Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, March 25, 1943, Image 3

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    SOUTHERN OREGON MINER. Ashland. Oregon
Bird Embroidery Will
Lend a Cheerful Note
<K. fk. ft. fl. ft« ft« ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ^« ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft.
ft. ft« ft. ft.
ft. ft. ft.
A quiz with answers offering ’
; ANOTHER *Worma,ion
on various subjects ?
ft. ft. ft. ft« ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft« ft« ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft, ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft.
The Queationa
Crisp, Cool Salads
Bid Spring Welcome
Use a lemon juice dressing for
these orange slices, salad greens
and tomatoes, thus saving oil for
other household uses.
L'llLST Cal! to Spring—In charm-
ing bird motif« for your bed­
spread! The birds perch, fly, flut­
ter their wings und look real
enough to burst into song. Each
has n different flower background
«-a chance for color!
• • •
Pattern 7487 contain! a transfer pattern
ot eight l!i by 3'» Inch motifs and eight
smaller motif!; stitches; materials need­
Send your order to:
Sewlns Circle Needleeraft Oepu
11V Minna SC.
Saa Francisco. Calif
Endow IS cents (plus one cent to
cover cost of mailing) for Pattern
Mo. ••••••••••••••
Name................ . ...............
Many users any "firet uas is
arevaUtx.n " Ilaaaliaw >f
old faalimnod million suet,
Orandma'a favorite. Cfener-
oua>ar 2At. douUeaupply Uf.
lleiuaud etainlias I'eurUo.
Tests for Youth
To prove and improve the power
of mind, to win an appreciation of
be auty, to give the spiritual side a
chance to expand—these are tests
which youth owes to itself.—
Charles Seymour.
You want to make the meat you buy
today go as far as possible-and still
serve it as tastily as possible. Well,
here’s a grand way to stretch ham­
burgers and at the same time give
them new taste-interest I Make "bran­
burgers”—with XKLLOOO'a sll - ssam !
Delicious I Also, gives you all the valu­
able proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin»
and minerals found in six-sasnl
Kellogg's All-E an Branburgers
! er«
t tmapiMin« Mlt
>4 teaspoon (>epp«r
1 tableapoons
minowl onio*
I tablet in win
chopped parsley
1 cup milk
*4 cup rat tup
1 cup Kellogg's
All Bran
Beat egg slightly, add salt, pepper,
onion, parsley, milk, catsup and
All-Bran. Let soak until most of mois­
ture is taken up. Add beef and mix
thoroughly. Shape Into 13 patties.
Bake tn hot oven (450* P.) about M
minutes or broil about 20 minutes.
Yield: 6 servings (13 314 inch bran­
Soothing Resinol allays
Irritation of externally caused pimples,
thus hastening healing. Try It today!
*7 '■
(Cwilien foniti
Ç mf ») *
ttiki Ww Siringi BsedttRUian
Outdoors it 6 m ? be little tufts of
green grass and tender shoota on
the trees that let you know spring is
on the wing, but indoors you can do
the trick by bringing fresh vegeta­
ble plates and crispy salads to your
Sulads and vegetable p'ates are
truly the first harbingers of spring
when it comes to
menu • making.
Oh, yes, I know
you've been serv­
ing salads and
vegetables during
winter, but with
spring you have
choices and fresh
colprs from
i to choose.
Several attractive combinations of
' vegetables on a single platter—or
salads—can tide you over many
meatless days. Then, too, they'll
bring life-quickening vitamins and
minerals to your diet to help get
rid of whatever winter's cobwebs
you may have accumulated in your
Speaking of salads brings up the
problem of dressings, and with that
the scarcity of fats for salad oils.
There are several alternatives, the
first of which is lemon juice either
alone or with a bit ot sugar as
dressing for fruit salads.
Many of you perhaps like simple
vinegar dressing with just a touch
of salt and pepper This perks up
flavors in vegetables, inexpensively,
Your french dressing of course can
be made with mineral oil in the ab­
sence of other oils. Long used in
reduction diets, mineral oil makes a
nice dressing for light spring salads.
It is nut absorbed by the body, so if
you're trying to gain weight, be sure
to include other fats for body use.
If it's mayonnaise you like, here’s
a recipe which requires only a half
cup of oil and a single egg yolk.
