r s. I D «a The writer of thin column In I happy to announce the parenthood of a staunch American Although a mere girl, ahv demonatrated her frarletHneaa and her democratic »pirli by arriving regardless of war. anticipated air raída, black- onta, foga and cold weathri But a few houra old ehe waa trying to ir|M-at Roosevelt's apeech the laat time we visited her In the hoapltal 111 The war of IJemocraclea va IHctntora now enclitica the gioia* with almost every country In some way Involved 111 No need now for the navy to advertise nor Washington to con­ script recruits Blue blooded men are offering their aervicea to help atop the treacherous enemy err Calmly and quietly the citizens of Aahland are following blackout orders, realizing aa never before that war la confined not to Ku- rope but may atrike our chorea at any moment. eve Curtailment of nibla-r may be the flrat major aetback to private car owner» and not oil and gaao- line aa waa first expected 111 Few blur cellophane wrapped packages will be mailed from thia vicinity Irrivera arc buying thia article to dim hradllghta during blackout. —>-■ ...... .... THIS AND THAT Ry OLD TIMER To the Editor: It is now reported that laat summer's collection of aluminum ¡tola and pans la still on dump heaps instead of In the si my or navy The fault, says OPM. Is Mayor lai Guardia's "Hizzoner” has the floor 1 1 r Tile Willamette squad that Jour­ neyed to Honolulu to show the natives how to play football, la re­ ported stranded We imagine if the lads ever get back to the good old I'SA they will hereafter pie fer to play teams nearer home The university also will probably clamp down on globe-trotting hereafter. < < < In order to keep the record straight, aa Al Smith waa wont to remark, Herr Hitler's original name, if you don't hapi>en to know it alieady, waa Schlcklgruber r f f '•Oh say. can you see ” About time the citizt-nry were Indicating then palrlotlsrn by floating “Old Glory" to the breeze r r < Japan complains of bring en­ circled. Maybe so, but what'a go­ ing on over there Isn't exactly ring-around-a-rosie < < < Indications arc that World War No 2 will breed a flock of mil­ lionaires as per usual r r < Too often an investigation simp­ ly resolves into a white-wash Job • 1 Volume X SCHOOL CONCERT f OUR DEMOCRACY WILL FEATURE CHORUS OF 12S "The Htar” will be I the theme of Evening of the thin! annual Christmas Music to I I m - presented by the students of the Ashland public schools in the 1 Junior high in school auditorium at H p Thursday, Dec. IM. A huge chorus of 125 voices will result from combining the Junior high school chorus with the high schooll a capella choir, for which the high school orchestra under the leadership of Gordon Tripp will provide a musical back- ground The program which will consist of solo, instrumental and choral numbets will be directed by Harriet Koehler, vocal music sup­ ervisor The school art depart­ ments also are doing their bit to add to the Impressiveness of the program by providing a huge star, silvered trees, stained glass window and other decorations Robes for the high School choir are bring provided by the P-TA. This concert will be free to the public as in previous years, si­ though those attending are re- quested to bring some item of food, clothing or a toy which the students later will distribute to needy families Following la the complete pro­ gram of the "Evening of Music:” Carols. Orchestral Prelude. "O Holy Night,” Adam Trumpet Call Processional. "Hark the Herald Angels Sing ” Choruses. Medley of Carols Quartet and Trio: u Deck the Halls; b The First Noel; c. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear; d We Three Kings: e O Utile Silent Town of Bethlehem; f Night a "Grant Us To Do With Zeal Bach; b. "Adoramus Te, Christe" M<>zart in laitin (Old Masters! A Capella Choir "A Christmas Song." Adam Junior High Chorus i "Lost Tn the Night," Chrietlsn- sen A Capella Choir. Solo: Sue Parkinson Adagio from ' Moonfight Rons- ta.” Beethoven Choir with piano and violin Wilma Fronten and Harlalee Wilson Cantata "The Star of Bethle­ hem," Carrie Adams a Oh. Come. All Ye Faithful: b Good-Will to Men Choir and Chorus c The f Shepherd's Vision tenor solo and soprano solo Bob Dunn and Sue Parkinson d Star of the East Georgia Taylor. Shirlev Weiss. Donn Hufman. Choir and Chorus e A Mother's Carol contralto so­ lo Dorothv Parr f Room for the Christ-Child Bov's Chorus solo by Bill Cooke g The Glorious Star Soprano solo Marilee Erwin h. Oh. Sing Unto the Ixird Cho­ rus and Choir and Gir's' Chorus Joy U> the World' Choir. Cho* rue, Orchestra and Audience It Is reauested that there be no i applause during the concert. • Simpson’s Hoopers in Scrimmage Sessions 9U ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1941 Number 50 -k’hccls Cooperate In I ASHLAND National Defense Plans for full cooperation of the city schools with national de- fense were revealed by Supt Theo J Norby at the regular meeting of the school board Tuesday eve­ ning One feature of this cooper­ ation will be the introduction of first aid training in both the high school and the Junior high The problem of the Washington school again came before the board at T*uesday night's session and plans were made for a meet­ ing in the near future with How­ ard R Perrin, architect, for the