Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, March 10, 1949, Image 1

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    V. o/ o. Libr
Sumple Ballots For Recall Election Present Both Sides O f Controversy
The story going the round* that
there w ill be no business man l r
Aahland who w ill dare ru n fo r
■■ .
are recalled is *0 m uch eyewash.
In tho fir s t place, w hy should
a man be a businessman to run
fo r n council seat. We can't re ­
m em ber having read that q u a lifi­
cation anyw here in the charter.
In the second place, there «re
m any q u a lifie d men, business-
» “ ell
«íu ”
, , o „ w hich
w a . told
Sample ballots fo r the recall
election Thursday, M arch 17 of
C ity C ouncilm en J. P. D ougherty,
H. B. Fischborn. and John Nosier
were d istrib u te d th is week. In
c o n fo rm ity w ith state regulations
concerning recall elections the
j sample ballots carried u 200 w ord
statem ent from each o f the coun-
elim en in defense o f th e ir noni-
' rom
B etterm ent league givin g
the reasons dem anding the re c a ll’
T iie C iv ic B etterm ent league
stated th a t in the case o f a ll three
councilm en that they In connec­
tio n w ith o th e f members of the
C ity C ouncil, had fla g ra n tly de­
fied tiie wishes and w ill of the
I people of the City of Ashland bv
' “ I!™1»«'"» »"<1 dem anding th a t the
when we wore askod to sign the
a n ti-ra c a ll p e titio n , ' that the a n ­
ti-re c a ll group was fo r the coun­
cilm an b u t desired a change in
c ity a tto rn e y ” ha* a fla w In it.
It's eyewash, too.
The councilm an have indicated
in w ritin g th a t no other attorney
Ashland is com petent
q u a lifie d to advise them on c ity
procedures except W illia m Briggs j
A re they going to change th e ir
m ind* im m e d ia te ly another at- I
torney is appointed to that posi­
M“ y “ r
W " l | am M
Briggs as C ity A tto rn e y o f A sh­
land and Clarence W illia m s as
C h ie f o f Police of said city. Said
Councilm en, together w ith other
members o f the C ouncil, have
thereby attem pted to confer u p ­
on the council the pow er o f ap­
p o intm ent of C ity o ffic ia ls w hich
is vested by the C ity C h a rte r of
Aì hkdl d ‘I ’ t>W M a yo r- To th a t
end said C ouncilm en
together were allowed to h im d - u #•
u u m i.i« n
u ig e w e r w e r e auowed to h ire and fire at the tim e n .ir in »
- .....
w ith other members of the C oun­ pleasure, w ith no approval being the tim e. D u rin g the firs t tw o fuse appointm ents w hich is as i t
T his dem onstrates
cil, has refused to c o n firm any necessary fro m the people's re- m onths o f his term of office, the should be.
m ayor has fa ile d to attend tw o the A m erican w ay o f life.
und a ll appointm ents to said o f­
b° d y '
t ?u n t‘ 1> regular, and fiv e adjourned meet-
w ould have been the easy w ay
fices other than those of the in ­ the c ity s governm ent could get
cum bent o ffic ia ls aforesaid. Said in serious condition- u ltim a te ly lngs. The council has therefore out to have accepted the a p p o in t­
C ouncilm en, together w ith other leading to a dictatorship. The had to conduct the business of ments regardless o f the expense
members o f the C ouncil, has tra in in g and experience neces- the c ity and p e rfo rm also those to the city. I believed then and
w h ich w ould o rd in a rily
thereby attem pted to deprive the sary and required of the fore- duties
have been perform ed by the Ma s till do, th a t I acted to th* best
interest o f the com m unity. M ayor
M ayor o f his rig h ts and duties m ost appointm ents o f the c ity is
under the C harter and to appro­ an expensive and slow process, yor. D u rin g the b rie f stays of the W illia m s recommended that some
m a yo r in the c ity he has failed of the c ity jobs be given his sup­
p riate to the C ouncil the rig h ts and the taxpayers should not be to
contact any of the c ity officers
and duties vested In the M ayor.” burdened
w ith
that expense, to acquaint h im se lf w ith the de- porters. No doubt he fe lt he owed
them som ething fo r p u ttin g him
J. P. D augherty, said, In ju s ti­ sirn p jy because one man wants tc
fica tio n o f his course In office-' exercise his granted power. H av­ ta ils of actions taken d u rin g his In office. I do not agree to g iv in g
absence and thereby dem onstrat- p u b lic jobs as paym ent fo r p u b lic
'M y a ttitu d e in this controversy, in g been a councilm an fo r sever
. ,
i ed a com plete lack o f Interest in office, especially under o ur pre­
and the p ositive action I have al yeais I know how the m ayor c ity affairs. U nder the circum -
taken, has not been easy,— ra th e r and council m ust re ly on w o rth y, stances the council has been fo r- sent circumstances. Since the w ar
the d iffic u lt and sometimes em ­ dependable departm ent he a d s tunate in having experienced de- we have been engaged In a bet­
term ent program w h ich has tak-
barrassing side, leading to c r it i­ w ith experience and ju d g m e n t
p a rtm e n t heads at Its side. None Jen
m uch plannin g and m any
cism and an undesirable s itu a ­ gained through years o f p e rfo r­
o f the im p lie d accusations o f in ­ meetings. The c ity is spending a
tion. I s till stand fir m ly fo r the m ance.’
