Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, October 03, 1941, Page 9, Image 9

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    Foster And Kleiser
Outdoor Advertising
Progressive Review (coni.)
First National Bank
Of Portland
Ashland Brunch—M viii I mt
Federal Reserve System
Among the financial institutions
of this community there are few
which can show more substantial
piogK'ss than this well known
bank From the date of its organ­
ization up to the present time its
officers have been noted for their
sound, energetic and conservative
business methods commanding in
u marked degree the confidence of
their depositors and the public at
large, ii condition that Is the alm
of any executive board Taken all
In all, It Is an Institution In which
people feel at home An ideu may
have great potential value To get
another’s point of view and secure
a check on your irwn individual
judgment, it will l>e worth while
to discuss your plan* with your
A banker has no g rester fore­
sight than any other business
man, but his contact with many
business men In varied lines gives
him a com|M>site view of condi­
tions that can be of value to his
customers Hr acts as a distribut­
ing center of information regard­
ing business conditions
In this Progress Review, we
wish to direct your attention to
the First National Bank of Port
land In Ashland and to assure you
that if you are looking for in­
creased bunking service you will
find a consultation with the men
in charge one of inspiration and
confidence in the future
Dr. Bertha Sawyer
Dissertation on Osteopathy
A few words of wisdom from
Dr Bertha Sawyer, located In the
I Pioneer
Building, ‘phone 8061:
'The science of osteopathy Is an
advanced scientific method for the
prevention and cure of disease
The human body has been endow­
ed by nature with all the remedial
agents, such as the bl*Mxl and
nerve force, that are necessary for
the preservation of health, and
recovery from disease providing
the mechanism which distributes
these agents is in perfect mechan­
ical adjustment Any obstruction
to a normal flow of blood causes
discus*- Remove such obstruction
arwl health naturally follows
"Osteopathy searches for and
locates the structural abnormality
and by these readjustments re­
stores harmonious activity to the I
mechanism. This leaves the cura­
tive powers free to act. which an-
sufficient to restore and rebuild
health Osteopathy, strictly speak­
ing, Is anatomical corrective work,
yet it employs such other agencies
as dieting, nursing, sanitation, etc
It also recognizes that surgical i
interference is at times necessary
and In well-selected cases is em­
We take pleasure in this Re­
view in referring all our readers
to Dr Bertha .Sawyer as a repre­
sentative professional woman of
tins section and call your atten­
tion to the trustworthy and untir­
ing efforts which have placed her
service in demand.
Elhart’s Book and Music Store
At 270 East Main, 'phone 8011,
is the home of the world's finest
choice of the artist," and head-
quarters for schisil texts and sup­
By reason of the wide range of
quality and price it is very diffi­
cult for the uninitiated in these
days to select musical Instruments
and get full value for their money
unless they are dealing with some
one in whom they have confidence
For this reason there is a general
satisfaction in doing business with
this well-known concern which is
considered music headquarters by
the people of this community. The
lines of their products have been
endorsed by the leaders of the
world of music. This Insures the
customer of getting merchandise
worth while and their policy of
one price and easy payments in­
sures you of full value for your
Hardy’s Hardware
Carries lairge Stock
During the time that Mr. H H
Elhart, the proprietor, has been
in business, hr has merited a re­
putation for fair and straightfor­
ward dealing. He is thoroughly
conversant with all features of the
music and book business over
which he has direction and knows
that when he makes a price that
it denotes real and true value
They will be pleased to show
you and demonstrate their pro­
ducts whether you desire to pur­
chase Just at this time or not. See
them compare them then Judge
for yourself.
They operate an institution
which adds much to the efficiency
of the community as a trading
center and in this Review we are
please<l to point with pride to the I
great success Elhart’s Book and
Music Store is making in their
chosen profession and highly re­
commend them to all our readers
; Henry Planing Mill
Is Prominent Concern
This moat reliable firm, located
at 296 East Main, phone 8251,
carries one of the largest and
moat complete stocks of high­
grade hardware In thia section
'Ilii-it stock is <<.ni|HJBed of alien
and builders* hardware, Fuller
paints, varnishes and < l<<tiic ap­
pliances for the home, and auto
supplies which are known through­
out the world as best on the mar­
ket. The men in charge are cour­
teous and accommodating and
plcase<l to demonstrate to anyone
who may desire to drop In. They
keep up on the latest tools and
machinery nails, screws, bolts,
locks, knives but what is the use
trying to list their stock’ it 1s
one of the largest and moat rea­
sonable stores in this community.
To Illustrate the important fac­
tor this firm has become in the
daily life of the community, think
for a minute of anyone trying to
even cook a meal without using
these most necessary items ob­
tainable at Hardy’s Cash Hard­
In this Progressive Review, we
wish to compliment Mr. P. R
Hartly, the proprietor of this store
on his splendid business acumen
and recommend his wares to all
our readers.
