Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, August 27, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, Aug. 27, 1942
‘Titrer’ at Home
Page 3
Loan fund Thrifty,
Trustee Report Shows
The trustees of the Ben E
Evans Student Loan fund recently
filed their 13th annual report with
the county court.
This fund is the bulk of the es­
tate of the late Ben E. Evans who
left the principal in the hands of
a board of trustees, with authority
to use the income for the pur­
pose of assisting worthy students,
living St and adjacent to the ci:
of Ashland, to obtain an education.
During the 13 years this fund
has been administered, 402 loan.;
have been made to 205 different
individuals. The total loan fund
now Is (18,118 00 The principal :
investment fund aggregates (4i. -
800. Interest rate of 3 per cent p .•
annum is charged on all lo u
Total loans made (46,099 25. Loai
paid to date of the report (34,-
093.00. Unpaid loans outstand;:
(12 006 25, of which (1,775 50 w
charged off as losses. Recovers <
of (648.75 leaves net los.i s
Considering the volume of k,a i
handled and that, in all cases, bor­
rowers are without employment ‘
the time the loans are made, the
trustees feel that the low per< ■ -
tage of loss indicates a high ratio
of integrity on the part of these
young students.
The board of trustees is com­
posed of the following: J. W.
McCoy, chairman; F. E. Engle a; .
G. H. Wenner.
Larry McPhail of the Dodgers
says he expects to be in some
branch of the service next year
. . . The Green Bay packers have
lost 18 players to the armed for­
ces; the Detroit Lions have lost
18 . . , An engineer has designed
Dave Bruce, out of a job. arrlvea at
an automatic pitching machine
Wilbur Ferrla* Croat liar ranch Curran,
that hurls the ball at a speed of
the foreman, promlaea hlrn a job It he
can break a borer called Hlack Dawn
204 miles anhour . . . Seven play­
When he auccrrda. he dlacovera Curran
ers with the Buffalo Bison»—Ti­
e«|.e< i. <| the hoi,» to kill him
A girl
ger farm club have been out of
named Gila rldea up. angry wlth Dave
the lineup with broken bones this
She retuw»
for breaking "her" hor»e
to apeak to Dav» aven whan he u«e»
hla aavlnga to pay »IT tha murtgag»
When Hunk Anderson, Bears'
on the amafl ranch aha »hare» with her
line coach, played in the Notre
foater father. a man named Hooker
Dame line he was called "Rock­
When Hooker 1» killed by a »hot fired
ers” by his team-mates because
through the window. Lola haa Dave ar-
l>l<-k Ressi, 2tt-yr«r-ol<l "Filing
reeled for murder
Hut when the lo­
of his flat feet . . . Ted McGraw,
Tiger,” came home from Burma lo
cal people, encouraged by Curran at­
Dodger scout, says that two Class
"find a nice quirt »pot for a week "
tempt to lynch him. Ia»la and Hlack
C and two Class D farm teams
In six months hr had shot down »lx
Dawn eave him. but Iola la wounded
have folded with their respective
“confirmrd" Jap« and anothrr six
They ara now back at Huoket'a ranch
leagues due to the war . . . Gott­
"probablrs.” Ilr haa rrcrlvrd two
fried Von Cramm, German tennis
mrdal» from thr Chlnrsr govern­
ment. Ko«»i Is plclurrd here with
ace, imprisoned by the Nazis, has
hla niece, Judy Murray.
been returned to Berlin from the
"You think I'm goin'
eastern military front ... Al
leave you like this?" Dave asked.
Simmons will start working at
I didn't think you would But
the Willow Run bomber plant as
I'm going with you. And we’ve got
soon as the current baseball sea- I
ll<- gathered the girl Into hl» arm* and »taggered Inta II
to slurt right now They may be
son ends . . . Pacific coast football
on their way here.”
they had been along thia trail Ferris. "You put that man Curran coaches are agreed that Califor-
"Where to?"
nia's Golden Bears will win the
"There’s a place I know where
They were almost at the bottom you sent away my good cowhands
they won’t find us. It’s a cave in of the ravine, for beyond it the and brought in a gang of Mexi- conference championship this year
the mountains I found once, long cliffs towered up to meet the coal- cans,
ago. You'll be safe there till they black sky. There was green grass
"And now this Bruce feller
get tired of looking for you, Ol­ I underfoot, and the sound of a riv- I comes along and E plays hell gen-
think you've got clean away."
