Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, April 10, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, April 10, 1942
l>M'ture on Christian NcieMO
Entitled) “Spiritual Achieve­
ment Through the Understand­
ing of Christian Mclence.”
By Lnelu C. Coulson, C. M. B.
of London, England
• Mi« R W SwartMley and son ami family
Bert spent Faster In Ashland, • Curtis McGrew Hr., u resident i
It is sometimes asked how we
coming from Salem where Mr«. of Die Talent area for many years, , dare to claim spiritual perfection
SwniIsley is employed In the of­ passed uwny at his home in Cen- for num when on every side there
fice of Secretary of State Earl tnil Point Wednesday. Mr Me-1 are evidences that he is both sick
Snell Bert has iieen employed in (hew was OU yea is of uge and and sinful. The answer Is that we
the capital city until recently and 'eaves a wife and three sons, Cur-' do not claim this for a mortal
was one of the das« <>f draftees its, Melvin und Elroy, all of Pros Th)« distinction is made no clearly
leaving Jackson county Wiilnee ' pret. »•''•neral services were held an«l convincingly by Christ Jesus
in the Conger Funeral Home cha­ In hi« conversation with Nicode­
day evening.
• Mi and Mr« William Alexan- pel at Medford. Interment ws« mus that it in wot th while to con­
der of Portland paid Ashland a made in the Btearns cemetery Sat- sider that story. When the ruler
of the Jews came to him and ques­
brief visit Wednesday enroute to unlay afternoon
San Diego on a short vacation • Mi and Mi« Harry Whitehead tioned him, Je«u« said that to see
Alexander, n well known printer who spent the past winter in Ber­ the kingdom a man must be born
of Portland, Is muster warden of keley, Calif,, returned to their I again, or an the exact tran«lation
air raid wardens in his district of home here on Gibson street White- han it, "be bom from above."
the Rose city and «tales that he head will be employer! at Camp« "That which Is bum of the flesh is
flesh,” he continued, "and that
baa about six hour« a day for his White
own affairs and the rent of the • Bob Keith and Earl Sommers1 which is born of the Spirit is spir­
time is devoted to warden duties. of H«'utll«' visit«'«! thcli parent« it. " One in mortal, the other im­
mortal The*- two never mingle,
• Miss Edna Fehlge, tciicliei in during the Easter vacation
tlie Junction City school syatitm, • Ml«« Marie Schuler and How­ although like the wheat and the
•pent the Easter week-end with ard D»ckwood were united in mar­ tare« they seem to grow side by
iclntives In Ashland Returning to riage at the Meth<Mil«t parson age side. That which is of the flesh
Junction City Bunday evening, she Satunlay by Rev Asth-fonl A remains mortal, imperfect, that
was accompanied by her mother, few friends witnessed the cere­ which is of the Spirit, sinless,
Mrs Frank Feiiige, who made a mony. Both attended the Talent stainless, Immaculate
high school. Dickwood In employ­ we do not make a mortal good,
short visit there
• Guests of Mi und Mrs W. O. ed at the Boeing plant in Seattle but let the mortal give place little
Sander over the Easter week-end • 1’ J Selby was admitted to the by little to the immortal. In so
were their son, Opl vi< Bandar, hospital in Medford Monday morn­ doing what appears to take place
tun! Pvt. Charles Johnson, who are ing for medical treatment He han is the emergence of a better, hap­
been ill for the past two week« pier, and healthier human being.
stationed at Pendleton.
• Rev Howiiril G Eddy, pastor of with n heart aliment
What does it mean to be born of
the First Presbyterian chuich. Is • Mi« Bert Nichol« of Fresno, the Spirit?
It means that th<*
in the Veteran«' hospital in Port­ Calif and Mrs Edna Tedrick of Christ-idea awakes in us. which
land for a checkup and medical Klamath Falls visited their mo from then on Is the governing fac­
tiler, Mrs Jim Hcott. last week.
tor of our experience. It means
• Mrs P D McDougal of laike-
view sjM-nt Easter with Mr. und
Mr«. Carl Fehlge and Mr. and
Mrs. Kelly Parsons.
