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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1901)
An Independent Newspaper. A. P. BETTERSWORTH, JR., Editor and Proprietor. MISS ANNA OQLESBY, Asaociato Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATKS. One year, If paid in I. dvance $1.50 mx months, $.75 Three months, $ .50 Advertising rates made known on application. iutered thopoHtofficeat Junction City as second claas mail matter. OUR CLUBBING LIST. Weekly Oregonisn and Brturnx.. $2.00 Thrloe-a-Week New York World and Bcm-ktix 2.15 SOMETHING NEW. Just published by the Southern Pa cific Co. is a pamphlet upon the re sources of Western Oregon, which in cludes an excellent map of the state, and contains information on climate, lands, education, etc., existing industries and their capabilities. Attention is also directed to such new fields for energy or capital as promise fa.r return. . - . This publication fills a need long ex perienced tv Oregonians. in replying to inquiries of Eastern friends. Copies may be had of local agent S. P. Co., or from C. H. MxakHAM G. P. A Fortland, Or. Co-Operation Will Win. The Euuene papers are awaking to a realization -of the importance of doing somethirg to advertise the resources of Lane county to the vast number ot im wierants who are flocking to Oregon and Washington from the East. The Register" of ?arch 8, under the head ing, "Our Opportunity," after compar ing the growth in population and the disnlaveJ by the citizens of "Washington, California and Oregon, to the hitter's discreditand the advantages in soil, climate and products of these States, to Oregon's credit, says: ' "Lane county is entitled to a share of these new arrivals, provided we make an effort to secure them. Of the thou sands who have arrived in Portland, perhaps not over twenty of them have visited Lane county. Just now we should have a wiae awake representative in Portland armed with the right kind of literature, and thereby let the world kno-.v that Lane county is the cream of tho Pacific coast. Lane county could tnt spend a few hundred dollars to bet ter advantage than by extending the right kind of invitation to the incoming throngs." For the paBt six or seven weeks the Bulletin haa been carrying a page of matter descriptive of Lane county and Junction City, and mailing copies of the paper to Eaetern parties as fast as we have been able to procure names and addresses. ; Probably some of our readers have wondered why we have printed the page of matter referred to from week to week. The reason is that lonj ago we were as sured of the fact that Oregon and its great undeveloped resources was attract ing more than usual attention iu he Eastern States, and that a great exodus from those States to this Coast would take place this spring, and we believed that a page devoted to a description of Tana countv. ulaced in the hands of thcee home-seekers, would do more good and oe of greater benefit to Junction City and vicinity than any other matter we could publish. The great , numbers ot home-seekers that are being brought into the State now daily are proof posi tive of the wisdom of our course. We are receiving from one to three letters by each mail from people in Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Michigan und other Eastern States asking for prices of land, variety of products grown, etc. All of these letters are being promptly answered, and we are satisfied that b& fore many weeks our efforts in thisdirec tion will be appreciated by the citizens of Junction. With electric lights, good sewer eyftem and the water ditch, Junction City's future would be bright indeed, and the price of property would double immediately. Let us have these improvements before the coming fall sea-on rolls around. LIST OF PATENTS Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow k Co Patent