Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, July 22, 1948, Image 1

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*7Z» StmikcSUt
M u tu im i
O lE S tö jN L tfs iiH R
P V 111 S HUAS 4 4s(flül A T I OI
Magicians Will
Organize Local
Club Says McGee
Anyone interexted In the a rt
of rnugic is in vite d to get in touch
w ith W ilia m 11. McGee, manager
o th e A sh 'i nd Cham ber c4 Com
merce, w ho 1 m plannin g to o r­
ganize a M agician's club In this
aiea fo r am ateur ami profession
al magicuns.
McGee stated thut he was p ar­
tic u la rly Interested In getting in
touch w ith people w ho have no
p a rtic u la r background in magic,
but w ho w ould lik e to take It
up as a hobby. M em bership In
the c lu b w ould be open to a n y ­
one interested In magic, w hethei
or not he or she had any p a rti­
cular p ro ficiency in the a rt M
saw ing ladles in half.
of ladies,
pointful out that the ladies of
MagU-dom, both
am ateur
th e ir
know n us "M ugiguls" und that
they huve assemblies in the cous-
tal states of W ashington, Oregon
and C a lifo rn ia .
Meetings w ill be held at re g ­
u la r in te rv a ls und w ill be ro ­
tated umong the various com-
in unltiea where members live.
Those w ho huve had no p re v ­
ious experience in magic w ill lie
given In tsru ctlo n , according to
McGee, who has been an active
m agician fo r m any years and
w ho has been president of th<-
Pasadena M agicians G u ild ,
assembly o f the Society of A m e r­
ican Magicians ami secretary of
the P acific Coast Association of
I f there is enough interest In
magic, McGee stated that groups
w ould be organized fo r young­
sters and also fo r women.
Rites Held Friday
Blanche G row M u n d i and John
Edward Setchell were wed F r i­
day a« 8:00 p.m. at the
F irst
M ethodist church in Ashland by
the Reverend Robert M c llv /n n a
The single ring cerem ony was
v. tnessed by the bride and the
groom ’? fathers. H. S. G row , and
W A. Stchell.
The bride, who Is an Ashland
high school graduate, and a res­
ident o f Green Springs, w ore u
navy blue georgette dress w ith
w h ite accessories.
Guests included Mrs. W. A.
Setchell und son, Charles, also
Linda Lee M a n d i, sm all daugh­
te r o f the bride.
Mr. Setchell is em ployed by
tiie T alent Irrig a tio n
D is tric t
They w ill
be at home at his
ranch on D a rk H ollow road.
Mrs. Ileen Kay, 316 Hargadine,
called on Ernestine Hicks and
Mrs. Ethel P in ke rto n at the
w eather bureau on the Slskiyous
last M onday evening. Mr. and
Mrs. I-a rk in G rubb, 271 M orton
street, were callers at the bureau
at the same time.
Classics on
Scandinavian Dance Music
Eric G y llin g and
A. Alm stead
Scandinavian - Polka
M arlu - Schottis
Anna 1 Dalen - Vais
Chicago - Schottis
Nu Sa V i Dansa - Ham bo
San Francisco - Polka
M idnattsol - Schottis
A lla Suenska F licko rs -
Also in stock:
C o u n try Dances
Square Dances
C ontinen tal Dunce Music
m u
270 East M ain
Phone 8011
Miss Ashland Leaves
For Seaside Contest
Miss A nn P irtle , w ho w ill be
Mis# Ashland, in the Miss O re­
gon Beauty contest being held at
Seuslde this week end, le ft on
Thursday fo r the resort c!»y In
company w ith her m other, Mis.
A ndrew H aw ver.
M'ss P irtle was sponsored by
Busch M otor Com pany
in the
p re lim in a ry beauty contest held
here in conjunctio n w ith the 1th
a J u ly festival.
Wednesday u b irth d a y
was given A lb e rt Dale H a rtw a ll
by his fa th e r and m other, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence H a rtw e ll, and
Ids sister, V iola, Mrs. Zella Con
verse assisted M rs H a rtw e ll.
Guests included: B etty, Frank,
Jonn, L o rry , und Jim m y James;
Roger Converse; and Lena, D on­
nie arid Kenneth H a rtw e ll.
Mrs M H. Hess and daughter,
Frances, of Helm an Baths and her
little friend, Sharon S tew art, of
Coolidge street, spent one dav
last week on the beach at Cras-
cent c ity.
The B e llvie w grange held Its
regular social m eeting at eight
last Tuesday evening,
J u ly 20, In the grange hall.
Asu Stockton, fa th e r of Mrs.
