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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1901)
THE A. P. BETrERSWOKTH, JR., Editor and Proprietor. MISS ANNA OOLESBY, Associate Editor. SCBSCRIPHOM KATES. Oho year, if paid in Advance Six months, . . - - - f Throe mouths, - $ Advertising rates made- known on application. ixtered the po-stothee at Janet ion City as second class mail matter. R;F; Baker &:Co. OUR CLUBBING Week'y Oregoniiin and PnxEnv.. .f2.00 Thrleei-WeeSc Now York World and UCU.ETIX 2.13 ; The Porthnd TeWram advises the use of a garden hoe and ntk as a substi tute for sarsaparilla nui patent modi- inia for th blood. lion. S. II. Friendly ia prominently mentioned for the mayoralty of Euem?. j A good choice. But what's the matter with making him a State Senator? Electric Lights Assured. There have Wen remark? going around about the electric li:hl proposition full ing through on account of non-support in Harriaburg. While for a time it looked as though a sufficient number of subHcribtvra could not be. secured there U warrant the promoters in going ahead with the enterpiise, the req'mitf Eupport ha3 now been secured nd there is nothing ttandiug in the ay of the two cities being lit up by electricity. Mr. E. E. Upmeyer, of Harrison rg, one of tlie promoters, who w as in to wn yesterday, said that the scheme was to incorporate as a stock company, and that the citizens of Junction and ILir risburg would be invited to sulcribe for stock. The estimated cost of Ihe plant in $10,000. It may cost a little les. The stock' will" be $10 a share. Where it is practicable, subt-cribers will be al lowed to pay for their stock in work fn theplautor in materia! furnished in constructing same. Subscribers tor eto-:k in amounts from $10 to $100 aro preferred, as this would allow a greater number to become shareholder?, m that the consumers would be practically the owners of the plant. One goo.l teature about this plan is, that when a consumer is a stockholder betakes more in terest in the enterprise and id less liable to quit being a consumer. Mr. Upmeyer said that the undertak ing is assured, whether any one sub Mcribe for stock or Dot, but that it would bo a great deal bettei for the future maintenance of th plant if all the merchants-subscribed for stock. There isn't any doubt but t!iat this plan to give the consumers an opportu nity to become stockholders is a good one, and should receive auppotl from the business men of both towns Let us have the lights. A majority of the business men and residents are in favor of it. JRanJ Estate & Investment Brokers EUGENE and JUNCTION CITY The Lending Real Estate Dealers of Lane County . We have a largs list of some of the best bargains in Lane county ami other parts of the Valley, which we will rhow those looking (or homes at our own ex pense. Tane n httik with us. If we don't do you any good we will do you no harm, lloml a description of souie of our choice places: 8,i miles no'th cf Junction City ; nil good level land and good soil a portion covered with timhur and brush; ?a-mile South and East VIA Southern Pacific COMPANY. Simsta HautoF Trains leave Junction City for Portland mid way nations at .'Llldn. in, and 2i35i,i. ,v Tortlaml h:;(U8M f;;;upm .v Junction City. 1 ;M pm 12: hi am Ar Ashland l'2'.Vt am U ::i5 am Sacramento fi'lOpm fiiWIam San Franeiaco. 