U *7Z» StmikcSUt M u tu im i O lE S tö jN L tfs iiH R P V 111 S HUAS 4 4s(flül A T I OI NEWS REVIEW Magicians Will Organize Local Club Says McGee Anyone interexted In the a rt of rnugic is in vite d to get in touch w ith W ilia m 11. McGee, manager o th e A sh 'i nd Cham ber c4 Com merce, w ho 1 m plannin g to o r­ ganize a M agician's club In this aiea fo r am ateur ami profession al magicuns. McGee stated thut he was p ar­ tic u la rly Interested In getting in touch w ith people w ho have no p a rtic u la r background in magic, but w ho w ould lik e to take It up as a hobby. M em bership In the c lu b w ould be open to a n y ­ one interested In magic, w hethei or not he or she had any p a rti­ cular p ro ficiency in the a rt M saw ing ladles in half. Speaking of ladies, McGee pointful out that the ladies of MagU-dom, both am ateur and professional, have th e ir own famous national organization know n us "M ugiguls" und that they huve assemblies in the cous- tal states of W ashington, Oregon and C a lifo rn ia . Meetings w ill be held at re g ­ u la r in te rv a ls und w ill be ro ­ tated umong the various com- in unltiea where members live. Those w ho huve had no p re v ­ ious experience in magic w ill lie given In tsru ctlo n , according to McGee, who has been an active m agician fo r m any years and w ho has been president of th<- Pasadena M agicians G u ild , an assembly o f the Society of A m e r­ ican Magicians ami secretary of the P acific Coast Association of Mugiclans. I f there is enough interest In magic, McGee stated that groups w ould be organized fo r young­ sters and also fo r women. Setchell-Mancil Rites Held Friday Blanche G row M u n d i and John Edward Setchell were wed F r i­ day a« 8:00 p.m. at the F irst M ethodist church in Ashland by the Reverend Robert M c llv /n n a The single ring cerem ony was v. tnessed by the bride and the groom ’? fathers. H. S. G row , and W A. Stchell. The bride, who Is an Ashland high school graduate, and a res­ ident o f Green Springs, w ore u navy blue georgette dress w ith w h ite accessories. Guests included Mrs. W. A. Setchell und son, Charles, also Linda Lee M a n d i, sm all daugh­ te r o f the bride. Mr. Setchell is em ployed by tiie T alent Irrig a tio n D is tric t They w ill be at home at his ranch on D a rk H ollow road. Mrs. Ileen Kay, 316 Hargadine, called on Ernestine Hicks and Mrs. Ethel P in ke rto n at the w eather bureau on the Slskiyous last M onday evening. Mr. and Mrs. I-a rk in G rubb, 271 M orton street, were callers at the bureau at the same time. Classics on Records Scandinavian Dance Music Eric G y llin g and A. Alm stead contains: Scandinavian - Polka M arlu - Schottis Anna 1 Dalen - Vais Chicago - Schottis Nu Sa V i Dansa - Ham bo San Francisco - Polka M idnattsol - Schottis A lla Suenska F licko rs - Hambo Also in stock: C o u n try Dances Square Dances C ontinen tal Dunce Music 7* m u 270 East M ain Phone 8011 Miss Ashland Leaves For Seaside Contest Miss A nn P irtle , w ho w ill be Mis# Ashland, in the Miss O re­ gon Beauty contest being held at Seuslde this week end, le ft on Thursday fo r the resort c!»y In company w ith her m other, Mis. A ndrew H aw ver. M'ss P irtle was sponsored by Busch M otor Com pany in the p re lim in a ry beauty contest held here in conjunctio n w ith the 1th a J u ly festival. B IR T H D A Y PARTY H ELD f OR A LB ER T H A R T W E L L Wednesday u b irth d a y party was given A lb e rt Dale H a rtw a ll by his fa th e r and m other, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H a rtw e ll, and Ids sister, V iola, Mrs. Zella Con verse assisted M rs H a rtw e ll. Guests included: B etty, Frank, Jonn, L o rry , und Jim m y James; Roger Converse; and Lena, D on­ nie arid Kenneth H a rtw e ll. Mrs M H. Hess and daughter, Frances, of Helm an Baths and her little friend, Sharon S tew art, of Coolidge street, spent one dav last week on the beach at Cras- cent c ity. The B e llvie w grange held Its regular social m eeting at eight o'clock last Tuesday evening, J u ly 20, In the grange hall. Asu Stockton, fa th e