L lo y d Parks, B e llvie w , Is re p o rt­
ed im proved and able to be out
of the hospital at Eureka, C alif.,
where he has been confined fo r
treatm ent.
Good Dog Photos
May Win Contest
T h a t fa vo rite p icture of your
pup— here is an o p p o rtu n ity to
fin d out how good It re a lly Is.
The Gaines Dog Research Cen­
ter, New Y o rk C ity, has advised
the News Review th a t It is o ffe r­
ing $1,125.00 In prizes fo r good.
Interesting dog pictures in a con­
test sponsored as p a rt of the ap­
proaching observance of N ational
Dog Week this fa ll.
In order that a ll Interested in
photography may have a fa ir
chance fo r the prize money, en­
tries w ill be accepted in three
d is tin c t classifications (1) am a­
teurs; (2) members o f camera
clubs; and (3) professional photo­
graphers. In each o f the firs t tw o
groups there is a firs t prize of
$250, a second of $75, and a th ird
of $25, w h ile in the professional
photographer class there is but a
single prize of $350. In the cam ­
era club classification, an a d d i­
tional $25 prize w ill go to each
of three clubs w hich the w inners
of firs t, second and th ird prizes
w ill become the p ro p e rty o f first,
second and th ird prizes w ill have
named as th e ir m em bership a f f il­
iation. A ll w in n in g entries w ill
Incom e the property o f the con­
test sponsor, w ho also holds the
p riv ile g e o f purchasing any o th ­
er photogruphs entered in the
p re va ilin g
m arket
Contest entries m ust be in the
office o f the Gaines Dog Research
Center, 250 Park Avenue, New
Y ork, 17, N. Y. before 4 p.m. on
F riday, September 10, 1948. A
post card request to this address
w ill b rin g a copy o f the o ffic ia l
contest rules.
The Rev. and Mrs. R obert Mc-
Ilvenna of the M ethodist church
le ft last
Sunday fo r a three
weeks vacation tr ip to Canada.
T h e ir son, Ted, is staying here
w ith M r. and Mrs. W allace Sousa
and in fa n t son, Bobbie, who have
moved in to the parsonage to re-
m uin u n til the m in iste r and his
w ife return.
John G rubb and tw o of his
buddies spent the week end w ith
John’s parents,
M r. and
L a rk in G rubb, 271 M orton street,
The boys are a ll three employed
at the b liste r rust control camp
at U nion creek.
Am ong recent visito rs to A sh­
land was Mrs. E. K. Edsall, of
P ortland, w ho visited w ith her
father, John R. P lttenger, and
her aunt, Mrs. M am ie Orr.
M r. and Mrs. H enry Shaknis,
of Sams V alley, were Ashland
business callers last M onday.
The George Low d fa m ily m ov­
ed in to the R ollins home the firs t
o f this week. The tw o fam ilies
have traded places.
Miss Gibsen, niece of A rth u r
D a v enhlll, 46 G ra n ite street, re­
cently attended the funeral of
her aunt In B akersfield, C alif.
M r. and Mrs. G a rn e tt Padgett,
518 Iow a street, and ch ild re n , re ­
ce ntly enjoyed a fine fish in g and
picnic tr ip to B u tte Falls. They
returned w ith several fine fish.
A ppointm ent o f J. W. C orbett
J as vice president In charge of op-
. d ations
fo r Southern
P acific
¡company, succeeding the late L.
B McDonald, has ju s t been an­
Saturday m orning travel e d i­ nounced by A. T. M ercier, pres­
tors fro m eight of the nation's ident of the railroad.
C orbett’s ju ris d ic tio n
leading newspapers w ill , » sit
Ashland p rtu d y the vacation & over operations on the com pany’s
recreational possibilities of this Pacific lines, serving six western
c ity and to report to th e ir read­ states. His headquarters are in
ers w hat they find. They repre- San Francisco.
i nl (apers in New Y ork, De­
tro it, Cleveland, P ittsburg, Des
M oines, an d P h ila d e lp h ia .
The editors are on a to u r of
the P acific Coast vacation
re ­
gions. Am ong the things w hich
they w il see w h ile In Ashland
w ill he famous L ith la Park.
Members of the com m ittee to
show the travel editors the c ity
are John Cotton, Ed Slngm aster,
D r Elm o Stevenson, Jake W e it­
zel, Clarence W illia m s, Bob E d­
wards, W endell Lawrence, and
B ill McGee.
