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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1901)
LANE COUNTY, OREGON Bountiful Fieda, a Fertile Soil v And a Salubrious Climate Combine to Make It the Garden of the West. Lane County. Bouuteons nature loves all lands, Beauty wanders everywhere, foot-prints leaves on many strands, But her home is surely here. Angola loll their wings and rest In this Eden of the West. Lane county extends from the summit of the Cascades to the Paciflc Ocean. In size it is about five times as large as Rhode Island or Connecticut. It fronts on the Pacific a distance of thirty miles, with a splendid harbor at the city of Florence. It occupies every altitude from the .ocean beach to the glaaier crowned summit of the "Three Sisters" at the southeastern corner of the county. TV. Coast Range cuts it in two from north to south. Lane county is half prairie land, with .very rich soil, producing abundant crops of grain, hay, fruit and vegetables, and half hill and upland. The table-lands bordering the valleys are partly covered with tiTiber or brush, most of it being open enough for fine pasturage. These hinds are fertile and yield abundant crops when cultivated. Every crop that grows In the Willamette Valley glows in f.aue county. All the farms are sup plied from natural sources with the bust of water. The immense timber wealth, aggregating uearly 29.000,000.000 feet, is just beginning to receive attention. No county in the United States has us large an amount of timber as Lane. The fa nious Bohemia mining district, destined to become the Cripple Creek of Oregon, lies partly in Lane county. The population of Lane county is about 22,000, all white. The county is rapidly adding to its population dedir able immigrants from the Eastern States. Eugene, 14 miles south of Junc tion City, w ith ft population of 5,000, is the county seat. The following is a summary of the productions of Lane county for 1900 : Acres in county 2,"64,7o0 Acres under cultivation 120,000 Bushels of wheat 750,000 Jushels of oats 025 000 Parley and rye 23,000 Bushels of corn 25.000 Tons of hav 85,000 Bushels of potatoes 225,000 Butter and cheese, pounds. 550,000 Pounds of hops 1,000.000 Bushels of apples 300,000 Bushels of pears 20.0G0 Bushels of prunes 75,000 1. timber, feet 90,000,000 Wool, pound 150,090 Ounces of gold dust 6,000 HORTICULTURE. " Excepting the tropical and citrus va tioties, fill fruits thrive in Lane county even the tender olive and fig. Al monds, peanuts and walnuts have passed beyond the experimental stage. Fruit has been grown in Oregon for 40 year?, but only of late years in a scien tific in inner. The State now supplies ai l and information, through the Board of Horticulture and the Corvalhs Agri cultural College. No one need longer fail through ignorance of proper meth ol of fc'.ock selection, planting, cultiva tion, pruning and science of pollination. J Ure as elsewhere horticulture calls for painstaking and intelligent work and great patience. Large profits have been iii ida-in the past, depending of course to considerable extent upon the energy, care and capital expended, as well as selection of Mock and locality. A ipli;fi, peaches, pears, prunes, grapes, - watermelons and walnuts are the chief fruit prod'ic'.s. It in surprising that " vine giapas have not beu grown here ' more extensively. The hi.lsides of Lare , county should be covered with vine yards. . and no better quality can be raise! abroat . '" In 1833 Oregon shipped 500 ri'L'S carloads of apples to Germany, England, Mexico, Aaia, and tlte Atlantic seaboard. This output will . fihow large increase as new acreage c me to hear and oi l orchards have butter care. Years of experience have demonstrated that Lane county can Ku::$s-:fa:Iy grow apples as a commer cial product. The fame of the red apple i,l Western Oregon is -well established ; it perfection is duo lo the moisture in nir and soil at time of maturing, Here in Lane county the Baldwin, Spiucn ar and King are the leadinp varieties, vtith the Den Davis, Johnalhun, Wine 'V ap aud Oravensteiu. , Oregon ranks a good second in y.ivszs prune. ' production, which is now practically confined to "' tin' Paciflc states. Ever sensitive to environment,' the successful growth of ' the prune will alwavs be confined to favored localities; it cannot be reared far and wido like