I ulet falling from the rocks above. erally, and, after his murdering
"You ain't strong enough io
I»is reined in Black Dawn. old Hooker, that girl, Lois, stages
ride, Lola.”
"This is the place, Dave," she said, a rescue from the lynching party.
i Author ofSlitit
"I reckon I'm all right. Give me and slid from her saddle, to fall I want to know what’s behind it.”
Lonergan bit off the end of a
your hand ” Hhe struggled up into in a crumpled heap upon the grass
Dave flung himself upon his cigar and lighted it. He emitted a
Fancy breads and rolls always a sitting posture. "1'11 be all
are greeted with cheers wherever right,” she said, slipping to her knees beside her. The upper part puff or two of smoke before re­
they appeur, so the homemaker feet. “See!" She swayed for a of the overalls, already stiffened plying
“So you think I’ve ridden you
who keeps her bread box well filled moment, and Dave put out his with blood, was wet with a new
may rest in the assurance of being hand anxiously, then stooo ilrm flow from the wound. Lois was too hard, Ferris?” he asked. “Well
prepared for impromptu snacks
I on her feet. "First of all, you want breathing gently, but she had maybe I have seen my advantage
and taken it when it came along.
Quick breads anti refrigerator u gun Mr. Hooker had a forty-five dropped unconscious.
In the face of the rocks immed­ Lemme see. Ferris,” he continued
rolls corfte In the* catagory of short and a box of cartridges under his
iately to the right of him Dave in an irrelevant manner, “you
cuts because they are definitely bunk. See if you can find l.iem.”
labor-saving fooOR, May to n
Dave went into the adjoining saw the entrance to a cave. He must be close on sixty, if I’m not
and giving a large return for the room and found the jfun which he gathered the girl into his arms mistaken."
“What's that got to do with it?”
time and effort spent in making thrust into his bolster. He went and staggered into it. Then he laid
back and found lxils trying to lift the girl down on the pebbly floor. demanded the ranchman.
"Quite a lot,” said Lonergan.
Dave tore off his scarf and made
Whenever breudatuffa are to a slab of bacon from a hook beside
take an Important part in meals thr door.
a pad of it, compressing the "Why go on worrying and mud­
It'S essential to keep in mnxl then
He lifted it down, got some wound and holding it ¡.here for dling your head with things that
food value All breads arc energy flour ami coffee and carried them minutes When he gently removed bother you? Ever think of a little
foods because their chief ingredi­ outside. Ixils came to the door
it, there came another spurt of place in California to end your
Players in the major leagues
ent flour Is of high caloric
"Black Dawn will come when a blood. Again, this time for half an days in peacefully? A place where ought to know by now that an um­
value .Modern "enriched" flours cull him,” she said, "and Mr. Hook­ hour, Dave held the compress in you won't ever have to think of— pire is never wrong. As you might
furnish added vitamins and miner­ er's horse. We'll be all right. The position, and when he ventured to well, of me? I'd never trouble you, guess, Livingston of the Phils,
als, while the quick breads made saddles and reins are in there." remove it the flow had dwindled if you should decide to sell out to whose back is to the camera, and
who is arguing with Umpire Bar­
with eggs, molasses and dried She pointed toward the shed be­ to a small trickle.
"Of course, prices having drop­ lick during a game with the Giants,
fruits contain many valuable food hind the cabin, its outlines just
He readjusted the bandages and
visible in the dense darkness Then went outside, unsaddled the horses ped so low, I couldn’t make you a lost this one to his nibs.
A raisin or nut bread made she whistle,! tv.
and left them to graze. He took a very advantageous offer, but if
with molasses takes care of the
A moment or two later Dave tin cup from his roll and felt his you liked to consider eight or nine
sweet problem too. so these breads heard the sound of a horse's hoofs way foot by foot toward the sound thousand dollars—why, you could
are worth serving on many counts scrambling up to the edge of the of running water. Hi- found a little go a long ways with that in Cali­
Rulxln Bread
mesa. In the light that came from pool that splashed down into the fornia."
