Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, July 14, 1949, Image 1

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Highway Report
States $71,225
Given To Ashland
Highway Usera Help
In M aintaining Street
Ashland has received a total
of $71,225.00 from the state of
Oregon’s highway users during
the five years, 1944 to 1949. The
Oregon state highway comm is­
sion released the figures this
week in a report th at indicated
how much money highway users
had contributed tow ard the con­
struction and m aintenance of the
streets of the state's incorporated
The allocation of funds given
to the cities is based upon popu
lation. Durin the same period
Medford r e c e iv e d $169,371.00
O ther com m unities in this area
which received funds from the
state's highway users included
Phoenix, $8730.00 und T alent
Highway users, during the
years 1944 to 1949 inclusive, have
contributed to the incorporated
cities of Oregon a total of $8,617,-
293 for the construction and m ain
tenance of their streets (which
are not within the state highway
system-. This does not include
the sum of $250,000 w ithheld in
each of the years 1948 and 1949
by direction of the 1947 legisla­
ture to be spent by the commis­
sion on city streets subjected to
excessive wear due to unusually
heavy industrial traffic, and to
be advanced upon application
made by the affected cities.
Prior to 1944 city streets not
on the state highway system
were Improved out of revenues
derived from direct city property
taxes. The 1945 legislature d iver­
ted 5 percent of state highway in­
come to use on city streets. The
1937 session increased the take to
10 p e rc e n t
During the period 1917 to 1947
inclusive the highway comm is­
sion has advanced for right of
way, construction and m ainten­
ance of these city streets a total
of $16,067,048, and now is being
obligated under the m andate of
these various legislative acts to
the construction and m ainten­
ance of a continually lengthening
mileage of city streets, and this
In addition to that portion of the
highway revenue under the 5
percent diversion o f the 1945 and
the 10 percent diversion of the
1947 legislative sessions.
These sums which have been
diverted from state highway con­
struction by the legislative con-
statute, in practical effect, a state
subsidy proportionate to and In
lieu of local property taxes for
street im provem ent
Then th ere’s the case of the
Jail Docket which popped up this
week down at the city hall.
Seems as if someone, in the p re ­
vious city adm inistration, ord er­
ed a jail docket from our esteem ­
ed contem porary up the street.
Price was $97.35, for a stock
printed book. The bill was not
presented, however, during the
stir and fuss which Dr. Charles
Haines, Councilmen Harold M er­
rill and Phil Stansbury were
kicking up about the $87.50
which the city was being asked
by the News Review, to pay for
specially printed court dockets.
And so, this month the bill q u iet­
ly m ade its appearance. Too late,
Chief of Police Vern Sm ith says
he didn’t order the book, doesn’t
plan to use it, and w on’t accept
it. The book is being returned. It
should be. The old order chang-
Chief of Police Vern Sm ith and
Municipal Judge L. Peers Wll-
meth made a trip on their own
time and In their own convey­
ance W ednesday night to Yreka
California, to straighten out a
gentlem an there who had been
in Ashland W ednesday morning
displaying his charm s to two lit­
tle girls, age five and six. As the
com plaint was on a m isdem ean­
or charge it was Impossible to
extradite the character.
the trip, and a lecture, and or­
ders to him to stay in his own
back yard.
A S H LA N D , JACKSON C O U N T Y , TH U R SD AY , |U I.Y 14 0 4 9
Mail Dispatch Time
( h a u te s Announced
E. E. Vail, postmaster, an
nounced this week that due to
changes in truln schedules the
following change« are in effect
for closing time for dispatch of
First class and air mail for
Medford and G rants Pa .s will
close at 5:09 und 11:00 a.m.
First class mail and special de­
livery parcels for Klam ath Falls
will close at 10:30 a.m.
All classes of mail tor Califor­
nia closes a t 4:00 p.m.
All classes of mail for the
northern and eastern states will
close at 5:00 p.m.
First class and special delivery
for the south will close at 6:30.
City und route delivery times
will rem ain the same.
