Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, December 12, 1941, Image 1

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The writer of thin column In I
happy to announce the parenthood
of a staunch American Although
a mere girl, ahv demonatrated her
frarletHneaa and her democratic
»pirli by arriving regardless of
war. anticipated air raída, black-
onta, foga and cold weathri But
a few houra old ehe waa trying to
ir|M-at Roosevelt's apeech the laat
time we visited her In the hoapltal
The war of IJemocraclea va
IHctntora now enclitica the gioia*
with almost every country In some
way Involved
No need now for the navy to
advertise nor Washington to con­
script recruits Blue blooded men
are offering their aervicea to help
atop the treacherous enemy
Calmly and quietly the citizens
of Aahland are following blackout
orders, realizing aa never before
that war la confined not to Ku-
rope but may atrike our chorea
at any moment.
Curtailment of nibla-r may be
the flrat major aetback to private
car owner» and not oil and gaao-
line aa waa first expected
Few blur cellophane wrapped
packages will be mailed from thia
vicinity Irrivera arc buying thia
article to dim hradllghta during
—>-■ ...... ....
To the Editor:
It is now reported that laat
summer's collection of aluminum
¡tola and pans la still on dump
heaps instead of In the si my or
navy The fault, says OPM. Is
Mayor lai Guardia's "Hizzoner”
has the floor
Tile Willamette squad that Jour­
neyed to Honolulu to show the
natives how to play football, la re­
ported stranded We imagine if
the lads ever get back to the good
old I'SA they will hereafter pie
fer to play teams nearer home
The university also will probably
clamp down on globe-trotting
< < <
In order to keep the record
straight, aa Al Smith waa wont to
remark, Herr Hitler's original
name, if you don't hapi>en to know
it alieady, waa Schlcklgruber
r f f
'•Oh say. can you see ” About
time the citizt-nry were Indicating
then palrlotlsrn by floating “Old
Glory" to the breeze
r r <
Japan complains of bring en­
circled. Maybe so, but what'a go­
ing on over there Isn't exactly
< < <
Indications arc that World War
No 2 will breed a flock of mil­
lionaires as per usual
r r <
Too often an investigation simp­
ly resolves into a white-wash Job
Volume X
"The Htar” will be I the theme of
Evening of
the thin! annual
Christmas Music to I I m - presented
by the students of the Ashland
public schools in the 1 Junior high
school auditorium at H p
Thursday, Dec. IM.
A huge chorus of 125 voices
will result from combining the
Junior high school chorus with the
high schooll a capella choir, for
which the high school orchestra
under the leadership of Gordon
Tripp will provide a musical back-
ground The program which will
consist of solo, instrumental and
choral numbets will be directed by
Harriet Koehler, vocal music sup­
ervisor The school art depart­
ments also are doing their bit to
add to the Impressiveness of the
program by providing a huge
star, silvered trees, stained glass
window and other decorations
Robes for the high School choir
are bring provided by the P-TA.
This concert will be free to the
public as in previous years, si­
though those attending are re-
quested to bring some item of
food, clothing or a toy which the
students later will distribute to
needy families
Following la the complete pro­
gram of the "Evening of Music:”
Orchestral Prelude. "O Holy
Night,” Adam
Trumpet Call
Processional. "Hark the Herald
Angels Sing ”
Medley of Carols
Quartet and Trio: u Deck the
Halls; b The First Noel; c. It
Came Upon the Midnight Clear;
d We Three Kings: e O Utile
Town of Bethlehem; f
a "Grant Us To Do With Zeal
Bach; b. "Adoramus Te, Christe"
M<>zart in laitin (Old Masters!
A Capella Choir
"A Christmas Song." Adam
Junior High Chorus
"Lost Tn the Night," Chrietlsn-
sen A Capella Choir. Solo: Sue
Adagio from ' Moonfight Rons-
ta.” Beethoven Choir with piano
and violin Wilma Fronten and
Harlalee Wilson
Cantata "The Star of Bethle­
hem," Carrie Adams a Oh. Come.
All Ye Faithful: b Good-Will to
Men Choir and Chorus c The f
Shepherd's Vision tenor solo and
soprano solo Bob Dunn and Sue
Parkinson d Star of the East
Georgia Taylor. Shirlev Weiss.
Donn Hufman. Choir and Chorus
e A Mother's Carol contralto so­
lo Dorothv Parr f Room for the
Bov's Chorus solo
by Bill Cooke g The Glorious Star
Soprano solo Marilee Erwin
h. Oh. Sing Unto the Ixird Cho­
rus and Choir and Gir's' Chorus
Joy U> the World' Choir. Cho*
rue, Orchestra and Audience
It Is reauested that there be no
applause during the concert.