"You devil!" shouted Ferris,
Three-fourths cup of raisins, 1 the cabin he could see the big stal­ ravine, filled the cup. carried it
cup hot water, 1 egg, 4 tablesjxxins lion coming at a slow lope toward back to Lois and forced the con- springing to his feet. "So that's
what you've had in mind, getting
granulated sugar, S cup molasses, the girl. Behind him was the vague tents down her throat.
11 a teaspoon soda. 2 cups flour, outline of another horse Hook­
Spreading his blanket in the me out of the district! I guessed
Reporting Office General Office
*x teaspoon salt, 1 a taaapboa cin­ er’s.
cave, he picked lhe girl up and it!"
"You guessed right. Ferris," an­
Feeling his way into the shack, placed her upon it. After that
Seed and chop raisins and sim­ Dave found two saddles and bri­ there was nothing to do but wait swered Lonergan. There was a
Phone S751
Medford Center Building
mer in water until tender. Beat dles He brought them out and for dawn.
egg with sugar and molasses. Lns- saddled Hooker s horse, while Ixiis
It came after an immeasurable now. in place of the sardonic look.
240 East Main, Ashland
Phone 2261
aolve soda in two tablespoons wat­ did the same to the black. Then I time, stealing down the ravine and "After all, Ferris, you owe me ev­
er from raisins Mix and sift flour, Dave wrapped the package of food glowing rosy upon the mountain erything you’ve been, don't you?
salt and cinnamon. Combine all in­ in his slicker roll and placed it be- tops Now it began to grow light No, I'm not going back over old
gredients and turn into an oiled hind the cantie.
inside the cave and Dave could see times But that's my offer.”
and floured loaf pan. Br^ke .’»0
"The Cross-Bar’s worth forty
that this extended backward for a
"Listen!" Lois whispered.
minutes in mixlerately slow oven
Straining his ears, Dave could considerable distance. Tney seemed thousand if it's worth a penny!"
—You make it, We Record it!
(350 degrees F)
hear the sound of horse hoofs secure enough, so long as their Ferris shouted.
m teamed Boston brown bread al­ somewhere below.
There must food lasted.
ways is popular and harks back to have been at least half a dozen
As he bent over the girl, her lips when prices lift,” responded the
the hardy fare of our pioneer days. animals, to judge from the show- moved; he could just catch the other. “I’M make it nine thousand
Nteiuneil Hoston Brown Breed
clear, if you accept my offer and
ers of shale that were being dis­ fragmentary muttering:
Two cups sour milk. 1 cup mo- lodged. The posse was upon their
"We'll save him, B/ack Dawn. quit within the next two weeks.”
lasses, 1 cup corn meal, 1 cup rye trail.
Ferris was standing like a sta­
He didn't do it. He's not the mur­
flour, 1 cup graham flour, 1 tea­
Dave darted into the cabin and dering kind." Then she slipped tue, but slowly his head and shoul­
spoon salt, 1 teasjHxin soda
ders bowed. A look of utter misery
put out the light. He had no doubt back into unconsciousness
Dissolve soda in sour milk. Aud it had been seen. A yell from the
A sudden feeling of tenderness came over his face.
with molasses to dry ingredients lower mesa indicated that fact, swept over him. Why, this was his
"Listen, Lonergan,” he pleaded.
and mix thoroughly. Turn into and there sounded the thud of girl he'd known it irom the first "You know how I came into this
Permanent PRICES!
well oiled molds, cover and steam horses galloping over the stretch moment he had seen her.
district years ago—"
3 hours. Pound baking powder
"With Blane Rowland, your
Mescal was seething with ex­
"We're just in time," Lois whis­
cans make good molds hill molds pered.
citement the following morning partner, who ran off with that
not more than two-thirds full.
Dave swung her into her saddle when Wilbur Ferris rode in. Cur­ check for the cattle.” interposed
California Health Bread
and mounted Hooker's horse. Cur­ ran had aroused the ranchman at
One cup whole wheat flour. 2 ran and his men were close at dawn and informed him of the
"I've made my home here. It’s
cups bran, 1 cup buttermilk or hand now. but they still had to events of the night, and the futile hard to have to pull up stakes and
sour milk.
cup nut meats, Li cup surmount the slope that ran up to attempt to follow the trail of the start afresh If you'd make it
(1.50 Cleaning Order. Plain garments—50 cents
molasses, Vacup seeded and cho
the topmost mesa. And the next
cash and carry.
ped raisins, Ai teaspoon soda.