Looked Mayonnaise.
1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons flour
14 cup water
H teaspoon salt
14 teaspoon pepper
14 teaspoon mustard
14 teaspoon paprika
I egg yolk
14 cup salad oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Melt butter, blend In flour. Add
water slowly and cook until thick­
ened. Cool, then add salt, mustard,
pepper, paprika. Beat in egg yolk,
then add oil slowly, beating all the
while. Last add lemon juice.
Vegetable Plate.
Stuff tomato with cottage cheese
and chives and place in center of
platter. On either
mound of crisp
carrot strips and
asparagus, cooked
or canned, with a
of lemon
rind. Potato salad
and crisp cole slaw complete the
Cole Slaw Dressing.
(For 214 cups cabbage)
44 teaspoon salt
14 teaspoon pepper
114 tablespoons sugar
Lynn Says:
Vitamins Plus or Minus? It all
depends upon how you handle
them. To retain maximum
amounts of vitamins in cooked
foods, use as little water as pos­
sible—just enough to prevent
from sticking.
Get on your mark, start quick­
ly. Not a track race, but a vita­
min race. You start with boiling
water for cooking, and cook rap­
idly—thus cutting cooking time to
a minimum and saving precious
food values.
Covered utensils without stir­
ring are prescribed. Stirring and
uncovered utensils put air into
foods and destroy vitamins.
Avoid violent, furious boiling.
This is modern, streamlined, pro­
tective cookery—to preserve val­
uable vitamins.
1. What is the name ot the char­
acter ”it”?
2. What travels at the rate of
This Week’s Menu
approximately 1,000 feet a second?
3. The mythical maidens who
Vegetable Platter: Tomato
are said to hover over battlefields
Stuffed with Cottage Cheese,
are called what?
Carrot Stripe, Asparagus,
4. What is a talesman?
Cole Slaw, Potato Salad
5. What is known as the mile-
Hot Biscuits
high city?
Cherry Pie
0. How does the water of the
Great Salt lake in Utah compare
with the water of the ocean in salt
B tablespoons cream
3 tablespoons lemon juice
7. Who was the father of King
Combine ingredients in order giv­ Solomon?
en and mix thoroughly with cole
8. How many vice presidents of
the United States have been elect­
If hot slaw is your favorite dish, ed to the office of the chief ex­
here is the ideal dressing for it:
0. Who discovered the process
Hol Slaw.
of canning food?
2 egg yolks, slightly beaten
10. What Is the highest naviga­
14 cup vinegar
ble lake in the world?
14 cup cold waler
1 tablespoon butler
1 tablespoon sugar
14 teaspoon salt
3 cups shredded cabbage
Combine egg yolks, water and
vinegar. Add butter, sugar and salt.
Cook on low heat until thickened,
stirring constantly. Add cabbage
and reheat.
With the absence of pineapple of­
ten these days, we like something to
use to give tartness to salads. In
the following recipe you can use
grapefruit to good advantage:
Grapefruit and Carrot Halad.
(Serves S)
1 package lemon-flavored gelatin
1 cup hot water
14 cup grapefruit juice
14 cup vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
114 cups grated carrots
14 cup chopped grapefruit
Add hot water to gelatin and stir
until dissolved. Add fruit juice and
vinegar. Chill until slightly thick­
ened. Add carrots, grapefruit and
Pour into mold which has
been rinsed with cold water. Chill
until flrm. Serve on lettuce with
mayonnaise or french dressing.
A heavy dinner calls for a green
leafy salad with loads of crunchi­
Lettuce-Spinach Salad.
(Serves I to l|
1 head lettuce
14 pound spinach
1 teaspoon salt
ft. ft. ft«
8. Five. John Adams, Jefferson,
Van Buren, Theodore Roosevelt,
and Coolidge.
9. Nicholas Appert, a French
confectioner, in 1808.
10. Lake Titicaca, between Peru
and Bolivia. It is 12,644 feet above
sea level, 138 miles long and 69
miles wide.
fl« ye' E-Z-Rteer. A radically different «led.
Adds new thrills to coasting. Easy, Inex­
pensive to build. !^?.irn more about this
Writ« today.
Enclose 3r stamp.
Aquarian Age Industrie», Mohawk, N. Y.
