Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, December 25, 1947, Image 1

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    U. oí O. Library.
Christmas Seals
F o rm erly the
Southern Oreqon
M in er
S3.00 per year
have been w inking like Santa
ClaUN* helpers for the past two
weeks what with the Christinas
rush in the (lower business and
guess what? Santa brought them
.1 new Ford station wagon, to be
used to deliver Rosem ary’s flow-
Busch to Operate
Used Car Lot at
£lay ton Motors
. an d JIM B U SCH , F o ld
dealer extraordinary, p l a y e d
Santa Claus and «sent HIRAM
WALKER out to carry a message
of good cheer to several of the
com m unity's disbelievers. Today
they all believe in Santa Claus. .
............. and the members of the
Episcopal church and FATHER
MAC have had their faith restor-
ed in Santa Claus. LLOYD SEL­
BY presented the church with a
town sedan for the good vicar’s
The children of the com m unity
this year are finding It pays to
believe in the myth First the
Lion's party, then the Klwanls
party and W ednesday the theatre
p a rty ........... Peace on earth, good
will to men.
Klamath Junction
Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Sew ard and
daughter, Jo Ann, Canyonville,
Oregon spent Saturday and Sun
day with their friends, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Moore and Ruth Ann
Mr. and Mrs. G arnett Padgett
of 518 Iowa street were callers nt
the Roush ranch Sunday.
Miss Mary Cesco called Sunday
on her friends the Carl Moires.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Klinger will
have Christm as dinner at hei
son's Jam es Gould and family.
C entral Point.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Self and
family, Central Point, called on
the C. B. Oviett family Friday
Mr. and Mrs. C. Crosslin and
family are spending Christm as
day w ith his brother and family,
Mr. and Mi’s. Floyd Cro . Iin ant.
son, Jim m ie of Ashland, also the r
m other, Mrs. Wnt. Crosslin will
join them.
Mis- A lberta Thomas, teacher
at Springfield, Oregon will spend
C hiistm as with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A lbert Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Payton will
spend Christm as and attend a
fam ily reunion with Mrs. Pay-
ton’s, parents in Medford and
tl en visit her parents Mr. and
Mis. A lbert Thomas around New
Y cars.
Mi. and Mrs. Geo. Lowd v.Ll
spend Christm as w ith Jam ei Lt-n-
nox in Valley View.
The Very Best Kind
of a
May C h ristin a , Day
and every <lav b rin g
yua untold joy an<l
From Everyone
At The
JANUARY 1, 1948
Clayton Motor company which
has been in operation at the
coiner of Main and Church since
May 1946 has leased the build­
ing at the corner lot to Busch
motors, effective January 1 ac­
cording to an announcem ent
made today by Clayton Cullen,
ow ner-m anager ol the Clayton
Motor company.
Cullen stated that he planned
to become associated with Cul­
len motors In Medford In their
truck division. Cullen has had
nine years of truck experience
with G reyhound and previous to
that was connected with various
trucking concerns in the Mid­
Cullen made no statem ent
concerning the Kaisei -Fraz e r
franchise which the Clayton
Motor company has held
Busch, p ro p rie to r o f
Busch Motors, stated that he
planned to open a used car lot
and showroom in the location
and that tt would be in opera­
tion soon after the first of the
Busch stated that his organi­
zation felt that the com m unity
needed an additional used auto
sales lot and that they would
try to fulfill the demand for
used cars.
Cullen also announces that an y ­
one desiring service on the m er­
chandise sold at his plant can
contact him at Cullen Motor Ser­
vice In Medford.
Old Dobbin Fast
Disappearing On
Farms in Oregon
Poor old Dobbin, much rever­
ed horse of fact, fiction and fan­
tasy, has really gone away to
stay and is aparently not going to
make a comeback in Oregon, re­
veals Berton E. Black, extension
statistician a t OSC.
During the past decade, the
num ber of horses and mules In
Oregon has declined 42 percent.
Black, in the agricultural econo­
mics extension departm ent, de­
clares in a new bulletin entitled,
"Oregon’s Specialty Animal In­
dustries, 1936 to 1946.” Most of
the equine anim als are found in
eastern Oregon counties w here a
m ajority of them are saddle
horses ifsed in the livestock in­
dustry. N um ber of horses and
mules totaled only 95,000 on J a n ­
uary 1, 1947, as compared with
165,000 in 1936. Light horses alone
are on the increase.
These statistics are in the new
booklet which includes data on
such Oregon speciality industries
as farm saired foul & game, goats
and m ohair, rabbits for meat,
apiary products and fish and sea
food in addition to some other
miscellaneous listings.
The volume of farm m arketings
for the entire group am ounted to
about $11,000,000 in 1943, the last
year that totals are available.
Mink and fox num bers declin­
ed during the period 1940 to 1945.