Foster and Kleiner company,
located at 311 South Front street,
Medford, 'phone Medford 2484, Is
a member of the outdoor advertis­
ing association of America which
provides for careful placement of
sign», best to preserve roadside
Outdoor advertising was never
more urgent than at the present
time With all the people riding in
autos over the country it is neces­
sary for every .well organized bus­
iness to have proper representa­
tion The history of the sign from
the days of old is one of change
with ever-advancing tlm*-s Before
the days of general reading all
signs were symbolic. With the ad
vent of reading, they took on more
of plain letters While today most
everyone reads yet it is necessary
to have a sign that Is a combin­
ation as nil the people do not read
the same language With the aid
of quick transportation the ming­
ling of all the people became more
marked Then the element of time
Is a factor This is a busy age and
people often do not stop to read
at great length The proper kind
of signs guide them around in
their daily pursuits
Foster and Kleiner company arf­
in accord with the times and are
prepared to execute all classes of
posters, including everything in
the field of artistic posters from
the smallest to the largest and
most Intricate of elaborate
posters, either for permanent or
for temporary use.
In making this Progressive Re­
view, we are indeed proud to in­
clude Foster and Kleiner comoanv
In our lint of prominent business
concerns and compliment them on
their deserving success.
------- •-------
Palace Cafe Enjoys
Large Patronage
"Come In Whenever
You’re In Town"
There Is more to the successful
operation of a restaurant business
than the public realizes; it re­
quires, at the head, a person who
knows food values and how to
pass these values on to his cus­
tomers There is the problem of
management, menu planning and
numerous other details that are
little thought by the general pub­
One reason for the popularity
of the Palace Cafe, located on
East Main, 'phone 8311, is that
the managers, W. D. Jackson and
Son. know the needs of the public
and strive to meet these needs
through purchasing only the fin­
est fresh meats, foodstuffs and
vegetables Here your meals are
prepared in a spotless sanitary
kitchen by chefs with years of
Ask any customer you see that
eats here, Just why he prefers the
Palace Cafe and he’ll tell you it is
because of the distinctive prepara­
tion of every meal, the prompt
service and the very reasonable
prices If you have never been one
of the hundreds of satisfied cus­
tomers who have found this the
finest place to dine in town, then
take dur hint and try it the very
next time you are in town, We
should not fail to mention, too,
that here you will always find
convenient parking space.
------------- •-------------
The Henry Planing Mill in Ash­
land. ’phone 3492, is a prominent
concern of this part of the section
whose superior organization is
known throughout this territory i
and whose progressive activities
are indispensable In the upbuilding
of the community, serving the
people faithfully and being an es­
sential factor in the commercial
development of the vicinity.
The Henry Planing Mill is op­
erating one of the most necessary
industries in this section of the
state. Radiating progress and in­
dustry, this is one of the very
important factors in the commer­
cial life of the district Any firm
Fashion's ultimate note finds
that is made up of business men masterful expression in the beau­
who are interested in the growth tiful new styles now displayed at
of the entire community as well the Betty Jane Dress Shop, locat­
as their own business, will attain
ed at East Main in the Lithia
the greatest measure of progress hotel building, which has secured
and prosperity. Their customers its enviable place in the fashion­
are of the permanent kind who able and conservative circles of
trade with the local concern year this part of the state by reason of
after year The name of this firm its comprehensive stock, quality,
is synonymous with quality and service and the excellent manage­
reliability. Tn the installation of ment of its most genial proprietor,
modem machinery and keeping Margaret E Platt.
pace with the advance of industry,
When it comes to details and
the Henry Planing Mill has beet variety of the ready-to-wear there
most careful and painstaking.
are so many of them and all so
intriguing that one can hardly be­
gin to enumerate and describe
them. The lovely colorings and
new shades give the dresses as i
well as the wearer that appear­
ance of youth which is the ulti-
1 mate aim of the people of the day.
This unique shop has a perfectly
grand assortment of the very
newest fall fashions and gorgeous
accessories. All sizes in coats, two
and three-piece suits, dresses (also
in Junior sizes), hats, blouses and
Phone 7011
exquisite lingerie.
Visit the Betty Jane Dress
Shop; their prices are surprising­
ly reasonable and their goods are
harmoniously displayed and the
service and courtesy are beyond
Betty Jane Shop
Offers Latest Styles
Compliments of
General Painting and Decorating
17X A Street
Page 5
Friday, Oct. 3, 1941
Compliments of
^You Do (io Farther with Signal"
See and Drive This New Car
Professional Cards
Catholic Church
Full Gospel Temple
Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor
E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd.
L. P. Furman, Pastor
Foursquare Church
Church of the
First Methodist
Trinity Episcopal
Neighborhood Church
Methodist Church
Boulevard and Morton Streets
Clarence F. McCall, Minister
Bible school meets at 9:45 with !
Mr3 Glenn Prescott, superintend- 1
ent. Children of all ages are asked ’
to enroll. Mr. Brickey teaches the
adult class and is giving very;
helpful Bible interpretations. The
minister is leading a young peo­
ple's class and extends a cordial
welcome to students of the college
and high school.
At 11 o'clock the church will
celebrate the Lord’s Supper in I
communion with all Christians of 1
the world. This service will be I
preceded with reports from the
fall rally by Mrs. Susan Alford
and by Helen Montgomery from
Camp Adams. Christians of every
creed are invited and young peo­
ple who have united with the1
church in recent months are urg­
ed to be present.