Attorneys, Washingson, D. C C. A. Chrietonsen. Oretown, Or., ore concentrator ; D. B. Fleck, Portland, Or., electric attachment for elevators. For copy of any of above patents, send ten cents in pontage stamps with date of this naner to C. A. Snow & Co., Wash ington, D, C, A Chinese firm has made contracts for 50,000 barrels of Oregon and Washing ton flour per month for the China trade. So the much-talked of Oriental trade is fast becoming a reality. til Hon. L. T. Harris was able to put his clothes on, for the first time since lie has been sick, this afternoon. Guard, Mar. 9. It the herois work he did at Salem in the Lane-Linn boundary matter b what made Lawrence sick, he can eon sole himself with the fact that the editor ot the Brownsville Times is suffering from the same malady, only in a more aggravated form. It t In another column will be fottnd the proposition ot the Albany company that wishes to put in the electric light plant. There seems to be a difference of opinion among the business men on the ques tion. As the voters are supposed to be men who are capable ot forming their own opinions on questions that appeal directly to their own interests, the But letix will sot undertake to influence thorn pro or con in the matter. An Oregon Industry. One ot the lesser industries of Oregon is gathering chittam wood brk in the forests bordering the Willarnetto valley. This is known chemically as cacara fa grada, or holy birk, and is the bark of the California buckthorn, Rhamnu purshianus. Though it is generally supposed by eastern pharmaceutist that all this bark is gathered in Califor nia, it is a fact that the chief supply comes from Oregon. Some few years ago a poor quality of bark was sent e-t as a sample of the Oregon product, which gained for this state the reputa tion of producing nn interior article. Hence, it follows that California Is now being credited with producing what really comes from Oregon, since the name, and not the quality, is the nil in ail with such wonderfully scietifie gen tlemen as manufacturing chemists, as well as common mortals. - . A GENTLE HINT. In our stylo of climate, with its sud den changes of temperature rain, wind and sunshine often iutcrmit-nled in a single day it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neir lected colds, half the deaths resulting directly from this cause. A bottle of German Syrup kept alwut your home tor immediate use will prevent serious sickness, a large doctor's hill, and jier- haps death, by the use of throe or four doses. For curing Consumption, Hem orrhages, Pneumonia, Severe Cough. Croup, or any diseasjof the Throat or Lungs, im success is simply wonderful as your drugict will- tell you,!' Gets sample bottle free from' Mueller k Hill. Regular aire, to cts. Get Green's Prize Almanac. Southern Can orris. Notable among the pleasures afforded by the Shasta Route is the winter trip to Southern California and Arizona Renewed acquaintance with this section will ever develop fresh mints of interest and added sources of enjoyment, under its sunny skies, in the variety of its In dustries, in its prolific ve-.-etation and among its numberless resorts of moun tain, shore, valley and plain. The two daily Shasta trains from Portland to Calif ornia have been re cently equipped with the most approvid pattern of standard and tourist sleeping cars, but the low rates of fare will still continue in effect. Illustrated guides to the winter re sorts of California and Arizona may btj had on application to C. U. MARKHAM, G. P. A., Portland, Oregon. John Tavlor, the photographer, has located here for the winter and has his photo tent north of Grain's jewelry store Give him a call. Satisfactory work guaranteed. Notice for Publication. United Slates Land Office, RoHRnciu), Oh., February 21, 1901. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the hhIh timber lands hi the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wellington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 18.)-', CLAYBORN P. HOUSTON, of Junction City, County of Lane, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office bin sworn statement, No. 1459, for the purcha of the lots 9, 10, 15, Id, of Section No. 21, in' Township No. 10 S, llamas No. 7 W, and will effer proof to show that the land sought is more valu able for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, end t' establish his claim to xuid hind before the Regis ter and Receiver of this oliice, at Rose burg, Oregon, on Friday, the Wth day of May, 1901. He names as witnesses : Edward Bai ley, of Junction City, Oregon ; B. 8, Hy land, of Junction City, Oregon ; D. Gold son, of Goldxon, Oregon ; John Goldxon, of Goldson, Oregon. Any und all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or before said 10th day of May, 1901. J. T. Uuwm, Register. Professional Physicians. W. W. OGLKSBY, Thysician and Surgeon. Office in Hotel Block. Junction, Or. Lodge - Directory Oasis Lonoa No. 41.1. 0.O F. meet every Saturday evening. Visitors, in good standing are invited. W. M. Twrr, N. O. L. B. Moor, Secretary, J unction City Camp, No. 44, Wood n of the World, meets every flrsV and men third Monday nights in the month. E. O. SAMUEL, Con- Com. H. m. iuiu.ioatt, v ler. LUCULLU LOlHiri.No,, M Jv. o(T. mMi every Thumlav evenlu ot each u-.ioW a It 1 f Vl..lita in i-nml tmiil. Ing invited to attend, It tt . . . . O. P. HocsToy. K. R.of 8. CORNER DRUG STORE Corner th and WIIIrntU Street Eugene, Oregon VINCENT k CO. ' DRUGs, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, etc. fStTTERMS CASH. F.l'tiKNK STEAM DYEING AND" CLEANING WORKS West Eighth Street Near Steam taundry Chris Marx, Jr., Pprtoior Girthing Cleaned, Colored and Re paired. Faded Nothing Restored to Its Original Color to. book Like Hem ATlSrAGTIOIS GUARANTEED. rpAt Hmd 49-4 Thirsty ? i vsWell, it you are going to Eugew?itpfct, , v . . ,4, . t "The' Oregon" on Willamrtte street, four doors south of the Hotel F.ugene, where you will dud the ttnest line of Wines, Liquors wand Cigars in the Willarnetto Valley. W. WADDLK, Trop. nythtaf yon Invent or Improve I alo get CftVEAMlUOE-MABK. COPYttlCHTor DESflN PROTECTION. Send model, eketcb.or Jiboto. for free examination nd advice. ECQKC PATENTS LV.r wtrc.A.snow& CO. Patent Uwyers. WAS H I N GTO N.D.C. CYUU8 NOP.LK ( Bourbon and It ye) ROYAL OAK and LACKY (Sour Mash) MANHATTAN CLUB (Bourbon and Itye Whiskies) Fine Line of Impjr.rted and To mestic Cigars. MONOGRAM . , Junction City . . MANHATTAN Eugene. Do You Know THAT THE Seattle Fruit & Produce COMPANY, OF EUGENE, pays'the highest caidi price for poultry, et'iis, veal and all kinds of farm produce. Prices this week: CWckens,7c per poand ; veal, 7c ; geese, 6c : ducks, 7c. Don't forget the place-8th Street, next door to Soap factory. Weekly Oregonian and Bulletin enly $2 a year. Eaot and South VIA Southern Pacific company. ; Shasta RoutoF Trains leave Junction City for Portland ami way stations at atfu a. m. and 1:37 p. mand for Fan Frauclseo and way lUtloni at 1 :4d a.m. and 8:35 p.m. Lv Portland 8 :W) am 8 sSO pm .v Junction City. 1:37 tun 12:4(1 am Ar Ashland ...... 12:23 ant 11:30 am Pacrsmento .. ft -00 pm 4;33am Kan Franclsro. 7:45 im 8:15 am ArOjjd en 6:45 am 11:45 am " iHtr. i.ver, :00 am fliOO am " KanaalClty 7:25 am 7:45 am 7:25 am :30 am ei?o. r Lx A uttcles, , . 1 :'J0 pm 7 ;0U am 6:00 pm 6:30 am 0:55 8m 4 :00 am 6 :25 pm 6:42 am 12:43 pm FA Inth (t:(M i.m Fort Worth... '6:30 ant " City of Mexico V :55 am Houston 4 :00 am New Orleans,, 6:25 pm vtaaiitntfion... 