7:4ft pm M '.ft tin So. 143. WO acres of land, situate two tniles north of Junction City; 200 acres in cultivation; about 20 acred wood and timber; two houses and two barns, very fair buildings; school-hou within !t00 yards of one of the build ings; this Is a No. 1 land, and consid ered one of the best places in Lane county. Trice $0,400 No. 141. 320 acres of land, four miles from Junction City ; two sets of build ings on the place; 100 acres or more good farm land for cheat, oats and some to school house. Price $S00 Ar Ogden ,. " Denver KanetisCity... Chicago good wheat land ; this is a gtxkl stock or ilairy ranch, watered by the lAing low Kiveronthe west, the i .river being the west line of the place. l'rice f 3,100 No. 147. 70 acres of land 1 miles from Junction City, on the Eugene road ; no buildings; most nil in cultivation and good quality of land. l'rice tl,o00 No. 150. SO acres on the river road to Eugene, 2 miles from Junction City; this is nearly all river bottom land ; gotwl buildings ; plenty of fruit ; a choice place. Trice 14.000 No. 151. So acres; 15 acres in culti vation; old buildings; some good fruit: We have some good bargains near Eugene, and in ties. Call on or address No. 150. 33 acres of the very best of land. 2 milet north of Junction City; nearly all in cultivation; rented this season for t00; rent goes with the place. Trice WOO No 153. 100 rcres of land, 8,l' miles south of Junction City: nearly all in cultivation ; iair buildings. Trice 3.200 No. 100. (17 acres of land, one mile from city limits: all in cultivation ; choice land; no buildings; will sell in a bod? or divido up n small tracts to suit purcnasers at reasonaue prices. No. 103. 200 acres rf land, 2.Sf miles southwest from Juut tier. City ; 125 acres in cultivation ; buildings old, but good land; this is a bargain at 14,200. No. 170. 420 acres of land, 3 miles north of Junction City; 200 acres river bottom land; 200 aeres in cultivation; two bouses and herns on the place; 'i- mile to fectiool. This is a bargain at lo per acre. Linn and Penton coun R. R BAKER k CO. Junction City, Oregon, OiTtee Up-Statr in Gilmore Hid., next tlo.r to "H.illetin" Omcc. Professional. Philcian. IV. V. OGLEt-P.Y, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Hotel liirck. Junction. Or. A hop contract was f day filed with tho county clerk wherein J. It. Cart wright agrees to sell UU.OOO pounds of 1 ops froui his yard in Lane county, just across the Wili imette river from liar jisbur, to Lilienthal T-ros., for 10 cents per pound Guard, March 25. - W. L. Wright 1ms a new stock of wall paper of the latent and prettiest designs. Now is the timo to repaper y.ur bouse. J. JI. Miller will be glad to have you call and see these new patterns. No matter what your tat-te, von should be able to choose something to suit from among so tiiauy beautiful patterns. . . Sunday-School Rally. The Executive Committee of the Lane Coiiiitv Sundav-kehool Association met in Eugene March 15, and decided to bold the countv convention in Eugene on the 2d and 3d of May. All district presidents a e requested to hold district conventions prior t the 1st of May. V:t. VitsiM, Secretary of Lane County Sunday-school Association. A GOOD THING. German Svrun is the special tion o A Dr. A. Soirchee, presenp- a c-iehrateu tn-.r- man I'hvsician, and is acknowledged to Ihj one of the most foriiinute discoveries in medicine. It q-jickly cures Coughs, Cu' auit all iMWi troubles of the se- verest nature, removing, as it does, the tauecof the nffection f.nd lenving hc pats in a. strong and healthy condition, it is not an experimental medicine, but has stujd the P;"t of year, giving satis faction in every rase, which its ivpidly ii.crea.