How To Relieve
Creomulslon relieves promptly be­
cause It goes right to the seat of the
trouble to h' lp loosen and expel
germ laden pnlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender, In­
flamed bronchial mucous mem­
branes. Tell your druggist to sell you
a bottle of Creomulslon with the un­
derstanding you must like the way it
quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your money back.
for Coughj. Chest Colds. Bronchitis
The Anewere
1. Ampersand.
2. Sound travels approximately
1,000 feet a second.
3. Valkyries.
4. A person summoned to serve
on a jury.
5. Denver, Colo.
With Fortune
6. The water of Great Salt lake
If fortune favors you do not be
is about six times saltier.
7. David was the father of King elated; if she frowns do not de­
The name GROVES on every package
Of B Complex Vitamins is your bond
of assurance—a symbol of guaranteed
quality. Unit for unit, you can't get 6ner
quality vitamins. They're distributed
by makers of famous Bromo Quinin«
Gold Tablets. GROVE'S B Complex
Vitamins are economical! Regular
size—just twenty-nine cents.
Large size, more than a
month's supply—only one
dollar. Get GROVE’S B JHrf
Complex Vitamina tedav!
• EVERYWHERE... On th« farm,
in th« suburbs and in th« cities
nutrition-conscious housewives
are placing n«w dependence on
Clabber Girl, th« baking powder
that has been • baking day fav­
orite in millions of homes for
years and years.
Founded 1*4«
14 teaspoon pepper
2 hard-cooked eggs
1 cup sour cream
2 tablespoons vinegar
Chill and chop spinach and let­
tuce. Add salt, pepper, vinegar and
chopped hard-cooked eggs to 14 cup
of the sour cream. Just before serv­
ing, add to spinach, lettuce and re­
maining sour cream.
This vegetable plate tastes as de­
lightful as It looks and adds plenty
of spring color to your table. Stuffed
tomato, carrot stripe, asparagus,
cole slaw and potato salad are used.
The cottage cheese in this salad
contributes calcium to the diet, the
apples and celery give vitamins and
peanuts are a surprise In flavor and
in their contribution to nutrition:
DON’T Let Our Fighting Boys Down; ★
★ Subscribe NOW for U. S. War Bonds
Apple-In-Cottage-Cheese Salad.
3 apples, coarsely diced
1 cup diced celery
14 cop diced cucumber
14 cup sharp french dressing
1 pint cottage cheese
14 cup chopped, salted peanuts
Wash and dice unpeeled apples.
Toss apples, diced celery, cucum­
ber in french dressing, until well
coated. On each salad plate place
crisp lettuce, and then with a spoon
shape 14 cup cottage cheese into a
ring. Fill ring with apple mixture,
and sprinkle with peanuts. Top with
| mayonnaise or a fluffy salad dress­
Carrot, Cabbage, Peanut Salad
(Serves 16)
4 cups carrots, shredded
3 cups cabbage, shredded
3 cups diced, unpeeled spplcs
2 cups peanuts
Cooked salad dressing
Have all ingredients cold. Com­
bine In order given and add just
enough salad dressing to combine
lightly together. Garnish with sprigs
of parsley and chopped peanuts.
Lynn Chamber» welcome» you to
submit your household queries to her
problem clinic. Send your letter» to
her at IF estern Newspaper Union, 210
South De»plaine» Street, Chicago, Illi­
nois. Don't forget to enclose a »lamped,
self-addressed envelope for your reply.
Released by Western Newspaper Union.
When Your
Back Hurts -
And Your Strength and
Energy Is Below Par
It may be caused by disorder of kid­
ney function that permits poisonous
waste to accumulate. For truly many
people feet tired, weak and miserable
when the kidneys fail to remove excess
acids and other waste matter from the
You may suffer Barring backache,
rheumatic pains, beadaches. diexmeas,
Kttlng up nights, leg pains, swelling.
metTmeo frequent and scanty urina­
tion with smarting and burning la an­
other sign that something la wrong with
the kidneys or bladder.
There should be no doubt that prompt
treatment is wiser than neglect, fee
Doan’s Pill». It is better to rely on a
medicine that baa won countrywide ap­
proval than on something less favorably
Known, /loan's have been tried and teet-
ed many years. Are at all drag stores.
Get Doans today.
D oans P ills