I find the great thing in this
world is not so much where we
stand, as in what direction we are
moving.—Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Whittle Transfer
And Fuel Company
Swedenburg Building
Phone 8791
1st National Bank Bldg.
Phone 6271
Dr. L. W. Stoffers
Medical Building
Phone 5211
East Main Street
John R. Poet, Pastor
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.
Bernice Beare, superintendent in
Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
Junior meeting and Young Peo­
ple's meeting at 6:45 p. m. Even­
ing worship at 7:30 p. m.
Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­
nesday evening at 7:30 p. m.
You are welcome to all services.
Southern Oregon Credit Bureau
Ashland Office
151/, NO. MAIN ST.
Phone 7S21
The Whittle Transfer and Fuel
company, located at 89 Oak street,
’phone 3331, offers economical and
speedy service which is a definite
asset to any community.
This organization was instituted
in 1919 and down through the
years, they have adhered to theit
consistent policy that their chief
interests and endeavors be entire­
ly of a local nature. This business
has been built on strict application
of service and it is the intention
and purpose of all members of
the organization to maintain that
service of the past.
They now are operating seven
pieces of equipment comprising
units to meet all needs of local
transfer and fuel requirements.
They recently have doubled the
capacity of their oil storage, it
now being 25,000 gallons.
The study of the business suc­
cess of this organization is at-
tributed to the aforementioned
business policies and the experi-
ence of Messrs. F. F. and Dave
Whittle, plus a sincere desire to
give the same attention to large
and small orders alike.
In this Progressive Review, we
are proud to number the Whittle |
among the organizations that are
forwarding the progress of this
Dr. G. B. Hull
Phone 8041
Sweden burg Building
Dr. R. E. Poston
Dr. Harvey A. Woods
Dr. L. W. Stoffers
Church of Christ
Phone 8051
Sunday scr.ool 9:45 a. m.
Worship service at 11 a m.
Mass at 9 a m. Sunday.
Sunday school for children con­
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
ducted by several Sisters from
Morning worship 11 o’clock.
Hours 9-12 and 1-5
the Sacred Heart academy of
C. A service 6:45 Sunday eve­
Medical Bldg.
Phom- 5211
Medford following mass
ning Evangelistic service to fol­
---------------- >• _
low at 7:30 o’clock.
C. A service and choir practice
7:45 Tuesday evening.
Heeond and B Streets
Everybody la cordially Invited
Karl F. Downing, Minister
to all services.
If you don’t want to Hell
your property, don’t list it
Bible school 9:45 a m clas hes J
with us!
for al) ages. L. U. Gresham, sup­
C. II U F F M A N ’
For Real Estate
Morning worship 11 o’clock
Fourth and B Streets
65 N. Main A 345 E. Main
High school and college C. E.
Rev. Shearburn, Pastor
V ———
--- - - - -.
societies 6:30 p. m.
Evening service 7:30 p. m.
Sunday school 10 a m. H. O
Midweek service 7:30 p. m. Wed­ Butterfield, superintendent.
Morning worship 11 a. m.
Young People's meeting, 6:30
p. m.
Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m
Week night services Tuesday
Dependable Protection at
and Friday evenings at 7:45.
Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor
KeaxoiMvtile Itatea
Prayer meeting precedes these
Fourth and C Streets
:wo services. Young people in
Church school 9:45 a m. Friend- charge of Tuesday service.
Morning worship 11 o’clock.
Departmental meetings, Junior,
Young People, Adults, 6:30 p. m.
Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m.
Cor. N. Main and I-au rei Sts.
Prayer meeting, 7:30 p. m. Wed­
Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister
Expert SwiM and American
watch repairing. Your Match
Sunday church school meets at
timed and regulated FREE on
9:45 a. m. A brand new type of
our Electric Time Michrometer.
literature, all streamlined in ap­
pearance and revitalized with
Bible Interest Is here and ready
Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar
for use throughout the sc»»ol.
Holy Communion 8 a. m.
The pastor will give a brief Com­
Church school 9:30 a. m.
Sweden burg Bldg.
Holy Communion and sermon munion meditation, the congrega­
tion will observe Holy Communion,
11 a. m.
Holy Communion, 9:30 a. m. and the choir will sing an anthem.
Methodist Youth Council and
Choir will meet 7:30 P m. Wesley League meet at 6:15 p. m.
Evening sermon at 7:30 o’clock
You are cordially Invited to on the subject, “Look and Live.”
Prayer meeting at 7:30 p. m.
worship with us.
Wednesday, using the last half of
-------- •—
the fourth chapter of St. John
for study.
Physicians & Surgeons
Dr. EarBPNt A. Woods
First Presbyterian
Medford Office
Medford Center Building
Phone 2261
It, We Record It!
When washday and bad weather
come together, your safest course
is to send your laundry bundle to
us. You will be delighted with the
results and will find that it is
really economical - especially
when sent rough dry.
Phone 7771 : 31 Water St
“For the ideal washday—
Just call,
That’s all.”