Thursday, Aug. 27, 1942 ‘Titrer’ at Home SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 3 Loan fund Thrifty, Trustee Report Shows LACK DAWN- The trustees of the Ben E Evans Student Loan fund recently filed their 13th annual report with the county court. This fund is the bulk of the es­ tate of the late Ben E. Evans who left the principal in the hands of a board of trustees, with authority to use the income for the pur­ pose of assisting worthy students, living St and adjacent to the ci: of Ashland, to obtain an education. During the 13 years this fund has been administered, 402 loan.; have been made to 205 different individuals. The total loan fund now Is (18,118 00 The principal : investment fund aggregates (4i. - 800. Interest rate of 3 per cent p .• annum is charged on all lo u Total loans made (46,099 25. Loai paid to date of the report (34,- 093.00. Unpaid loans outstand;: (12 006 25, of which (1,775 50 w charged off as losses. Recovers < of (648.75 leaves net los.i s (1126.75. Considering the volume of k,a i handled and that, in all cases, bor­ rowers are without employment ‘ the time the loans are made, the trustees feel that the low per< ■ - tage of loss indicates a high ratio of integrity on the part of these young students. The board of trustees is com­ posed of the following: J. W. McCoy, chairman; F. E. Engle a; . G. H. Wenner. Larry McPhail of the Dodgers says he expects to be in some branch of the service next year CHAPTER VIII . . . The Green Bay packers have lost 18 players to the armed for­ SYNOPSIS ces; the Detroit Lions have lost 18 . . , An engineer has designed Dave Bruce, out of a job. arrlvea at an automatic pitching machine Wilbur Ferrla* Croat liar ranch Curran, that hurls the ball at a speed of the foreman, promlaea hlrn a job It he can break a borer called Hlack Dawn 204 miles anhour . . . Seven play­ When he auccrrda. he dlacovera Curran ers with the Buffalo Bison»—Ti­ e«|.e< i. <| the hoi,» to kill him A girl ger farm club have been out of named Gila rldea up. angry wlth Dave the lineup with broken bones this She retuw» for breaking "her" hor»e year. to apeak to Dav» aven whan he u«e» hla aavlnga to pay »IT tha murtgag» When Hunk Anderson, Bears' on the amafl ranch aha »hare» with her line coach, played in the Notre foater father. a man named Hooker Dame line he was called "Rock­ When Hooker 1» killed by a »hot fired ers” by his team-mates because through the window. Lola haa Dave ar- l>l<-k Ressi, 2tt-yr«r-ol