r of Mrs. L lo y d Parks, B e llvie w , Is re p o rt­ ed im proved and able to be out of the hospital at Eureka, C alif., where he has been confined fo r treatm ent. Good Dog Photos May Win Contest T h a t fa vo rite p icture of your pup— here is an o p p o rtu n ity to fin d out how good It re a lly Is. The Gaines Dog Research Cen­ ter, New Y o rk C ity, has advised the News Review th a t It is o ffe r­ ing $1,125.00 In prizes fo r good. Interesting dog pictures in a con­ test sponsored as p a rt of the ap­ proaching observance of N ational Dog Week this fa ll. In order that a ll Interested in photography may have a fa ir chance fo r the prize money, en­ tries w ill be accepted in three d is tin c t classifications (1) am a­ teurs; (2) members o f camera clubs; and (3) professional photo­ graphers. In each o f the firs t tw o groups there is a firs t prize of $250, a second of $75, and a th ird of $25, w h ile in the professional photographer class there is but a single prize of $350. In the cam ­ era club classification, an a d d i­ tional $25 prize w ill go to each of three clubs w hich the w inners of firs t, second and th ird prizes w ill become the p ro p e rty o f first, second and th ird prizes w ill have named as th e ir m em bership a f f il­ iation. A ll w in n in g entries w ill Incom e the property o f the con­ test sponsor, w ho also holds the p riv ile g e o f purchasing any o th ­ er photogruphs entered in the contest at p re va ilin g m arket prices. Contest entries m ust be in the office o f the Gaines Dog Research Center, 250 Park Avenue, New Y ork, 17, N. Y. before 4 p.m. on F riday, September 10, 1948. A post card request to this address w ill b rin g a copy o f the o ffic ia l contest rules. The Rev. and Mrs. R obert Mc- Ilvenna of the M ethodist church le ft last Sunday fo r a three weeks vacation tr ip to Canada. T h e ir son, Ted, is staying here w ith M r. and Mrs. W allace Sousa and in fa n t son, Bobbie, who have moved in to the parsonage to re- m uin u n til the m in iste r and his w ife return. John G rubb and tw o of his buddies spent the week end w ith John’s parents, M r. and Mrs. L a rk in G rubb, 271 M orton street, The boys are a ll three employed at the b liste r rust control camp at U nion creek. Am ong recent visito rs to A sh­ land was Mrs. E. K. Edsall, of P ortland, w ho visited w ith her father, John R. P lttenger, and her aunt, Mrs. M am ie Orr. M r. and Mrs. H enry Shaknis, of Sams V alley, were Ashland business callers last M onday. The George Low d fa m ily m ov­ ed in to the R ollins home the firs t o f this week. The tw o fam ilies have traded places. Miss Gibsen, niece of A rth u r D a v enhlll, 46 G ra n ite street, re­ cently attended the funeral of her aunt In B akersfield, C alif. M r. and Mrs. G a rn e tt Padgett, 518 Iow a street, and ch ild re n , re ­ ce ntly enjoyed a fine fish in g and picnic tr ip to B u tte Falls. They returned w ith several fine fish. S. P. NAMES CORBETT i VICE PR ESID EN T IN RECENT PROM OTIONS A ppointm ent o f J. W. C orbett J as vice president In charge of op- . d ations fo r Southern P acific ¡company, succeeding the late L. B McDonald, has ju s t been an­ Saturday m orning travel e d i­ nounced by A. T. M ercier, pres­ tors fro m eight of the nation's ident of the railroad. C orbett’s ju ris d ic tio n extends leading newspapers w ill , » sit Ashland p rtu d y the vacation & over operations on the com pany’s recreational possibilities of this Pacific lines, serving six western c ity and to report to th e ir read­ states. His headquarters are in » ers w hat they find. They repre- San Francisco. i nl (apers in New Y ork, De­ tro it, Cleveland, P ittsburg, Des M oines, an d P h ila d e lp h ia . The editors are on a to u r of the P acific Coast vacation re ­ gions. Am ong the things w hich they w il see w h ile In Ashland w ill he famous L ith la Park. Members of the com m ittee to show the travel editors the c ity are John Cotton, Ed Slngm aster, D r Elm o Stevenson, Jake W e it­ zel, Clarence W illia m s, Bob E d­ wards, W endell Lawrence, and