Shuman To Speak
At Vesper Services
The Rev. George M. Shum an
will be the speaker this coming
Sunday at the Lithia Park Ves­
pers service. The services, trad i­
tionally a Sunday evening event
during the summer, are sponsor­
ed by the Ashland M inisterial as­
The Vesper services begin at
6 00 p.m. at the Gwin S. Butler
Memorial band shell.
——■ ■ - - o • —- ——
Business Census
Is Now Underway
In Lithia City
wholesale and
Budget Approved
By City Council
An ordinance accepting the
1949-1950 city of Ashland oper­
ating budget will be filed by City
attorney H arry Skerry this week
with the Jackson county clerk.
The budget calls for a tax levy
of $65,222.
The $1850.00 which was to go
to the C ham ber of Commerce was
cut from the final figure because
it would have caused the budget
to exceed the six per cent lim it­
Members of the council, m eet­
ing in special session Tuesday,
accepted the budget.
Shakespeare Theme
Lectures Continue .. ..
Enumération Of
Businesses Slated
R etail,
Business Tax Proposal Expected
Io Create Warm Council Session
A warm session is expected at
the next m eeting of the city
fathers of Ashland which will be
held a t the city hall, Tuesday,
July 19.
Firew orks are expected to be
set off concerning the proposal
by E. Sheldon, councilman, that
Ashland businesses be taxed to
bring additional revenue to the
The system of taxing business­
es has been proposed in order
that a special election to perm it
the city to exceed the 6 per cent
lim itation need not be held..
Sheldon pointed out in his pro­
posal th at most cities operated
with some type of business tax.
trade establishm ents in Ashland
will be asked to report on their
1948 business operation* by one
enum erator who began working
In Ashland Monday July 11. En­
um eration of business establish­
ments in Medford. Ashland and
rem aining areas in Jackson coun
tv is part of the complete census
of business being conducted this
year by the United States bureau
of census. The district office ser­
ving Jackson county is located in
Eugene, with Olga A Freeman as
district supervisor.
Mrs. Freem an, who was in
Ashland last week completing
arrangem ents for the census, re­
ports that the calling on busi­
nesses has been completed in
Lane and Linn counties Her of­
fice will have charge of the busi­
ness census in Josephine, Doug­
las, Coos and C urry counties as
Dr. M argery Bailey, Stanford
University, who is working with
Angus Bowmer and the Oregon
Shakespearean Festival associa­
tion this summer, will present
th second of a series of lectures
<m Shakespeare’s debatable char-
a ters this Sunday a t 7:00 p.m. at
Susan Holmes hall.
This Sunday the lecture will be
on the Dangerous Comedians,
Polonius and the Nurse. The lec­
ture last Sunday was on Lovers
and Fortune Hunters.
During the period August 7-21
.1 series of readings in formal
groups will be presented. There
will also be during the August
series a special perform ance of
Tudor dance • directed by Miss
Eller, with Elizabethan foiksongs
by Miss Bailey.
No charge is made for these
Rotarians Set
First Sine* 1940
Inform ation on sales volume,
payrolls and employment, prin­
cipal m erchandise lines and oth­
er basic items concerning the
country’s distributive sys t e r n
will be collected for the first time
in nearly a decade. The most re ­
cent business census was taken
in 1940, covering activities in
1939. The census reported retail
sales of more than $42 billion and
wholesale trade nf more than $55
billion. It has been estim ated
th at com parable figures for 1948
will nearly treble the 1939 totals.
The nation's first census of
business was conducted in 1930
and covered operations in 1929.
Its purpose was to provide a com
plete statistical description of the
distribution trades, prim arily for
business men who needed such
inform ation as a guide to m arket
Many other uses soon supple­
m ented the census’ original func­
tion, it was stated. M erchants are
said to have discovered that its
authoritative count of establish­
m ents by kinds of business clas­
sifications and its inform ation on
sales volumes, payrolls, employ­
m ent and other basic data aided
them in understanding their own
operations, inventory sales-ra-
tios, sales per employe and sim i­
lar m easures of efficiency in
their own establishm ents. It re­
portedly gave the men gauge for
determ ining their own position
in their individual fields; it lo­
cated each business group’s posi­
tion in the national structure.