It is significant, however, that re­
ceipts from farm m arketing for
fox and mink furs and breeding
stock totaled $1,485,000 In 1945,
or 55 percent more than in 1942.
Income from the fishing industry
came to $7,781,000 from a catch
of 70,289,000 pounds In 1943 as
compared to a value of $1,995,000
from 57,741,000 pounds in 1936.
Copies of the bulletin, “O re­
gon’s Specialty Animal Indus­
tries, 1936 to 1946,” No. 679, may
be obtained through any county
agricultural agent.
*7<4e Stmihesut
. Your Protection
Against Tubérculos«
Whiled & Renzema
To Hold Servees
Ronald Whited and Raymond
Renzema, m inisterial students
from the First church of Christ,
will conduct a w eek’s Evangelis­
tic Rally at the church beginning
with the Sunday m orning service.
The Rev. Earl Downing stated
that services will be held each
night, except Monday at 7:30
p.rn. Donald will preach; Ray­
mond will lead the singing and
sing a solo each night The Youth
Chorus and the Male Q uartet of
the church will also sing each
Faculty Scatters
During Holidays
News Review To
Move January 1
C. H. Wines, publisher nJ the
Southern Oregon News Review,
announced today that the News
Review plant and business office
would be moved January 1 to a
new location at 38 East Main
Reason for the move was given
by Wines as the need for more
space in order to perm it expan­
sion of the plant and facilities of
the News Review. The new of­
fice will be open for business
January 5.
Sm ith Plum bing, which is pre­
sently in the 38 East Main loca­
tion, Is moving at the same time
to 137 North Pioneer. C. Leonard
Smith, has bought the building
which form erly housed P rew itt’s
Oil Burner Service from O. P.
Prew itt made no statem ent
concerning his future plans.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Singm aster
family are planning to
spend the holiday season with
Mr. Singm aster's p a re rts in Cal
Edwin Barron, a student at the
University of W ashington, will
spend the Christm as holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mi's.
Hugh Barron on their ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Marsh,
Duluth, Minneasota, arrived S at­
Paula Mackey, 125 Oak street
urday to visit Mrs. Marsh's sis­ left Saturday for Lakeview, to
ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. visit David B arker’s granddaugh­
Clayton Cullen.
ter. She returned Monday.
A Visit From St Nicholas
By Clement C. Moore
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
I he stockings were hrfhg by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And Mamma in her kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap—
When out on the lawn there rose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the m atter. ,
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon, on the breast of the new-fallen snow',
Gave a luster of mid-day to objects below;
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear.
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
1 knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name:
"Now, Dasher; now', Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On! Comet, on! Cupid, on! Dunder and Blitzen—
To the top of the porch, to the top of the wall!
Now, dash away, dash away, dash away all!”
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So, up to the house-top the coursers they flew.
With a sleigh full of toys- -and St. Nicholas too.
And then in a twinglmg I heard on the roof,
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As 1 drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St, Nicholas came with a bound.
1 Ic was dressed all in fur from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back.
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
His eyes how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His chocks were like roses, his nose like a cherry;
His drool little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard on his chin was as white as the snow;
I he stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face, and a little round belly,
That shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly,
lie was chubby and plump— a right jolly old elf;
And 1 laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.
1 Ic spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,«
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose.
H e sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle.
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle;
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
Christm as vacations find the
Southern Oregon College facul­
ty leaving for rests, visits and
conferences all over the country.
Miss Helen White of the Eng­
lish D epartm ent has left for N or­
th Dak ita to visit her family.
Mr. L' on Mulling, Speech and
dram a, will be in Los Angeles
to visit friends and do some re ­
search at U.S.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Williams
are leaving for Colorado to see
their families. Dr. Russell El­
liott, history, will attend the
meeting of the Am erican Histor­
ical Association at the U niver­
sity of California. Dr. A rthur
Taylor, social science, will a t­
tend the meeting of Internation­
al Relations Association in Los
Angeles. Dr. John Schulz, psy­
chology, will visit U niversity of
Southern California. Miss Bev­
erly Shere, Women’s Dorm itory
Director is visiting friends in
Southern California. Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn M atthews have gone
to see their fam ily in San Jose,
W inter swept into this neighbor
hood, Monday w ith all the fury
and gusto a strong wind could
m uster.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Costerison
form er owners of the Dollar Hide
place on the Siskiyous on Old
Pacific Highway were Ashland
I visitors recently.
FHA Announces
New Loan Plan
In Farm Buying
Volume 14, Number 42
First Christmas
Show Wednesday
At the Varsity
BEGINS AT 2:00 p.m.
W ednesday at 2 00 p.m. the
first annual C hristm as show spon
sored by Ashland m erchants will
take place at the V arsity theatre.
The show' is being given free and
is for the children of the com­
m unity.
The feature picture is “A
Christm as Carol” w ith Jean Lock
hart, and T erry K ilburn and in
addition to the feature, ten car­
toons will be shown.