Travel Editors
To Visit Ashland
This Saturday
M r. and Mrs. L. R. K lm b e rg
and daughter, E lin o r Rae o f San
B ernardino, C a lifo rn ia , le ft last
Monday a fte r spending a week
w ith th e ir aunt and uncle, M r.
and Mrs. C. R. Mead. 263 2nd
street. M r. K im b e rg Is p rin cip a l
o f A rro w V ie w high school at
San Bernardino.
They were
g re a tly impressed w ith Oregon,
especially Ashland, C rater Lake,
House o f M ystery and
other points of Interest in c lu d ­
ed In th e ir to u r of Southern Ore-
Jdseph Bish
Joseph “ A be’’ Blsh, 100 L in ­
coln street, passed away at his
home Tuesday, J u ly 20. at 11:35
a.m., a fte r fiv e years of fa ilin g
health. He had resided in A sh­
land fo r seven years and in this
v ic in ity fo r f if t y years. He was
born O ctober 13, 1876, in Phoe­
n ix, Oregon, the son of A lle n C.
and A d le y W oody Blsh. He is
su rvived by his w ife, A n n ie A
Bish of the home address and
three ch ild re n , W illia m E., P o rt­
land, A r th u r L , M cM in n vIle and
Eunice, P ortland,
ch ild re n and one great grand
child. His brothers, George and
Lew is, and three sisters, Mrs.
Meda Reynolds and Mrs.
Dawson, a ll of M edford and Mrs.
B Amos o f P ortland.
He graduated from the
N orm al school in A shland years
ago and live d
in P ortland 26
years p rio r to 1941, where he
was an em ployee of the P ortland
T ra ctio n com pany. He had also
been a school teacher.
F uneral services w ere held on
F riday, J u ly 23 at 2::00 p.m. in
the L itw ille r - N ugent' Funeral
chapel. The Rev. Ear, D ow ning
officia te d . In te rm e n t was in the
M ountain V iew cemetery.
He was
a m em ber of
C h ristia n C hurch In Ashland.
Pfc. Leonard A. Pospyhala
Pfc. Leonard A. Pospyhala, 963
B street ,was k ille d in action on
J u ly 10, 1944. He was the son
of M r. and Mrs. I. G. Pospyhala,
Ashland, Oregon.
Last rite s were conducted fo r
him Thursday, J u ly 22, in the
A shland C atholic church, Father
Plus Bauer in charge. Interm ent
was in the I.O.O.F. addition, of
Ashland cem etery Members of
the N a tional G uard acted as p a ll­
The A m erican Legion
conducted m ilita r y servees.
sister, Mrs. J. E. Sm ith, Menlo
Park, C a lifo rn ia
was here fo r
the services also.
Elisa Hicks
Eliza H icks o f S iskiyou Sum ­
m it, passed away suddenly at
her home F rid a y, J u ly 16, 1948,
at 4:00 a.m. She was the daugh­
te r of C a rlto n B. and M ar H ill
Sovern, and as born at Junction
C ity, Oregon, M ay 28, 1867. Her
husband, J. Ernest, preceded her
in death some years ago. They
w ere m arried October 25, 1888
In Ja cksonville and had resided
here ever since.
T w o c h ild re n were born to this
union, Earnestine H icks of A sh­
land and H ow ard o f Yreka. One
sister, Mrs. A. H. Thompson, of
Ashland, tw o g ra n d ch lld ie n and
tw o great grand
ch ild re n are
su rv iv in g .
Services were held
July 19, at 10:30 a.m. a t Litw iller
N ugent F uneral home. The Rev.
D. E. 'M illa rd was In charge. In ­
term ent was in H argadine ceme­
tery. A large crow d of friends
were present and m any flo ra l
pieces filled the chapel.
Libr, ^ Z .
Formerly the
Southern Oreqoii
$3.00 per year
Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, Thursday, July 22, 1948
$3.(M) per Y e a r
Tennis Tournament
Starts July 26th
F o llo w in g
the in s tru c tio n in
tennis as a p a rt of the sum m er
prog, am,
a tennis
tournam ent w ill sta rt M onday,
J u ly 26 on the L ith ia P ark courts
fo r those who have been a tte n d ­
ing classes.
I t w ill continue on Tuesday,
J u ly 27, at the high school courts
fo r those who have been taking
in stru ctio n on that side of town.
There w ill be a singles as w ell
as a doubles tournam ent fo r the
tw o age groups. This tournam ent
w ill run through A ugust 12.
Prizes w ill be awarded w inners
from merchandise donated
A shland storekeepers.
Miss DeLisle Visits
Here Before Wedding
Miss Doreen D eLisle, P ortland,
a rrive d Tuesday m orning to v is it
her parents, M r. and Mrs. A. J.