Simpson’s Hoopers in
Scrimmage Sessions
Number 50
-k’hccls Cooperate In I
National Defense
Plans for full cooperation of
the city schools with national de-
fense were revealed by Supt Theo
J Norby at the regular meeting
of the school board Tuesday eve­
ning One feature of this cooper­
ation will be the introduction of
first aid training in both the high
school and the Junior high
The problem of the Washington
school again came before the
board at T*uesday night's session
and plans were made for a meet­
ing in the near future with How­
ard R Perrin, architect, for the
discussion of the repair of the
present building.
------------- •--------------
Since Monday night. Ashland
has Joined in the general black­
outs which have been observed
throughout the entire northwest
coastal area put into effect by the
war department.
Volunteer wardens who have
been on duty each night during
blackout hours report very satis­
factory cooperation from the pub»
lie in making the blackouts com­
plete, but point out that there
has been some misunderstanding
| of the necessity of observing the
blackout regulations during the
early morning hours. In regard to
this the army air command has
emphasized that the hours before
The Ashland fire department and after dawn are the hours
organized an emergency squad at when bon m bera can be expected
a meeting Tuesday evening to as­ i the most and since these are the
sist the regular department in any dangerous hours the blackout lim­
situations which may arise from it has been set up
the present emergency.
Another problem that has arisen
men are all volunteers and a lead­ is tne absolute necessity for op­
er is appointed for zones through­ aque material in blacking out
out the city which correspond with rooms in homes or business hous­
the fire wards.
es. The wardens report that they
Fire Chief Clint Baughman is have had to warn several who
also stressing the need of public have felt secure in curtaining
education as an important factor their windows with a single thick-
of civilian defense against fire and ness of dark cloth. The defense
bombing hazards. The chief dis­ committee suggests that one room
cussed this phase of civilian de­ preferably the kitchen, be care­
fense at a meeting of the Wash­ fully made light proof in order
ington school P-TA Thursday af­ that lights may be used there dur­
ternoon and pointed out import­ ing blackout periods.
ant precautions such as having
It also has been emphasized that
garden hose and buckets of sand all cars are to be off the streets
available He also reviewed air­ during blackout periods regardless
raid information which was re­ of lighting equipment, except
cently presented at a meeting of those which have received the per­
for chiefs by a member of the mission of authorities. Certain
Scotland Yard force in London.
trucks carrying emergency sup­
plies and perishable goods have
been permitted to go through.
Ed Martin, head of the county
air raid warning service, has re­
The adult and young people's i quested additional volunteers to
choirs of the Methodist church assist in the 24-hour watch which
under the leadership of R. H. has been maintained atop the
Lithia hotel, in Bellview and on
Cooke will present the Christmas
The long hours
cantata, "The Mystery of Bethle­ the Siskiyous.
have worked a hardship on those
hem," at 7 .30 o'clock Sunday eve­
now on duty, so more observers
Ashland Lions were host to the ning. Dec. 14 This cantata is said are needed to lighten the load.
<rnambers of the high school foot­ to be one of the 9»ost, beautiful -Volunteer* may rV girt er kt the
ball squad at a dinner given at the produced in recent years picturing civilian defense headquarters at
Civic club house Tuesday evening. the events in the birth of the the armory.
The dinner is an annual event of Saviour.
------------- •--------------
Mrs. Frank Davis will be at the
the club honoring the members of
the squad and the coaches at the
program with "Pastoral Symph­
Close of the season
After listening to the radio ad­ ony" by Handel. The cantata will
Telephone users are re­
dress of President Roosevelt, the consist of the following numbers:
"The Prophecy." sung by Paul
quested to refrain from plac­
program got under way with a
ing long distance calls other
few words of welcome by R. I. Byers and the choir. *
"The Shepherds." a choral num­
than those which are abso­
lutely urgent as long as the
coaches and squad members Then ber in which a duet is sung by
present national emergency
"Sparky" Bourque of the Medford Mrs Jean Byers and Frances Bro-
continues. Manager Aikin an­
Ice Arena showed movies taken bert
"O Little Town of Bethlehem."
nounced today.
at the ice carnival in Madison
Due to communication needs
Square Garden and discussed the a solo by Mrs. A. C. McGee.
"The Wise Men,” sung by J. F. |
of our armed forces vital to
formation of hockey leagues for
Emmett and Allen McGee, assist­
our defense, government calls
the Medford rink.
ed by the choir.
will have priority over all ci­
"The Guiding Star," a choral
vilian calls and delays on ci­
number by the choir.
vilian calls can be expected.