e fficie n cy or derelection of d u ty
rig h t o f the council to protect the
H. B. Fi chborn’s statem ent against the officers was proved large sum fo r im p ro v in g our w a t­
er system. We have purchased
best interests of the citizens, and was a-- follows: “ I deny that the
and 1 believe that they should re ­ m ore adequate equipm ent fo r
the fu rth e r prom otion o f A s h ­ council, in d iv id u a lly or co lle ctive ­
m ain in o ffice fo r the good of the street im provem ents. The c ity
land, and its best Interests.
I ly have, at any tim e intended to
c ity . I also jo in in the ju s tlfic a to n personnel has seasoned e xp e r­
have not been against any p a rti­ deprive the M ayor o f his rig h t
given by m y fe llo w councilm en.” iences w hich to m y belief Is o f
c u la r appointm ent, b u t I have and duties or have attem pted to
John N osier made this state­ value to the c ity The new M a y ­
d e fin ite ly been fo r the continued appropriate these to themselves.
m ent in defense o f his stand
or and the tw o new C ouncilm en
service of proven employees who However, when the m ayor took
“ I recognize in the m ayor the should have support o f c ity em ­
have given of th e ir best in the o ffic e he indicated he w ould be
rig h t o f appointm ent. I also rec ployees fa m ilia r w ith these new
Interest o f Ashland. I f the M ayor
o u t o f the c ity the greater p a rt of ognize thfc co u n cil’s rig h t to re -¡p ro je ct? nt this im p o rta n t tim e ”
A l e n it i
P lIllS M E R
Judge M illa rd 's decision stated
that tho council's attem pt to pas*
an ordinance ho g -tyin g the M a y ­
or was in v a lid . T his ordinance
was passod by the council in good
fa ith and out of lo y a lty to C ity
A tto rn e y W illia m
B rigg* and tj.o o PER YEAR
C hief of Police Clarence W ill­
iam *
Formerly the
Southern Oregon
$3.00 per year
V O L U M E 16, N U M B E R 1
L o y a lty i* a good tra it. B u t It
has in this case p u t three coun­
cilm en out on a lim b .
The tw o men responsible fo r
the recall election of the three
councilm en are W illia m B rigg*
and Clarence W illia m *. Had those
tw o men follow ed norm al p o liti­
cal procedure January 1st and
In g e n u ity was the keynote fo r
placed th e ir resignations on the
the hot dog luncheon given on
Date fo r the Legion and A u x ­
de«k of the n e w ly elected m ayor
Thursday, by Mrs. C liffo rd C u l- ilia r y b irth d a y p a rty has been
this sad state of a ffa ir* w ould
New directors of the Aahland m er, honoring her young son, Pat
M arch 14
Judge O rv ille M illa rd , Josephine county c irc u it co u rt judge. W ed-
Cham ber of Commerce w ill meet C ulm er, on his eig h th b irth d a y. in is p a rty w ill be in the nature nesday ru le d on the ju d g m e n t case b ro u g h t by the c ity council o f
never have come about.
Since a ll o f the guests had to
AH of the council- we feel, are in the near fu tu re to elect a p re ­
of a covered dish d in n e r to be . A shland versus M ayor Tom W illia m s and the C ity of Ashland,
responsible for haying brought sident and vice-president. B ill be in school T hursday afternoon served at 6:30 p.m. in the Log
Judge M illa r d ’s decision stated th a t Rule 16A of O rdinance 1094
about this situation, out of loyal­ McGee, secretary o f the Chamber th e y »««errtbled at the C ulm er C abin Legion n a il on W in b u rn * W e h was passed by the co u n cil in Decem ber im m e d ia te ly prior
ty to two men. holding appoint­ •aid today th a t the m eeting hom e at nin e o'clock fo r a m o rn ­ W ay. Celia Berninghausen w ill
the rnay ° r ’8 ta k in g office, was in v a lid . The ru le had Stated that
in g o f games and contests, topped be in charge o f arrangem ents fo r I the m ayor could not suspend any c ity o ffic ia l.
ive offices.
m ig h t be held M onday.
