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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1901)
4 , .t-r rublish?d Every Thursday by the Bai ltia i'ublisuuig Co. . A. I. BlITTERSWORTM, JR., ; Editor and Proprietor. MISS ANNA OULESBY, Assocnito Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One year, if paid in Advance Six months, - - -Throe months, , $1.50 $ .75 I . 50 AdviTlisinj: rates made known cm application. lute red the postotnee at Junction City as second class mail matter. 1 fh Salem Daily', feotmer publishes' the munos i of the ' inembors . vl two Senate committees to show the public what influential company Goorge W. McBride travels in. Here is one, the IMiilippihes Committee: Henry Cabot Lodge, chairman Win. B. Allison, Eugene Halo, Cushman K. Davis, Bed field Trootor, Albert J. Ecverulge, Geo. W. MeBrhle. McBride's name certainly does loom up in th! company, just as a "selling plater's" wouU il entered in a field o; stake horses, and the editor of tho Sen Unci is not to be blamed for noticing it. Substitute Tut Crowe's rtamu for Mo j Bride's, and it would attract every bit as much attention among tho "also ran." ' ' ; ? f ' .,,'- Xomplo. C4iy,the 0fVat < Luke, the Suit Balace, Juki tho picturesque Utah Valley, it offers choice of six distinct routes to the Eaat and tho most mag niflnmt BCencry in tho world. A doublv daily train servico and through rullmnii Palace and ordiiinry sleeping cars, tre recliuing chair cars and a perfect dinh iar service ure now in operation vii these linos. For pamphlets descriptive of tho 'lireat Salt Lake Houte" Apply to J. 1. danstleld, Ueneral Agent, i.W Washing on, Portland; or to Geo. V. HeinU, Acting uoneral rasaenger Agent, ran 4keUiiy. ; COMFLliTK STUCK OF WHKN QU WANT A l'Alft OF V , .' Official directory. ' . " tStTGO 'states' William MeKinley " resident L Frye,. Vice President STATE Or OREGO.V. , T. T.Gcer Governor F. I. Dunbar Secretary of State Charles S. Moore Treasure! J. H. Ackermau School Superintendent ' Will'. Lewis" ' State l'rintei J C. S. SESATOnS. GAV-McBiide Joseph Simon , COSORESSMKN. ji. a. Moody Thoa. II. Tongue El-rSSMH JCIM6S. F.A.Moor R. S. Bean C. E. Wolverton. ' SECOSDJCDlCALDtSTKlCT. J. H TLimilton Circuit Judjw Geo. XL Brown . Prosecuting Attorney LASBCOrXTY. II. Ti. Kineaid J. R. Hill II. 1. Edwards W. W: Withers E. U . Lti A. S. Patterson VV..!. Miller 1). P. Burton C. M. Collier Walter C. riiH n The Eugene Military Club has incor porated. , ..... - . The Weekly Oregonian and Bcixetin $2 for a year. t The Dawn of the aoth Century. Fred Alexander, a negro, was bnrned at the stake in Leavenworth, Kan., Tuesday for tho supposed murder of Miss Pearl Forbes. Tho following is an extract from the Oregonian's Account of tho crime: Before the match was applied John Forbes, tho father of the murdered gill, stepped up to Alexander and said : "Are you guilty of murdeiing my daughter? I don't know what you have me here for," said the doomed man Forbes replied, "For killing my girl on this very spot." ''Mr. Forbes, if that's your name, you have the wroog man. "Burn him! Burn him 1" cried tho crowd. v "Gentlemen, you have got lots o! time," said Alexander. " You are burn ing an innocent man. You took advau tage of me.. Yob gave me no show. Cad I see hiy mother?" i A man in the crowd called fui the mother of thu negro, but she was not in the i-rowd. He then said: "Will you let me shake hands with all of my friends?" ,.,-.!'