The original census law, pass­
ed in 1929, as well as the present
law, requires all business estab­
lishm ents coming under the clas­
sification of retail, wholesale and
service trades to file reports and
imposes upon the census bureau
the responsibility of guarding
against publication of data in
any form which would reveal
operations of Individual estab-
ments. All census employes are
bound by an oath of secrecy and
are subject to penal action if
they violate their pledge.
For Convention
Rotarians this week made fin­
al preparations for the Rotary
officers convention which is to
be held Friday and Saturday.
Visiting Rotarians are expected
to begin arriving in Ashland e ar­
ly Friday morning w ith registra­
tion scheduled for 10:00 a.m.
Bill Crock is handling registra­
tion. Jim Busch is in charge of
the Rotary picnic. Gene E berhart
is in charge cf banquet arrange­
ments. A. C. W oodward is hand­
ling entertainm ent, John Cotton,
decorations, Phil Stansbury, re ­
ception and Elmer Biegel, trans­
Annual Picnic Of
Pythians Sunday
All m em bers of the Knights of
Pythias and the DOKK and their
fam ilies are Invited to the an­
nual P ythian picnic which will
be held this coming Sunday in
Lithia Park. John Riley P itten ­
ger is in charge of local arrange­
D inner will be served at 1:00
p.m. Guests are asked to bring
their own picnic dinner baskets
and service. Coffee & cream will
be served by the comm ittee
The picnic area is in the Upper
Utilities Engineer
And Housewife Lock
Bumpers on Curve
Mrs. Mary Louise Dotson and
Elmer Blegel tangled automobiles
on G ranite street below the city
reservoir Monday. The accident
took place on the blind curve
leading to the reservoir.
Mrs. Dotson was driving a 1941
Plym outh and Biegel the city of
A shland’s 1947 Chevrolet. Mrs.
Dotson and her children were
shaken up and bruised by the
w* •
Ô te y o s i
$ 5 .0 0 PER YEAR
Lions Are Planning
Onoortunity Sale
Formerly U m
Southern Or*qo*
S3.C3 jMjr y«*<
Volume 16, Number 19
Services Here For
Naval Air Cadet
Virgil G illette, son of Mrs. E
K. Edsell, Portland, and grand
son of John Riley P ittenger was
killed the forepart of this week
In an airplane accident at the
Naval Air Base at Pensacola,
Gillette, who was to have grad­
uated from the Navy flight
school this year, had received his
elem entary education in Ashland.
The body is being returned to
Ashland w here services will be
held at 10 30 a.m. Monday, July
18 a t the Litw iller funeral p ar­
Plans for the annual Ashland
Lions club opportunity sale are
presently being m ade by the co-
chairmen of the comm ittee for
the sale, Frank O’Neal and Rol­
and Parks.
According to Bob Snider, p re ­
sident of the Lions club, the sale
will be held in the City hall
some time w ithin the next three
At the sale, which is in the
form of a rumm age sale, buyers
will be given an opportunity
every half hour to buy a new a rt­
icle of m erchandise at half price.
This is one of the m ain features
of the annual affair.
Funds from the sale are used
Kiwanis Club Meets
by the Lions to assist in com­
m unity projects. Funds from last
Lions in Annual C lassis
year's sale were used for scho­
larships, and assisting
Softball fans of Ashland will
school teams in traveling and see two stellar team s in action
meeting expenses.
Friday night a t W alter Phillips
field when the Roaring Lions of
Lithia Springs m eet B ert M iller’s
The Kiwanis club, which was
Medford, Ju ly 14 — According sparked by five Jr. C ham ber of
to a statem ent issued today by Commerce players during its last
A. 6. Cummings, president, The game, which was w ith the Jr.
California Oregon Pow er Co. Cham ber of Commerce, is ex­
has approved w’age increases ef­ pected to have a slight edge on
fective July 1, 1949 aggregating the Lions as advance reports
approxim ately $184,000 on an a n ­ from the Lion’s club indicates
nual basis.