B ill McGee. Travel Editors To Visit Ashland This Saturday M r. and Mrs. L. R. K lm b e rg and daughter, E lin o r Rae o f San B ernardino, C a lifo rn ia , le ft last Monday a fte r spending a week w ith th e ir aunt and uncle, M r. and Mrs. C. R. Mead. 263 2nd street. M r. K im b e rg Is p rin cip a l o f A rro w V ie w high school at San Bernardino. They were g re a tly impressed w ith Oregon, especially Ashland, C rater Lake, House o f M ystery and various other points of Interest in c lu d ­ ed In th e ir to u r of Southern Ore- gon. Obituaries Jdseph Bish Joseph “ A be’’ Blsh, 100 L in ­ coln street, passed away at his home Tuesday, J u ly 20. at 11:35 a.m., a fte r fiv e years of fa ilin g health. He had resided in A sh­ land fo r seven years and in this v ic in ity fo r f if t y years. He was born O ctober 13, 1876, in Phoe­ n ix, Oregon, the son of A lle n C. and A d le y W oody Blsh. He is su rvived by his w ife, A n n ie A Bish of the home address and three ch ild re n , W illia m E., P o rt­ land, A r th u r L , M cM in n vIle and Eunice, P ortland, nine grand ch ild re n and one great grand child. His brothers, George and Lew is, and three sisters, Mrs. Meda Reynolds and Mrs. Etta Dawson, a ll of M edford and Mrs. B Amos o f P ortland. He graduated from the Old N orm al school in A shland years ago and live d in P ortland 26 years p rio r to 1941, where he was an em ployee of the P ortland T ra ctio n com pany. He had also been a school teacher. F uneral services w ere held on F riday, J u ly 23 at 2::00 p.m. in the L itw ille r - N ugent' Funeral chapel. The Rev. Ear, D ow ning officia te d . In te rm e n t was in the M ountain V iew cemetery. He was a m em ber of the C h ristia n C hurch In Ashland. Pfc. Leonard A. Pospyhala Pfc. Leonard A. Pospyhala, 963 B street ,was k ille d in action on J u ly 10, 1944. He was the son of M r. and Mrs. I. G. Pospyhala, Ashland, Oregon. Last rite s were conducted fo r him Thursday, J u ly 22, in the A shland C atholic church, Father Plus Bauer in charge. Interm ent was in the I.O.O.F. addition, of Ashland cem etery Members of the N a tional G uard acted as p a ll­ bearers. The A m erican Legion conducted m ilita r y servees. A sister, Mrs. J. E. Sm ith, Menlo Park, C a lifo rn ia was here fo r the services also. Elisa Hicks Eliza H icks o f S iskiyou Sum ­ m it, passed away suddenly at her home F rid a y, J u ly 16, 1948, at 4:00 a.m. She was the daugh­ te r of C a rlto n B. and M ar H ill Sovern, and as born at Junction C ity, Oregon, M ay 28, 1867. Her husband, J. Ernest, preceded her in death some years ago. They w ere m arried October 25, 1888 In Ja cksonville and had resided here ever since. T w o c h ild re n were born to this union, Earnestine H icks of A sh­ land and H ow ard o f Yreka. One sister, Mrs. A. H. Thompson, of Ashland, tw o g ra n d ch lld ie n and tw o great grand ch ild re n are su rv iv in g . Services were held Monday, July 19, at 10:30 a.m. a t Litw iller N ugent F uneral home. The Rev. D. E. 'M illa rd was In charge. In ­ term ent was in H argadine ceme­ tery. A large crow d of friends were present and m any flo ra l pieces filled the chapel. o. Libr, ^ Z . Formerly the Southern Oreqoii Miner $3.00 per year Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, Thursday, July 22, 1948 $3.(M) per Y e a r 0/ Tennis Tournament Starts July 26th F o llo w in g the in s tru c tio n in tennis as a p a rt of the sum m er recreation prog, am, a tennis tournam ent w ill sta rt M onday, J u ly 26 on the L ith ia P ark courts fo r those who have been a tte n d ­ ing classes. I t w ill continue on Tuesday, J u ly 27, at the high school courts fo r those who have been taking in stru ctio n on that side of town. There w ill be a singles as w ell as a doubles tournam ent fo r the tw o age groups. This tournam ent w ill run through A ugust 12. Prizes w ill be awarded w inners from merchandise donated by A shland storekeepers. Miss DeLisle Visits Here Before Wedding Miss Doreen D eLisle, P ortland, a rrive d Tuesday m orning to v is it her parents, M r. and