discussion of the repair of the present building. ------------- •-------------- JOINS IN BLACKOUT OBSERVANCE Since Monday night. Ashland has Joined in the general black­ outs which have been observed throughout the entire northwest coastal area put into effect by the war department. Volunteer wardens who have been on duty each night during blackout hours report very satis­ factory cooperation from the pub» lie in making the blackouts com­ plete, but point out that there has been some misunderstanding | of the necessity of observing the blackout regulations during the early morning hours. In regard to this the army air command has emphasized that the hours before The Ashland fire department and after dawn are the hours organized an emergency squad at when bon m bera can be expected a meeting Tuesday evening to as­ i the most and since these are the sist the regular department in any dangerous hours the blackout lim­ situations which may arise from it has been set up the present emergency. These Another problem that has arisen men are all volunteers and a lead­ is tne absolute necessity for op­ er is appointed for zones through­ aque material in blacking out out the city which correspond with rooms in homes or business hous­ the fire wards. es. The wardens report that they Fire Chief Clint Baughman is have had to warn several who also stressing the need of public have felt secure in curtaining education as an important factor their windows with a single thick- of civilian defense against fire and ness of dark cloth. The defense bombing hazards. The chief dis­ committee suggests that one room cussed this phase of civilian de­ preferably the kitchen, be care­ fense at a meeting of the Wash­ fully made light proof in order ington school P-TA Thursday af­ that lights may be used there dur­ ternoon and pointed out import­ ing blackout periods. ant precautions such as having It also has been emphasized that garden hose and buckets of sand all cars are to be off the streets available He also reviewed air­ during blackout periods regardless raid information which was re­ of lighting equipment, except cently presented at a meeting of those which have received the per­ for chiefs by a member of the mission of authorities. Certain Scotland Yard force in London. trucks carrying emergency sup­ plies and perishable goods have been permitted to go through. Ed Martin, head of the county air raid warning service, has re­ The adult and young people's i quested additional volunteers to choirs of the Methodist church assist in the 24-hour watch which under the leadership of R. H. has been maintained atop the Lithia hotel, in Bellview and on Cooke will present the Christmas The long hours cantata, "The Mystery of Bethle­ the Siskiyous. have worked a hardship on those hem," at 7 .30 o'clock Sunday eve­ now on duty, so more observers I Ashland Lions were host to the ning. Dec. 14 This cantata is said are needed to lighten the load. I assistance as to whether they chimneys are in good condition. because of the early blackout should be pacifists, conscientious Walt Ross, a members of the hour. objectors or participants. volunteer firemen, may be con­ Next Monday night’s games The minister also added that he tacted at the fire station when be the last until the league re. felt that the church dare not be the services of a chimney sweep sumes its competition after the silent on these vital issues. are desired. holidays. EMERGENCY FIRE SQUAD FORMED Methodists To Give I Christmas Cantata RURAL SECTIONS B£||QT DI AOIf ftllT IflUwl BliRVIIWI 7"he following statement has been issued by the county court warning rural residents that they too must observe blackout rules TO THE PEOPLE OF JACKSON COUNTY’ It has come to the notice of the County Court that many living in rural areas do not seem to be aware of the seriousness of the blackouts which are being put into effect each night along the Pacific coast. These blackouts are not a local affair, but are ordered by the War Department as a mil­ itary necessity for the protection of the public as well as military objectives The County Court wishes to urge the fullest cooperation with The Ashland high basketball the blackout rules and regulations team is resting In fiend today af­ by every citizen in Jackson coun­ ter their game with Redmond last ty All farm homes should be night, in preparation for their an­ darkened during blackout hours. nual clash with the Bend I-ava I • as well aa city homes. Bears tonight and tomorrow night Farmers and dairymen whose These three games, expecting to CHILDREN COLLECT OVER work requires them to use lights tell the strength of the Grizzlies, EIGHT TONS OF OLD PAPER in the early mpming hours, should will undoubtedly be tough en­ The collection of old palters equip their barns with shaded counters Coach Jerry Gastlneau s|M>n*orrd by the Washington lights and use as few lights as has Barney Riggs. Marcus Bal­ school P-TA Inst week result­ jMissible Do not use outdoor lights four. Chet Fowler. Charles Smith. ed In the surprising total of or flood lights at all. Bill Elam, Bob Dunn. Bud Pro­ over right tons of paper. It is emphasized that failure to vo«!. Jini Rath, Bill Green and Room 8 won the contest by comply with blackout regulations Charley Jandreau on the trip with collecting 5550 | m > iiii