Judge Millard's decision in d i­
New directors who w ere e le .t- o ff by a v e ry m asculine hot dog the party.
According to the mayor** a t-
cates that the council, acting on ed Tuesday at the annual m eet­ luncheon a t noon, served by C ar-
A ll veterans and th e ir wives H O S P IT A L V O LU N T E E R
tom eys, Ben L o m bard and H e r-
advice from one of the men ing o f the C ham ber are: W a lt ita C ulm er and Marcene Robison. o r mothers, sisters and w idow s W O R KER S TO M E E T
EZ S ke rry, this represents a great
Guasts honoring young Culmer o f veterans are in v ite d to attend.
whose political appointive Job Bosshard, B ert M ille r, Abe Nes-
T h e dat es set fo r the V o lu n te e r v ic to ry fo r the people o f the city
was under fire, attempted to rail- lin , L y n N ew bry, Chet T h o m p ­ were M ike Moaer, Johnny Culp, Each fa m ily is asked to brin g hosP‘ ta l w orkers school at Camp o f A shland and M a y o r T om
Loren Macklin, Denny Robison, covered dish o r o th e r food in suf- W h ite have been set fo r 7:30 p. liam*. Judge M illard also indi­
roa<f through a charter amend­ son, and Em m ett W hltham .
Housel, L arry Haines, and fic ie n t q u a n tity fo r th a t fa m ily m - on Wednesday, M arch 9th and cated that the M ayor’s suspension
ment without going to the people.
H oldover directors in c 1 u d e
Whatever |. , a|d henceforth John Cotton, J im Busch, D r Keith Kramer.
~ "
cream, sugar, rolls, but F rid a y. M arch 11th, and Satur- of city officials, W illiam
■bout this situation Is merely so E lm o Stevenson, P h il Stansbury,
ter and the dessert including the day, March 12th at L30. accord­ and Clarence W illiams, w i l d
much eyewash.
traditional birthday cake, w ill be ing to Miss Kathleen Silver, the have been legal had they been
Don O'Bleness. and A. W. W ood­
W illiam Briggs and Clarence w ard.
furnished by the Auxiliary.
president of the local American suspended for a definite period
W illiams have by their actions
Legion A uxiliary.
of tim e rather than an indefinite
The president of the Cham ber
Jeopardised the political future
Transportation w ill be arrang­ period.
w ill be selected from tn is group.
three men. who have undoubt­
ed for those wishing to attend,
The judge did not rule on tho
Ed Singma3ter, re tirin g p re si­
edly attempted to serve to the
of the council to confirm
dent o f the Cham ber thanked
best of their ability but who have
members are asked to meet at the mayor’s appointments^ stating
the members o f the C ham ber fo r A m erican Legion flagpole m em ­
been led by the noee.
the Plaza cafe at 6:30 p.m. tor that it wa# a legislative m atter
th e ir w o rk d u rin g the past year, o ria l have been selected by John
at 1230 and not a judicial.
and in tu rn was given a rising
m et in re g u la r session Thursday. Satupd«3r fo r the afternoon class,
W illiam Briggs, attorney
vote o f thanks fo - the w o rk he A shland Post No. 14, A m erican
the council, said: “Since the
w ith M aster L lo y d Lacy presld-
■ 7»
had done.
council was sustained in all par­
They are: P u b lic ity , Colonel ing. Several resolutions
were A t II IP* If* I offfiFC
The new board of d ire c to r* w ill
ticulars except as to the validity
be responsible fo r the advertising
of Rule 16, Ordinance 1094. re­
brochure w h ich the Cham ber is K u h lm a n n : C om m em oration, G uy Legislature. Mrs. Edna S w artz-
The local A m erican Legion
lating to hearing on suspensions,
C onstruction, E m il lander was elected to the o ffice of
tO Zu
producing. The Cham ber has on A p p le w h ite ;
A u x ilia r y No. 14, m et in re g u la r
I naturally feel pleased.