Mrs. A. J. DeLisle, 90 7th street. Miss De L isle plans to wed Ray G eLotte o f P ortland, A ugust 1, In the Y M CA chapel. They w ill leave fo r Seattle and on to Alaska via air to live. M r. G eLotte is co-ow ner of the T ra n sp o rta tio n M otor Ship Lines at Juneau. Miss De L ifle Is a graduate o f Ashland high school and SOC. . M r. and Mrs. D eLisle w ill a t­ tend the wedding. Volume 15, Number 20 Ashland Boys To Play On All- State Ball Club Louis Langer and J e rry M itc h ­ ell, tw o of A shland high school’s more outstanding fo o tb a ll p la y ­ ers of last year, have been select­ ed as members of the Oregon State A ll-S ta rs fo o tb a ll team w hich w ill meet the P ortland A ll- Stars in a S hrine benefit game, Saturday, August 28. Langer Is a tackle and M itc h e ll Is an end. M itc h e ll was awarded the K W IN cup last year as A sh­ land High school’s most outstand­ ing player. A l Simpson, SOC coach, w ill be one o f the o fficia ls a t the game, a ll proceeds fro m the gate going to the P ortland u n it of the S h rin e r’s H ospital fo r C rippled C hildren. Smith Looking For Plants For College George Sm ith, gardener at the Southern Oregon College, this week stated that if anyone had any bulbs o r plants w h ich could be used fo r landscaping th a t he w ould be glad to fin d a g< od home or them. J. W. Corbett S m ith stated th a t progress had CLUB M EM BERS G IV E been made in landscaping the R. E. H a lla w e ll was named to MRS. KEAR M A N Y G IF T S grounds around Suzanne Homes succeed C orbett as general m an­ Mrs. Donald E. Rear, the fo r­ hall, the Student U nion b u ild in g , ager of the railroads’s P acific m er Rozella Roush, last week re­ and the Science build in g , and lines, and in tu rn was succeeded ceived a w edding package of th a t grass spots were beginning as assistant general manager by g ifts from the members o f the to show. V. M. Peterson, who advances N e il creek club. Mrs. Roush was F a ll is the best tim e fo r p la n t­ from superintendent of the com ­ m arried to Rear, June 20. ing, according to Sm ith, and he pany’s Rio Grande d ivisio n in w ill be glad to accept any o ffe r­ the Southwest. in g this fa ll to help b e a u tify the A ll of the prom oted officers campus. have had long railroad service. n .............. C orbett started in 1911 in O re­ M rs. Esther H o liste r and Miss gon and was firs t a call boy, then R uby Alderson, are re tu rn in g to a telegrapher. He advanced th ru A shland-M ed ford long distance th e ir home, C u lve r C ity , C alif., a num ber of operating positions extended v is it w ith connections we r e a fte r an and at times was located at v a r­ telephone friends in Ashland. ious points over the railroad. He ! boosted nearly 80 per cent last M r. and Mrs. W. R. R itchie, Jr. had been general manager since week, when fa cilitie s in the new and ch ild re n G ary and Ann. Mrs 1944. H a llaw ell's firs t ra ilro a d ­ coaxial cable w ere used to in ­ C ary N ix , Los Angeles, C alif., ing was in 1941 in a clerical posi­ crease circu its between the tw o and M r. and Mrs. G erald Geigei tion, and Petterson came to the points fro m 14 to a to ta l o f 25. spent Ih e week* end a f IhTT U n ­ ra ilroad as a tim ekeeper ,n 1916. R. B. Ham m ond, m anager of ion creek lodge. the P aific Telephone and Tele­ M r .and Mrs. W m. Fox M r. M r. and Mrs. F. C. Schuth, of graph company, said the a d d it­ and Mrs. Wm. S m ith and M r. and H u n tin g to n Beach, C a lifo rn ia , ional circu its were rushed into M rs. Wm. Reagan w ere among le ft last Monday a fte r spending service app ro xim a te ly fiv e m on­ the parents w ho visite d thei. the past week w ith her sister, ths ahead o f schedule to help daughters at the G ir l Scout Camp and husband, M r. and Mrs. C. R. ca rry the heaviest long d ista n ce 1 at the Lake O’ Woods Sunday. Mead, 263 2nd street. tra ffic in the h istory o f the Ash-1 M r. and Mrs. A l Snider, who M r. and Mrs. W illia m Stew art, land exchange. re ce n tly sold th e ir home in C h a r­ P ortland, Oregon .were house