M erchants who are sponsoring
the show include: Pentzers Dress
Shop, Lithia Barbers, Memory
Lane Studio, Jordan Electric Co.,
Fortm iller’s, Ralph A. Foster S er­
vice Station, Sullivans Signs.
Ashland Hotel Coffee Shop, A sh­
land Beauty Shop,
Standard Cleaners, W estern
Oil and B urner Co., Palace Cafe.
K en’s Jew elry, Bushnells Studio,
H ardy’s Cash H ardw are, J. C.
Penney Co., Chipm ans Fountain
and News Stand, XL Electric,
The Hillside Salon, Lithia Motors.
W ardrobe Cleaners,
Beach and R etter Service S ta ­
tion, The W hite House Grocery,
Selby Chevrolet Co., Ashland
Laundry, Clayton Motor Co., E x ­
cel Dress Shop, College Cleaners,
Lithia Bakery, Hambys D rive In
M arket, K enneth P errine, A sh­
land Flower Shop and G reen
Houses, and Ashland Recreation
C enter....................................
The Farm ers Home adm inis­
tration has added a new feature
Mr. and Mrs. E. Tinsley and
to its lending program which children are expected to arrive
perm its private lenders to make Friday to spend the holidays w ith
farm purchase, enlargem ent and Mrs. Tinsley’s parents, Mr. and
developm ent loans with m ort­ Mrs. J. L. Steele of the Sharon
gages by the federal govern­ Ann motel. The Tinsley’s are
ment, announces Cecil J. Young- from Seattle, W ashington.
strom, FHA field representative,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robbins,
San Bruno, California, are e x ­
The authority for the insured pected to spend the holiday sea­
farm m ortgage program , states son in A shland and Medford,
Youngstrom, is contained in the visiting relatives and friends. Mr
Farm ers Home adm inistration Robbins was form erly w ith hte
act of 1946 which amends the postoffice in Ashland.
Bankhead-Jones farm tenant act.
K enton Robbins, Parm a, Idaho
The original law specified that with Mr. Robbins.
only direct governm ent loan wife and her m other and father,
funds could be used in the FHA Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Harwood,
Medford. Mrs. Robbins, and
The farm ownership program Nola Sue, will retu rn to Idaho
is designed to enable farm ten­ w ith Mr. Robbins.
ants, sharecroppers and farm
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Viets and
laborers to buy and operate fam ­
two children, Nancy and Henry,
ily type farms, and to enable
arrived in Ashland Monday even­
owners of undersized and under­
developed farm s to create ade­ ing to spend the Christm as holi­
days w ith Mrs. Viets parents, Dr.
quate family farm units.
The new feature — providing and Mrs. E. P. Borden. They will
retu rn to their home in Long
insurance for m ortgages of pri­ Beach Friday.
vate lenders—is intended to ex ­
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. O’H arra and
tend the benefits of the program
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. O’H arra are
to larger num bers of people and
* o encourage private
. . enterprise
for Los
yisit Dec. 26
and Angeles
J at
to m ake the loans
tend the Rose
Each insured m ortgage loan is Years
based upon a norm al earning
Mrs. Don Travis m et her hus­
capacity a p r/a isa l of the farm
band in K lam ath Falls last F ri­
by a federal appraiser. This ap ­
day and flew to A shland with
praisal m ust be approved by the
FHA county com m ittee m ade up him on the last leg of his flight
from Nome, A laska which he
of three persons, at least two of
covered in 39 hours flying time.
whom are farm ers. The com m it­
He said that was good tim e con­
tee also considers the qualifica­
that there are only 3 Vi
tions of applicants.
to 4 hours flying w eather daily in
This type of loan is only avail­ the far north.
able to applicants who are u n ­
Mr. and Mrsi A ustin McRey­
able to get the necessary credit nolds, Gwenn and Larry, Eugene;
at the rates and term s prevailing
In their community, Youngstrom Mr. and Mrs. Don Sprague, Lake
View and Co. and Mrs. A rthur
adds. Veterans are given prefer­
Ellis, and sons, Hugh and David,
ence for all loans.
A therton. California are spending
To protect the governm ents in­
the holidays with Mrs. Nellie Ellis
terest, the FHA assists each bor­ 922 Siskiyou Blvd.
rower to develop sound opera­
tion methods.
Mr. and Mrs. William Briggs,
Twelve county FHA offices Jr. are home from Pasadena for
'T i are operated in Oregon, located ' the holidays.
In the cities of Albany, McMinn­
Verniece Vroman is home from
ville, Salem, Oregon City, Hills­ Northwest Nazarene college, at
boro, Eugene, G rants Pass, Kla- Nampa, Idaho, for the holiday
m ath Falls, Madras, Redmond,,' season. She Is the daughter of
LaGrande, and Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Vroman.