.: , "You have no friends 5n this crowd yon wast, saia one ot tr.e men in charge f the negro. "If you have any thing to say, d so in a hurry. Another man then stepped up, and said to Alexander: .Make your, peace with your God, nigger, for you will sure ly die." i , V Coal oil then applied for the-sec ond time, and, while it was Iwing done Alexander called to friends cf his in the crowd, and bade them K'Hobye. He did not seem to realize that Rowasto le burne-l at the Make, ar.d talked rationaHy r.ntil John Forbus, ih; f.ithcr of the nuirderwl girl, lighted the natc-I .- No-eases l.'tiTe been ar?ued 'esoret ii;e -vguju Aie.noer a skci n ;n;k '. S. Ftr.-rwme Court for y.;-ars tivat hive ! confesiuii, bat the . nevro repli d. that GOOD SHOES School County Jnd;:e Conimissiouers Sheriff Clerk Treasurer SujOrinteiident Assessar . Surveyor Coroner OUR CLUBBING LIST. ?fVh- Orc-jonian and Bcuxnx. . .f 2.00 - 3 Thrice a-Week New York W'orlJ and Bcuxrts..... 2-13 AMP ONLY WANT TO FAY ' . ONE PRICE rORTHRM.ANP THAT ONE I RICE A Reasonable Pr!cet GO TO '''-YQRAN'S SHBE:: STORE, Thfl United States Senate as a role ftands by its committers, bat by the chMe vote of 21 to 22 it overruled the 3iniUry Coomhtee sod adopted an a-iiendment to the Army b;!l acthoria irg.the app,intnient of voUintcr oft c-rs of pruv.J fitness to the .rado of Car tain in the r gul&r at my, as w it a? the ra-lt'is of First at.d Second Lieu 'attrar'e-1 such b;t!i ?:ven ;e:vra! attention as has i) these involving thu con? ti- l.e had imthirg to say. . A the flumrs Ieapc l abont him, Alex tutl-.nulitr of the eu(.i,:?.l .olcv of the anrtor tinned gsiasiiy paie, an;i- men ior tirown't r.dmin:trati'.n. In addition til tho'Srst time realised rhat hiij deat -the imiwtance of the cases themselves, was iiear. lie clasjd his bands to- k-.?-.ii w.-inld hive in cfsrtlv attractod pK'ier, era .K'xan to cwmz lo ana iro v 'Ktter.tU-1!. is the attributing 'A percruwl iv.Urw on the part of an ex- ?'re ."-'He r.t in a '!;-:'..sion against ''), adniini'.tr.l.'on. L:". ' or say tbat- (cunI on bot'.i sides luude tibont every pccHihlc point in favor of thair conten tion How io:i ti. rvin will reaeh .md liir-A down it., !-H:isi.n no one knows, tat tle importance oi tbe case nmk'fs it iinlikvly tliat tLeie will a:iv unnecesi-arv df-h'y. Kugene,! Oregon. J. : J B0 YEARS' J B 14 1 r. M PI " 1 A LflLl r Ol&n Copyright Ae. Anrim iwndlns stof n(lJiCTirlttnii Quickly Moorum onr opinKm fr whoiher o nitllrm limlilr Pnliail '"'iunln. ttmitrtettriiaunitfiU. ltuidlmokim l'M0U M)it frwo. tiltlmt author fur iMwurin (nUiiI, ftuu taken through Munn A Co. rotiulM tpttiot tiu, wUhout of.nm in M SciiiiiilEc Jimcricuii. A hndoro!r IBmrtinf t wwlilr. Int rtf. euluton of njr iMtiuiBo 1'wmnl. Trni, yen 1 four month. IL 6J14 brU Tiewnlii.or. BONN !tC Hew J lirauct) UOIott C V ft, Wahlulou, U ', scyT It' GROCERIES, GEANITE, TINWARE, ETC. lHO II EST CAtrll riUCKS FOR ... . Ie . Semi-Ann-iaS Payments. t Quite a demand is be;g made by tax jav;rs lii this county for an amendment ''in the i-reiit laws regarding the'c-jllec-,tio,of ttxes, making the taxes payable in two i.i;taHni;nt4. It is argued that ,-ifcanjV tiixpajvrH hna it more or it-f? burdensome to raiw nsoney ior the pay ment "f their taxes all at one time, and M'f.iit it -wild be a ert-at r-linf to have ' 't'e1awsai!en!l o thai it portion of . . . . ..II . . 