wheat or terries. The early settlers found that the plum was peculiarly adapted to growth in West ern Oregon, particularly Lane county, and that its yearly yield of luscious fruit was nearly as sure as the coming of the seasons. Gradually the successful cul ture of the prune and its protl table re turn brought the fruit prominently be fore the public, and today we find an acreage of prune orchards in the Wil lamette Valley exceeded only by our neighbor, California. But here no irri gation is uaceesarr, which insures a meaty, sugar? fruit of large stxe. Va rieties are hero grown that are not found elsewhere, and the heated evapo ration process' of passing air through the fruit, gives a clean nnd bright pro duct obtainable by no other means. The price of prunes has not yet touched figure so low that profit is wanting to the Oregon producer. So long as transportatiou facilities are fa vorable (as they exist bore), that sec tion of country which cau grow a prune of required quality at the least outlay of labor and money, will bo the longest in the race. The Willamette Valley has unquestionably the soil and the rain; land is not expensive; the trees grow vigorously and bear heavy crops and large, showy fruit. Cultivating and spraying call for little labor or expense ; the fruit is better cured by the evapora tors than in the sun sod quite as cheap ly, since plenty of fuel is at hand. In fine, no other locality enjoys greater advantages at the start and up to the point of bearing. The demand for Ore gon r"n is steadily increasing in the markets of the world. The shipments from Oregon in 1898, the latest statistics we have at baud, were: Pried prune .lfl.SOO.OOO lbs. Green prunes 3,750,000 lbs. Total ......20,550,000 lbs. STOCK RAISING. Lane county is fast becoming one of the great cattle producing counties in the State. The mild winters.thefact that native grasses remain green during the year, and the ease with which cultivated grasses can bo raised make it an excel lent country for every kind of stock. The general practice of Lane county farmers is to provide fodder for only a small'part of the year, during the bal ance of winch the stock roam at lanie. Sunning water is abundant, and stock docs not lack water in the driest season. The largest owners of horned stock are improving greatly bv infusing fine blood into their herds. There ar numerous breeders of Shorthorns, Galloways, Polled Angus, Ayr-hires, Hereford, Ilolsteins, Devon, Aldernoys and Jer seys in the Willamette Vallev. The large introduction of fine bhod Into the cattle herds of this section has greatly increased their value ami the profit of the business. TH2 AVOOKA GOAT. During the pat ten years a number of our active farmers have been introdm: ing the Angora goat into Lane county, especially in the foot-hill country, Them, thrifty farmers had but one object in view at the time these goats were purchased, and that was to clear np their tarms at tniall cxpenee. They bought the gnat for his work and not for his wm",!. During tho past five years, how ever, there has been a great revolution in the goat industry. Manufacturers are beginning to discover tho many ad vantages and special qualities of mohair. Numerous desirable and elegant fabrics are now being made from this wool, and it has been found that the goods are ex ceedingly fine and durable. Another Fpeciid feature of this goods is, that it is much more free from the attacks of moths than poods made from sheep's wool. For this reason, it is said thr.t the major po-tion of the valuable up holstery low used in railway cars, is made of goat's wool. The entire number of Angora g'Mtts in Lane county today will probably not exceed 0,000 head. When we como to consider the vast area of good brush country in this county, so well adapted to goat grazing, we can readily ceo that, instead of the small number now kept, we could keep to advantage hundreds of thousands of goats in Lane county alone and keep them well. We are speaking now more particularly as to the value of their wool and increase ami of the profits that are hound to oc cur by continuous and thrifty care of the domestic goat. As to their adapt ability to our climate there is no ques tion, and as to the numerous advantages arising from raising gots. this has bwjn thoroughly and satisfactorily settled long since. , We would earnestly commend this