A tto r­
hand and prom ised a total of
session, M onday evening at the
A special pep assembly was neys on both sides worked hard
The M arch 17th m eeting w ill
$2326.25 w hich w ill be used fo r S o licita tio n , O r v ll M a y fie ld ; P ro ­
Log C abin Legion h all on W in-
gram , D r. A r th u r T aylor, and be preceded by a p o t-lu ck supper held M arch 4 at the A shland Sen­ on this case, the court’s determin­
prom otiona l purposes.
b u rn way.
Parade, C olonel Preston B. W a t­ s ta rtin g a t seven o’clock. G uy io r H ig h School in appreciation ation of the respective rights and
Guest spoaker
e rb u ry.
W addell w ho has recently re tu rn ­ o f the w o rk o f the basketball duties of the mayor and council
Fletcher, general secretary o f the local Y M C A who spoke on “ Lead­
The post com m ander, v o n ed fro m Alaska w ill show movies coaches and teams. Coaches Ken were clear, and it certainly would
ership.’ Mrs. F letcher was a spe­
S c h illin g and M a rle n Y oder a- seem that all parties should a-
K u h lm a n n , emphasized this week d u rin g the lecture hour.
cial guest,
arded 11 le tte rs to v a rs ity team bide thereby.
No object would
that the flagpole, w h ich w ill be
The ladies o f the H.E.C. w ill
be gained by appeal, and as fa r
Mrs. R. L. B urdlc, essay c h a ir­
placed in the Plaza area, is a meet Tuesday, M arch 8, at the
t ^This is not a book re vie w
as I am concerned, the court is­
man, w ill present prizes of Ten c o m m u n ity project. I t w ill be a
home o f Mrs. S ylvia Bates, pf
, ^column, b u t the new G O L-
sues are settled.”
dollars and five dollars, respec­ m em orial to A shland’s w a r dead.
Table Rock road, fo r a covered
' ) DEN E N C Y C LO P E D IA is
tiv e ly fo r the tw o best essays on Men fro m Ashland, w ho have
each le tte r represented over 200
luncheon and business m eet­ hours of practice and p la vin g
< ; w o rth y o f more
than a
° th e r *
“ A m e rica n ism ” to be entered In fo u g h t and died in any o f A m e ri­
the local contest.
( r passing glance This is g
tin« as he gave them To ’ ,hf
ca’s wars w ill be honored.
Sunday, M arch 20, has been fo llo w in g boys: Don M a yfie ld , man, vice chairm an; M rs. L ew is
book that every home should
E lw ood
designated as C hurch Sunday.
Don E llsw o rth , Vernon, Loren U lric h , treasurer; M rs.
own. School ch ild re n w ill
Hedberg, chairm an o f the w om ­
Graham , F ra n k H ile, P h il K lin g s-
fin d in It the answers b*
en’s d ivisio n ; M rs. G lenn T a ylo r,
heim, Eldon D urham , D on S tu ck­
e d u c a t i o n a l c h a irm a n : Mrs.
their qiiCstlons, s im p ly w r it ­
ey, W asley C la rk, and W a lt B yrd,
Moore H a m ilto n , p u b lic ity c h a ir­
and K en W illia m s, managers.
ten, b e a u tifu lly illu s tra te d .
D r. A. E. M erkel, advisory
Jayvees receiving le tte rs were
C hildren
in q u is itiv e .
physician; Mrs. Blanche Frisbie,
They w ant to learn.
A nd
the “ Get out the V o te " m ove­ ly at a high pitch and that angry
M r. and M rs. James M adison Dale Landing. Carlos V anVleet, advisory nurse; and Miss E liza­
here Is edcation, pleasant-
m ent of the C ivic B etterm ent w ords were being tossed about. of Sacram ento purchased Kens G arold Davis, D ick S m ith, S tan­ beth M cG a llia rd , acting advisory
useful. O ver 1500 items are
nurse, Mrs. F risb ie being on a
league have been appointed by
“ We m ust co n tro l o u r feelings,” J e w e lry Shop fro m Mr. and Mrs. ley Hanscom. W ayne W ile y, Sam
of absence fro m the health
covered, w ith fu ll color I l ­
A. A Wasson, president of the she said, “ and despite the fact Ken Peabody last week. M r. and Bell, Ted W eitzel, H erm an Ghea,
ranging from ’
league. I t was decided to take th a t members o f our opposition Mrs. M adison have tw o girls.
H enry Metz, Stan Adams, Jim departm ent.
R eport o f the recent M arch o f
the action F rid a y n ig h t at a m eet­ have indulged in name c a llin g we
A fric a and
A irplanes, to
M r. and Mrs. Peabody and Grossman, and Ernest Engstrom .
was given by M r. C hip-
ing o f the League held at the can’t low er ourselves to do the daughter le ft Tuesday fo r a tw o
Roland Parks called on Don
Television and Zoos.