"Moonlight Over Nazareth," by
Aikins also said that all
| Roland Diggle. Offertory played
possible telephone facilities
by Mrs. Frank Davis at the or-
and personnel have been mo-
bilized to the fullest extent for
"Prince of Peace," sung by
the present emergency and
The Oregon •nterr<*r'e-»‘-‘ ’
George Mason, assisted by the
the usual coo|»eration and un­
ketball season gets off to a start choir.
derstanding on the part of
tonight on the Southern Oregon "Emmanuel," sung by Paul Byers
the public will be greatly
College of Education court when and the choir.
the Sons, victorious in two pre­
The postlude. "Gloria" from the
------------- •--------------
season clashes, face the strong
_ 12th Mass by Mozart, will be
Eastern Oregon squad from La played by Mrs. Frank Davis.
Grande tonight and tomorrow
The public is invited to attend
this program which will begin
The Eons have beaten the Naz- promptly at 7:30 o'clock.
The new 1942 Oregon license
arene college team from Namna.
plates will blossom forth on motor
Ida., and split with the College
vehicles after Monday. Dec. 15.
of Idaho Thev won from Mt. An­
when it becomes lawful to attach
gel, also in the Oregon Intercol­
hem. Earl Snell, secretary of state,
legiate league.
said today reminding motorists to
The Southern Oregon College of make early application for the
Coach Jean Eberhart of the
Sons expects his clever ball team, Education basketball team, open­ new plates to avoid mail conges­
featuring the fast break, to give I ing the local college season last tion during the holiday season.
Friday night, surprised the fans
the Eons a tough battle
Motor vehicle registration in
The games are to begin at 8 by thoroughly trouncing the Rub­ Oregon now exceeds 400.000. the
o'clock each night and the Down­ enstein Oregonians of Eugene 48 year 1941 being the first time in
town Quaitei backs club nromises to 31 and going on to smear the history this figure was reached.
Klamath All-Stars 40-32 here Sat- If a large portion of these owners
entertaining preliminaries.
urady night.
delay their applications till late
Wes Peters, last year reserve, this month, the resultant conges­
showed great improvement as he tion due to holiday mailing will
led his team in scoring and gen­ work an inconvenience on many
eral floor play. The Rubes led1 drivers, the secretary of state
In the Majorette bowling lea­ during the first half of their game
gue, the Ashland Beauty Shop here but in the final period scored said.
Applications now are coming in­
team moved out in front after only one field goal.
to the secretary of state's office
taking three games from the Bag-
The All-Stars, composed of
ley Canning team
The Silver some ex-SOCE players, just didn’t at a rapidly increasing rate and
Crest Dairy took two out of three get going against the fast on­ new plates are being sent out bv
return mail. This prompt service
from the Palace Cafe team and slaught of the Sons.
can be maintained only during the
is in second place, having won five
------------- •-------------
period prior to the Christmas
and lost four. The Palace and NEW CARPETS AT THEATRE
mailing rush, it was explained.
Bagley teams are tied each with
The Lithia theatre completed
three wins and six losses
installation of new carpets this
June Brasted was high scorer past week The color of the new
of the evening with a high game carpets harmonizes with the pre­
of 200 and a high series of 445.
I sent drapes and adds much to
the attractiveness of the show
Hilt moved Into first place in
the major bowling league Monday
night when they defeated the
Dr Bruce, Methodist pastor, FIRE CHIEF WARNS AGAINST Lions two games out of three The
will speak on the subject. "What DANGER OF FLUE FIRES
present standing of the teams is
Can a Christian Do in Times of
Clint Baughman, chief of the Hilt. Lions Elks. Grevhound Thv-
War?" at the Sunday morning Ashland fire department, pointed ern, Selby and Provosts
service. Dr. Bruce says he feels out this week that fhie fires are
Tn Mondav night's comnetit’nn
that this is a problem confronting particularly hazardous at th's the Elks took three straight from
every Christian and that the time of year and suggested that the Selbv team and the Provos*-
church owes to the’-’ advice ""A residents should see to it that Grevhound match was po«tnonr> I
assistance as to whether they chimneys are in good condition. because of the early blackout
should be pacifists, conscientious
Walt Ross, a members of the hour.
objectors or participants.
volunteer firemen, may be con­
Next Monday night’s games
The minister also added that he tacted at the fire station when be the last until the league re.
felt that the church dare not be the services of a chimney sweep sumes its competition after the
silent on these vital issues.
are desired.
Methodists To Give
I Christmas Cantata
B£||QT DI AOIf ftllT
7"he following statement has
been issued by the county court
warning rural residents that they
too must observe blackout rules
It has come to the notice of the
County Court that many
living in rural areas do not seem
to be aware of the seriousness of
the blackouts which are being put
into effect each night along the
Pacific coast. These blackouts are
not a local affair, but are ordered
by the War Department as a mil­
itary necessity for the protection
of the public as well as military
The County Court wishes to
urge the fullest cooperation with
The Ashland high basketball
the blackout rules and regulations
team is resting In fiend today af­
by every citizen in Jackson coun­
ter their game with Redmond last
ty All farm homes should be
night, in preparation for their an­
darkened during blackout hours.
nual clash with the Bend I-ava
as well aa city homes.