1 . . ' -..! . 4e,irililWll .y:i'l -If- J Hi) : I )" r-JMHK .aud tlit' rfii!u;uih;r in the fall. If th ,4u.-ifr? to b prtid .in one lump, H ie nr.'ired tha't it woti'd b- ao acconiiiiO dation tu the average t-ixp:tyer to have tliflf jiMyuuie in October or Novrb-r, inxtfiid f,f in the (-r)ii2 of the vr-ar, as at pnihtnt, for th r'.:aon tlwt after lnr-1 ,ih. tlii tune viif:n larruers nave ready -monev frum the Kiln of their -erotw.- .But the d.irand ix for the taxes while the crowd yelled. In less than five liiimik'H he was hanging Jiinpand iifelers by t!ie chaiiiB that bound him. As n as the crowd saw that life vrns xtiiut, it be'an to slowly disperse. Then; were hundreds of the more mor bid, howevfr, w ho stayed to the last. Men kept piiinji ort 'wock.1 all the time until about 7 .o'cloolf, when the flames r-cre sllowwj to die down. From C to 8 o'clock there wm a steady stream of People sroii'g to the scene of the bum in'r'. There wre persons who had been unable to get away froth their work in thu afteriiuon, but were determined hot to miss peeing the awful spectacle. '.V'ht'ii the fire had died 'down sufll-i:'i-!i'Iy to allow the crowd to approach vth'd remained of Alexi'iidwr, there was a wild scramble to obtain relics. Bits of charred ficsh, pieces of chain, scraps of wood everything that could possibly wrv; ;is a Kocveuir was seized on with morbid avidity by the eaer people. ' i IV-ri) the foregoing it wonld seem thi't hrmanity lias made no progress feino; Christ was crucified.1' ' - y Bank. Of JUNCTION CITY, Or.F-i'.ON, 't V.vmsn.i., Gko. W. I'ickkT) rresi ici t. Vice President. W. C. VAMiirwE, F. V.'. Wash isi'uik Cashier. A'ssi Caiihicr. Has the best fa.rilith-H for handlitm th banking buisrifs:i of North Lane ' and South lU'iiton countk-s. Board of Piructors: J. A. Burhtwll, C Vv . Wasbbnrre, Ouo. Pickntt. J. l . .Miinoni, . T. A. Million. HOW TO TRAVEL. Information for, the Public, In Kcleetinif your route to the Kant von Cfiticiit. nfTuPit to m''rlir.k ltii nd '. be ma'Se navawc n two iu?tauinenu , , , . a- , . . j ' j vantages and comforts offered bv the one-hair - in tt: -ear v Ftimmer aaa me . . , ... . ., . r 'I'' i1"-" -: m I , co lull- t .uf-jrn litu'atf f rt-M. ii.ii. Hon with the Bx-nver & Rio Grande and j-fuialndcf in the fiill. t Jnard.' .. JYosi can '4xX thf .Bs:lt-::t.::; and W. J.' I'.ryan's paper, 'The Commoner," for '$Z.2o a yoar. Subscribe' :io',v. (Jolorado Midland Kailroa?U. .Itilhe only trauscofitiri'ental line"lassih !! rectly .through fSait Lake City, and in addition to the glimpse it Afforls of the GSutohtog Offer, OH KK No. 1. Cosmopolitan, one year ,..,n oo Everybody's Marine, one year.. Success, one yearl. .' Pearson's, one year Home Magazine (X. V.) one year. Household, (HoHton), one year. . Ev'ry Month, hui year. ' .'. ' I-ed;or Monthly, one year.. ..... niitturn Magazine. 1 year. The J'.t-'LUtTix and any two of the above -' -'a a, f.,r 2M. The BciJ-UTis and any three lor 3. ' y "'. ' OFFJiB No. 2. AIcCluro'B, on year ...... Leslie's Popular Mouthly, one yr JMunsey's Muuine, one year. . . , Aiptdee'd Mauine, (N.Y.) 1 yr. .NationaiMafjaziiie, ( Boston ) lyi I)dine,itor, owe year. . - Pesitrner, one year. Tho Bt-xueri-v and any t wo of the .above for fd.00 ;' .; . ' ' OFFER No. ?,' ... - Review of Reviews,(ncw subs)lyr.?2 GO Current Literature, (new sub)l yr 3 00 Klmrt. Stories. (n('v subst one vr . . 