subject to the active and onternrlninff farmers from the Eastern States, who are now locating and ho eipcct .to lo cate in Lane county, recognising that this Industry may be made one of t ho most useful and profitable within the entire range of farm and field products. THE LUMBER INDUSTRY. The estimated amount of timber in Oregon is 800,000,000,000 feet (in round numbers), board measure. Lane county loads with 28,800,000,000. The lumbering industry has assume! greater proportions during the year than ever before. The Willamette, McKen sle, Sluslaw, Coast Fork and West Fork Rivers, Long Tom, Lake, Greeuloaf, No fie, Fish, Nelson and numerous other creeks afford the best facilities for float ing logs to tide water, or to most any point on tho Southern Pacific for a dis tanco of 200 miles. Great bodies of the finest noble fir (commonly known as larch), sugar and yellow nine, cedar, oak, ash, maple, bahn, and numerous other eptcies of soli ami hard woods, lie all about us. untouched, awaiting but the investment of capital to place it on the matketa ot the world iu the various forms known to the wants of man. Timber lands can be purchased for from 4 to 7 per acre, the price depending upon the amount and kind of timber and its location. Tho Southern Pacific Railroad Company has thousands of acres of fine timber lands for sale. The Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, the largest manufacturers of lumber In the county, are 0rating three largo plants, at Coburg, Saginaw and Wend ling, with au average daily capacity cf 310,000 feet, the great majority of Why You Should Settle in Lane County . . ") Because it is the best country known to the man of moderate means. Because you will find a country of rich oil awaiting the settler. Because there are uplands, prairie lands and alluvial river Indiums. Because yon can be certain ot profitable returns from whatever you put Iu the soil. Because the winter does not consume what the summer produces. Because there are more and letter op portunities for diversified farm ing than elsewhere. Because the seasons are regular, and no t . fear of crop failure. Because the country is never scourged by cyclones, devastating storms or blizzards. Because everything grown elsewhere can tie produced hero more abun dantly. Because there are more chances for the profitable investment of capital ' ' than elsewhere. Because for healthful nest this section is - unvut.led . on tho face of tho globe. . Because you have no long winter months to eucounter, with no excessive dry httt in summer. which is shipped to points outside of Oregon,' the Southern Paciflc Railroad Company having constructed 22 tuilos of railroad for tho exclusive purpose of reaching and hauling out tho output f the Werulling plant. The main oittces of this company are in Eugene. There pre numerous other smaller plants in the county. . The total cut of lumber and shingles for 11I'J in tho State of Oregon was .7X1,. 423,000 feet. Of this tho mills of Port laud alone cut 150,000,000 feet. Steadily increasing demand conies from China, Japan, Siberia, Australia, Mexico, South America and P.urope, as well as California and the Eastern States, Of merchantable hardwoods, myrtle, maple and ash grow to goodly size, and are used in furniture and implement manufacture, but this branch of indus try has thus far been of limited extent. DAIRYING. As a dairying section Lane county possesses many advantages. Grasses of all kind?, both native and cultivated, grow in luxuriance. Cattle have to de pend but little upon hay, since the warm rains, from early in the fall to hito in the spring, keep the grass growing. Even in the dry summer season grns ows along river and creek bottoms and in the mountain valleys. Timothy is tlm l.ii, Id,. .....o u't.ito nnd re, I clover make remarkable growthn, espe cially tho former, which springs up spontaneously on the hills wherever the destruction of trees and underbrush gives it tin opportunity. The natural grasses, the cool summer, breezes blow ing in from the Pacific, unfailing water supply, the luxuriance with which the( clovers and roots thrive, combine to make Lane county tho ideal home of the cow. Net returns to dairymen range from flO to ?.)