U. oí O. Library. Christmas Seals ( DOING The TOWN F o rm erly the Southern Oreqon M in er S3.00 per year 3.00 PER YEAR MRS LARKIN GRUBB, JOHN GRUBB, AND JEANNE HESS have been w inking like Santa ClaUN* helpers for the past two weeks what with the Christinas rush in the (lower business and guess what? Santa brought them .1 new Ford station wagon, to be used to deliver Rosem ary’s flow- Busch to Operate Used Car Lot at £lay ton Motors CULLEN LEASES LOT 4 BUILDING EFFECTIVE . an d JIM B U SCH , F o ld dealer extraordinary, p l a y e d Santa Claus and «sent HIRAM WALKER out to carry a message of good cheer to several of the com m unity's disbelievers. Today they all believe in Santa Claus. . ............. and the members of the Episcopal church and FATHER MAC have had their faith restor- ed in Santa Claus. LLOYD SEL­ BY presented the church with a town sedan for the good vicar’s use. The children of the com m unity this year are finding It pays to believe in the myth First the Lion's party, then the Klwanls party and W ednesday the theatre p a rty ........... Peace on earth, good will to men. Klamath Junction News Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Sew ard and daughter, Jo Ann, Canyonville, Oregon spent Saturday and Sun day with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moore and Ruth Ann Mr. and Mrs. G arnett Padgett of 518 Iowa street were callers nt the Roush ranch Sunday. Miss Mary Cesco called Sunday on her friends the Carl Moires. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Klinger will have Christm as dinner at hei son's Jam es Gould and family. C entral Point. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Self and family, Central Point, called on the C. B. Oviett family Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. C. Crosslin and family are spending Christm as day w ith his brother and family, Mr. and Mi’s. Floyd Cro . Iin ant. son, Jim m ie of Ashland, also the r m other, Mrs. Wnt. Crosslin will join them. Mis- A lberta Thomas, teacher at Springfield, Oregon will spend C hiistm as with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Payton will spend Christm as and attend a fam ily reunion with Mrs. Pay- ton’s, parents in Medford and tl en visit her parents Mr. and Mis. A lbert Thomas around New Y cars. Mi. and Mrs. Geo. Lowd v.Ll spend Christm as w ith Jam ei Lt-n- nox in Valley View. i The Very Best Kind of a May C h ristin a , Day and every Harra and Angeles J at to m ake the loans tend the Rose Each insured m ortgage loan is Years - 8 day. based upon a norm al earning Mrs. Don Travis m et her hus­ capacity a p r/a isa l of the farm band in K lam ath Falls last F ri­ by a federal appraiser. This ap ­ day and flew to A shland with praisal m ust be approved by the FHA county com m ittee m ade up him on the last leg of his flight from Nome, A laska which he of three persons, at least two of covered in 39 hours flying time. whom are farm ers. The com m it­ He said that was good tim e con­ tee also considers the qualifica­ sidering that there are only 3 Vi tions of applicants. to 4 hours flying w eather daily in This type of loan is only avail­ the far north. able to applicants who are u n ­ Mr. and Mrsi A ustin McRey­ able to get the necessary credit nolds, Gwenn and Larry, Eugene; at the rates and term s prevailing In their community, Youngstrom Mr. and Mrs. Don Sprague, Lake View and Co. and Mrs. A rthur adds. Veterans are given prefer­ Ellis, and sons, Hugh and David, ence for all loans. A therton. California are spending To protect the governm ents in­ the holidays with Mrs. Nellie Ellis terest, the FHA assists each bor­ 922 Siskiyou Blvd. rower to develop sound opera­ tion methods. Mr. and Mrs. William Briggs, Twelve county FHA offices Jr. are home from Pasadena for 'T i are operated in Oregon, located ' the holidays. In the cities of Albany, McMinn­ Verniece Vroman is home from ville, Salem, Oregon City, Hills­ Northwest Nazarene college, at boro, Eugene, G rants Pass, Kla- Nampa, Idaho, for the holiday m ath Falls, Madras, Redmond,,' season. She Is the daughter of LaGrande, and Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Vroman.