Friday, April 10, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER l>M'ture on Christian NcieMO Entitled) “Spiritual Achieve­ ment Through the Understand­ ing of Christian Mclence.” By Lnelu C. Coulson, C. M. B. of London, England • Mi« R W SwartMley and son ami family Bert spent Faster In Ashland, • Curtis McGrew Hr., u resident i It is sometimes asked how we coming from Salem where Mr«. of Die Talent area for many years, , dare to claim spiritual perfection SwniIsley is employed In the of­ passed uwny at his home in Cen- for num when on every side there fice of Secretary of State Earl tnil Point Wednesday. Mr Me-1 are evidences that he is both sick Snell Bert has iieen employed in (hew was OU yea is of uge and and sinful. The answer Is that we the capital city until recently and 'eaves a wife and three sons, Cur-' do not claim this for a mortal was one of the das« <>f draftees its, Melvin und Elroy, all of Pros Th)« distinction is made no clearly leaving Jackson county Wiilnee ' pret. »•''•neral services were held an«l convincingly by Christ Jesus X in the Conger Funeral Home cha­ In hi« conversation with Nicode­ day evening. • Mi and Mr« William Alexan- pel at Medford. Interment ws« mus that it in wot th while to con­ der of Portland paid Ashland a made in the Btearns cemetery Sat- sider that story. When the ruler of the Jews came to him and ques­ brief visit Wednesday enroute to unlay afternoon San Diego on a short vacation • Mi and Mi« Harry Whitehead tioned him, Je«u« said that to see Alexander, n well known printer who spent the past winter in Ber­ the kingdom a man must be born of Portland, Is muster warden of keley, Calif,, returned to their I again, or an the exact tran«lation air raid wardens in his district of home here on Gibson street White- han it, "be bom from above." the Rose city and «tales that he head will be employer! at Camp« "That which Is bum of the flesh is flesh,” he continued, "and that baa about six hour« a day for his White own affairs and the rent of the • Bob Keith and Earl Sommers1 which is born of the Spirit is spir­ time is devoted to warden duties. of H«'utll«' visit«'«! thcli parent« it. " One in mortal, the other im­ mortal The*- two never mingle, • Miss Edna Fehlge, tciicliei in during the Easter vacation tlie Junction City school syatitm, • Ml«« Marie Schuler and How­ although like the wheat and the •pent the Easter week-end with ard D»ckwood were united in mar­ tare« they seem to grow side by iclntives In Ashland Returning to riage at the Meth