!) per cow per annum, do- pending upon lliO graue oi me now nun the intelligence with which the dairy man manages his herd. Tho numerous ocean-going craft leaving tho ports of Portland. Seattle and Tacoma for the Orient and nil parts of tho globo is a perpetual guarantee of a never-falling market for dairy and all othor products. MrNlSO. The mineral resources of Lano county are extensive end valuable. The dis- .trietB attracting the most attention ore tho'Bohomla and Blue River. In the former C8 stamps are now Installed. There are any number of rich mines In the Bohemia district, principal among which are the Helona, Annie. Muslek, Stocks A Harlow, Golden Slipper and Champion, and It is destined to become a second Cripple Creek. Probably the richest body of or In the district at the present time uncovered is In the Helona jrorty. Where they are working now the ore Is so itch the minors break it down on canvas and sack it op to carry It to the mill.- It fairly sparkles with the thousands of specks of gold slicking ail over It. Junction City. Junction City, Oregon, Is situated In the northern part of I-ane county, 1 10 miles south of Portland, 57 miles south of Salem, the capital of tho State, and 14 miles north of Eugene, the county scat. It Is on the main lino of the Southern Pacific Railroad, and has a population of about KMX) Inhabitants. It Is oue of the most prosperous and en terprising cities in the Willamette Val ley. Tho city is platted on either side of tho Southern Pacific tracks, and Is In the center ot the widest portion of the Willamette Valley. All kinds ot mer cantile interests, professions and trades are hero represented. Junction City hat three churches, and a graded school building that cost over fdOOQ. The hotel Because yon will find aa orderly com munities as anywhere on this continent. Because you will find the most oin- hearted people In the world. Because it is in the widest portion of the leroto ttiuaineiie tatter. Because as a dairying section it has no equal, ft is tho ideal homo of the cow. Because for' live stock, goat and sheep raising it can't be beat. Because it contains a larger amount ot the tptt merchantable tlmhr than any county in the United States. Because of the great and crowing trade with China, Japan! th Philip pines, Hawaii, Alaska, and every other port on the face of the globe, tfiis section is sure cf a never-failing market for ; its grain. Its lumber, live stock nnd dairy products. No por tion of tho United States has as bright a future to-fore it today ns the Willamette Valley, in Oregon. , . Bccauto education Is paramount. Pub lic schools and churches are to be found In every community. block was built by a stock company of citizens, and cost over ?24,000. Here U also to bo found one of tho finest' opera houses between San Francisco and Port land. Wo have cno bank, the Farmers A Merchants', owned by home capital ists. It Is 1 solid Institution. There are three largo grain elevators here, two newspapers, waterworks, a good rten.ui fire engine. Also a full roller process Hour mill, which Isns aincd an unviable reputation for tho vxuotlcuco of its flour both at homo and abroad. This mill pays tho highest market price tor its wheat, and pays cash. It is ubo a a sound flunticlal institution. Th era Is more gr iin nnd other pro duce, including livo (stock, shipped from B. 5. Hyland & Co., Real Estaie Dealers, Have tho following farm lands for side. Any inquiries in regard to same will re ceive prompt tUteiitioii : 30 acres of the finest land In Lane count v, one mile cait of Junction City. This land is all in grass but 4,4 acres. Price t.r,0 per acre, KlO-acro farm four miles east of Har rlsbnrg, in Linn county; 140 acres iu cultivation ; young orchard ; new house, fair barn ; plenty of water; (25 per acre. 160 acre farm, 24 miles east of If ar risburg; 1?,0 acres in cultivation ; bal unco meadow; good improvements; house, barn, orchard; 1 'miles to school house. (25 per acru. 200 acres of good level farmland, three miles south from Harrisburgi about llo acres in cultivation ; 30 acres in light timber; 10 acres in hops ; splen did orchard of 4 acres; school house l4 miles distant. This form is well fenced and plentv of water. The property has been previously held at (22 per acre. It calf now bo purchased for (20. If you were to look the length nnd breadth of tho Willamette Valley you couldn't flud tills point than from any other placVin the Willamette Vally. Another enterprise Is a fruit drying establishment, with