• John Broudy is spending a few
«lay« in Eugene attending to busi­
ness matter«.
A traveling examiner of oper­
ators and chauffeur« 1« scheduled
to lx- at th«' Ashland i lly hall be­
tween the hour« of li a ni and 3
p m. Monday, April 13 Those
wishing permits or licenses to
drive cam are asked to get in
touch with the examiner during
those hours.
About People You Know
Hung by Thumb in Tiny Trap',
Freezing Rancher Signals Aid
of Mrs
Boi g
that the intellectual acceptance of
Truth bows before a knowing of
Truth’s actuality, which is beyond 1 J
ail argument and beyond ail doubt- *
Ing, because it is an inward con­
viction of that which is. Its first
fruit is Joy, and with it come«
always a lessening of the trust in Answers to these questions will lie
found on another page.
materiality The mortal has be­
gun in however small a degree to Answers Will Be Found r.iw
where In This Issue
That which is bom
1. For what is the little town
from above has nothing of the
human about it. Bein gap!ritual of Kitty Hawk, N. C. known to
the world ?
only, it is indestructible.
2 How many national parks has
is there any experience equal in
importance and desirability to this the United States?
3 How many important rivers
new birth ? Without it we have
only the letter, therefore without has Sweden ?
4. How large is Russia?
it heaven Is not opened. With it
5. What region is known
the divine possibilities begin to un­ »
fold and even our human exper­ Central America?
6. What astronomer discovered
ience is tiathed in a new and fairer
light If that light sometimes does that the earth revolves.
7. What tomb in India is one of
not seem to last it is only because
a further rebirth is necessary, for the most beautiful buildings in the
as Mr*. ICddy tells us, the new world ?
8 With what newspaper was
birth goes on continually until we
William Cullen Bryant as.wxnated
reach eternity.
for 50 years?
How do we gain the new birth?
9. How large is Manhattan
Nicodemus laid down prejudice, Island ?
and was ready to learn and to in­
10. How long has platinum been
quire from one who had less au­ known to man ?
thority an dleaming humanly than
himself And it was night when he Que« t Ion« Will Be Found Else
came to Jesus. If it is night with
where In Thin Issue
you, be of good cheer, for that la
the moment when the mortal is
most ready to yield and when the WANTED SOMETHING BETTER
The gallant captain was show­
idea of beauty and glory which Is
your true selfhood la most likely ing the fair maid over his ship.
“This,'’ he explained, “is the
to appear It is this man "bom of
the Spirit" which Christian Sci­ quarter-deck."
"Indeed!” rejoined the sweet
ence claims for each of us as per­
fect and spiritual and demonstra­ girl graduate "And where is the
ble. The maintaining
this truth 50-cent deck ?’’
about man brings the spiritual
idea into view and results in
CHEAP printing is expensive.
Have your work done KIGHT at
the Horne of Better Printing------
Dependable Protection at
Keasonubie Kate*
FOB RENT’ cards at the
Miner office.
Bunday, May 10 has been desig­
nated as the day Talent grange
will attend services in a body at
the Methodist church.
• Mr«. Waybum Kenyon and two
children, Mary D*u and Tony, of
Ashland «pent Tuesday with her
parents, Mr. and Mr«, Al Sher­
ard. Mrs. Sherard who has been
an invalid for almost the past
year remains the same condition.
• Mr«. Oeta Miller and son Merle
of Fresno, Calif, spent last Wdd-
neaday in Talent visiting relatives !' TTfTTÎTTTt
»••• • .4. • • • s
and friends. Mrs. Miller is a for- ;
iner resident.
• Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cowdrey •
entertained at dinner on Easter
Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Un­
ruh of Prospect and Mr. and
Mrs. R. F. Parks.