This adjustm ent, that every m em ber of the organ­
which represents this com pany’s ization plans -to get in the game.
fourth general wage increase
Bob Snider, president of the
since the w ar’s end, is applicable Lions club, pointed out, however,
to both union and non-union reg­ th at the Lions are all rested up
ular employees, and results in and rarin ’ to go whereas the K i­
average increases of about five wanis club is tired out from the
and three quarters per cent.
Jaycee game and should be easy
to take.
Softball Epic
To Take Place
Friday Evening
COPCO Raises Wages
For Fourth Time
DeBoer Announces
Model Plane Meet
A record breaking num ber of
entries, estim ated to exceed 250,
are expected to participate in
the state wide model plane con­
test to be held on Saturday and
Sunday, Ju ly 16 and 17 at Eu­
gene. This will very likely break
the m ark set last year, according
to W alter DeBoer of Lithia Mo­
tors, Ashland Plym outh dealer,
and a m em ber of the Plym outh
Dealers of Oregon who are spend
soring the annual contest.
Spotlighted on S aturday’s pro­
gram will be speed and stunt
events scheduled to take place
on the U niversity of Oregon cam ­
pus and using the Webfoot base­
ball field.
The following day will see free
flight models performing a t the
Eugene airport. Aw ards will be
m ade following events on each
Contest plans for this 1949
state m eet will offer prizes in ­
cluding three scholarships to any
Oregon college or university to
be offered to winners from 14 to
18 years of age.
In addition to the schoarships,
there will be presented four all-
expense paid trips to Detroit,
Michigan. There, winners in all
the state m eets will compete in
the August 22-29 Plym outh Third
International Model Plane Con­
test for $8750 in prizes.
Contestants in the age group
nine to 26 years may win the
trips while additional awards
will be presented to winning
m odelers in all age groups.
Church Council To
Study DP Question
Mrs. A rth u r Peters was ap­
pointed program chairm an and
Mrs. Jam es Madison, pubicity
chairm an at a m eeting of the A d­
visory Board of the Council of
Church Women, held last week
a t the Church of Christ.
The Council is composed of
from six
m em ber
churches. At the last m eeting Dr.
K enneth Campbell, who is on a
furlough from China, spoke on
the help which could be given
displaced persons by the churches.
Dr. Campbell, who is from the
P resbyterian board of foreign
missions, is presently working
w ith the general assembly for
resettlem ent of displaced persons.
Dr. Cam pbell stated that there
was a need for assurance for pro-
testants, and told of the fact that
the governm ent had requested
that the churches help with the
displaced people.
O ther events at the m eeting
included a report by Mrs. M ar­
tin B arnett on juvenile delin­
The next m eeting will be held
the second Friday in October.
Siskiyou Sum mit, July 13—
“Red’’ K issinger got a bob cat
Thursday evening while driving
down the road. Seeing the cat’s
eyes, Kissinger stopped his jeep
and using a 32 calibre pistol fir­
ed. The anim al weighed 30 lbs.
Kilty Band To
Appear In Salem
Ashland Am erican Legion Post
No. 14’s K ilty band, complete
w ith all Scottish trappings and
including Hollis Hill, tram poline
artist will be a featured a ttra c ­
tion at the State A m erican Le­
gion convention to be held in
Salem beginning Friday, August
A call for bands, drum corps
and other m usical or m arching
organizations to perform at the
state A m erican Legion conven­
tion w ent out from Salem Le­
gion headquarters this week.
Legion com m itteem en extend­
ed an open invitation to any such
organization to participate in the
three-day conclave’s G rand P a­
rade, scheduled for Salem on F ri­
day, August 5. Interested groups
are requested to contact the con­
vention commission, post office
box 13, Salem.
LaG rande’s defending cham ­
pions will be on hand for the
drum and bugle corps com peti­
tion. Among units expected to
contend is the Clatskanie post
corps, which in pre-w ar days was
a junior unit of 38 teen-age sons
of Legionnaires. Now World War
II veterans and full-fledged Le­
gionnaires in their own right, 34
of the original m em bers will take
the field.