Judge Lonergan s house was the be done. But can't this business
instant the black was moving si­
teaspoon salt.
lently away into the scrub, and substantial one. Lonergan's Mexi­ be settled somehow else?"
Add soda to milk and stir into Dave's horse was following.
“Nope,” answered Lonergan de­
can servant admitted Ferris into a
dry ingredients. Mix well and turn
The horses knew the trail in the comfortably furnished living room, cisively. "My offer’s nine thousand
into a well oiled loaf pan. Bake darkness, for they picked their where Lonergan was seated at his and it's got to be accepted or re­
one hour in a slow oven (325 de­ way through what seemed an al­ breakfast table.
jected within the next couple of
823 Siskiyou Blvd
Phone 6336
grees F.)
"Morning, Ferris," Lonergan days. And two weeks to vacate.
most impenetrable growth of
--------------------- •--------------------
stunted jackpine and aspen. The greeted his visitor. "Sit down and You'll have to excuse me now. Fer­
FOR SAI-E Red roan Durham fugitives had been just in time. have a bite, won't you? I've got a ris, because they'll be r.Uiting for
bull. J. B. Jones, 7 Plaza. 31-32 They could not have been more quarter of an hour before holding me to impanel the jury.”
He walked past the ranchman,
than 150 yards from the cabin the inquest over old Hooker.”
CHEAP printing la cx|M<naive. when there came an outburst of
He wiped his mouth with a nap­ took down his hat from a stag’s
Have your work done RIGHT nt savage yells, and the rattle of a kin, leaned back and surveyed Fer­ antler in the hall, and clapped it I
ris with a sardonic look that was on his head. Wilbur Ferris, who
fusillade of gunfire.
"We got yuh, Bruce!” Dave not lost on the ranchman. Wilbur had been watching him ih dumb
despair, moved slowly toward the
heard Curran shouting. "We saw Ferris sank heavily into a chair.
"What the devil's
all this mess door.
that light. We know you two is
thar. Come out and take it, or about?” he demanded fiercely.
we'H burn the shack over yore "Damn you, Ixmergan, I believe
you brought that murdering cow-
heads. We got yuh surrounded."
But the black and Hooker's poke into this district for some in­
brown horse had already penetrat­ fernal reasons of your own."
"Now that doesn't do credit to
ed the tangle of undergrowth and
were ascending a trail running your intelligence, Ferris,” respond­
steeply up toward the mountains ed Lonergan, after draining his
The utter silence of the moun­ cup of coffee. "Fact is, I never set
tains now Dave and Lois riding eyes on him till he came into the
side by side over the uplands. A Wayside Rest, day before vester-
sense of joy in Dave’s neai ; such day, and paid off old “
Eye» Overworked 7 Just put two drop» of
as he had never known, He leaned mortgage interest.”
Murine in each eye. Right away it »tarts to
"I want to know what that girl.
cleanse and soothe. You get—
toward Lois.
"Yuh feelin’ better?” he asked, Lois Hooker, is to you,” said Fer-
Quick Relief! All 7 Murine ingredients wash
"It ain’t far to that cave yuh ris. "What did you bring the Hook­
•way irritation. Your eyes feel refreshed.
ers here for, and why have you
spoke of, is it?"
Murine helps thousands—let it help you, too.
"Not far now.” she answered, kept them here these 12 years
and he noticed with apprehension past ? And why did you decide that
| the time had come to get rid of
how weary her voice sounded.
Lois, in the lead, turned Black them?"
“Go easy, Ferris," Lonergan ad-
Dawn aside, and Dave perceived,
F or V our
in the faint starlight, a narrow i Vised him. "You don't want to wor­
trail that ran away from a ravine' ry about my business. I’ve stood
through a spindling growth of as­ by you a good while now, when
pen. The horses were going down you’d have been down and out,
h deep slope now, bracing their and — ”
shoulders firmly, half walking and
'■/ep, you’ve about drove me to j
V. i. Trtaiurf Dtfartmtni
half sliding. It was evident that. my limit, Lonergan,” answered j
— ana----
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