0:Wam New York 12:43 pm Pullman and Tourist cam on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento toOir- den and F.I Pa), and Tourist cars to Chicago, St. Lotw, New Orleans and tt neiuii(un. Connecting at Kan Francisco with lev eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Ja pan, China, l'lillipplties, Uentral and Kouth America. See Mr. Mark Montgomery. aent at Junction Ciiy station, or address C. H. MAUKHAM, (LP. A., 1 'oi t land, Oii'tfi'ti. GO EAST VIA Shortest & Quickest Lino TO St. Paul, Duluth, Hin neapolis, Chicago And All Points ICast. Throagh Palaas and Tourist Sleepers, Dining & Buffet Smoking Library Cars DAILY TRAINS FAST TIME j SERVICE k SCENERY UNEQUALEI) - Tickets to points East via Portland and the (1iat North rN Kv. ou sale at Southern Pacific Depot Ticket olllce, or CIkkat Noanuas Ticket c.Ulco, taa THIRD 5T., PORTLAND. For Rates, Folders and full informa tion regarding Eastern trip, call on or address A. It. C. DENMSTOX, City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Portland. Are You Goin Perhaps I can be of service to you. I can ticket you over any railroad running trains out of Portland; tell you when to leave home; where to change cars; when you will reach your destination, and what there is to be seen on the way. Call or write I '11 take pleasure in answer ing your questions. Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and EVERYWHERE beyond. Mm Cor. SALT LAKfi CITY. An Important Factor In Transconti nental Travel. No one crossing the continent can af ford to rut Salt Lake City from his route, The attractions of the place, In cluding the Mormon Temple; Taoernnc.le and Church Institutions, the (Jreat Salt Lake deader and denser than the Dead Sea In the Holy Land the picturesque environment and the Warm Sulphur and Hot Springs nrj greater to the sriniwe yard than any locality on the American continent.' , Tho Rio Grande Western Railway, OMfl i fttai?rm V lSUQirF.Llfu3 Union Pacific lima 5chcdulta rwoM PORTLAND I'KPAHT roa (5hllMK'- Portland HiH'clal 0 A.M. vlaUunt' Intttoii. AtlantTc Kspri'H OP M. via Hunt Jngtmi. St. Paul Fast Mail 0 P. M. via Spokane AM' Salt Ike, Denver, Ft. Worth, (turn ha, KannaiClty, St: Louk Chi eiCo and East. Salt l&keTlWvTK Ft. Worth, Omn ha, Kaunas City, St. lmia, Chi 'at;o and East, Walla WaliaTT: Iston, Spokane, Wallace, Pull man. Minncapo lis, St. Paul, Du luth, Milwaukee ('IiuhkdA V.mI, 4.30 V, XI, 8:40 AM 7 A.M. Ocean & River Schedule ntO POHTLAINO All Sailing Datet subjwt t'chnge. For San Francisco. Sail every 5 days. 8 P. M. 4 P. M, " Iaily Except Sunday 8 P.M. Satnrd'v, 10 P. M. Columbia Rhrm To Astoria and Way-LniKllinjs. 4 P.M. Ex. Sun. WtLLAUCTTE ttivtn trejfu City, New IxTif, Suh tti, In dependence and 'ayLMtiditit(. Ccrvallisnnd Way IindinH. Dally Ex. Stm. fl A. M. 4:30 p.M except Sunday. A. M. Tnt'S., Thur. and Siijt 7 A. M. Tues., Thurs. and Hut. Pipitrla 3:40 AM Dullv TTfui tCM Monday, Wednt', k Fiiday 3 -.30 P. M Monday, WtHtue. A Friday nave Iwit.m 8:30 A.M Duilv wiiAMtrrrc Tmmhtll nhffm Oregon City, Day u and Way I.uudinuit. SHAKC HIVLR Kiparto to Ials ton. E. F. Til AY Kit, Agent. Salem, Ore. Centrally Located, ... , Free Sample Rooms. Electric Lightl and Belli . FIRST-CLASS. Hotel Eugene Hoi lkshim-k 15koi4., Proprietor. Rates, f 1 to 2 jn;r Day. Headquarters for Commercial Traveler! and Mining Men. Eugene, Oregon. A. C. Shildon, General Agent, Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore. v connecting rn the East with the Denver k Rio Grande and Colorado Midland rail ways and on the Went with the South ern Pacific (Central Route) and Oregon Short Lino, Is the only transcontinental line pasniirg directly through Salt Lake City. The routo thrmiuh Salt LnkeCity via the Rio Oraiule W esteru Railway is famous nil the year round. On acccunt of tho equable climate of Utah ni:d Col orado it la jiiHt as popular in winter as n summer. Send 2u to J. D. Mans luld, 253 Washington, Portland, or toOeorgo W. IU Intz, O. P. A., Salt J-nke City, for a copy of "L-alt Lake Citythe City of the Saints." V , ,, if r t i si MJaEJfcif g East?