• Frank Mannas of Klamath Riv­
er near the coast spent Easter
Do you realize that the car you have now is
with his sister, Mrs. Eliza be tn
going to have to last for the duration? It is
• Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Green and "i
one of your most precious possessions. Do
family who have lived at Prospe«
the past winter, returned to their
not let it stand out in the weather. Build a
home here.
Green is employed
with the Skeeters logging com­
garage and protect your investment. We
have figures on many sizes and types of
• The Talent extension unit held
an open meeting at the city hall I
garages which can be built now and paid for
beginning at 10:30 a. ni. Wednes­
day. The topic for discussion was
on easy monthly terms.
Women and Uw, by Miss barrell,
who was accompanied by a law­
yer. A covered dish luncheon was
served at noon.
• Mr. and Mrs Elvis Cochran
and two children of Chiloquin
were week-end guests of their pa­
rents, Mrs. Elizabeth Learning and
Mrs. Edith Coffman. Cochran is
employed with Copco.
KEN WEIL, Manager
• Mrs. Ethel Maxwell returned
Oak Street at Kailroad
home Sunday morning from Seat­
tle where she spent the past two
weeks wjth her son, Bob Adams,
Protect Your Car
• Subscribe for The Miner today.
We Have ’Em!
Wear a Cross
at Easter
Ramsey’s Jewelry
WANTED Rhode Island
hens Box 396, Ashland.
■mall tractor, have about
acre Victory garden to work
around fruit trees. Quote price
to Victory gardener, Miner. 13tf
1VITH a steel ring driven kept his arm as motionless as pot-’
’ ’ through his thumb, linking sible, but had to struggle to re­
him securely to a wire fence on main on his tip-toes. The pain
continued to be intense because
a remote part of his Idaho ranch, with each wavering motion of his
A. M. Chase, of Sebastopol, Calif., body the ring points sank deeper
stood in the darkness of a winter through his thumb.
night trying to figure out how he
He waa soon becoming ex­
could escape freezing to death be­ hausted by this effort and the chill
fore help might come.
of the sleet storm. He could not
He had gone out alone to finish break the wire, and he had no
building a pen into which'he was Fliers with which to open the ring,
going to put some pheasants the
hen he thought of a possible way
next morning. The sides and top of getting help, although it
of the pen were made of heavy seemed like a forlorn hope.
wire mesh nailed to four posts.
“Using my free hand, I got my
As a quick and cheap way of link­ flashlight out of a hip pocket/*
ing together the edges of the Chase said. **I snapped the switch
side and top wires, Chase was and. facing around as much as I
using “hog-rings," jointed steel could, I pointed the beam off in
rings with sharp points which the direction of the ranch house.
snap together and lock.
This light had fresh batteries in
It was i getting dark, with a it, and thanks to them 1 was
heavy wii ind and sleet storm beat- finally able to locate the house
mg about him, as the rancher be-
“1 tried to play the light on the
fan putting in the last of the rings. windows, but this was not easy
6 reach the top of the wire, Strung up as I was. the beam
some eight feet from the ground, wavered and swung about, but I
he had to stand on tip-toe, pulling kept on, although about all ir.
the wire together and inserting from pain, cold and exhaustion.
the rings with his left hand, then At least one of the boys noticed
using the other to snap the steel the light on the glass and stepped
circles together. As he reached outside to see what was going on
up to put Tn a final ring he missed Then they came on the run and
the edge of the side wire, driving cut me loose. It was none too
the ring points through his left soon.”
thumb, in an instant he was
Chase faced the loss of his
locked to the edge of the top wire, thumb owing to the deepness of
hung up by one arita.
the wound and the possibility of
After the first shock of pain, infection. But prompt care and
Chase tried to concentrate on fig­ good luck have brought him
uring out a way to get loose. He through.
If the bomba the Japs are using
were like the electric bulbs and
toy* they used to send us they
would be worn out before they hit
the ground.
WANTED TO BUY—5- or 6-
room house close in. .Modern in
every way, with basement and
garafe. Small down payment,
rest like rent within reason.