A little over tw o m iles of c a b le 1 leston, stopped in A shland the guests of M r. and Mrs. L a rk in w ere laid fro m the A shland of- j fore p a rt o f the week to v is it G rubb. 271 M orton street, last fice to connect w ith the c o a x ia l' th e ir sons. Bob, and B ill, and Thursday and F riday. Mrs. Ste­ ¡cable, according to Hammond, fam ilies. w a rt w ill be remembered as w ho w ire conductors in the cable, L a rry Basey and M a rk B r o u n Cathlene Salo, a form er Ashland not the coaxial tubes themselves le ft fo r the coast. They w ill re ­ high school student. were used fo r the 11 addition al M rs. Cad E llis, 922 Siskiyou [channels to the M edford office. tu rn ne xt week. M r. and Mrs. W. J. C hipm an Boulveard, returned from v is it­ ing her daughter and fa m ily , M r. have returned fro m a successful M r. and Mrs. W illia m Schaefer fish in g trip to the coast. and Mrs. A u s tin McReynolds and and sm all daughter, Suzan. have ! children, Eugene, and, another moved from th e ir apartm ent at daughter and her husband, M r. 922‘ i S iskiyou Boulevard to E u­ an< Mrs. Don Sprague o f Lake- gene, Oregon, where he w ill a t­ view , Oregon. tend college and she w ill teach in the c ity schools. Miss Helen Davis, Los Angeles B illy Hays, son of M r. and recently was a house guest in M rs. W illia m Hays, B ellvie w . the home of Mrs. Cad E llis. 922 as seen enough wonders re- S iskiyou Boulevard. W hile here cenfy to start a sm all circus. To she and her hostess visited C ra ­ begin w ith . B illy is the proud te r Lake. possessor of a fo u r legged duck, V ic Richardson .form er m an­ w h ich w ith v e ry little u rg in g he ager o f the Ashland Cham ber w ill show to any interested pass­ By Alice Burnette of Commerce, returned Sunday erby, The duck, a P ekin duck, Talent, J u ly 25 — I w ent to see the M ardave M otel on h ig h ­ fro m a tr ip to P ortland and L e b ­ is norm al in a ll ways except that way 99 near the T alent Junc­ anon where he saw Mrs. F rank it has tw o hin d legs, in ad d itio n tion. M r. and Mrs. D avid Geil Jordan, fo rm e r Ashland resident. to its norm al legs. I t is now six ju s t opened it fo r business on He reported th a t Mrs. Jordan Is weeks old. Then last Sunday, to m ake the Tuesday evening. M r. G eil show ­ p la n n in g to v is it in Ashland this menagerie com plete, a D urham ed me through the rooms and it fa ll. Mrs. Gene Hastings of W a lk e -, cow at the Hays ranch, gave b irth is re a lly a deluxe model. in each apartm ent there is a aver ue i.- on the w ay to im p ro v e - J to a two-legged calf. The calf was born w ith no hin d elgs. be a u tifu l m irro r. I d id n ’t ask Mr. ment. Geil but they m ust measure at least fo u r feet by eight feet. They are set in to the w a ll above the beds, w ith a shelf in fro n t on w hich are Installed a bed lam p at Up to 36 in.—75c each end o f the shelf. The bed lamps are made w ith bases of glass b u ild in g blocks w ith the w ire ru n n ig up between tw o $1.19 blocks in to a glass cone. The lam p shades contrast w ith the color o f the w alls. The rooms are fu lly a ir con­ Of all fashionable designs ditioned and have plastered w alls w hich have been painted in col­ ors to com bine w ith m atching bedspreads and drapes. The pic­ VARNISHES - ENAMELS tures have been chosen to brin g out the room colors and M r. G eil hopes they are appreciated be­ Colors styled for western homes cause his w ife was so p a rtic u la r to make sure th a t they w ere just rig h t fo r the rooms. There are sm all re frig e ra to rs in each room as w e ll as a com ­ plete p riv a te bath. M r. G eil is ve ry proud of his m otel. I t has Distributors for famous been photographed, both in te rio r GLIDDEN PAINTS and e x te rio r view s are to be put in the S alt Lake C ity A u to m o ­ Long Distance Facilities Added You Should See New Motel In Talent She Says Youngster Surprised By Four Legged Duck And Two Legged Calf ' CLOPAY SHADES TRIMZ PAPER DRAPES > VOGUE WALLPAPERS Full Line of Glidden Paints F. J. Runtz Paint Store bile News. t v a