" on Willamette street, four doors south of the Hotel Eugene, where you will find the finest line of Winc3, Liquors and Cigars in the Willamette Valley. W. WADDLE, Prop. Farm for Sale. La xi) for Sale 480 acres with barn and out buildings, running water, two or chards, 155 acres in farming hind, within nine miles of Junction City, for $1(100. IiKluire of 8. Temple ton, Vi miles Koutheast of Junction City. No agent. South and East VIA Southern Pacific COM TAN V. Shasta Route? Trains leave Junction Citv for Portland and way station! at il :1I0 a. m, and Vt-.'M p. in. I ,v Portland.. ,,, . 8:110 am H;:ution Lv Junction Citv. 1 ;;;s ion V'AH am r Ashland 12-.W am 1 1 :l!o am Sacramento .. ft-lOpm 5:0(1 n 111 " San Francisco. 7:45 pm 8:15 am r tVden i ,X ntn 7 :h nm IVi.ver OHIO am D;15 am Kaunas City... ".2!tun 7:25 am I M.i. "?.1..... U.!,k .. ,' f ,-1 Hill CI ,1,0 II III Ar I .o Angeles.. . 2:00 imi ;05 ant r.l Puso tl:tK) pm il:(KI pin Fort Worth... ttillOiwn il:.ti)nm City of Mexlcoll :.'I0 am 11 :110 am Houston 7:00iun 7:lHhun New Orleans., tl :30 pm OiliOpm asblitt;iou... ii:42 am 11:12 am New York 12 : 10 pm 12 : H pm rullmaii ami Tourist cars on both trains, ( hair cars Sacramento to Otr len and Kl 1 nso. and Tourist enrs to Chic"airo, St. Loui", New Orleans mid It . t ! . . ' IINItlltglOll. l oiinectiiii at Ban Sriinclsco with sev. eral steamshio lims for llottohihl. Ja pan, China, Philippinen, Central and South Amcricu. Sen nceiit at Junction City station, oraddrs C. II. MAKKIIAM.ii. P. A., Polthind, Oietfi.n GO EAST VIA GREW Shortest & Quickest Lino TO St. Paul, Duluth, Min neapolis, Chicago And All Points East. Through Palac3 and Tourist Sleepers, Dining & Bdfet Smoking Library Cars DAILY Tlt.MNS; FAST TIME ;' SEIIYICE & SCKNEUY UNIXlUALIvl) Ticliets to polm East via Portland and the Kkkat Nomtiikkx Lv. on sale ut Southern Paeilie Deit Ticket olliie, or (illEAT N'oHTHKHV Tu ket ollhv, 122 TlllRt) 5T., lt)HTLAM. For Hates, l obl.-rs vuA full Informa tion renrdiu Lnstern trip, call on or address A. 15. C. DESN1STOV, City Pass, and Ticket Aeent, Poitlond, 1 9 v ;i km You Going East? m I 4 ' '4 il 1 '4 1. Pcrlups I can be of service to you. 1 can ticket you over any railroad running trains out of Portland; tell you when to leave home; where to change cars; when you will reach your destination, and what there is to be seen on the way. Call or write I '11 take pleasure in answer ing your questions. Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and EVLKYWUEKE beyond. 1 PP Cor. 5ALT LKKV. CITY. An Important Factor In Transconti nental Travel. ..No one crossing tho continent can afford to cut Salt Lake City from his rou to. Tho attractions of tho place, in cluding, tho Mormon Temple,'! nbornaclo and Church institutions, tho Great Halt Lake deader nnd denser than tho Dead Sea in tho Holy Land tho pict uresque environment nnd tho Warm Sulphur and Hot Springs, arc uroator to tho square yard than any locality on tho American continent. Tho Kio Oramlo Western. Railway, connecting on tho East with tho Denvet & llio Grande and Colorado Midland OPFfiON SflOHTLlNE Union Pacific linw IicUuUa ruovi POUTLANM KKIUIIT oil ,'hicitH". 'ortland Special 0 A.M. AUIIIVM rno Suit lke, Denver, I t. Worth, tniu I in, K a Citv, St. Louis, ('lib cap) and East. Salt Lukf, IViiver. Ft. Worth, Outrt ha, Kansas Citv, St. 1 is, Chi cago and East, Walla Walln. Lew lon, Spoknm Wallace, 1'ulb loan. Mi 11 ilea po lis. St. Paul, Do bith, Milwaukee Cbic.tKo ,V Ent, ::to M. via U 11 lit- litwtoll. AtlMlilic Est press UP M. 8:10 A. M via I Li ut- Imrtou. St. Paul Fimt Mnil tt P. M. VIA Sjmkaiic 7 A. M. Ocean & River Schedule rMOM POUIMIMM All Sailinjj !'te subject to i b-nc, For San Francisco, Sail every fi days. S P. M. 4 P. M. Daily Except Sunday S P. M. Satnrd'v, 10 P. M. Ootumhl Mv0 To Astoria nnd Wsy-l.tindiiius, ' I P. M. Fx. Sun. WiUAMimC ItlVlH t.lrepin Citv, New hvrjf, Sah-iii, In dependence Ulld y.Lndinu. Corvallis ami Way Latidinns. YMLAMCTTC A Yamhill ttlrera Oregon (Utv, Day ton mil Way Landings. SHAKE RIVER P.iparia to lwis ton, Daily Ex. Sun. HA, M. 4:::o P.M except Sitiidcy. t A. M. Tnes., Thurs. nnd Sat. 7 A.M. Tc.e., Thurs. and Sut. Leave b'iptirhi 11 : 10 A M D-.ilv 4 in) P.M Monday, Wednes, V: Ftiilay U -.HO P. M j Monday, j Wi'dlies, A Eri.hiy i . ' .. j Leave I LcvUton :.'.( A.M I Dailv E. V. Til AY EU, AKcnt. Salem, Ore. Ceutrallv IxicnUd. Fro Snmplfl Honms, F.'ectric Lights and Bella. FIRST-CLASS. Hotel Eugene lion otiKt K Piios., Proprietors. Lutes, tl to f2 per Day. Headquarters for Commcr:ial Travelers- and Mining Men. Eitijene, ... - Oregon. M i A. C. SiiitLOON, General Agent, Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore. 1 Railways and on tho Vest with tho Southern Pacific (Central Houtu) nnd Oregon Short Lino, is tho only ttunseon 1innntnl lino passing directly through Salt Lute Citv. Tho route through Salt Lako City via the Kio Orando Western Railway Is fainoun all tho yuar round. On account of tho equable climato of Utah and Colorado it is just as popular in winter as in summer. Si!itd2oto.T. D. Mnnslleld,")'! Washington, Portland : or' Geo. W. Iloint,, Cionural .Pussenuor Agent, Salt Lako City, for 11 copy of ,'hSult Lako City thoJJlty of tho Saints."' Tho hanking houso of Gilbert Kros.r Salem, failed to open its doors for busi ness Tuesday inornini, and is now in tho hand of a receiver.