tho latest Improve ments for steam evaporating process, with a drying capacity ot 1000 bushels of prunes per day, This plant Ims.u warehouso and canning department, arid Is one ot tho most complete of Its kind In the State. It Is indlipomnblo to the fruit Induttry In this section. Ten acres of good bearing fruit trecr, with proper caro and attention, can be made to net the owner from 500 to 0 per annum. In starting these orchards and setting out trees front two to thrvo years old, they will begin bearing the fourth or fifth year, and you need not bn out tho use of your land from the tlmo of setting out tho troos until tlny iHJtne to bearing. They do Wtter to have the land cultivate.. You ran plant with vegetables, and by so doing make It profltablo each year. Ijutd suitable tor these orchards can bo bought at 13 to (50 per acre, according to location. Apple and puar orchards are also very prod ta bio. Another enterprise, and not tho least by any means, Is a creamery that has it been established hero by the Weathorly Creamery Co., of PortUnd, one of tho substantial and w idoawako business concerns of that city. The plant Is equipped with the very latest machinery for making butter, nnd has a capacity of 2000 pounds a day. Besides supplying tho wants of tho people of this vicinity, through our merchants, tri weekly shipments are made to Port land, whero there la always an active market for dairy products. Hera Is a grand opportunity to make a good comfortable livlnjj and lay up some money for t. rainy day. Good dairy cows will net the owner front (30 to 1-10 per cow per annum. There is any amount ot excellent land for dairy purposes, In ckio proximity to Junction City, that can be purchased in parcels to suit at front (12 to (23 per acre. The Creamery company pays the hlghot market price for butter fat, ami pays iu cash once a month, so that Its patrons are never without ready cadiand that puU a man ou tho same footing as the village blacksmith, who "looked the whole world in tho face, for bo owed not any man." Ko Industry offers better Inducements or insures a better return for tho money Invested than a herd ot good dairy cows Intelligently managed. ' i HOW IT IS DONE. The first object In life with tho Amer lean people I to "get rich :" the second, how to regain good health. ThwDrnt can be obtained by energy, honesty nnd saving; tho Second (good health), by us ing Ojeen's August Flower, Should y jti Ihi n despondent sulterer front any of the effects of Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Appendicitis, ltidietion, etc., such as Sick Ih-ac'ache, Palpitation of the Heart, Hour Stomach, Habitual Cos tivenesx, Piseiness of .the Head, NVrvoti Prostration, Iw Spirit, etc., vj need not suffer another day. Two doses of the wcll-knowu August Flower will re lievo you ftt once. Go to Mueller Hill and get a sample bottle ftee. Reg ular i.o, 73 els. Get Greeu's Prixo Almanac. Farmjbr Sale. Lano ron SaU'.-I'O acres with barn and out buildings, running water, two or chards, :$5 acres in fanning land, within nine miles of Junction City, for fl'HH). Inquire of S. Templeton, l; miles southeast of Junction City. No agent. a better bargain. Tl.o owner netted (000 front the 10 acres of hops tho pa t season. 403 ncrr of fine, prairie land, 4 miles southeast of Junction City, on the river road, nnd 10 miles north cd Eugene ; 300 acres under cultivation; 00 acres fine hard wood timber; residence and in hiirnH! but little Bravol ; 12-flcre Orchard; well fenced. Can be dividid oast and vest so ns 10 givo qnen nn part of timber. Will bo divided or e d as a whole to suit. Price 138 per acre. This is tho old Hulin farm, and is woith (50 an acre. $00 ncres, 2 miles southwest of J unc i. .. . nn ,ir.,d un.ti.r r.ulti vfltion : ol) ncrcr timber, ouk and ash; watered by tho I-ong Tom ami several eniaii lanes-, over 10 miles of fence, divided into 10 fields and pastures; could bo divided into 3 farms and each ono could have a good road all graded and graveled all tho wav to Junction City; 3 stock barns 40x00; 1 bum 00x72; blacksmith shop, hay scales, wagon shed and machine shed; out buildings and a dwelling house of 8 rooms, good as new, cost (2000; two orchards, nil kinds of fruit and ber ries. Price, (14 per acre. Easy terms. A great bargain. . B, S. HYLAND & CO. JUNCTION CITY, OUE. ' Ofilco in "Bulletin" Office. ..;