2 50 Cassell's Magazine, one year. ;", . Quiver, he year. Cuswdl's Little Folks, one j-car.;. Book nut ii, "one year,';'. .,'.'....- Toilettes, one year Country Gentleman, one year, . . The Bni-i-Ktis and anv two of the above .. ,,:,'- .for Il7y .. .", $1 00 1 00 1 00 .1 00 1 00 1 00 ; I 00 i m 1 50 1 60 2 00 2 00 2 00 Ewe c POULTRY ANP OTHER rilODl'CK. EUGENE, OREGON.' Successor to J. O, Bhiuehart. tectors flmd ' A Good Preseription lorimaiiMHd WANTF.D i-A m M Ui With rtt R I P A V S t at btntSt. Ttwf bnuh lli jwoloof lilt. I Elm rIUI. Nowtlt ord Ri f'A'N S oo th cack-Mtt 4 cctnt no atwiiluM. ai-rA'N'S. I" cmi, wf U had il of rtru tiora. Tta Mtil and nM Uwd . t(inRUI will h mlM to wr ad-tww 1m (, f.-.i.l4 to tht V.lp thacoitU Lit., Ntf. la Spue Stftt, Nrw Ywk. IKtBtHMM m WEAR AND TEAU-GF MSN'S NERVES it'l l V.'-in,-a liii'j'fi, fk-fttV. in rtWmv-fx 4 t i.m--:tor, not on it hf.'tton of the, bu$ exiuti.tun tf tho r.iemul Lv:uWoti as y.ii!l. ThenrirvecePiof th body Itava IvenrohW ri their Tpal ftrr. Tlx? ienvs h:w- mo H hi ihmn; thin . r- all the or:;uu of t!io Si'ily snh:r from luck of ri'-rv Cotitcd, i.:d tho buiod vt'Jid th;t s jppl.v r nrttns aro not in projT trirtj, 'nri'AM cTrfs thu t-vil. 11UDVAN privh', this vitality, or nine f.ircti that wiuilui"." Are yon nji I'l'itul.iiiK tlii euiuhtii'ii t Kcrvotii Vichihty? Ai' yi u troV inK picii utrnviy ohl? Do ynn iiiS'er with l.e nhiciu (iir:. 1) ; hollow eyes or thsrk riiifs onoff (ivch (i-V. ); !o. thin fw3 ititd sunken cht cits (FifT- ") i " valuis of linibi (Fiir. ): a inr rrp.'tu a. id iimji i!ri indiei. t'on (Fit? C); torpid liver (Fi;r. i), und costive iins, a xi!it d tuiifrut; Via. 7)? Or har you dizzy c(x 11k? Do tu'T sWphM tithfs? l)o vou here l.orri I 'drcamar U yon awnJc la tho mondn.T holLiw-erod pud tir'd onl? ti Are yo!t (lfl.imihnf, iHiluiif'.ii'l.v? Do y"u J s'tnn society ? Aru vour kii. s Klmky ? ilivj you puiu in tha suiall of thu b;n h ? G Thc0 symptom.t ull tell you that, your nerves ft are falllrt' yoa; that you v.ill old 1o;ik before your time. HUOYAN t!il ih;to von; W HUDYAN will tiiiih" ii, roUvr, slrottfr, ntaiijy S man of you. HUDYAN revive, maws, ro- javmirtes. Go to ynor dru;:t uf ouen nnd T r't HUDYAN. No other rein-td v; Just 1IUD-" 5 YAN, tor HUDYAN is wina you need. g Other symptoms of thu .torriblo affliction llmt visits s niitiij" nun urn euld hands and v feet, palpiUitiiiu of tho hu'if,, hot tlashcs, 0 cloudi d loi'itiory. ii:iu.:a nftor eminir, twitoh- S Injf of, pot.t before rh eyes, shooting O o t o pains, wourmtwi, tre:tuwitiyt-, Hodtment m urine, bloarv eyen, swhujninjt hi eiim, n shaky, hIVroii foetiug. ' j( llMiHUiber HUDYAy. Bo a vif-rons,, ro-, Jmst mint, a man with ntrvca of steel, a mua w ith musnleii of iroi. b "HUDYAN U' w-mdoiful. HUDYAN Is acknowlt'OKod by our loMfni? rnodietil men' to be j he (froivtuH nerve nnd tissue batlder knwn to niwl eal seionoo. IllfOYAN will lift you. from, that Hfo of despondouoy and diM0O'.iiw;meiMh'it you 4,rt now in, and will make of yon a happy man. Try I IUD Y AN, you wV.l ho .u bo eotivineod.: Hadyau Cures Woniou's Nervet. Thoiu ihkIk vf wotuen nr. llmlyan. fir,T tllinV 1 W 'rom your drusfs'irtt, 60o a piu:);:r.o, six pnekafros $S.C0j ' UL 1 ilUiV I All If your ilrnr;gij;f. docd not U'ocp it, fiend ulreot to Cor. StooktOAi Kll; f.nd MurUk fitroet, Kt t ' ihmMh.'k, On' 61 ! 5 "ir