Women’s C iv ic clubhouse.
weeks tr ip to E lgin, Illin o is . They E llsw o rth , V e rn Carlson, and Don man, d riv e chairm an, show ing a
same." ,
total o f $11,615.82 realized in the
Most parents are fa m ilia r
Mrs. Law rence continued by plan to re tu rn to Ashland to live. M a y fie ld to lead a y e ll to th a n k
w ith
the L ittle
campaign. O f this am ount
-------- ------ t he y e ll squad fo r th e ir efforts.
Mrs. Pat Law rence was appoint saying that
despite arguments,
the fo llo w in g totals w ere raised
Books, and know w h a t fine
ed p u b lic ity chairm an o f the names, and m ud th ro w in g the a ll events w hich were deemed of _
B ---------------—----------
by the various com m unities p a r­
c h ild re n ’s books they are.
league and Mrs. Lona Dameron strength o f the C ivic B etterm ent
tic ip a tin g :
M edford,
The Golden Encyclopedia is
was appointed program c h a ir­ group w ould be in p la yin g fa ir.
Dr. T. H. Schutte, 759 S o u th
Ashland. $1922.57; B e llv ie w $177.-
a w o n d e rfu l extension
“ There is a rig h t w ay to solve M ountain, fo rm e r m em ber o f the v
Ik I"
02; C entral P oint, $502.55; B u tte
this same line. D rop in at
Speakers at the F rid a y n ig h t every problem ” she continued. fa c u lty at N ew
M exico State
Falls. $92.22: Eagle P oint $36222:
* *
m eeting included Mrs. Law rence “We have kept ourselves above Teachers college, was appointed
the M a rt to see it A t the
Talent, $504.91; RoPue R iver,
and Mrs. V iv ia n B ritcnbaugh.
reproach so fa r in our conduct, chaplain.
V e in Sm th o f Ashland, was re- $216.58; Jacksonville «154.27; A p ­
same tim e ,ask fo r the G o l­
Speaking to the 135 people who and we m ust continue to act lik e
Speaking fo r him self at the elected chairm an o f the Jackson plegate $134.52;
den D ictionary. You’ll find
and Prospect
attended Mrs. B ritenbaugh sug­ ladies and gentlem en, despite close of the m eeting Dr. Schutte | county chapter o f the N ational $304.84.
these at. . .
gested th a t friends and guests w hat actions our opponents take. stated th a t the group could do a Foundation fo r In fa n tile P araly-
A vote o f t^Tnks whs extended
w ho attended the m eetings of the We have attended m e e t in g s lo t of,good.
sis at the pn n u a l m eeting, recent- b y the boar-4 to M r. C hipm an fo r
league w ould be considered as w here
we have been called
“ A fte r this mess is over,” l.V held in M edford. The m eeting »ticcess of Pm '•rm pnin n w ith enn-
having been vouched fo r by the names b u t we don’t plan to re ta l­ S chutte said, “ the League can date was moved fo rw a rd to eo-
g ra tu la t’
various w o rk ­
m em ber who brought t h e m . iate in the same fashion.”
contlnue to help the city. I ’m not ineide with changes in the fiscal ers u v^n th e ir a b ility to earrv
M em bership cards w ill be p re ­
J. Q. Adams suggested that the a m ilita ry man nor a p u g ilis t and rear, adopted hv the national the e-
t-, fbe m uch need­
270 East M ain Phone H ill 1
sented by the members at fu tu re C iv ic B e tte rm e n t league have an I d ld n ’n w ant to get in to any foundation.
Arden Pinkham of ed ’
1 in
fp-p o f various
(N ext to Sheldon Je w e lry)
league meetings.
educational d ire c to r w ho w ould fig h t hut 1 feel th a t it Is im p o rt­ Central Point was elected secre­ e ^o flj. f •
-nt In v fMe
Mrs. Law rence stated t h a t keep the members Inform ed of a n t.”
tary as the one new •■’»n’h f r ‘
Circuit Judge Rules in Tom ’s Favor
C. of C. To Elect
New President
Legion and Ladies
To Have Party
Ordinance Which Hamstrung Mayor
Declared Invalid by Circuit Court
Legion Committees
Work on Flagpole Talent Grange to
Meet March 17th
Fletcher Speaks
To Auxiliary
■ A/t
Äässon Appoints Precinct Captains
For Civic Betterment League Vote
Madisons Buy
Ken’s Jewelry
' Smith Re-Elected
If) Pf)||f) PftCf