DeLisle, 90 7th street. Miss De
L isle plans to wed Ray G eLotte
o f P ortland, A ugust 1, In the Y
M CA chapel. They w ill leave fo r
Seattle and on to Alaska via air
to live. M r. G eLotte is co-ow ner
the T ra n sp o rta tio n
M otor
Ship Lines at Juneau. Miss De
L ifle Is a graduate o f Ashland
high school and SOC.
. M r. and Mrs. D eLisle w ill a t­
tend the wedding.
Volume 15, Number 20
Ashland Boys To
Play On All-
State Ball Club
Louis Langer and J e rry M itc h ­
ell, tw o of A shland high school’s
more outstanding fo o tb a ll p la y ­
ers of last year, have been select­
ed as members of the Oregon
State A ll-S ta rs
fo o tb a ll team
w hich w ill meet the P ortland A ll-
Stars in a S hrine benefit game,
Saturday, August 28.
Langer Is a tackle and M itc h e ll
Is an end. M itc h e ll was awarded
the K W IN cup last year as A sh­
land High school’s most outstand­
ing player.
A l Simpson, SOC coach, w ill
be one o f the o fficia ls a t the
game, a ll proceeds fro m the gate
going to the P ortland u n it of the
S h rin e r’s H ospital fo r C rippled
C hildren.
Smith Looking For
Plants For College
George Sm ith, gardener at the
Southern Oregon College,
week stated that if anyone had
any bulbs o r plants w h ich could
be used fo r landscaping th a t he
w ould be glad to fin d a g< od
home or them.
J. W. Corbett
S m ith stated th a t progress had
been made in landscaping
R. E. H a lla w e ll was named to MRS. KEAR M A N Y G IF T S
grounds around Suzanne Homes
succeed C orbett as general m an­
Mrs. Donald E. Rear, the fo r­ hall, the Student U nion b u ild in g ,
ager of the railroads’s P acific m er Rozella Roush, last week re­ and the Science build in g , and
lines, and in tu rn was succeeded ceived a w edding package of th a t grass spots were beginning
as assistant general manager by g ifts from the members o f the to show.
V. M. Peterson, who advances N e il creek club. Mrs. Roush was
F a ll is the best tim e fo r p la n t­
from superintendent of the com ­ m arried to Rear, June 20.
ing, according to Sm ith, and he
pany’s Rio Grande d ivisio n in
w ill be glad to accept any o ffe r­
the Southwest.
in g this fa ll to help b e a u tify the
A ll of the prom oted officers
have had long railroad service.
n ..............
C orbett started in 1911 in O re­
M rs. Esther H o liste r and Miss
gon and was firs t a call boy, then
R uby Alderson, are re tu rn in g to
a telegrapher. He advanced th ru
A shland-M ed ford long distance th e ir home, C u lve r C ity , C alif.,
a num ber of operating positions
extended v is it
w ith
we r e a fte r an
and at times was located at v a r­ telephone
friends in Ashland.
ious points over the railroad. He ! boosted nearly 80 per cent last
M r. and Mrs. W. R. R itchie, Jr.
had been general manager since week, when fa cilitie s in the new and ch ild re n G ary and Ann. Mrs
1944. H a llaw ell's firs t ra ilro a d ­ coaxial cable w ere used to in ­ C ary N ix , Los Angeles, C alif.,
ing was in 1941 in a clerical posi­ crease circu its between the tw o and M r. and Mrs. G erald Geigei
tion, and Petterson came to the points fro m 14 to a to ta l o f 25. spent Ih e week* end a f IhTT U n ­
ra ilroad as a tim ekeeper ,n 1916.
R. B. Ham m ond, m anager of ion creek lodge.
the P aific Telephone and Tele­
M r .and Mrs. W m. Fox M r.
M r. and Mrs. F. C. Schuth, of
graph company, said the a d d it­ and Mrs. Wm. S m ith and M r. and
H u n tin g to n
C a lifo rn ia ,
ional circu its were rushed into M rs. Wm. Reagan w ere among
le ft last Monday a fte r spending
service app ro xim a te ly fiv e m on­ the parents w ho visite d
the past week w ith her sister,
ths ahead o f schedule to help daughters at the G ir l Scout Camp
and husband, M r. and Mrs. C. R.
ca rry the heaviest long d ista n ce 1 at the Lake O’ Woods Sunday.
