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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1901)
arance 0 7A Sale! 1 IRS- Union Suits . ' cents ; reduced to. ...... . 3l cents 75 cents; reduced to.... CO cents $1.00 ; reduced to ... . . .70 cents l.oO; reduced te....'.::....n.W Derss Goods 1 15 cents ; reduced to. .10 cents :'5 cents ; reduced to. . . 20 cents ' : cents ; reduced to. .... .". . 25 cents W, 00 and Wc ; reduced to. .43 cents Men's & Boys' Clothing Hoys-Clothing .Men's Clothing Hors Overcoats 20 Tcrcent. Off. Men's Oveiccats J Ladies Sax & Waists ; Ladies' Dressing Sacques and Wool i ea Waists to close out. Caps Boys' Caps.. Men's Caps. ......... 15 cents . .20 and 35 cents Ham eton A Song of the Woodmen. When the lion eats grass like an es, When the fish worm swallows the whale, When the robins knit woolen socks, And the hare is outrun by the snail ; When serpents walk upright like men, And doodle bujs travel like frees, And feathers are found on ho;rs; Then will the W. O. V. die. When Thomas cats swim in the air, And elephants roost on trees. When inseets in summer ar? rsie, And snuff never makes people sneeze; When fish creep over dry land, And mules ou reloei pedes ride, When foxes lay eggs in the sand, Au I women in dres take t o pride; lhen will the W. J. W. die. When Dutchmen no longer driak hter, And pirla get to preaching on time, W-hen billy goats butt from the rear, And treason's no longer a crime ; When humming birds bray like an ass, And iimimrzer smells like cologne, When plowshares are made out of grass, A nd the hearts of Woodmen are etone ; Vi'hpii ideas. grow in idiots heads, And wool on the hydraulic fsru, Then the W, O. W. will be dead, And the country bo worth not a cent. Adapted. Jurors for 1901. Following is the list of citizens chosen by the CowyHSsioner's Court to servo as jurors for Yjbl: South Junction Charles Dickenson, .1. II. Miller, F. B. Milliorn, II. J. Dickey, J'-bn Flint and Alex Kaiser. ' North .Junction K. F. Kleek, James Smith, S. L; Moorhoad, H. M. Milliorn, j'.'M'. follock. A Poultry Paper Free. The Ecllstix has made arrangements whereby we can send "The Western Voultry News" one year free to any per son paying one year's subscription in advance. Old subscribers who pay up and pay one year iu advance Can take advantage of 'this offer also. The , West urn Poultry News is a bi; 16-pa',e monthly chicken paper, published at 'Lincoln, Neb., and is an acknowledged authority on 'poultry methods. It not .only interests fancy breeders, but the housewife-' in town or country, who wants to make some profit from a few hen. It also has a Belgian hare de partment. 'If yp-a want a poultry pa per, here is youf'chance. Junction City Camp,-JNTo. 440, Wco.! jn:;n of the World, inkiated two new members Monday n'ght. ,. This order is constantly . adding to its mem . JxirsihSp, and will 'suon leave the older ordtTH behind in this respect. New costumes and other paraphernalia are tiheady ordered, and the members are )erf acting themselves in te.m work. BubscribeforBt'LLCTix and Orezonian - A horse belonging to the Eugene Florence stage line was dtowned above JiJt udow a few days ago, . ' . The Eugene tax levy will be 8 mills, Colored Linen' 50 cents; reduced to 39ceuts Ladies Hose (FLEECE LIN ED.) 20 cent ; reduced to V cent 25 cents ; reduced to.. IX) cents 35 cents; retluced to .23 cents Woolen Hose 35 cents ; retluced to . , 25 cents 50 cent; reduced to.. ..... .40 cents GO cents ; reduced to 10 cents Children's Hose . . 20 ceitT?; reduced to. ....... 15 cent Excellent Values. Ladies' Under Vest 50 cents; reduced to S8 cents ros OUR OWN Condition Powders FOR Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. . ALSO For POULTRY. JSrW make these .powders our wives, therefore do recommend them. Mueller & Hill Druggists. BOOK OIJPATEHTSrSrl iPatc-ot Lawyers. VACH ! NGTON, D.C. i Nsrverms KBs The greU remedy for r-V"i. a1 ' nervous Silte4?. leaser; of the iiyjwt i.'DAi ii,iiUi!.a, ana of ei'Jitt jcr such a TNervooc Pfottra'jor, Fai'itig or lost ManhocJf Imfoter.y, Nigtrtly Emi&-icn-v Yoa'Jiftd Tjtt on, Mentr.1 Worry, tx xrnve. ui." oi To'xxco or Opium, which 'eai to Concumptic-n and Ifisir.ity, ,$ m box by mai3: 6 bmi for J5.0O. ''Iff'S r-HEMICAl C3.. Frort. Clerolf nd. OhXa CALL FOR COUNTY .WARRANTS. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing warrants will le paid on preserva tion at my office 011 and after Jan. 12, 1901. Interect on flame will cease Janu ary 14, 1900: All Lane county warrants from registered number 80:15 to 8057, both inclusive. A. H. Patterhoh, County Treasurer. Dated, Eugene, January 12, 11)01. Round, sweet sleep, so necessary to the active business man, Is the reward of having his property insured in a com pany like the I'hfenix Assurance Com pany, of London,' or the Queen, of America, "As sound an a golden guinea." MUn Anna Olesbv, resident "gent. 5 anylhinir yon invrnt cr improve; alco ret? i Cver.TR40E-MAK. COPYBICHTor DESiiiM J S F;:0T22IIOM. Bend moU;l, tkvtt b, or photo. I for frr9 ixamiriAt.ion nr.,! ftdvirr-. r son's For JANUARY, 1901. School Books AND pciumu s.vrridi:s, TAIU.KTS, INK. nnd n;.Ncii.s, etc. ... Cameras & Supplies lv)H THE AMATKUIl and PUOFKSSIONAL. fJCJMi orders will receive prompt attention. Write to ws for further pttrliculars. E. Schwarzschild, Kuyene, Oregon. V. SV3, TRIPP, General Elacksmithins- IX ALL ITS BKANCIIKS. SJ3T" Ilot!HK$HOKIXO A S; HK.'I A IT Y ffr'S Comer Fifth and Gn;enwood Sts.. Junction City, Oregon. fjYitus nohlk (Bourbon ami Kye) ROYAL OAK and LACEY (Hour Mash) MANHATTAN CLUB (Bourbon and Rye Wliiskies) Fine Lm of Imported and X'o mestic Cigars. MONOGRAM - . . . Junction City , , -JIANHATTAN Euijene. Cornor Oth and Wlllomotto Atroets VINCENT & CO. DRUGs, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, etc. CaTTERMS CASH. Shirting Black Trilled, 12'c ; n0W ; . cents .,10c Shirting ; now.. ...... 8J cents Table Linen 25c Table I.inen for, 20 cents Me Table Linen for. , .... .40 cents Wo Tahiti Linen. for.. . .... .60 cents 75c Table Llneu for , . W cents f 1.25 Table Linen for 1.0U tl.50 Table Linen for . , . . 1.25 Napkins 1.50 Napkins for........ $1.15 5.00 Napkins for.. 1.40 5.00 Nankins for..,, 8.00 Towels us en) . 7 cents for.., ft cents 15 cents for ......... : 12 cents 20 cents for ,15 cents 25 cents for 20 cents 30 ceuts f or . I , 25 cents Hampton Bros UO YOU WANT A Piano? If so, ott will find no place where you can buy n tlrt (las inhtruineiit eta hwr price than ut the Y. A, lUn kin Music Ftore', We carry a very large line of Shtt Mitxie and all kmdn of Mimical (IohI, and a proiiil you fair tlealing and the lowest pric'f. CXET All Sheet Music iwhl at half price. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. F.A.Rankin MUSIC STORE, 7th Street, Eugene Hter Husband " My namo is E. J. Sprong. and tny address U iHondrrma Block, Troy, N. 1 V. . I wont to tell how thankful I am that my wife's, health has been restored to her. About a year ago the caught a dreadful cold, which settled In hof bron- chial tubca and lungs, hho cer tainly had bronchitis, und I think consumption, too, and wo de spaired of her life. She had a tightness p.nd soreness in. tho chest, tnd It was diflicult for her to breathe. There were darting, r.uarp, null neavy pains, wnn yr rnnstant couhinc anil exnectorat- - - - n Another dollar thrown away.' Che took the Remedy, however, and said the effect wa magical. 1 In lees than an hour there was rt remark able change, fiho got bolter at once, and in a short time the was ing. Each day she was worse Tft'U f r'H'V. vJAVl lJt than tho day before. I v;a ad- feJ jr-VAV.' L" ')Wm1lf&C ' vised to get Ackers English Rem- W Uy'.Art P V I " edy, and did so, but my wife only UH Ki iJltJhJ , shook her head and said: -Another IV4. 'ru,ili. . A- entirely well and strong again. The cure was permanent and there has been norelapr.e. I don't know what Acker's English Remedy is made of, but I am sure it contains something that fortifies the system agaiust future attacks. Mj wife is in better general health now than ever, and you can't Imagine how happy she ia for her recovery. f7ho ttlls everybody about Acker's English Rem edy, and so do I. for I believe It to be our duty to tho public to help every suf ferer who has throat and lung troubles. My neighbor say it Is a suro specific for croup, and has saved tho lives of hundreds of littlo ones around in thi vicinity alone." t Sold at esc, 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Catada; and in England, at is. sd., 2s. 3d., 4 &d. " you are not satisfied after buying, return tho bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. We autlwi-kc the abm gwrmto. II". if. UQOK2B CO., Jfaprfcters, Ktm l'ort Seaiel ' 'ify'ii ' ISruggiais. ' Muslins L. L. Muslin.,.,. W.W. Muslin... A. Muslin,.,..,.. 0 cent 0 cent 79' cent 0 cent 0 cent I cents Wenched...,-.. Wenched,,,, . . Jileachod... . . . ( t t t i Sheeting ( u n dlkacj i kd 84 ........,... 14 cents 15 cents Sheeting (ulf.aciu-:i P" H,aj ctuit W-.... ........22 cents KM...- ..:;) ,.,,, Calico. 4 Calico,,,, ,,, , 5 cents .Ulngham ft cents Gingham., o rents Outing Flannels Outing ir iannel.. . , . , ... . ; . ft cents 10 Outing Flannel. . . . . i , . &,' cent 12 Outing Flannel. . . .10 cents A. C. How, L. O. Itru, rresident. Cashier. 11. II. Hover Asst. Cahlcr. Lane County Bank. A. tl. 1IOVKY & CO. Tiansflcta general banklnj Imsiness, KetobUshiHl, ms. OUIcst bank in the county. Kngcuc, Or. KIT. K.N K STEAM DYEING AND" CLEANING WORKS West Klghth street Near Steam Jjiuudry Chris Marx, Jr., Proprietor Chthing Cleaned, Colored and He paired. Faded Clothing Restored tc Its Original Color to Look Like Ncoi ATIrACTIOIr GUARANTCCO. Tolaphon Rid 49-4. ' , ,,.,,,? - 'y .v 's Story M$J?lMrFvJ -v.