> a VZte P • 1 1 1S QK g ? < 4 * s / l « TI 0 N Highway Report States $71,225 Given To Ashland Highway Usera Help In M aintaining Street Ashland has received a total of $71,225.00 from the state of Oregon’s highway users during the five years, 1944 to 1949. The Oregon state highway comm is­ sion released the figures this week in a report th at indicated how much money highway users had contributed tow ard the con­ struction and m aintenance of the streets of the state's incorporated cities. The allocation of funds given to the cities is based upon popu lation. Durin the same period Medford r e c e iv e d $169,371.00 O ther com m unities in this area which received funds from the state's highway users included Phoenix, $8730.00 und T alent 7214.00. Highway users, during the years 1944 to 1949 inclusive, have contributed to the incorporated cities of Oregon a total of $8,617,- 293 for the construction and m ain tenance of their streets (which are not within the state highway system-. This does not include the sum of $250,000 w ithheld in each of the years 1948 and 1949 by direction of the 1947 legisla­ ture to be spent by the commis­ sion on city streets subjected to excessive wear due to unusually heavy industrial traffic, and to be advanced upon application made by the affected cities. Prior to 1944 city streets not on the state highway system were Improved out of revenues derived from direct city property taxes. The 1945 legislature d iver­ ted 5 percent of state highway in­ come to use on city streets. The 1937 session increased the take to 10 p e rc e n t During the period 1917 to 1947 inclusive the highway comm is­ sion has advanced for right of way, construction and m ainten­ ance of these city streets a total of $16,067,048, and now is being obligated under the m andate of these various legislative acts to the construction and m ainten­ ance of a continually lengthening mileage of city streets, and this In addition to that portion of the highway revenue under the 5 percent diversion o f the 1945 and the 10 percent diversion of the 1947 legislative sessions. These sums which have been diverted from state highway con­ struction by the legislative con- statute, in practical effect, a state subsidy proportionate to and In lieu of local property taxes for street im provem ent Then th ere’s the case of the Jail Docket which popped up this week down at the city hall. Seems as if someone, in the p re ­ vious city adm inistration, ord er­ ed a jail docket from our esteem ­ ed contem porary up the street. Price was $97.35, for a stock printed book. The bill was not presented, however, during the stir and fuss which Dr. Charles Haines, Councilmen Harold M er­ rill and Phil Stansbury were kicking up about the $87.50 which the city was being asked by the News Review, to pay for specially printed court dockets. And so, this month the bill q u iet­ ly m ade its appearance. Too late, Chief of Police Vern Sm ith says he didn’t order the book, doesn’t plan to use it, and w on’t accept it. The book is being returned. It should be. The old order chang- eth. Chief of Police Vern Sm ith and Municipal Judge L. Peers Wll- meth made a trip on their own time and In their own convey­ ance W ednesday night to Yreka California, to straighten out a gentlem an there who had been in Ashland W ednesday morning displaying his charm s to two lit­ tle girls, age five and six. As the com plaint was on a m isdem ean­ or charge it was Impossible to extradite the character. Thus the trip, and a lecture, and or­ ders to him to stay in his own back yard. A S H LA N D , JACKSON C O U N T Y , TH U R SD AY , |U I.Y 14 0 4 9 Mail Dispatch Time ( h a u te s Announced E. E. Vail, postmaster, an nounced this week that due to changes in truln schedules the following change« are in effect for closing time for dispatch of mails. First class and air mail for Medford and G rants Pa .s will close at 5:09 a.in. und 11:00 a.m. First class mail and special de­ livery parcels for Klam ath Falls will close at 10:30 a.m. All classes of mail tor Califor­ nia closes a t 4:00 p.m. All classes of mail for the northern and eastern states will close at 5:00 p.m. First class and special delivery for the south will close at 6:30. City und route delivery times will rem ain the same. Shuman To Speak At Vesper Services The Rev. George M. Shum an will be the speaker this coming Sunday at the Lithia Park Ves­ pers service. The services, trad i­ tionally a Sunday evening event during the summer, are sponsor­ ed by the Ashland M inisterial as­ sociation. The Vesper services begin at 6 00 p.m. at the Gwin S. Butler Memorial band shell. ——■ ■ - - o • —- —— Business Census Is Now Underway In Lithia City wholesale and Budget Approved By City Council An ordinance accepting the 1949-1950 city of Ashland oper­ ating budget will be filed by City attorney H arry Skerry this week with the Jackson county clerk. The budget calls for a tax levy of $65,222. The $1850.00 which was to go to the C ham ber of Commerce was cut from the final figure because it would have caused the budget to exceed the six per cent lim it­ ation. Members of the council, m eet­ ing in special session Tuesday, accepted the budget. Shakespeare Theme Lectures Continue .. .. Enumération Of Businesses Slated R etail, Business Tax Proposal Expected Io Create Warm Council Session A warm session is expected at the next m eeting of the city fathers of Ashland which will be held a t the city hall, Tuesday, July 19. Firew orks are expected to be set off concerning the proposal by E. Sheldon, councilman, that Ashland businesses be taxed to bring additional revenue to the city. The system of taxing business­ es has been proposed in order that a special election to perm it the city to exceed the 6 per cent lim itation need not be held.. Sheldon pointed out in his pro­ posal th at most cities operated with some type of business tax. service trade establishm ents in Ashland will be asked to report on their 1948 business operation* by one enum erator who began working In Ashland Monday July 11. En­ um eration of business establish­ ments in Medford. Ashland and rem aining areas in Jackson coun tv is part of the complete census of business being conducted this year by the United States bureau of census. The district office ser­ ving Jackson county is located in Eugene, with Olga A Freeman as district supervisor. Mrs. Freem an, who was in Ashland last week completing arrangem ents for the census, re­ ports that the calling on busi­ nesses has been completed in Lane and Linn counties Her of­ fice will have charge of the busi­ ness census in Josephine, Doug­ las, Coos and C urry counties as well. Dr. M argery Bailey, Stanford University, who is working with Angus Bowmer and the Oregon Shakespearean Festival associa­ tion this summer, will present th second of a series of lectures