-iiig sale every s; ason confirms. TwO million battles sld aniiUally. l'v tehee's German Syrup was introduced in the United States in IS'W, and is now fold in es-ery town and village in the civilized world. Three doses will re lieve any ordinary cough. Prize 75 els. For gale' by .Mueller & Hill. Get Green's I'rizo Almanac. Notice to Taxpayers. The lDOOasfiessment rolls are now Open ' for the payment of taxes. XV. W. WITHERS, fiheriff cf Lane county, Or. Do You Know THAT THE Seattle Fruit & Produce COMPANY, OF EUGENE, pavs the highest cash price for poultry, eggs, veal and nil kinds of farm produce. Trict s this w eek : Chickns,7c per pound; veal, 7c ; geese, (ic ; durks, 7c. Don't forget the place Mb Street, next door to Soap factory. EUGENE STEAM DYEING CLEANING WORKS West Eighth Street Near Steam Laundry Chris Marx, Jr., Proprietor Clothing Cleaned, Colored and Re paired. Faded Clothing Restored to Its Original Color to Look Like fieo . , SATISFACTION OUAKflNTDBD. Tefopfiona Rati 49-4, CYRUS NOBLE (Bourbon and Eye) ROYAL OAK and LACEY (Sour Mash) MANHATTAN CLUB (Bourbon and Hye Whiskies) Line Line of Imported and mestic Cigars. MONOGRAM . . Junction City . . flANHATTAN Eiiiene. lo- CORNBR Cornor 6th and Willamette Streets Eugene, - Oregon VINCENT & CO. DRUGs, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, etc. rTERJIS CASH. AND SOO LINE Folid VcsLibuled Trains, consisting of Palace lefing Cars, luxurious Dining Cars, elegant Dav Coaches and magioll cent Tourist Curs, to and from all point hast. Lowest rates to and from all parts of Europe via Atlantic Hcamship Lines. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE 4:Mnm am 7 r2." nm 7M2 am 7:00 am U:l!V am 7 ;2A am 8:110 am Ar Los Angsles.. . 2:00 pm El raso u:00 pm " Eort Wort In .. fl:3nt o :,,. ,,f (,.vl...l 1 lo Houston 7:00 tn New Orleans. . C :IU pm WHshlngton... :!2ni 4 Now York 12:10 pm H:05m 0 ;(H) pm 0:;ttn lltfOnm 7 :00 am fljaOpm (1:12 am 12:10 pm l'ullmim and Tourist cars on IkiiIi trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Og' bn and I'd l'aso. ami 'lourist cars t Chiengo. St. liu, New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at San Srnncisco with sov' era! steams tin line for Honolulu. Ja nan. China. J'bilippuie. Central and South America. Sei agent at Junction City ttatton, or address C. II. MAHKHAM. O. P. A. 1'oilhinJ, OmV"'o GO EAST VIA Shortest & Quickest Lino TO St. Paul, DulutH, Min neapolis, Chicago And All IVmU EAst. Throagh Palocs and Tourist Sleepers Dining & Buffet Smoking Library Cars DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; SERVICE & SCENERY UN EQUALED .AA.imnf liii'o' am UNION PACIFIC ron Chu'BH' 'ortlaiid Special 9 A. M. via Hunt' ington. Atlantic Expresi W I. M. via II unt- Intfti.n. St. Paul VnstMall 0 1'. M. vU SjKikano time .chdul roirn.AND 1 Salt l akf, Dinner, I t. Worth. Ouitt ha, Kum-ioj City, St. LouU, Chi cago and EftHt, Suit LiikV, Ivnver, H. Worth, Unrt lm, KntiHClty, St. L4)lt. Chi t iigo nlid Ent. Wnlla I Id"; Lew inton, Spokane, Witliace. I'tilb mau. Mltmeapi tin, St. I'vl. ! luth, Milwaukee Chiengo c Fant. AtltllVU uioi 1 -,m I'.M. 8:10 A.M 7 A. M. Ocean &River Schedule rUOM POUIL'AM) 8 P.M. ' Dally Except Sunday 8 P. M. Saturd'v, 10 P. M. Daily I'x. Sun. 0 A. M. OA. .M. Tin., Thum. and Sat. 7 A.M. Tuei., Thurs. and Hitt. Leave IMparlt a : Hi A to All Pulling Date IMlbjt'Ct t fhlMlgO, For San rruncim). Sil every 5 day. Cvlumhlm !7r To Astoria and Way-Landing. WILLAMETTE It IYER Orcpm City, New. berg, Stdeio, In dependence ami Wnv-Utiding. CorvallinBtid WyJ a t ' . ' j. mining. WILLAMETTE A Tmmt.lil ttlvr Oren City, Day ton and Way- J.UlldillgH. SHAKE RIVER Lijaria to Ix-win-ton. 4 1. M. 4 P. M. Ex. Sun. 4::i0 P.M except Sunday. 