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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1901)
S - , WW ra ffa JUNCTION CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1901 oe'cia 'TUB atiiiffl EUGENE, OR. Sale! V.K Ladies' Jackets Fur Collarettes (All New Goods) For J Price. FJf Bros. EUGENE, OREGON. rj mnr ir-iy fci F'UWZW&p p-: a Bank or junction city, Oregon, President. Vice President. W. C. WAHIint'8Xlf, F. W. WS!lllt7B.U Cashier. At Caehicr. Ha tho best facilities for handling; the banking buisnesB of North Lane and South Benton counties. Hoard of Directors: - . J. A., C. W. Wshburne Geo. Pickett, J. T. Miiliorn, T. A. Miiliorn, A. 0. llrtvity, :' 10. IIcux, President. Cashier. B. II. Hovby Asst. Cashier. Lane County Bank. A. G..II0VEY & CO. Ttanxacta general banking business. Established, m. 01detbank in the county. Eugene, Or. . -; a. .... ' . r 3' ry Guaranteed, r I rl ..f. l.TTV?! - i.MljStrtU. ft. L"' .i,iUUti., .r.ii JW.l.t.t.t.l.t f.i .t..,(kl..l. i.KUI.I.I.f.l ,iaj.f'.i(t.. ; 1 nitllns. V'or tunny Ct'tilwrifB the hordes ol the Orient have EubMsUH.! ufn rice, to the fxchifiioii of ether fued stnplrr, Natu rstlly they hftvo rawn a littlo -tired of tho monotony m-Iio would ot"fter n thouiind years? and tlie Introduclion of A.niuricmi fionr Um proilnecd a revo Jution of diet, f ting c.ct;)it iit, cheHp mid, pulatublft, tho more tho Chineao uso our ttour l!u uioro they wont it.nnd it bood)s only n oin stionof time until rieo.ifl mipphinted by wht flour, which contain! morn nearly the nedcd pro rmrtloniof tltitr, protein and fat. the throw KrcRt-cMentlai!! for human oxint oue3. Tho many uses to wbk-h Auiori con thnir can Ihj put h been a ryvcla tion. to tho Chinese, and its economical side appeals to him most nlr.Mly, piuce lie ran Bell his rice to tho outsid world, and buy our llour for one-hnlf tlie coot of liitt staple. ' " " 4 Inf 188!) there wcro exported to the Orient only 4l8,()iK) barroh of Hour; in 189!) thi had grown to 2,000,00a barrels. With Increased oeeuu tounao, fairer tariffs by tha carriers a auainst wheat, reduction by reciprocity ornpeclal t,reaty of 1 ho llour duties now itnpoHed at foreign port,, tiio milling may be preserved to the I'aeitlc Const, rather than done by tho" foreigner. Oregon now poetesses 136' flour inllltfrwlth dailv capacity of 14,000 barrel, of which D.QOO barrels are ground exclusively for, tho import tradq. Can You Answer This? , ., What Is Utft bent., riulckeat, cheapest and most con.furtublo vny to reach Omaha, Kancau City, Chieugo. or, in fact, any other pqint .Kant? When do you leave home? What in the rate? Do you change earn? Whatabout moalR? It you are going East you should and can-know all this , by merely making a written request on , K. W. TOSTEU, . Ticket Agent Burlington Uoute, earner Third and Stark Sta , Port land, Or. As Bill Nye said about kisting a pretty girl, 'if you begin advertising for businean, don't try to grab it at onco. Take your time. It! there.". . School Report For tho fifth month of th Dchool year: Pays Uuht.-.....i".....,.,V. 20 I'ay? attendance. ...... 2S43 Day abHcnce,. . 141 Cnwcs tardinesa. t- l'J Oirls enrolled.,. . . .,. . . . . ........... 71 lWys enrolled ...... . ... . . ..... 7(1 Total enrolled lr0 Average dai'y attendance.. ... ...... 117 I'cr cent of attendance ..... ... ....... 95 Tupiln dropped . . . . .-. ........ . . . 27 I'upilf ro-admitted . . . .. 40 Keiuaiolng at dato-of report cirla.. 7(5 licmaining at date of rejwrt boys.. 72 Visitors .'. .... v , , . ............ , 7 Roll or Ilovoit. Ilooui 4 Minnie Tracer, Chester Nk hoU, Kmmett ltle,v, Anda Calvert, Jrwhi, Moorbead, Ikmlah I'itriey, Claud .Wilkineon. Koom 3 P.ertha Houston, Ajne lacker, Leilali Tracer, IhMtle Archibald, Chesney lloh Sato, Nellio Thorton, (iusio Uructtihg, Karl McMartin, Ada Powell, Elna bert. Koom 2 Andry Ilowanl, Cora Houston. Koom 1 Lcla llolgate, Eithel Kirk, Norma MoKay, Harvey Moore. Stanley Thomson, Hoy Darneille, Es tella Moore, Agatha, Becker, Walter TbomBon, Graeio Gilmore, Ura Ruff, Val Furrier, Katherino Archibald, Ces eie Wallace, Chester Coon, Clara Sam uels, Oenevievo 8amueU, Mary Houston, .lames Moats. ? " WOODMAN, SPARE NOT . . that ax, for if It'i a ' W nx you can chop and chop and chop and bo .totter gatinthtd each day. We'll guarantee tho atittlaction every time, or give you a new bx for a pKr ax, or your money back. Other kimUot axe at lower prices, but so genuinely cheap as the "WW." ,. . Everything for chopping, and rawing, and splitting eroee-cnt 'huw, buck saws, and powder and fui"', if you need it ; and all at guar ant'-ed prices, Urnm Habdwase Co., Eueeue. SPECIALS Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, $5.50 Up to $65.' Ladies' Capes & Jackets, ' $1 Up to $25. Big Line Men's Clothing. SUITS ALL-WOOL, SILK-SEWED. $7.50 and Up. Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. DOXT OVERLOOK OUR Dry Goods Department. Do You Know THAT THE Seattle Fruit & Produce t COMPANY, OF EUGENE, pay the highept eflfh price .for poultry eiig?, veal and all kind of farm produce. Prices this week : ChicktnB,7c per ponnd ; veal, 7c : geese, tic : duck. 7c : easts. 20c. Don't forget tbo place 8th Street, next loor to fcoap fwctory. CO Y CARS' Pianos and Organ. We ore recjPiyjng floe now Piano and Organs direct'froni the' factories' at Bos ton New York and Philadelphia. Our pianos are bought at' special cash' dis count. Wo are tho solo representatives for Oregon, and by theee methods can sell you a fine Piano or Organ cheaper than any one. ;. , Wo havo pianos w ith fall metal plate, full extension duet desk for from 235 up. All our goods are Warranted by Kohler and Chase, the oldest and largest Mutie houso on the coast. Instruments sold on installments. Come m And see thorn. Morris & Craw, 9th 8tr, Eugene. , Read B, S. Hyhmd & Co.'s ad. in this Issue. . - Tradc Marks UCS!GN9 Copyrights Ac. Anyone ending nUcfrh and doiKTlptlnn mat milemjr curnruiii our optnum ttttt wbtMbor an inrauttnn w probRuiy iiatonuiMn. I omn1 -.nlOA. iUmamrlotlrmtiUdnntiKl. iliuidboobon PUnt wtnt frca. IHileitt aunnrT foriHtirinir v.atenM, Fatruia tnkun tliruuuh Munir & Co. rMslTt tp4tuil fUilkt, wlttimit chatvo, lu tie SiWM HwlM. A kanflnonicir IKartintl woW. T.nnrent fir. eulnlUin of any aolemmo loiiriidl. 'J'eriua. IS Tear i four moiitUa, L Bold bj all nawadoaler. itroocb Offioo. 826 r BU WuliUiatoo, n, r. ' 3" . " 00 YOU WANT f " A Piano? If so, yqn w ill find no place , where you can buy a first class instrument it h lower ;-in ice than at the F. A. Ran- ' kin Music Store. " i ' We carry a very large line of Sheet M uio and all isinda of Musical Good, and we )romie you fair dealing and - , the low est prices. ' "A11 Sheet Music sold , at half price. Mail orders will . receive prompt attention. MUSIC STORE, EUGENE, Oil EG ON' YOU WILL FIND A $ FULL LINE OF J HOUSEWIVES: STEEL AN1 CAST RANGES, $ COOK STOVES, TINWARE and CUTLERY v . .. . ALSO THE ... . J Celebrated Petaluma Incubator & Ercoder J Griffin Hardware Co., Esse. Oregon. B. S. flyland &Co. Real Estate and in vestment Brokers Have farm and timber lands for sale in Lane, .. Linn and Benton Counties. Parties having farm or timber lands, or any real estate whatever, for sale, can get the benefit of having their lands ad vertised free of charge by listing same w ith ns. Commission low. Persons living; at a distance and desir ing information in regard to prices of lands, resources, or any facts at all in connection with this part of tho Wil lamette Valley, write to B. S. HY1AHD & CO., Junction City. Ore. B. S. fiyland Real Estate Dealers, Havo the follow ing farm lands for sf le. Any inquiries in jegard to same will re ceive prompt attention: , , ; , , 30 acres of the finest land in Lane countv,- one rtiile east of Junction City. This land is nil in giass but acres. Price ?50 per aero. , . 160-acre farm four miles east of liar risburg. in Linn eounty; 140 acres in cultivation; Voung orchard: new house, fair barn; plenty of water; $23 per ncre. 1G0 acre farm, 2, miles east of liar ripburz: 130 acres in cultivation ; bid ance meadow: good improvements; hotiae. bam. orchards U.j miles to school house. 25 per acre. , 200 acres of good leol farm and, three miles south from Harrisburg; abjut 110 acres m cultivation ; 30 a-; res In light timber; 10 acres in hops;' spleu- ... 1 . . . - 1 11 Giu orcnoru Oi t ncres; ecuooi ihhic miles distant. This farm is we fenced and plenty of water. Tne property ba been previously heWl at !f-VVa per acre. It can now b purchased for if'-V If you were to look tho length and breadth of tho Willamette Valley you couldn't find a totter bargain. . The owner netted fDOO from the 10 acres of hops the past season. 403 acres of fine prairie land, 4 miles southeast of Junction City, on the river rond, and 10 miles north of Eugene; 300 fxres under cultivation; W) acres tine hard wood timber; residence and two barns; but little gravel; 12-acro orchard; well fenced. Can be dividid eas. and west so ns to give each half part of timber. "Will to divided or sold as a whole to suit. Prico flia per acre. This ia tho oldllulin farm, and is woith f50 an ncre. - i , . 800 acrt8, 2fa milei sou tli west of Junc tion ; 250 acres under eultivalion ; 50 acre? timber, ok and ash ; watered by tho Long Tom and several, wall lakes : over 10 miles of fene, divided into 10 fields and pastures; could bo divided into 3 farms and each one cotild have a uood road all graded and graveled all tho. way to Junction City; S stock barns. 40x")0; 1 barn 110x72 ; bhicksmith shop, hay scales, wagon tfhed nnd mtxehino shed; out buiUPngs and a dwelling houKo of 8 rooms, ginl as new, cost f jirj i tw o orchards, all kinds of fruit and tor ries. Price, $14 per acre. Easy terms, A great bargain. B. S. HYLAKI) & C0( JUNCTION CHY. ORE. .