Z M. Miner oince
Scene near Chase ranch, where freeling weather begins in Sep­
tember and thermometer drops to II below aero. Inget A. M. Chase.
take paMcngern to Medford and
return. Also roundtrip during
the evening. Dial »061.
Mrs. O’Harra Given
Miscellaneous Shower
• A miscellaneous shower was
given Friday evening at the home
of Mrs. R E Conner, with Mrs
Frank Denham of Medford as
hostess, for Mrs. Dale O’Harra. a
recent bride Many beautiful and
useful gifts were presented the
honoree Dainty refreshments were
served on Individual trays after
nil gift« were $bown Twenty five
guests were present Out-of-town
guests were Mrs Floyd Ding of
.Medford, Miss June Conner of
M.-ill"i i Mi - M I’ O'Harra of
Ashland. Mrs. John lb'ward of
Eugene, Mrs L C Hill Ji of
Glendale, M in L. C. Hill of Ash-
lumi. Mr«. Frankie Denham of
Medford. Local guests were Mrs
Earl Duncan. Mix Frank Duncan,
Mr« Elizabeth Fh-guth, M um Em-
ogrne Fleguth, Mr« Roy Coghill,
Mrs Vic M iihoii ,
M i .«
i'liai., .
Dmg. Mrs Joe Spitz«-!. M in Wil­
Mrs. Claude Jones,
liam Hart,
Mr«. Eddie Jonis, Mrs. It E Con-
ner, Mrs Clarence Holdrige, Mrs
Lem Frink, «Miss Meta Jeiyi Frink,
Mrs. Ray Burnet I, Bertha Hay-
num and Mrs. Dale O'Hiirra
• Talent grange met Thursday
evening at regular session and
made plan« to meet only once a
month until October because of
the tire and gasoline rationing
and the work to do during the
summer month«. The program for
the evening was in keeping with
the blaster «canon, Hinging Easter
hymn« This was followed by an
amusing skit put on by the chil­
dren of the Talent school. A quiz
contest closed the program. On
Tuesday, April 14, the home eco­
nomics club will meet at the home
Page 3
Gunter Fuel Co
42 Helman
Dial 5751
Dr. L. W. Staffers
Hours 8-1! and 1-5
Medical Bldg.
Phone 5211
If you don’t want to sell
your property, don’t list it
with us!
For Real Estate
WASTE paper to giveaway; bring
65 N. Main A 345 E. Main
your own sacks. Southern Ore­
s - ------------- —---- —----------- ——
gon Miner.
IF you have anything to sell or
trade, try a small ad in the Mi­
NEW people are coming to Ash­
land daily. Do you keep boarder«,
have you a furnished room to let?
house« for rent or sale? Try an
ad in the Miner.
ER. WELDING. Training in a
shop in Ashland. Ore.
Engineering and Scientific Lab­
oratories, Main St. Tigard, Ore.
WANTED--Young Buff Orping­
ton rooster. Good stock. Reply
this paper.
WANTED TO BUY—good used
heater, wood or oil. Must be in
good condition and priced right.
S. Ore. Miner.
CHEAP printing is expensive.
Have your work done RIGHT at
the Home of Better Printing------
To the Printing Trade:
We have taken over from
the West Coast Ink Co.,
Portland, several hun­
dred pounds of Triangle
High Speed job ink and
for a limited time only
offer this stock at $1 per
pound laid down to pur­
chaser if check accom­
panies order. Otherwise
price will be $1.50 per
pound, the standard
You can use this ab­
ning job black on 98
per cent of your
Send orders to
Miltenberger & Crawford
167 East Main St.
Ashland, Oregon
Litwiller Funeral Home
We Never Close
Phone 4541
Southern Oregon Credit Bureau
Reporting Office General Office
Phone 3751
240 East Main, Ashland
Medford Center Building
Phone 2261
—You make it, We Record it!
Permanent PRICES!
$1.50 Cleaning Order, Plain garment«—50 cents
cash and carry.
H’3 Siskiyou Blvd
Phone 6336