4::t0Pi Monday, Wednex. ft Ktldny :i:WP.M Monday, Wl'dlli H, A Friday leve 1-iiilon H::) A.M Dailv E. F. THAYLH, Agent. Sftlent, Ore. TO CHINA and JAI'AN. Canadian - Australian Line HONOLULU TO and AUSTRALIA. It will pay you to apply for raten and information to H. H. Abbott, Agent, 142 1 St., Portland, Or. E. J. Coyi.s, A. O. P. A., Vancouver, B. C. Thirsty ? Well, if you are going to Eugene, t-top at "The Oregon"- on Willamette fdreet, four doors fioulh of the Hotel Eugene, where you ' will (hid the liiient line of Wines, Liquors and Cigars in the Willamette Valley. , W. WADDLE, Trop. Farm for Sale. T.ivr itad Q 1 1 n Iftfl afna trllli lifirn and out buildinge, running water, two or chardfs,,85 acreH in farming land, within nine wiiles of Junction City, for (1000. Inquire of ri. Templcton, 1 miles southeaiit of Junction City, fco agent. Tickets to point Fan vlii Portland and the Ukkat Nokthkhm Bv. on mile at Southern Pacific Depot Ticket olllce, or CllKAT Noutiikr.n Tiikct llice, iaa THIRD ST., I'OHTLANO. For P.ate, FohUr ami full infortna- tion re'jirdinj hawtoru triji, call on or add reus A. P.. C. DFNNISTON,. City TaHd. and Ticket Agent, Centrally Treated. Free Sample Room. Electric Lights and lJclls. FIUST-CLASS. , Hotel Eugene 1 loi.i k,n iiki k BitoH , Proprietors. Iiatei, 1 to X'2 K r D.iy, Hcad'iuartiT for Commorchil Travclcra and Mining Men. Eugene, - . Oregon, w.ii i 1 m i pwp'wtil"y y n ' f, r - il ii irt i liiif'r- 1 If . - Mmiifi in mam m mm, mm tMm 3 i is 8,00 0 lilas Long The Burlington Route ranks among the greatest of the world's railroads. Over 8,ooo miles long; employing 35,ooo men; reaching 1,300 towns and cities in the eleven states traversed by its lines; having through-car arrangements which extend more than half way across the continent and earn estly striving to give its patrons absolutely unequaled service, it 13 the line xOU should select, next time you go east. Omahn, Chicago, Kansas City. St. Louis and EVERYWHERE beyond, ' A. C. Sheldon, General Agent,' Cor. Third and Stark Sty., Portland, Ore. ill M Mi BE4 P. " HOW TO TRAVEL Information for the Public. 'n fielectina your route to the East you cannot afford to overlook the advan tages and comforts Offered by the Itio Grande WeHteru Railway in counectiou with the Denver & Kio (irando and Col orado Midland llailroadH. It la Ike only transcontinental line pawing directly through Rait Lako City, and in addition to the glimpse it affords of tho Temple City, the Great Salt. Lako, tho Halt Pal ace, and the piclurcHqus Utah Valley, it offers choice of nix distinct routes to tho Lata and tho most lungnitlccnt scenery in tho world. A double daily train ser vice and through Pullman Palace and ordinary Bleeping car, free reclining chair car and a perfect dining car nor vico aro now in operation via theso linH. For pamphlftH dcHcrlptivo of tho "Great Halt Lako lioute," apply to J. D. Mansfield, Gonornl Agent, 2.r3 Vt Hfihington, Portland, or to Geo. W, Hointr., Acting General Passenger Agent, Salt Lako City. . . ' , Weekly Orcgonian and UuixtrriN only 2ayoar. ; March in proving the old adage. It came in like a lamb and ie guing out like h lion.