Chiropractors Hold
A Picnic Meeting
The regular m onthly m eeting
of the Southern Oregon Society
of Chiropractic physicians was
held in Ashland Monday evening
a t the home of Dr. and Mrs. E.
N. Terrill, on Beach street.
Tables w ere arrangged on the
lawn, and a picnic supper was
enjoyed by the group comprised
of doctors and th eir families,
from G rants Pass, M edford and
Dr. Terrill, new ly elected P re ­
sident of the group, m ade com­
m ittee appointm ents, and ground
work was laid for activities of
the society for the e n d in g year.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Jester, ac­
companied by Dr. and Mrs. E. P,
Borden spent Tuesday w ith Mr.
and Mrs. Je ste r’s daughter and
family on their ranch near Mt.
Carl Moline, Oregon City, vis­
ited Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Borden
Tuesday evening.
Six Hundred At
Appreciation Day
Ceremonies Here
To Take Place In
Plaza N ext Week
Six hundred interested partici­
pants attended the first weekly
Appreciation day m eeting which
was held W ednesday afternoon
at the corner of Main and G resh­
am. Five names were called be­
fore the Treasure chest of $30.00
was aw arded to an Ashland
shopper who had participated in
the Appreciation day.
Walt Hamby was m aster of
ceremonies and was assisted by
three ladies and a girl who were
selected from the crowd. Bill
McGee, secretary of the Cham ber
of Commerce helped make a r­
rangem ents for the aw arding of
the treasure chest.
According to Winston Marks,
chairm an of the A ppreciation
day committee, the next A ppre­
ciation day m eeting will be held
in the Plaza, next W ednesday a t
2:30 p.m.
Marks also expressed the com­
m ittee’s appreciation of the as­
sistance given in the progrem by
F lu h rer’s bakery, which furnish­
ed a sound truck, by Ashland
cabinet works, which supplied a
pickup used Wednesday, and by
the m anager of the local th eatre’s
Je rry Coveil, who furnished the
ticket drum.
Council Seeking
Legal Advice On
Attorney’s Fees
The League of Oregon cities
this week informed city recorder
J. B. A ustin th a t they were not
prepared to offer a legal decision
concerning the validity of the
$1000.00 bill for services render­
ed the city of Ashland by local
attorneys, H arry Skerry and Ben
The bill was presented by the
two attorneys after they bad be-jn
retained by M ayor Tom W illiams
and tne City of Ashland in a
judgm ent suit last w inter brought
by the Common Council of the
City of Ashland to determ ine le­
gality of an ordinance which
would have prevented the m ay­
or’s suspending city employees.
The council was represented by
form er city attorney W illiam
Briggs, who has also presented a
bill for $10i 0 00.
Concerning th e Lom bard-Sker­
ry oill, the city recorder has been
requested by the present m ayor
and council to contact Virgil
Langtry, Portland attorney, for a
ruling on the case.
The League of Oregon cities
representative, Deane Seeger, in
refusing to give an opinion, s ta t­
ed: “in the opinion of the offi­
cials of the league this m atter is
strictly a local dispute and we
are not In a position to offer le­
gal advice. Such m atters m ust be
left to the discretion of the local
governing bedy on the basis of
facts and the counsel of eompn
ten t legal advice.”
Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Borden and
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wines, and
son, Bill, were guests a t a picnic
dinner a t the home of Mrs. Sadie
S tratton and Mrs. M arjorie B ar­
ker, W ednesday evening.
Ashland Lions To
Help Jacksonville
During Jubilee
Planning to Operate
A Novelty Booth
M embers of the Ashland Lions
club under the direction of H erb
Huston, Bill Yates, and Ken P ea­
body are planning to set up a
novelty booth a t the A nnual
Gold Rush Jublilee celebration
which will be held in Jackson­
ville August sixth and seventh.
The Lions club of Jacksonville
is sponsoring the jublilee and
other Lions clubs in the Rogue
River valley are assisting.
The Ashland club, according to
Lioij president Bob Snider is con­
sidering entering a queen In the
queen contest which is one of
the features of the jublilee. The
w inner of the queen contest will
receive a $300.00 w ardrobe w hile
the runner-up will get $50.00 in