Mead, 263 2nd street.
tra ffic in the h istory o f the Ash-1
M r. and Mrs. A l Snider, who
M r. and Mrs. W illia m Stew art,
land exchange.
n tly sold th e ir home in C h a r­
P ortland, Oregon .were house
A little over tw o m iles of c a b le 1
leston, stopped in A shland the
guests of M r. and Mrs. L a rk in
w ere laid fro m the A shland of- j fore p a rt o f the week to v is it
G rubb. 271 M orton street, last
fice to connect w ith the c o a x ia l' th e ir sons. Bob, and B ill, and
Thursday and F riday. Mrs. Ste­
¡cable, according to Hammond, fam ilies.
w a rt w ill be
remembered as
w ho w ire conductors in the cable,
L a rry Basey and M a rk B r o u n
Cathlene Salo, a form er Ashland
not the coaxial tubes themselves
le ft fo r the coast. They w ill re ­
high school student.
were used fo r the 11 addition al
M rs. Cad E llis, 922 Siskiyou [channels to the M edford office. tu rn ne xt week.
M r. and Mrs. W. J. C hipm an
Boulveard, returned from v is it­
ing her daughter and fa m ily , M r.
have returned fro m a successful
M r. and Mrs. W illia m Schaefer fish in g trip to the coast.
and Mrs. A u s tin McReynolds and
and sm all daughter, Suzan. have !
children, Eugene, and, another
moved from th e ir apartm ent at
daughter and her husband, M r.
922‘ i S iskiyou Boulevard to E u­
an< Mrs. Don Sprague o f Lake-
gene, Oregon, where he w ill a t­
view , Oregon.
tend college and she w ill teach
in the c ity schools.
Miss Helen Davis, Los Angeles
B illy Hays, son of M r. and
recently was a house guest in M rs. W illia m
B ellvie w .
the home of Mrs. Cad E llis. 922 as seen enough wonders re-
S iskiyou Boulevard. W hile here cenfy to start a sm all circus. To
she and her hostess visited C ra ­ begin w ith . B illy is the proud
te r Lake.
possessor of a fo u r legged duck,
V ic Richardson .form er m an­ w h ich w ith v e ry little u rg in g he
ager o f the Ashland Cham ber w ill show to any interested pass­
By Alice Burnette
Commerce, returned Sunday erby, The duck, a P ekin duck,
Talent, J u ly 25 — I w ent to
see the M ardave M otel on h ig h ­ fro m a tr ip to P ortland and L e b ­ is norm al in a ll ways except that
way 99 near the T alent Junc­ anon where he saw Mrs. F rank it has tw o hin d legs, in ad d itio n
tion. M r. and Mrs. D avid Geil Jordan, fo rm e r Ashland resident. to its norm al legs. I t is now six
ju s t opened it fo r business on He reported th a t Mrs. Jordan Is weeks old.
Then last Sunday, to m ake the
Tuesday evening. M r. G eil show ­ p la n n in g to v is it in Ashland this
menagerie com plete, a D urham
ed me through the rooms and it fa ll.
Mrs. Gene Hastings of W a lk e -, cow at the Hays ranch, gave b irth
is re a lly a deluxe model.
in each apartm ent there is a aver ue i.- on the w ay to im p ro v e - J to a two-legged calf. The calf
was born w ith no hin d elgs.
be a u tifu l m irro r. I d id n ’t ask Mr. ment.
Geil but they m ust measure at
least fo u r feet by eight feet. They
are set in to the w a ll above the
beds, w ith a shelf in fro n t on
w hich are Installed a bed lam p at
Up to 36 in.—75c
each end o f the shelf. The bed
lamps are made w ith bases of
glass b u ild in g blocks w ith the
w ire ru n n ig up between
tw o
blocks in to a glass cone.
lam p shades contrast w ith the
color o f the w alls.
The rooms are fu lly a ir con­
Of all fashionable designs
ditioned and have plastered w alls
w hich have been painted in col­
ors to com bine w ith m atching
bedspreads and drapes. The pic­
tures have been chosen to brin g
out the room colors and M r. G eil
hopes they are appreciated be­
Colors styled for western homes
cause his w ife was so p a rtic u la r
to make sure th a t they w ere just
rig h t fo r the rooms.
There are sm all re frig e ra to rs
in each room as w e ll as a com ­
plete p riv a te bath. M r. G eil is
ve ry proud of his m otel. I t has
Distributors for famous
been photographed, both in te rio r
and e x te rio r view s are to be put
in the S alt Lake C ity A u to m o ­
Long Distance
Facilities Added
You Should See
New Motel In
Talent She Says
Youngster Surprised
By Four Legged Duck
And Two Legged Calf
Full Line of Glidden Paints
F. J. Runtz Paint Store
bile News.
t v