Bears tonight and tomorrow night
Farmers and dairymen whose
These three games, expecting to CHILDREN COLLECT OVER
work requires them to use lights
tell the strength of the Grizzlies, EIGHT TONS OF OLD PAPER
in the early mpming hours, should
will undoubtedly be tough en­
The collection of old palters
their barns with shaded
counters Coach Jerry Gastlneau
s|M>n*orrd by the Washington
lights and use as few lights as
has Barney Riggs. Marcus Bal­
school P-TA Inst week result­
jMissible Do not use outdoor lights
four. Chet Fowler. Charles Smith.
ed In the surprising total of
or flood lights at all.
Bill Elam, Bob Dunn. Bud Pro­
over right tons of paper.
It is emphasized that failure to
vo«!. Jini Rath, Bill Green and
Room 8 won the contest by
with blackout regulations
Charley Jandreau on the trip with
collecting 5550 | m > iiii <I s of old
in time of war is punishable with
heavy fines or imprisonment
771 e Chemawa Indians will play
America is at war We call up­
the Grizzlies here Dec 29 and 30.
on each citizen of Jackson county
it was announced by Gastlneau
to do his part in bringing this
before leaving for central Oregon
war to a successful conclusion.
Jackson County Court,
Al Simpson announced this By J B Coleman. County Judge:
Cases coming before the court
Wm. Perry. Co. Commissioner:
of Justice M T Bums this past week that hi* Junior high varsity
will face Sams Valley in a return
A. E. Powell, Co. Commissioner
week included the following:
------ •---------
James Allen Harris. Medford, game at Sams Valley Tuesday
was fined JI and costs for driving
and varsity will play. The Juniors EARLY CHRISTMAS MAILING
without a muffler.
both games against Sams
Clarence Wood. Ashland, was
Postmaster Fuller announced
assessed court costs of $4.60 for Valley here recently. Simpson also this week that if you wish your
having no rearview mirror on the
Christmas packages to reach their
car to which a trailer was attach­ for Ashland Dec. 18 or 19.
Tn a scrimmage session against destination on time, now is the
time to start mailing them It Is
Charles F Hoop, Ashland, paid Phoenix high school regulars this estimated that packages to east­
$2 and costs for operating a car
also practiced with Central Point ern states should be mailed at
without n driver's license
least 10 days before Christmas
Benton Aaron I-odner was fined high's team.
The regular southern Oregon and those to the middle west at
$.7 and costs for sneedine
Junior High conference opens here least eight days However, it was
Jan 9 against Medford at the urged that all packages be mailed
as soon as possible in order that
annual Jamboree
According to Simpson, the play­ the postal employees may enjoy
er« who look the most logical for the holiday and to insure the de­
and Companion
starting positions are Samuelson i livery of the packages.
Are Invited to Be Guests of the
Other suggestions In regard to
and Garrett at guards Qtiacken-1
Southern Oregon Miner bush at center and Wilson and mailing were: securely wrap all
packages and tie with heavv
Kerr at forwards.
To See Their Choice of
twine: do not maj) greeting cards
------------- •--------------
the Following
in red. green or other dark-color-
| ed envelopes or in very small en-
Varsity Theater
velopes; cards should be sent
tian Service met Thursday at the first-class since third-class mail
(Friday and Saturday)
club house for a 1 o’clock potluck is never forwarded
----- •-------------
luncheon and the regular meeting
All njoyed the delicious luncheon GOOD ATTENDANCE AT MEET
, During the business session a call
Over 60 women attended the
was made for volunteers for civil­ Women's Society of Christian
(Sunday. Monday, Tuesday)
ian defense work and a meetin'’ Service at the Methodist Church
Monday evening was announced. last Friday. The morning was de­
Plans were completed for the voted to Red Cross sewing and a
Christmas program to be held the business meeting under the leader­
afternoon of Dec 18 when gifts ship of Mrs Ralph Billings After
Please Call at The Miner Office
will be exchanged. Thise present lunch Mrs. Eden conducted devo­
for Tour Guest Tickets
were Meadames E. Quamme, En- tions and Mrs. Keeney presided
over the program.
(Con tinned on Page 8)
Hitrh School Tossers
To ( lash With Bend
*7* ¿ay-And
Telephone Co. Asks
Fewer Distance Calls
Motorists Asked To
Hurry Registration
SOCE Trounces Rubes
In Season Opener
Beauty Shoo B°w|f»rr
Are Lnno-ne Leaders
”’!t Team (¿Ms In
Bowling League